Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 23 Dec 1948, p. 12

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THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, Dec Classified HALTON FARM FORUM (BY LILLIAN O. GRAY) Seventeen Forum groups met on December 6th to discuss the Speedy Results - In order borne St. week to forward copy for insertion d issue, advertisements for the classified section of The Journal will be accepted up to Wednesday noon. Want ads may also be left at the office, 86A Col- KEEP AN EYE ON JOURNAL WANT ADS For Outstanding Opportunities Phone 1298 that advertisers may have ample time each in the current topic, "I hear by the radio". To the query, "What types of radio program do you like best?" S. S. No. 4, Esquesing, voiced the opinion of the majority when it stated, "We like those that pro- mote education and better cit- izenship." Other programs liked by this forum and other forums were; news,' markets, farm broadcasts, weather, sports, good plays, and good music. Almost all groups were em- phatic in their denunciation of murder, crime, and horror stor- ies, also of singing commercials, cheap music, soap operas, an presentations that depiot the farmer as a hill-billy. Darbyville sald they would like "less in- ferring that hill-billy music is Please Report Promptly 1,OST OR FOUND ANIMALS Caxville Humane Society PHO Lost and Injured Animals Humanely Treated CARD OF THANKS : - 1 wish to express my sincere 'thanks to all my friends and neighbours, the Canadian Le- gion, the Legion Auxiliary, Red Cross Society, Barringham Rub- ber, King Paving Co, Oak. Ready-Mix, Dr. Dixon for the kind expressions of sympathy and floral tributes, during my 'recent sad bereavement. John W. Murray and and daughter Dianne FOR SALE Ruud heater, 25-cycle fan, PRIVATELY, good as new, $8; $7.50; child's' blue table and chair, $1.50; electric iron, $5.; electric hot plate $250; 2 single hot plates $1.25 each; 100 mys- ltery pocket novels, 3 for 25c. :0dd articles. Phone Bronte 171R. ! (89c! 5 ALL SIZES of hard coal in stock. also Hanco Coke. Frank M. Sullivan, Bronte, Ont. Phone 80-W c50tE ONIONS by the bag, choice quality, mild, sweet, spanish. No. 1 grade; also No. 1 cooking De- onlons; both good Keepers. livered to your door. Phone Gord Bartholmew, 342-W-13 (74-p-2-1) BOKAR Straight razor, the famed "King Cutter" brand, pre- war model with white bone han- dle, the type which is now almost extinct as the dodo bird. Inherited by a son of the softie saftey generation, who shudders at the sight of so much naked steel. Al- so a George Ibberson 'Double Sharp", finest Sheffield Steel. Phone 1298. " CORDWOOD for Yuletide, ex- cellent hardwood for your fire- place cut to convenient length. Also edgings by the sack for ___ROOM AND BOARD typical of farm life." Out of the 17 forums, nine said they would like to see more re- ligious services on Sunday, par- "Board and Room, $10. per ticularly on Sunday evening. To week, 21 Forsythe St. (50p4-6)|quote Postville; "We would re- he that some church ser- vice be broadcast on Sunday PROCLAMATION evening, also some good musical TOWN OF OAKVILLE programs, instead of - Charlie : ; - McCarthy, Jack Benny, etc." I hereby proclaim, Xing| gS No. 7, want more sacred Day, Monday, December 27th, | S85 Hoi 0 * 194 all good citizens to observe it as such. C. V. Hillmer, Mayor 8, to 'he a Civic Holiday i the Town of Oakville and call on NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF ALBERT EDWARD EARL, DE- THE ESTATE CEASED, against the estate of Albert Ed- ward Earl, late of the Town of All persons having claim: Oakville, in the County of Hal ton, deceased, who died on or about the 30th day of October, 1948, are hereby notified to send to Ross Ryrie, Oakville, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator f the said Albert Edward Earl, deceased, on or before the 3rd day of February, 1949, full par- advertising on Sunday. "That our old and lovely songs be sung as they were in- tended and not be put to jazz." Mt. Nemo had this to say, "the group disagreed with the principle of giving away valuable prizes as '"Jack-pots" on quizz shows and other programs, as they thought it was detrimental to the children to think they could get so much for seemingly nothing", Omagh thinks, "There is too much commercial crowd- ing out better programs and church services." This group also thinks that radio should 'give our young talent more oppor- tunity to get a start their career," and also that there should be "programs to advertise Canada," Other suggestions were that we should have more Canadian ta- n s d| said the chamber's ticulars of their claims. Immed- | programs using Ci iately after the said last men-|lent. Why "import" so many tioned date, the assets of the said | programs? estate' will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims which the undersign- ed shall then have notice, Solicitor Dated this 23rd day of De- cember, 1948. Ross Ryrie, Oakville, Ontari for the (c-5-6-7 Administrator Urge Extra Caution With seven mutliple-death ac- cidents killing a combined total of 21 people, fatal injuries from motor vehicle accidents in the month of November have broken ) all Ontario records for that month with a count of at least 89 known victims, 17 more than 0 Venetian Blinds Manufactured specifications aluminum construction. to of your steel own and Let us fulfill your requirements FREE ESTIMATES in November of last year. Abruptly halting the postwar trend toward lower vehicle death rates, this tragic one-month toll | brings the number of Ontario | traffic victims this year up to 672 compared with 667 for the same 11 months of 1947. Until this last month motor vehicle deaths had been fewer in num- ber and much fewer i quick starting of furnaces .and A fireplaces, Hillmers Fuel and|| Prone 1195.3 tion to miles driven than th: Ie Co, Dundas St. N, phone B CAMERON | Were last vear or in 1941. (1.261c4-5) c-0 Mrs. Wm, Lawrence || "That achievement before this CHRISTMAS trees, Scotch recent month of tragedies", pine and spruce, plain or colored, comments Highway Minister phone 238 (25p4) Si -- | Hon. George H. Doucett, "shows TWO registered buff cocker | that the i efforts of the 'pups, reasonable, phone 238 FIREWOOD, POSTS, SAND, | police, the schools, the press, (25p4) GRAVEL radio and many active com- ELECTRIC Rangette, Al con- Dump & General Trucking munity safety groups with 'the Department of Highways, can dition, best offer. Apply Oakville GORDON BARTHOLOMEW 5 5 Bowling Lanes. (lcatr) Lower Middle Road es meal ZO wor Middle 8 ovember toll is a a inch bicycle, Hy S22:W01S warning that efforts cannot be oe spared from the job of cutting WANTED down these tragedies especially mmm at this time of the year. waromean, in omits | s\\o\ 11/7 | Greater care, courtesy an Available January 1. References supplied, Box 238, The Journal. FOR RENT ONE story cottags on gentle- man's estate two miles east of Oakville. Large living-room and dining-room combined. Small breakfast room and three bed- rooms. Complete bathroom. Space heaters, situated on one acre of land. Apply Box 237. The Journal. PERSONAL i WILL the party who called the Canadian Bank of Com- merce with reference to lost coupons, please contact - the bank again. HELP WANTED MAJOR oil company wishes to engage several young sarvice station men. Please state age in your reply. Apply Box 400, The Journal. (50c5) WANTED TO RENT URGENTLY REQUIRED English Family, clean, pro- gressive, two children, badly need house for rent. Have good, steady position, very sober hab- its. Please phone Bronte 67R, anytime. (ctf) APARTMENT or Cottage, or Flat, above a store wanted by couple with child 12 years old. Mrs. Butterfield, 602B Lonsdale Rd, Forest Hill, Toronto (55c4) LOST BOY'S metal tricycle, Sun- shine make with attachments on rear axle for trailer. Reward if returned to 44 Allan St. N. Phone 1140-W. 3 "1et 5 Hillmers Fuel & Ice Co. CHRISTMAS rages day BOO Gol- old: saree wre, \ When Yeu plenty oe real Ie be U0 cubes! = aear © common sense will be more ur- gent as: well as more appropriate than ever before in these last few weeks of the year around Cihristmas and New Year's," he continues. "Stop saving seconds, save lives! With only two weeks left before Christmas, we need less hurry, less worry, and more consideration for others. And, states Mr. Doucett, "if you drive, don't drink; if you drink, don't drive." The minister and his depart- ment officials are urging every- one to do Christmas shopping early, and to stay' off the- streets as much as possible; to cut down speeds when driving .in the odor 100 dark or on slippery pavements; Es sparkle 2 Weoley 61 | and to increase watchfulness at --af ed on £1" all times whether driving or walking. ' Jor wil ROI? Tos Hon 31 of the 89 BE lise by | people Killed were pedestrians, a toy 1628, count G%peliet> | and of these 15 were over 65 Seep belie lone years of age. The only encour- 'guard aging fact in last month's pre- Telephone 23 Dundas St. N. linminary vehicle death's statis- tis is 'the decline in number of children killed in November; from 11 in November 1946, to eight in 1947, to six last month. FECTLY LOGICAL Before leaving his office to go to lunch, a real estate dealer, who was building a new house at the edge of a small England town, dispatched to the site a painter who was to find '| out when the interior house could be decorated. When PER] the real estate dealer returned from lunch he found on a desk a note which count of Joe and Fred was, your house is not yet, Si New Sewage Plant (Continued from Page 1) Oakville, stating he had never seen a more aggressive and fine spirited town. Dr. A. E. Berry, director, Div. Sanitary Engineering, Dept. of Health, . complimented Oakville giving other communities along the lake shore a lead toward purifying the streams of the province. "This plant will mean much to the development and health of this community," he said. At the close of the meeting operation of the plant would bd forwarded by the architects for publication in the local press. MILITARY HERO Walking around the barracks, the colonel noticed a long queue of men waiting outside the sta- bles. Each held a lump of sugar. "I'm glad to see you love an- imals so much," he remarked to one recruit. "I suppose the horse you're giving the sugar to is the pet of the regiment?" A. It you want to drink that's your business yi want to stop drinking can't, that's our phy; ALCOHOLICS For information phone Adelaide 7 Midway 9951 evening, , Box 1000, care thiy yp Meetings held chief duty was to back any worthwhile pro- ject such as the new plant. Dr. Murray Deans, Who was mayor when the new plant was first considered by council, out- lined the steps that had been taken to make sure the present lay-out would be the best ob- tainable. He paid tribute to Dep- uty-reeve Litchfield for the way he had carried on the project and gave it as his opinion that Oak- ville had been most fortunate when a storm had destroyed the small disposal plant near the lake. "It was a blessing in dis- guise," he stated, Dr. James Mather, MOH, and director Halton County Health unit, felt he could take no credit. "This plant was well un- der way before I arrived here," he said. "But I am most glad, as a medical health officer, to know that Oakville is so well equipped. I have never been in a com- munity which is as forward looking in the has heen done," He went on ta say that while he had come to Halton County by chance "This is the county where I want to stay and public health work." ton county, complimented the town on its progressive step. "Oakville is growing along with the rest of Ontario," he said. "It is a privilege to share with you this celebration of this great ex- tension to your municipal ser- vices," he concluded. Mayor-elect James Black Hilmer Lofquist, chairman wa- ter and light commission, also spoke. "I hope that hefore next year is over you will all be at- and tending a similar occasion this when we open our new quist. planning which || Amber 95 10 A. nd ogy i busines ANON gy or lite, Tay 724, y in Only, Mr. Darling, the architect,| «Not 'arf, sit", replied the re-' said he had enjoyed working | oruit. "He's the one what kick. with the people in Oakville, and| oq the sergeant." | atisfaction with the completed plant. Edward Barringham, presi- dent Chamber of Commerce, 3. Paid Vacations. 4. Canteen Service. 5. Bowling Alleys. 6. Bright Shop. z WANTED WAX ENGRAVERS MALE OR FEMALE Experience Not Essential We'll teach you and Here's what : 1. Permanent job on salary basis, - oh: 2. Five day (40 hr.) week. Ask For Mr. Porter Canadian Charts and Supplies Ltd, Phones 1077-1078 lost time, IN APPRECIATION of our pleasant business relations . we value this opportunity of wishing you The Season's Greetings | | do Stanley Hall, M.P.P. for Hal like | | We pumping station," said Mr, Lof- SERRE TOOKE'S FEED SERVICE OUR Interest In YOUR Hom THE FINEST OF FU e -- \ RNITURE AT THE LOWEST PRICES ANYWHERE SON New THE COMPLIMENTS OF T| HE TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS. of the DOMINION a i STORES e i Qakville

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