Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 2 Dec 1948, p. 11

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December 2; 1948 BursdaYs Public School Essay (Continued "rom Page 1) the distance for? What are | it an ambulance or is it ia engine siren. - These running through feel frightened oughts 8T¢ \1 am she", you answer: some: hat nervously: our boy is in the. ambu. Bnce and I wondered if you E11 like to come with him to Oo lospital. He has had a ser- cident." will * dome," you an- You are off with . such as these running' eas mind. Will he live? i he live long if he lives at fl? why dian't I give to that fb nospital? You find your being ushered into the je waiting-room where the 8. nurse tells you to waits hoonds drag like minutes, min: vs drag lke hours, hours drag o years. be son dlawt male iti; b. hear the doctor say, "that fenty miles was too long a bit for him." : ion!" you exclaim knowing Bt he means but wishing you flan't. £ Hello dear,' you hear your Bishan say as he comes in the ont door. You awaken to find Bu son safe and sound and that bu were only dreaming. You 0 your husband about the fom and plead with him to Bc the new hospital .a sizeable fheque. "John", you say happily "we Bont Johnny. to live a good life'. This may happen to you. ease give from the bottom of bur heart and purse. Yours sincerely, Mr. N. Hospital High School Essay (Continued from Page 1) ll to grow and become one of bkville's greatest assets. lon, they did not donate fab- fous sums of money, and they fon't have their names on brass Blacques, but without these peo- fe, working and living together ll everyday life, there would be B hospital. For every block of I foundation, there is a story, finan and warm, of how or- fiary people have combined feir forces, mingled their tears h their laughter and built up fs community, and this sym- Bll of all the community stands | tho hospital. fit is true. It's no fairy tale, Brow something real and solid fii wonderful, can grow from community's hard work and lief in three years. But it is fy to talk. Perhaps if Bld turn the clock ahead three Bri years. fhe sun is shining down on a WFy new, but very busy build iE. Con this have grown from fincthing that was but an ex- fation three years ago? This f88utiful, important, bustling: fiifpital? It hardly seems pos- ile, but we know it is. It is fy striking from the outside, {lb it is the inside that really Bins. fe enter through the heavy. ging front doors. How Jlby times in the future, I won- B88 will these doors open to ad- Bi cmergency cases, chronic es, cases of life and death? ce inside we are greeted the clean smell of antisep- Which prevails in all hospit- long shining halls, gleaming Bloceways, swgically ster- U8 operating rooms and! 'wards. is beautiful, not only from farchitecutral point of view, BB from the human side 'of this (A hospital. The look in a hc mother's eyes, when she sees her baby, delivered BY at Oakville-Trafalgar borial Hospital, The tears of in the eyes of parents, the gency squad having saved BF child. These are more tiful, in their own way, than sight of the gleaming struc- of the hospital. 3 of this is very exciting, S is still' very much in the | sTamps Pld Canadian Preferred Collections and Accumulations BOUGHT Send description to BOX 500 kville-Trafalgar Journal THE OAKVILLE TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 11 It is like waking from a dis- tant dream to realize that we| This seems very real to us, but are still in 1948 that the hos- there are people, strangers of pital is as yet an excavation, |course, who do mot think that and that all the things we have seen and heard have yet to hap- pen. But we know they will hap- |sary pen. We are confident that, in the future, the good our hos- such ital wil] i k d Bronte, lives |ing from all sides. waiting for the day it will be : oa SpE the nearness Soxponse? Yes, it will be ex- [there to use. They know that of the hospital, Toronto hospit-|pensive, but in the course of [once it is there, there will al- als are too far away for em- |time, it will be possible for any |ways be room for the sick and ergency cases, and even at that |debts to be paid back and much |needy,, know that it will always Oakville' needs a new hospital they are filled to overflowing. |more. Money given or lent to abe there, guarding them, heip- They feel that it is an "unfieces- |The small hospital now in ex- hospital is never wasted, and (ing them. They know, too, that expense". Unnecessary ? |istence in Qakville does its best [this hospital is being built now, |the doors of Oakville-Trafalgar Why not only in Oakville but in |but it cannot hope to fill ithe |growing before the eyes of a (Memorial Hospital will be open surrounding communities {demand | for medical care com- (happy, expectant community, (to them forever. 28 Lon THIS BILLION-DOLLAR STORY Aeon the nation -- in cities, towns and villages -- the B of M has kept your money; and the money of 1,700,000 other customers, hard at work in 1948... helping Canadians in every walk of life to make a better future for themselves and for Canada. Here is the money that makes the wheels of commerce To citizens on salaries . . . to farmers with seasonal incomes. . . to merchants, manufacturers, business- . . . to municipalities, school boards and governments . . . to churches, hospitals and all types of men in every worthwhile line of endeavour Ei =~ W WHAT THE B of M HAS TO MEET ITS OBLIGATIONS : CASH: The Bof M has cash in its vaults and' money on deposit with the Bank of Canada amounting to = $ 211,721,990.06 MONEY. in the form of: notes of, cheques on, and deposits with other banks . INVESTMENTS: The B of M has over a billion dollars: fd | 114,887,350.99 invested in high-grade government bonds and other public securities, which have a ready market. Listed on the Bank's books at a figure nos greater than their market value, they amount ito . ~1,003,513,939.08 a a stocks, representing in large measure assistance to industry for plant development in the post-war period. These investments are carried at. . CALL LOANS: The B of M has call loans which are fully protected by ity saleable securities, These loans amount to. . i Lt 129,037,998.89 31,177,918.00 QUICKLY AVAILABLE RESOURCES: The resources listed above, all of which can quickly be turned into cash, cover 78.09% of all that the Bank owes to the public. These "quick assets" amount to $1,490,339,197.02 LOANS: During the year, many millions of dollars have been lent to business and industrial enterprises for production of every kind-- to farmers, fisher- 4 men, lumbermen and ranchers -- to citizens in all walks of life, and to Provincial and Municipal Governments and School Districts, These loans now = i Cr tm SR SEE EN 456,266,244.22 BANK BUILDINGS: In hamlets, villages, towns and large cities from coast to coast the Biof M, serves its customers at more than 500 offices. The value of {lj the buildings owned by the Bank, together with furniture and equipment, is shown on. its books at 2 15,391,604.71 OTHER! ASSETS: These chiefly represent lisbilities of Th customers for commitments made by the Bank on W 5 their behalf, covering foreign and domestic trade fag transactions . TOTAL RESOURCES WHICH THE Blof M HAS TO MEET ITS OBLIGATIONS . . . «oo SLY turn . . . that provides thousands of business = enterprises -- from the largest corporation to the smallest one-man show -- with the credit they need to carry on from day to day. the B of M family. savings -- thus play a vital parc in Yj publicinstitutions . . . hundreds of millions of dollars are being loaned by B of M managers at more than 500 branches from the Atlantic to the Pacific. That's a glimpse of the 1948 worksheet for your savings. ..the sum of your contribution to Canada's progress added to that of 1,700,000 other Canadians in Saux Or MONTREAL | Bof M depositors' savings -- your Er xe ini Bone dian standard di al Wi i! lly b Yes, by saving ac the Bof M today, VV you are helping to build the greater I) Canada of tomorrow, while ANADIANS ving and in making Canada the third greatest gr nation of the world. = = . __ securing your own future. = Jor 1948 WHAT THE B of M OWES TO OTHERS : DEPOSITS: While many business firms, manufacturers, merchants, farmers and people in every type of busi- ness have large deposits with the Bof M, the bulk of the money on deposit with the Bank is the savings of well over a million private citizens. The total of all deposits is $1,877,011,226,85 BANK NOTES: B of M bills in Ci, which are payable on presentation, amount to . 4,244,517.00 OTHER LIABILITIES: Miscellaneous items, represent- ing mainly commitments undertaken by the Bank on behalf of customers in their Ei and domestic trade transactions * 27,185,663.58 TOTAL OF WHAT THE BofM OWES ITS DEPOSITORS AND OTHERS . . . . . « $1,908,441,407.43 TO PAY ALL IT OWES, THE BofM HAS TOTAL RE- SOURCES, AS SHOWN ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THIS STATEMENT, AMOUNTING TO ©: . . . . - 1,991,380,648.07 WHICH MEANS THAT THE B of M HAS RESOURCES, OVER AND ABOVE WHAT IT OWES, AMOUNTING TO $ 82,939,240.64 --_------ This figure of $82,939,240.64 is made up of money subscribed by the shareholders and, to some extent, of profits which have from time totime been ploughed back into the business to broaden the Bank's services and to give added protection for the depositors, x x oa EARNINGS -- After paying all overhead expenses, including staff salaries, bonuses and contributions to the Pension Fund, and after making provision for contingencies, and! for depreciation of Bank premises, furniture and' equipment, the B of M' reports earnings for the twelve months ended October 30th, 1948, of . - $8 8,439,669.54 Provision for Dominion Income and Excess Profits Taxes and Provincial Taxes . . : RE 2,980,000,00 i Roast et Beeld of EE ee Se a BE 5,459,669.54 This amount was distributed as follows: Dividends to Sharcholders . © 4 es. $ 3,600,000.00 Balance to Profit and Loss 'Account, . : ol wt te at a 1,859,669:34 Bof M EARNINGS ON' THE "SHAREHOLDERS! INVESTMENT 1 On each dollar of the shareholders' money invested in the 1 Back of Montreal, the Bank earned 10,17 cents in 1948, AND HOW. To TAXES . ©. L359 cents J THEY WERE To SHAREHOLDERS , . . . 434 cents DIVIDE To SURPLUS LL. L224 cons Bank oF MONTREAL Canada'e Fins? Bank... WORKING V/ITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE [817

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