Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 9 Dec 1948, p. 8

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Page 8 MILTON Committed for Trial Charged with ~ the §105,000 armed robbery of the Bank of Nova Scotia branch at Camp- bellville on July 8, 1947, Leo G. Adams, 25 was committed for trial when he appeared in Mil- ton court before Magistrate Kenneth Langdon. Adams has been brought from Vancouver to face the charge, and elected trial by jury. He had been in custody for some eight weeks County Commentary est Benham, and councillors J. R. Rutherford, T. C. Hutchinson and Fred L. Cox will again com- prise his council. Rockwood vil- lage trustees will again be CLif Meadows, Walter Hunt and L. J. Ayles. Double Duty Haven for village oldsters on quiet summer evenings, Rock- wood bowling green will soon be taken over by district youngst- sters. Recent work bees organ- ized by residents are laying the awaiting the p ry hei ing. OAMPBELLVILLE Pioneer Passes Thomas Allen, one of Camp: | bellville's oldest residents, died { at his home here in his 83rd y year. A native of Nassagaweya township where he farmed until i his retirement two years ago, (i Mr. Allen is survived by his wife and three sons. Mr. and Mrs Allen marked their golden wed- ding anniversary last Decem- | | ber. Funeral services were held from St. David's Presbyterian Church. | i ROCKWOOD il ; Acclamations All Round Councils of Eramosa Rockwood police village acclaimed en masse by electors. D. D. Gray, Eramosa reeve, will | commence his 11th term at the helm, while Deputy-reeve Ern- and were Hi 3 QUALITY | » 3 SHUR-GAIN { A | FEEDS | Priced to Suit Your Pocketbook see Make it a point to us on your next trip to town for the Feeds you need for maximum farm production. C. H. TOOKE Phone 402 - Oakville r k for a skating rink ACTON Weatherman Helps Although the calend: stur- just dily proclaimed that it wast possible, warm, sunny. weather last week continuel to lend imeptus to the drive torraise funds for Acton community swimming pool. The fund jump- ed last week past the $8,000 mark, leaving the committee in charge only $2,000 short of its objective, The "Y" Men's Club was the latest large contributor with a cheque for $500.00 Municipally Minded Acton electors served notice they continue to evince an active interest in municipal affairs when they named 21 candidates to contest council, school board and public utilities commission posts. Not a single acclamation was accorded sitting members. Auspicious Debut Described by the Free Press as "Acton's brash and unpard- onable Tanners, 1949 edition", this' centre's speedy hockey club got away to a promising start as they clicked off" two convin- cing victories over Georgetown and Weston in the pre-season Georgetown tournament. In the Georgetown tilt, the Free Press scribe asserts jubilantly, '"Tan- ners completely baffled Raiders with their speed and checking to easily roll to victory as de- jected Georgetown fans howled their dismay.' BURLINGTON Consider §9,000 Purchase Burlington public school board will give further consid- eration to the proposed pur- chase of 11/, acres of land to be used in extending the grounds of the East Burlington school. Own- er of the tract, G. Hobbs, has valued the property at $9,000. Mr. Hobbs explained to the (Board that the land is a part of Day and night, more with it, i { This is being done in spite of rising costs, yet up to now there has been no increase in the basic telephone rates established 21 years ago. lowest cost". { TODAY, telephones are four times as tree from "trouble" as twenty years ago, and there are twice as many of them! Each month 10,000 are being added so t that soon all may have dependable tele: phone service and the security that goes For you, this means greater value than ever before; for us, the satisfaction of pro- viding "the best telephone service at the THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY. OF CANADA dependable than ever Second Year NAME ADDRESS Please bill me Jan. 1st Please enter my subscription for the of The Journal Indicate method of payment desired XT enclose $2.00 to cover 1 year's subscription THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL TEEN TOWN By Bruce Squires Hi Kids! Now that our exams are over everyone is getting ready for our Christmas Formal. As most of you know the dance is on December 17th and the or- mestra, The Stardusters. This year's Formal promises to be the most successful of a dances to date. Get those tickets kids, don't miss out on a real grand time. Last Sunday saw the formation of four Teen Town Clubs. Ruddy Whiting presided at the meeting and the following presidents to head each club were chosen; Bad- minton Club, Carol Armtsrong; Ping Pong Club, Bill Stewart; Camera Club, Alex "Cuddles" Wilson; Train Club, Tom "Choo Choo!" Sales. By the way, we are also inter ested in forming a Dramatic Club. Most of, you remember the Teen Town plays and what fun it was preparing for them, We do have many talented actors and actresses in the Club (judging from previous performances and if you are interested in forming such a club please contact Rud- dy Whiting. Thanks ever so much Ruddy for working so hard to form our clubs, yowve done a swell job. At least this year they are organized (which is an improvement on previous years). By the way, from now on members of 'other Teen Towns who have m ship cards will CLUB 20. By Marion Languay With neither snow or mistle- toe visible on the horizon (this is written on Monday) it's very difficult to centre thoughts to-a very quickly approaching Christ- mas. Very persistently the ra- dio blares forth with "only so many days left" to do your Xmas shop- ping, and al- though you catch your breath every- & time a day § passes, it still seems impos- sible to hur- dle the Xmas crowds and get started Is it any won- der that the 24th of the month is al- ways the bus- jest of the year? Speaking of Christmas fes- tivities naturally brings to mind Club "20's" annual Christmas for- mal, to be held on Saturday, December 18th, this year. Or- chestra for the evening will be the renowned- Bobby Gimby to assure us of magic music for dancing pleasure. Tickets for this occasion are now in circula- tion in the hands of the Club's mmittee, so if you are ap- be admitted to Teen Town and we will certainly be glad to have them, Teen Town seems to be in slump these last few weeks, there hasn't been any of the old ex- citement, the enjoyment of _com- ing to Teen Town; and maybe, now we'll havg some of that old gayety around Teen Town es- pecially with Christmas in the alr, Well, see you next week with some pre-formal news. a subdivision, and that sale to the school would mean loss of ten choice building lots to him. proached with the question as to whether or not you have decided to go, have your mind made up to accept and thus insure your- self of being "in" before the tickets run out. Price per couple is $3.00, and to Club members, $2.50, Reservations may be made by calling the following, but remem- ber tickets are a necessity: Joan Thornton, 929. Marion Litchfield, 262 Joan Moulding 1099J. Calls can be made from 7 to 9 o'clock. Thurbday, December g, 104g same more meetings plete time, bu Club "20" and Teen Town are merging ideas and time to the decoration of the hall as the two formals are to take place on the a. i and more difficult getting the +, done thisi year as compareq 1. last because the hall has n. been taken over by various or. To 7 4) are in the agenda, for all the preperations to com- arrangements really take t we are all hoping, that the final effect will be worth it. It is going to be a great Christmas Seals Fight TB deal "practically ay HEHE oF the week Bor) just one more obstacle to ope. come. Reports next week will py on the progress made, and ley. hope. that it: willl be a real sf. with plot completed. ory ly Sd i) 7 6 A @ 2 ] 2 IN A 7 P bi & J KY HN Oaleville. Lumber Cony Lid, OAKVILLE Prax il TWO PHONES -- For Your Converience 1060 - 1061 -- 7 CARS -- Day and Night Service Oakville Ready-Mix CONCRETE Phone Oakville 928 world and the capaci welfare of every ma more assured of job security . factories. Affairs, the electricit; thousands of separate parts. 'T ONTARIOS products are de to produce such goods ate work on pr and Ontario. is helps to m red and purchased by people all over the largely determines the economic. n, woman and child within her horders, B Ro f 5 and s. Because the sale ot eel mR ORs ira eT eT Tea oe E31 of and we and our children can have mi # assured of i mo 0? Jer things in life. But to produce such goods in sufficient quanti a Tei Ln That is why every single one of us should be glad that war veterans are constantly. being trained to provide the skilled lands so needed by industr 3 cy receive ON THE JOB training under expert instructors in our Ontario es, skilled This. feaiing, provided Tungh pe of the Department of Veterans' A eral Department of Labour and the Ontario Depar 0 D « cpartment of Educa- starts the veteran on the road to skilled rit In bot doe usiness machines, for {example vetc ; ee must have a thoro k ge and must learn to perform ingri a c ion machines having e Canadian-made business machines are sold in yell every effort of these newly skilled veter: which to live and contributes to the welfare and happiness of all her cit THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) Therefore e Ontario a finer place in HANDS AT WORK... or ova i LEARNING MACHINE ASSEMBLY MACHINE ASSEMBLY (¢ making 10,000 designed for a New Zealand firm. «hn N. West, 25, of Toronto, a Royal Various types of business machines are -- ---- E avy veteran, is shown here an adjustment to one of the arts in a business machine produced in Ontario_fac- tories. Because of their in- tricate mechanisms it is es- sential that these machines be checked by expert craftsmen at every stage of their production. Give ONE the lux essential mas Stoc over: - the fines friends: TELEPH mas sin reached families, You thank 3 fememb list, Sey

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