Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 12 Aug 1948, p. 6

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is appearing with Patricia for Warner Bros. There is a weekly dance contest in the famous Bamboo Room of |1y. tered. It was on this night that Gary, Patricia, Director King Vidor and other members of the com- pany dropped in for a bite. They were hardly seated when the con- test (sponsored by a local danc- operated the telephone switch |ing school) got under way. Be- 4 board, wrote the seript as mis) fore anyone realized what had INSIDE BRIE 3 tress of cer s--all for oo hap d, the master of ceremon- Next year's "new look" will be magnificent sum of $2 a week! |ies had Gary on the floor doing a waltz with one of the school's longer than ever, maybe even right down to the ground, ac- cording to Milo Anderson, famed fashion designer for Warner Bros! films. The Richard Dixes have celebrated. their 14th wedding anniversary . Barton MacLane has bought the racing film known as Lady Laguna. . . . Fdmond O'Brien describes his To Market acting career as: "From extrem-| At Warner Bros. recently, a ity to extremity." As a pilot in|little pig went to make-up to Warmer Bros. "Fighter Squad-|have her tail curled, thereby win- ron" his latest film, he did most|ning for herself an important of his emoting at an altitude of | place in motion pictures. 25,000 feet. He debuted as | It happened this way: The nV, i. josephine," the monkey; ne | porker had been signed fOr 2) ig. yieve the pig (in "June Psychological note: Phyllis| comedy role opposite Bette Davis) py.) a Py ry Coates (she's one of Warner Bros. | ana Robert Montgomery in "June ride"); Jimmy, tite] raver prettiest young contract actresses) | pride," It was an extraordinar- and there are many more. has an S-month-old cocker span-|ily talented little pig, but it al- fel which spits instead of barking | most lost the part when Director at other dogs, arches its back|pretaigne Windust, lately of the and rubs against furniture, and| New York Theatre Guild, noticed refuses to dine on anything but| something that metropolitan gen: milk! It was reared with a fam-| femen are not supposed to know ily' of cats. . Dennis Morgan | qnything about. likes this crack about mushy "They're making a goo of marriage." By Jim Harrison There was a slight pause for consternation at Wazner Bros recently, when a studio Vi teachers. Westcott, pretty the sct were hers? He meant|frame-up to me. I'm the worst dancer in Hollywood." Did You Guess Right? stand-ins. This Little Pig Did Not Go 1. "The Letter" and 'Decep- tion." 2. Here are some Of "Trigger," the horse; "Slicker, the seal; "Jackie," the lion; "Las sie,' the dog; "Pete the pen- 3. Humphrey Bogart. Pt Guest of the Week If Mr. Arnold Carberry, Oak- ville, will present himself at the box cffice of the Century Theatre any night next week, he and an- other guest will be admitted free "Take that pig out of here," he| uo eects of The Journal. said. "We can't have a freak of nature in this production. It's June Haver, top-lined star in|iaj| is straight, doesn't curl a "Look for the Silver Lining," can [pit Tang] say that we used a recall the humblest kind of a|gog disguised as a pig, or some- start in life. For a certain radio pint station in Rock Island, TL, shel joi 0 try to fix it," said the property man. Thereupon he tool the little porker to the make-up department where, un- der ordinary conditions, experts are kept busy making beautiful women more beautiful, and hand- some men more handsome. to be hypnotized, Some are afraid 'The experts did the job, quick-| they would not come out of the ly and painlessly, by taping the| influence. Some are afraid that straight tail to a'curly piece of | they may lose their wills and be- wire, and the glamorized piglet|come the dupes of others. Actu- was. returned to the set to take|ally, there is mo danger of this its place among the stars. taking place. Hypnotism will not Can You Guess These? render a person less capable of Hypnotism - and - Mesmerism By C. S. Cooper CHAPTER VIII There are people Who are afraid Page 6 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL ; i icia Neal|and as a rule the new subjects Fresno's Hotel Californian, where | your subjects the location company was quar-| fluence, itor,| When it was over, Gary had the| there was no debt. from the sticks, asked Helen |prize--a Tottle of champagne.|did all the work. actress in| when he resumed his seat, he[man thought he could improve on "Night Beat; if those step-ins on| grinned and said: "Looks like a|a system like that! have been known to pass into the B Ss h d 1 hypnotic sleep almost immediate: us cine ule They have been watching : succumb to the in- Leaves Kerr St. Leaves Dundas St, and they are more in- 7.10 a.m, a clined to go into the sleep by be- : 2 10.40 am in; thoroughly convinced that O.. «1. G too, can be put under. But 9.10 a.m. STOP AT 12.00 -- as far as by a look or a wave of 10.10 a.m. ALL 1.10 p.m. the hand of the hypnotist as he 11.10 am. CORNERS 2.10 p.m. passes on the street, that is not 12.40 p.m. ON ROUTE 3.10 p.m, orrect. It has only to do with 1.40 p.m. Ens £10 pm old subjects but not with new 2.40 p.mi. ta Hs ones. .40 p.m. SPRUCE 5.10 p.m. (Continued Next Week) 4.40 p.m. To 6.10 p.m. ea 5.40 p.m. REYNOLDS 7.10 p.m. When the white man discover 6.40 p.m. 310mm. ed this country, the Indians were 7.40 p.m. 9.10 pm running it. There were no taxes, 8.40 p.m. 10, SE The women 9.40 p.m. 10 p.m. And the white OAKVILLE BUS LINES Thursday, August 12, 194g Present Lockers Sold Out MORE ARE IN SHIPMENT We already have a waiting list If YOU are considering RENTING A LOCKER We suggest you Add Your Name NOW Eisley's Frosted Foods Ltd. PHONES 1214 -- 1380 OAKVILLE DELIVERY SERVICE = Bi te Don hes Media gun] cero AE his will when he is re- . & |in only two pictures. Can you leased from the hypnotic trance. iat Nor does it increase in any way 0 ww give Teun his susceptibility to ordinary con- animals and birds which work in versstion, Tn pepard tojthe dingy . ers that are said-to be connected i for napa. With bringing about the hypnotic iin a an condition, they are far from be- As featured in LIFE maga-| cover subject as a baby? ing as great as ignorant persons zine, Reader's Digest, and the current News Reels -- ain, damp ny and all fabrics. ll) WATER LIKE © claim. Tho Tight Fantastic A careful search of hypnotic is now obtainable Ladies and gentlemen, We give|jjterature has failed to show any you the mew dance champion--| serious consequences having fol- --AT-- So oe Yes, sir, the lean|jowed immediately upon the hyp- nky he-man of the screen |notic state, although there may and RON'S SPORTS CYCLE nas won time an nonor some cause for ansiety if be Tt happened in Fresno, where 3 Colborne St. - Phone 1368 |Gary Cooper was on location in le oe RI "The Fountainhead," in which hel greatly exaggerated. The act of hypnotism does not change a per- son's moral character. If a per- son in a normal condition is an honest and upright person, he will also be so during the sleep. And just as it is impossible to induce honest people to do anything wrong in the normal condition, so, exactly, is the case during the hypnotic sleep, as the character and moral power are the same. Then again, if a hypnotized per- son be left to himself, the hyp- notice sleep will, in a few hours, pass into a normal sleep from which, in due time, he will wake up refreshed. There would be no after effects from such sleep. Of course, he could not be awalen- ed by some one else, as it would be impossible to remove the in- fluence, as the operator is the only person who has absolute control over that person. There are ways and means of instantly ~~ hypnotizing. people. Some hypnotists claim they can, by a wave of the hand, put a per- son instantly into the hypnotic sleep. I am bound to tell you that this is not correct. It can- not be done. It has nothing to do with new subjects or persons who have never been under the influ- ence before, but it has to do with subjects who have been under the "ITS A GOOD LIFE- AND THERES A PLACE wr ror YOU! ENLIST TO-DAY influence once. They can be hyp- . IN THE | | notized instantly. They are car- > ROYAL CANADIAN rying out a post-hypnotic sugges- tion given to them at some sub- AIR FORCE sequent sitting. But to put a person instantly under the influence who has not been hypnotized before is un- thinkable. It cannot be accomp- lished, although T will admit that it you have four or five of your own subjects and are giving an exhibition, you put your own sub- CONTACT-- R.C.A.F. Recruiting Office, R.C.A.F. Station, Toronto, 1107 Avenue Rd. Mayfair 4403. The Retail Merchants of the Gamer of Gommerce OAKVILLE, ONTARIO wish to express their sincere appreciation to Fire Chiefs - Fred Shaw Geo. Wright Freeman Bray and the members of their brigades for their capable handling of the Kendall Leather Co. Conflagration @ Our Fire Departments controlled the blaze to the single property. Had they not been so expert in their duties a large part of the business section might have been lost. The Oakville Chamber of Commerce Retail Section jects under the influence first,

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