Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 2 Dec 1948, p. 2

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er ---- THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL The Grenzell Labrador Mission PEOPLE and EVENTS would again appreciate the kind co-operation of the ladies of the district in saving all their discard- ed silk and nylon stockings and undergarments: which are used by' The O/T.H.S. Glee Club will be holding their Christmas carol service in Victoria Hall on Dec- ember 21 and 22. Eighty voices, under the leadership of Mr. Hugh Brearley, are p cing diligently their program, which eer feature familiar Christ- carols and a cantata, "Child James W. Clokey and Hazel Jean Kirk. Music loving townsfolk who are looking for- ward to this treat are instructed that lickets will be reserved, but may be obtained through high school students, each of whom will be allowed ten tickets. Fi for this ma Jesus", by The Roy Irwins held an oyster party on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brown and Mr. Keith Joyce, of George- town, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Gllliam, Bronte, over the week-end. Mrs. Florence Gilbert, Mr. Ted Gilbert, Miss Sadie Wilson and Mrs. A. Tripp visited Miss Alice Gilbert at Mountain sanitarium last Sunday, and found the pa- tient greatly improved, Norman Gill and his orchestra provided the music for the an- nual dance of Bronte L.O.L. No. 309 last Friday evening in the Orange hall. Draw winners in- cluded Mrs. W. McKay, Bronte, Mr, Sam Witt, Oakville, and Mr. Joseph Fuller, Oakville, The Journal regrets having erron- eously announced this event as a turkey dinner and dance in last week's issue. "Palestrina to Bach" was the [the wives of the Labrador fisher- theme of an interesting evening [Men in hooking beautiful rugs, chair seats and other . saleable held by the music group of the and Craft Arts Mrs, Marcus Auden last Satur- day. Mrs. Auden gave an instruc- Ul tive talk on the music of the early Church and the beginning oF Plainsong. Mr. Kober, who assis ted in planning the program, il- lustrated his remarks with some beautiful recordings which in- cluded two Gregorian Chants sung by the Sistine Choir. Pal estrina's "Adoramus Te, and "Stabat Mater" by Pergol sung by the Vienna Boys' Chol In contrast to the liturgical mus- ic, part of Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No. -5, and the Ballet Music from "The Good-humoured Ladies" by Scarlatti completed the very enjoyable program. Mrs. K. W. MacTaggart, Spruce St, will be hostess for the next Music Appreciation evening on Thurs- day, December 9, at half past eight. All music lovers of the Arts and Crafts will be welcome. «eo The White-Oak = Chapter TO. D.E. meets today at the home of Mrs. Rlyand New. saree Mr. and Mrs! Arthur Maybee were guests at. the Dietrich Cauldwell wedding at St. Paul's Church in Toronto. Pare The Walton Memorial W. A., of Bronte, are anticipating a good attendance at the annual bazaar being held in the Sunday School rooms on Saturday afternoon at 3 pm. Ford Forty-Niner" Stirling - Dynes THURS.: FI R.l: SAT.: AES AN EAGLE LION (Nellywood) FiLi MAN FROM TEXAS, MON.: TUES.: FOR PLUS: PHILIP" REED -- "BIG TOWN AFTER DARK" Adapted From the Famous Radio Series HILARY BROOKE TWO DAYS ONLY Zoi Se i nats Wiehe | - nt Anon i iat ORLEANS} org sh Band, WED.: THURS:.: FOR TWO DAYS ONLY s at the home of articles. The Oalville district convener is Mrs. C. Lloyd-Jones, assisted by Mrs. John Langman, Mrs. R. Ryrie, Clarkson; and E. Wilkes-Hoey, Bronte. A collection will be made in May, but contri- butions will be taken at any time by phoning the above. swe Candidates for office in Mon- day's municipal election will dis- cuss local problems and election issues at the Chamber of Com- merce "Civic Night" to be held in the town council chambers to- night at 8 p.m. Members are urg- Mrs. A. Burrell Borne To Grave Tuesday Funeral services for Mrs. Al fred Murrell were conducted by: Rev. Fred Jackson in the S. S Russell Funeral chapel on Tues- day afternoon. Mrs. Burrell died at her Church St. home Sunday following an illness of two years duration. Formerly Emily Hoskins, she was born in Shepton Mallett, England, 59 years ago. Coming to Canada when only 14 years of age, she had been an Oakville res- ident for some 25 years, 'and prior to her illness, had been an ac- tive member of St. Jude's Ang- ican Church. In addition to her = husband, she is survived by three daugh- tive vice-president, Life Under- writers of Canada, is a B.A, B.C.L. So far as we are concern- ed, he is also C.B.T.D.S--Can- ada's Best Teller of Dialect Stor- ies. The huge audience which heard him at the annual lun- ¢heon of the Institute of Char- éred Life Underwriters, would we think, agree that the nomin- ations be now closed." FP The annual Turkey Euchre sponsored by the C.C.F. will be held in the Masonic Hall on December 20th. PEE Miss Ruth Pickard, Mrs. A. E. Pickard and Mr. Douglas Clarke attended the At Home in the United Brethren Church at Rose- ville on Sunday last. The Oakville LionS tag day in support of the Food for Britain will be held on' Saturday, when local Loins anticipate a generous support to this worthy appeal. Hi The bazaar held last Saturday under the auspices of the Bronte Canadian Legion Ladies Auxil- iary was officially opened by Mrs. Dudley Hitchcox. A hand woven scarf and bag creation do- nated by Mrs. Sherman Gilliam was won by Mrs. Oscar Scarrow. PE Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wick- ens former residents of the Lin- brook Road were visited several of their friends in Oakville last week-end Litchfield, Black Seek Mayoralty In Monday Election A fervent plea that his fellow. citizens vote for the issuance of $100,000 in debentures toward the Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital wis voiced by Mayor C. V. Hillmer, as he concluded his retirement address following nominations last Friday night. "We definitely need the hos- pital, and I urge you to vote for it," Mr. Hillmer told a capacity meeting in the council chambers. Howard S. Litchfield, present deputy-reeve, and James R. Black, Mayor Hillmer's opponent last June and a former councillor, will oppose each other in the mayorality contest, Reeve Phil Chambres found opposition when Basil Megaffin was named to con- test the reeveship, while sitting' members of council J. N, Milne, Lachlan MacArthur and Edward Lauder will be facing one former councillor and five newcomers in a nine-man polling joust for the six council seats. Fred Turner, James L. Cooke, Leslie Freeman, Frederick Price, S. W. Savage and Stewart Wark are the other candidates. Another highlight of an order- ly meeting was the acclamation to the deputy-reeveship accord- ed Councillor Robert Hunter. School trustees were also ace claimed in each ward, with Mrs. Malcolm Smith, Alan Weather- stone and Richard Richardson being named. Only rebuttal offered by Mayor OPTIMIST CLUB H (Admission by EDDIE BRACKEN -- Also GET YOUR TIC 'FUN ON A WEEKEND" ONE ACT PLAY by ARTS & CRAFTS PLAYERS OSPITAL SHOW Ticket) PRISCILLA LANE KETS NOW Hillmer the various candidates was a heated denial of Candidate Stewart Wark's allegation that tax sales were not sufficiently Dbublicized, and that "only certain people knew when sales = take place." "Advertisements are placed in the Ontario Gazette, and for 3 Weeks in the local newspapers, and properties are sold at pub- lic auction in the clerk's office. How can council do more?" queried Mr. Hillmer. 'A popular move was the accla- amation accorded Hilmer Lof- quist, chairman of Oakville Wa- ter and Light Commission and a member of that body for sev- ed to bring their wives and friends. [ters, Mrs. Walter Hooks and ae®2%% 4 |Mrs. Osborne Burely, Hamil The * Christmas bazaar of [ton, and one son, Alfred, of Bronte Church of the . took will be held in the community [Place in St. Judels cemetery. hall on December 11. : Ca HEL The following excerpt from Three Strikes Napier Moore's column in the| «your counsel had three I cost 7 |strikes called on him before he agreement from many Oakvill- |Started" Magistrate Kenneth ians: "A. Gordon Nairn, execu- Langdon last Thursday told Arthur McGann, found guilty of drunk driving when he appear- ed in court here. McGann, whose car was ordered impounded for three months, was sentenced to seven days in county jail at Mil- Lil White Cookee, the pe greed cocker spaniel waiting to go home with the winner of the Arts and Crafts draw in support of the Oakville-Trafalgar Mem- ton, had his licence suspended for three months, and was ord- ered to pay $18 court costs. | orial hospital, has donated an- other $5 to the fund. The five- spot was presented to Cookee last week when Catharines to put on a Draw for Cookee will be by the mayor-elect on the of the Century theatre evening of December 6. ELECT FOR COUNCIL 53 8 SE OT ET BR SE ET GE GE GE GE GE GE ET SE OE DE GE GGT hE : A Businessman and a Sportsman. FOR GOOD, SOUND ADMINISTRATION FRED CH. TURNER § - <5 To THE IDEAL XMAS GIFT ODEON Thursday, December 2 1 on THEATRE TICKETS fursdey ut-of fsponsors hockey fer cuts fal sched ved sigh Chairma Oakvil Frimission b provided Merry his "family" of cockers fy she | / DA (BYE nan FRI.: SAT.: DEC. 3-4 MON.: TUES.: DEC. 6-7 WED.: THUR.: DEC.: 89 15 MoM TECHRICODR | MUSICAL JOY-RVEN, | Rie Bei HUSTON - MORGAN - ENING mano MAXWELL aces nti PICTURE. IF YOU WERE THIS MAN WALTER | PIdGEON- KERD ANGELA LANSBURY | IF R COMES" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT go LiK| PAULETTE IS THE STAKE! palpitating Paulette who'd rather cut cards than kiss--ghe soyil Paramount ons ATTENTI Optimist's willl do the rest" eral years, ON| FOR SAFETY"S SAKE! BOY'S & GIRLS Now's your chance to get FREE "Glass Beaded Reflective Strips! on your bid IT'S FREE! Safety Strips will be applied to all bikes Optimist's Club of Oakville on SATURDAY 4th December: p:m.: Place: Car Park at rear of the Century Theatre. Just bring your Bike without Time: 9:30 am. 1 Place your bets! Who gett charge by LEAs ANT i: for sor Coleman 8 your Ch Beket Sto, ORT 1A

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