Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 3 Jun 1948, p. 10

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/ Page 10 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISMENTS HARDWOOD, cut rdon Bartholomew, 3. eo No. 1 bod, any length, Phone $42-W. : "A GRAVELY hand tractor condition, with: cultivator; Apply Mr. f Mrs, Hutehinson's B, after 5 p HORSES Pair of ¢ eys, 7 Ken Gil old. H. Clements, the Farm, RR. Bronte, Phone Bronte 11. p-28 ~ BARGAIN FOR qui Chev. truck, stake bod condition. Phone 518-W. 8% FORD COUPE, ¢ heater and radio; $400.00 or best cash offer. Phone 513-W. Hf BUILDING LOT, with ter and sewer. Apply Street. 37 FORD DELUXE sedan, en- sine reconditioned, new clutch, re- finished, with radio, defroster, heater. Call Oakville 744, NORGE ELECTRIC washer, practically new, 60 cycle; or ex- Change for 25 cycle machine in good condition. Milton 52-r-5. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE, paint factory. Phone Mr. ward, 520. OPPORTUNITY -- Four School boys for Mill- High to canvass town and district for subscriptions; weekly guarantee, high commission. Ap- ply Box 600, Oakville Journal, stating selling experiente, if any. FOR RENT BOARD and room at 21 For- syth St. 50-n-26-28 FEMALE HELP WANTED WAITRESS for night work, from 8 to 12. Apply Modern Cafe. 25-p-27 TWO GIRLS 17 to 19 years of age, to supervise children's wad- ing pool, Bushy Park, during sum- mer. Phone 441-W. lc 28-29 Saleslady For full-time position Pleasant Surroundings Good Remuneration Apply -- Woman's Bakery Ltd. Corner of Colborne and Reynolds OWNERS LIST US FOR QUICK RESULTS. WE HAVE WAITING CLI- ENTS WITH CASH. PHONE CALL TODAY COULD MEAN A SALE TO- IN MEMORIAM MCARTHUR--In loving memory Duncan away brother-in-l: who 1944. of my MecArth May Ww, ed "One by one our dear ones leave! And we weep and wonder why But we have the Lord's assurance We shall meet them bye and bye." -- Lovingly remembered by Mar- garet and Family. 50-p-28 BRONTE MAN DROWNS (Continued from Page 1) sounding of the fire whistle dragging operations were begun, firemen dragging well into the evening and resuming early Sun- day. The hody was found, at 12:30 by John Willams and Brock MacArthur, in 30 feet of water, some 25 feet from. the pier. Williams and MacArthur had manned a hoat all morning morning and made the discovery after firemen halted operations G. ALBERT WALSH The Man With the Choice Has What You Want LOOK! Stately and Dignified ,000--2 storey stucco home on -large lot overlooking park. Four large bedrooms, two bathrooms, one up, one down. Ultra modern kitch- en, largé living room and dining room. This has to be seen to be appreciated. A Real Buy $10,000--Solid brick home, hot air heated with oil. Six large rooms on two floors; three- piece bathroom; also small cottage 12 x 16, room for recreation room. You Can't Go Wrong §$8,500--West side, 6 rooms and 3-piece bathroom, full base- ment with furnace, single garage. Reduced For You = $7,500--Modern six roomed bun- galow, large living room and dining room combined with log-burning fireplace, modern kitchen. Be sure to act now. G. ALBERT WALSH REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE 882-M IT WITH A for lunch. An English war bride, Wilkin- son's wife heard the tragic news at her mother-in-law's Bronte home. The young couple had re- cently completed furnishing a new Nelson St. home in Bronte for which they had been patiently waiting since the victim's return from overseas in 1945 Two. children had been born to the Wilkinsons, 'but hoth died saon after birth. Deceased served three years in France, Holand and Germany with the Anti-Tank regiment. A bro- ther, George, was killed overseas. Surviving, in addition to his wife, are his stepfather and mo- ther, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bow- man, and a brother, Harold, both of Bronte, and a sister, Mrs. Al- fred Waldie, of Milton. Funeral services were held on Tuesday in St. Luke's Anglican church, Palermo, with Rev, Can- on D. Russell Smith, of Oakville, officiating, Deceased was ac- corded semi-military honors, the body lying in state prior to the service, attending sentries being Comrades Bernon Busby and Ernest Knight of Bronte Post; Canadian Legion. Pallbearers were Comrades Alvin and Allan Elliott, Leonard Ince, Harry Hart- len, Hector Dupres and M. Cox. TRAFALGAR COUNCIL (Continued from Page 1) ton would not be able: to provide but George Tasker contended that was a choice for the individual, Clement said that if children at- tended O.H.S. they would make their friendships there. "I want my children to make their friends with my friends. Milton's my. town. Let me tell you Oakville is dead on a Saturday night--but not Milton. Milton's a go-ahead town." "We did what we thought was, best for the township," said the deputy-reeve. He said when ten- ders were received for the addi- tion to the school there might be a change made by the depart- a fhe SRR Health is Important Your family depends on the family doctor and the pharmacist, equally, with re- gard to their health and continued well being. When a physician writes a pre- seription for you, he is confident that the pharmacist to whom it is taken will carry out his orders to the letter. You may bring your prescriptions to DUNN'S DRUG STORE with complete con- fidence, for our professional pride is yous personal safeguard. ; In Oakville It's DUNN'S For Dispensing Their J. R. DUNN, Phm. B. PHONE 650 ment, even a vote. MORROW. 64 Colborne Street OAKVILLE WANTED Buy Your Books At... ROOM to rent, by single man. THE GOLDEN HOUR Joseph Wickson [¢ would not permit the deputation to interrupt him. 'Youve been doing a lot of talking this after noon--now listen to me. I feel this matter should stand over unc til the tenders for the addition t 0 Apply Box 208, Journal. BOOK SHOP the school are received," he said. CHRYSLER 4 sedan, in good |@6 Thomas St. - Phone 663 Council appointed F. W. Oliver, condition. Apply P.O. Box 714, Burlington, township constable, Oakville. 35-c-28 | "4 duties to June 15th. WANTED TO RENT HOUSE or apartment, by July 1st, by young couple with infant child for permanent occupancy. Apply Box No. 111, Oakville-Tr: falgar Journal. 50-p-28-30 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of .JOHN R. BYERS, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of JOHN R. BYERS, late of the Town of Oak- ville, in the County of Halton, Druggist, deceased, who died on or about the 22nd day of April, 1948, are hereby notified to send. in to The Toronto General Trust Corporation and Clarence H. Byers, at 253 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario, the Executors of the es tate of the said deceased, full particulars of their claims. IMMEDIATELY after the 1st day of July, 1948, the assets of the said deceased will be distrib- uted among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Executors shall then have notice. DATED at Oakville, the 1st day of June, 1948. McMILLAN & ISARD, 139 Colborne St, B., Oakville, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors. Ontario, KEEPS FOODS FRESH. naturally! * ALWAYS PLENTY OF ICE Jor entertaining lc 28-30 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the estate of HAUGHTON CLIFFORD LAIRD, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of HAUGHTON CLIFFORD LAIRD, late of the Town of Oakville, in the County of Halton, Optometrist, deceased, who died on or about the 28th day of March, 1948, are hereby noti- fied to send to & Isard, * LOW FIRST ¢OST Low upkeep The ice refrigerator of today offers you the most efficient, , most economical refrigeration Oakville, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor of the estate of the said HAUGHTON CLIFFORD LATRD, deceased, on or before the 20th day of June, 1948, full par- ticulars of their claims. IMMEDIATELY after the 20th day of June, 1948, the assets of the said deceased will be distrib- uted among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said Soli- citors for the Executor shall then have notice. DATED at Oakville, Ontario, this 17th day of May, 1948. McMILLAN & ISARD, Solicitors for the Executor, 139 Colborne St. E, protects: precious vitamin-full vours--keeps covered dishes See Refrigerators - All Sizes - On Display at Hillmers Fuel & lce Co. DUNDAS ST. N. Open Evenings litioned food compartment, flavoured naturally. The ice moist] ice cold, ice pure air foods in prime. condition. No need for or wrappings for foods will not dry our, flavours never mingle. When you have a modern ice refrigs erator you have complete refrigeration. Z money can buy. In its ice | foods keep juicy and fall juices uards delicate flas PHONE 23 by Appointment PEOPLE FIRST wee pier * TO THE PEOPLE OF HALTON COUNTY The C.C.F. in Halton takes this opportunity to reply to the unjust and un- truthful attacks being made upon i it. The program of the C.C.F. is laid down by the people. Their policy grows from the rank and: file membership. Government' by the C.C.F., therefore, does not stand for violation of democratic rights. Can such be said for government by DREWISM? ¥ The efforts of socialist governments in the British Commonwealth of Na- tions have not destroyed the rights of the people. The people are the C.C.F. The elected representatives execute their will as demonstrated by the C.C.F. PEOPLE'S GOVERNMENT in Saskatchewan, In SASKATCHEWAN full auto insurance coveragé costs $4.50 to $6.00 per year, while under DREWISM in ONTARIO the same coverage per year up. ! Geor gest ceipt Liqu he Sugg Hun| ther In SASKACHEWAN full hospitalization costs $5.00 per year. In ONTARIO under DREWISM the cost is $20 per year fi i r 2 In 10 COS 2 yea 4 verage and this is the minimum. Full coverage is role. Ee VOTE C.C.F. AND SAVE $55 PER YEAR wre |. EQ ADAISON X overs Sponsored by the Halton C.C.F. Association. Co nent town stab] of § thoro Oakville, Ont.

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