THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL PEOPLE an will be the soloist. 0 EVENTS The James Whalens entertained at dinner on Friday night and at tea Sunday afternoon in honor of their house guest, Mrs. Belt from Winnipeg, who returns to the west this week-end. csr The Lee family, Balsam Drive spent the weekend in Ingersoll. PEN Mrs. Frank Smith drove her cousin to Montreal, where she will take the Empress of Canada to return home after staying with the Smiths. sans Don Smith has arrived here for a visit from his home in the is land of Majorca. Prva A Christmas dinner, with all the trimmings, for a party of 8 is the alluring prize in the draw being conducted by the White Oak Chapter LODE. in aid of Food For Britain. Tickets are 25¢ each. seats The Joe Wrights before the Oakville Club supper on Saturday night war Among those attending the Military Ball in Toronto were Mr. and Mrs. John Ross. Mrs. John Taylor received the degree of Scholar of Theology as proxy for her sister, Miss Mar- ion Natress, who is a missionary in the Punjab, India, at the con- vocation of the University of Toronto on Monday. Ps Pe The Cameron Hillmers enter- tained 18 to supper on Sunday night as a farewell party for their English house guest Mrs. Pilgrim. PRP Friday the school children of the district will have to suffer the trial of a holiday. The day off from learning has been grant- ed in honor of the birth of the son of HRH, Princess Eliza- beth. Alan Campbell recently in New York Ns. spent a few days City. a ssa Mrs. Norman McCausland en- tertained at tea in honor of Mrs. Pilgrim who has been staying with the Cameron Hillmers and returns to England this week on the Empress of Canada. AE Miss Margaret McCleary is at- tending a dinner tonight at the Granite Club in honor of Miss El- lean McLean and Mr. Harris Hill, whose marriage takes place Dec. The Young People's Society of Bronte Baptist Church will mee Friday evening at 8 pm, ith Charles Hancock presiding. Miss Lynn, who recently arrived Here from Ireland, will address the group, while Doug MacDonald Miss Olive Harper entertained at a luncheon for Mr. and Mrs. E. T. C. Burke at the Carlton Club prior to Mr. Burke's depart- ure for British Honduras. Mrs, I. Strasman of Windsor is spending the winter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Law- rence. x sok x x Mr. and Mrs. Basil Windrum, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly New and Mr. and Mrs. Harry MacKenarick attended the Hunt Ball in Tor- onto last week. komen Myr. John Hammell has return- ed from California. PI Mr. Gordon Bearmore was a member of the Guard of Honour for the Governor-General and Lady Alexander at the Winter Fair on Monday S FOE Mrs. E. M. Taylor entertained at bridge on Thursday. vax The Gallery Choir the Church of the Holy Trinity, Tor- onto, under the direction of Mrs. Dorothy McCormick will be heard in a special program of sacred music during Evensong at St. Jude's Anglican Church, Novem- ber 28. x ora x Prizes for ringer and singles competitions in the ladies sec- tion of the Oakville Golf Club were presented at a Bridge last week held at the home of Mrs. H. C. Hindmarsh. Ringer 9-hole award went to Mrs. F. Stott, while 9-hole singles honours were claimed by Mrs. Streith. Both ringer and singles awards in the 18-hole division were won by Mrs, McConvry. Bridge prize for the afternoon was won by Mrs. Patrick. xxx The Women's Association of St. John's Church will hold a bazaar in Lusk Hall on Friday afternoon; December 3 Mr. Jack Frost "received the MC. during special investiture ceremonies held at Queen's Park entertained | ~ Mr. Bert Husband, of Uxbridge was the guest of Mrs. Evans Long, Morrison Rd. last week. PR Miss Loraine Hall left this week by plane for Victoria, B.C, where she will be a guest of Mrs. Ernest Snelgrove, who was form- erly Barbara Root, of Oakville, FR Mrs. A. E. Pickard, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Byron Pickard, of Islington. ER oT guests of Mr, and Mrs. A. Allen were Miss Clara Al- Ey Sudbury; Mrs, Kenneth May- bee, Wooler; and Misses Linda Adams and Margaret Stewart, ountain View. ~ erm An early move of the Opto- mists, Oakville's newest service club, is sure to find favour with town parents. The club will paint the rear fenders of all bicy- cles with a paint containing glass spheres, the compound acting as reflector during night riding. Furthep information concerning the plan will be found in these columns next week, PR cattle lovers from all parts of Ontario to exhibit calves at the Royal Winter Fair, was adjudged grand reserve champion. PE have arranged to sell to a large crea Rotarian Sid Hitchox was able to prove on Monday night that his new rifle was a weapon to be proud of, for Rotarians enjoyed venision for their meat which had fallen a victim to the rifle, and to Sid's sharp-shooter eye. PE Master Danny Farrow celebra- tertaining many of his Bronte friends. Pl The Junior Orange Lodge will hold a turkey dinner and old time dance in Bronte community hall on Friday evening. mera "Fun on a Weekend", an out- standing comedy film presenta- tion, will share honours with an Arts and Crafts Inc. playlet when Oakville Optomists club stage two gala theatre nights at the Gregory theatre on Dec. 8 and 9. Watch for further details con- cerning this interesting event. PR The music group of the Arts and Crafts Inc. has held its first of this year's series of Music Appreciation evenings.. The 30 or so music lovers who attended for the occasion at the home of the Hamilton Smiths heard an all-Beethoven program, which featured the ever popular Fifth Symphony. Also heard was the lovely Second Movement from the Kreutzer Sonata for piano and violin, and an amusing composi- tion for two oboes and an Eng- lish horn, the variations on Thiime by Mozart from Don Gio- vanni, Program notes were given by Music Convenor, Hamilton Smith, The evening came to a close with some of the - group gathered around the piano for some impromptu singing accowm- panied by Miss Dorothy Maybee. The next evening of records will be at the home of Mrs. Marcus Auden, Morrison Rd, at 8.30 Sat- urday evening, Nov. 27th. All members of the Arts and Crafts will be welcome, and Mrs, Auden promises an instructive and en- tertaining program. Last Wed- nesday evening the Music Group were hosts at the "Barn" for the regular monthly meeting. The "Barn" was well filled and the five music films shown through the courtesy of Mr. Leslie Bott were generously applauded. The Music Committee have hopes of arranging a similar evening later in the season. + www kw Col. George Drew will be heard discussing the Hydro sit- uation on Station CFRB on Fri- day evening, November 26, at 10 p.m. sews The appointment has been an- nounced of Mr, M. . MacAr- thur as, district supervisor of The Ross Stores. Mr. MacArthur will have charge of the firm's retail outlets in Oakville, Milton and Long Branch. Cree Bronte Branch of the Cana- dian Legion held a successful euchre and dance last Friday evening. The ladies auxiliary are holding a bazaar on the after- noon of Nov. 27, followed by a euchre in the evening, in the on Monday. community hall, Judy Merry, one of 96 youthful|yrn producers' midst of our sincere effort to keep the price of milk from increas- ing and at the same time meet = the farmers' demands on two im- baskets and hampers, which they |qucted. user in the district, The proceeds |simers will be used to furher the cam-leq would have resulted in an in- paign for"a much needed Guide| roaseq price to the consumer of hut. from 2c to 3c a quart, most of which would have been paid to member farmers of the Ontario Milk Producers' Lengue, out Ontario have rallied togeth- Announce Army Appointments LT.-COL. P. R. BINGHAM, left, presently serving as gen- eral staff officer at Headquarters Central Command here, has been appointed Officer Commanding the Royal Canadian Regi- ment, it was announced last week by the Minister of National Defence. Replacing Lt.-Col. Bingham here will be Lt.-Col. C. B. Ware, D.S.0., who is completing the current cowse at the Canadian Army staff college, at Kingston. Distributors Oppose 'Milk Price Rise "We have been forced into ar- bitration with the Ontario Whole League in' the to the consumer in the price of standard milk, but have offered to pay the farmer a higher price for milk used for secondary purposes. They have further guaranteed that a maximum of 10 percent of his quota would be paid for at the secondary rate. This offer was rejected, and The Girl Guides are undertak-| oitant points", stated P. B. Ing 5 Tow project Which will le: (Done vir vil © nianager, or) thei her, negotiations Were fur pend on citizens for its success, [Ontario Milk Distributors' As- ed down by the farmers, who have plus, of course, a lot of effort on | oiatioy * eprosenting distribu. (demanded and been accorded the The part of the girls. They intend|tors in 48 Ontario. centres for|Privisge of arbitration to start collecting used fruit! picn negotiations were con-| 'Throughout the entire per- jod of price increase affecting the delivered price of milk, dis- tributors have been forced to meet all the increased costs of processing and distributing from their share of less than 1c a quart", said Mr. Scott. "Only hy maintaining rigid economy and a high volume of milk consump- tion can this be continued. Bot- First demands made by the , if they had been actept- Of the previous increases of 6c a quart gained since 1939, the|tles, caps, wages, trucks and oth- course farmer has received over 5c of that hoist. The farmer has gain- ed over 100 percent increase for his milk as compared with pric- es in 1939, More than sufficient to compe o i ted his 12th birthday Sunday, en. |cests in re young time, er expenses have risen out of por portion to the dairy's share of the consumer price." By extreme care and econo- mies, the dairies had hoped that the price of milk would go no higher. They feel that the recent demands of the farmers are not in keeping 'with the cost of pro- duction findings of the Royal Commission on Mil production since that Distributors of milk through- er to fight any further increase Congratulations TO THE "JOURNAL" ON ITS First ANNIVERSARY from ONE OF ITS First ADVERTISERS KEENAN'S SMOKE and CARD SHOP FIRST IN Christmas Greeting Cards IN OAKVILLE CARDS BY COUTTS & RUST CRAFT "Canada's Finest" NAME ADDRESS Please bill me Jan. 1st RS.: FRI.: Indicate method of payment desired I enclose $2.00 to cover 1 year's subscription SAT.: NOV. 25 - 26 - 27 and a Skinful + of Gangster Trouble! l= ee ON OUR SCREEN AT 7.42 - 010 SAT. MATINEE 2.00 EVENING 7.12 hus in a c faces a face util Blodern d dream fain upp rh and rinite ic fould co fh. Onc fin wild, fim in ch from glans chr His sel fanted w SSH ABBOTT MGS re mr velous molion picture from Marquand's big best-seller! BARBARA STANWYCK | VAN HEFLIN CHARLES RICHARD KEENAN HART - WYNN n gave Lovelln Com David J th ON OUR SCREEN 7.43 -- 914 | fn ] STANLEY HOLLOWAY * ALFRED DIATE 'CYRIL FLETCHER * BERNAKD MLSS CHARLES DICKENS CNICHOLA " NICKLE] &) DEREK BOND SALLY ANS I sy pe ATIHENE SOE FAY COMPTON MARY MERRALL - "ON. OUR SCREEN AT 7.24 -- 924 TUE (BY one 47 one)