Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 23 Dec 1948, p. 2

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THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL PEOPLE and EVENTS Members of the Temporary Hospital committee, along with physicans and their wives, were entertained Sunday evening the nursing staf i y. Dr. D. H. Dixon acted as wa Claus to distribute par- from the gayly lit tree. Harry entertainin Party Mr care Day Mr. Murray - MacKenzie is| home from Norman Wells spend Christmas with his fam ily Mr spending Christmas | tives in Toronto. ind Mrs. Reg. Morgan are 1 held with rela- Mon- Miss Lightbourne"s - schoc their Christmas party on day NOW PLAYING "A WOMAN'S VENGEANCE" (ADULT) CHARLES BOYER -- ANN BLYTH OPENING CHRISTMAS DAY, ALSO PLAYING MONDAY, TUESDAY. MATINEE MONDAY, BOX- OFFICE OPENS 1.30 P.M. FORT APACHE WITH John Wayne Henry Fonda Shirley Temple THEATRE ACROSS. CANADA 600d ANYTIRE AT AHY oppes gia] g FR WEDNESDAY: THURSDAY: FRIDAY Unlike most children of her age, 4-year-old Lynn Armstrong Seems to have perfect rythm when it comes to chanting Christmas carols. At any rate, Mrs. Lelia Lindsay, headmistress of Lindsay House kindergarten, feels that she discovered a real songstress when she began pre- paring for the Christmas con- cert given Tuesday by her eager moppets. "Many children just can't make the words fit the tune, and at five, some are just begining to carry the tune," says Mrs. Lindsay. "But unlike most children, Lynn seems to have no difficulty in making the words and. tune work in harm- ony, and I think I have found a lovely voice In the making. Rated as an outstanding auth- ority when it comes to: early in- struction of tiny tots, Mra. Lind- sgy should know whereof she speaks. seses Mr E.T. C Biss i> cxposted home today from: British Hon- duras. csesrne The Marahalls; former- Tilary [ly of London, England Have in- vited their friends: for & House- warming in. their few home on Watson: Ave. eco The employee party Gal James: L. Cooke Company held Tuesday night at the Hotel New Murray, veawe Mr. and Mrs: LN. Milne an- nounce: the: arrival of a som at the Oakville Temporary hospit- al. Mr. and Mrs: Wor Turnbull * pr party last might. reese Dr. and Mrs: I. Strasman are spending Christmas with the laters: parents, Mr. end Mrs. John Lawrence: secon Mr. or They" S CAREY ZL 3 / you oe) _--_- bd ABBorr CoseuL0 RANKENSTEIN CENTURY THEATRE Takes Pleasure In Rasy The DARVILLE Lea CLUB FAVOURITE. Kas CAROLS For Two Nights Only, Thurs., Fri., 23-24 Dec. 9 p.m. "JOIN IN AND SING" SE Ro ECE RE RE RCEIE HE HAS BESTOWED UPON US, ONE OF THE GREATEST OF WHICH IS THE BLESSING OF FRIENDSHIP. We extend a hearty invitation to our Patrons to Weldon. has left to spend Montreal. reso Mr. John Walton is: home from Lakefield for the Christmas holidays. sess St. John's: United Church Cholr, under tire: leadership of Irven Fell, gave its annual recital of Christmas music on. Friday evening and rendered special music atthe Christmas services on Sundey morning and evening. The carols, chorales, carol an- thems. lullabys. aad cradle songs: dated from the 16th century to the present day and had their origin in various natiéns includ- ing France, Normandy, Poland, England, Sweden and. Holland. Soloists for the weekend of spe- cial music were Mrs. T. Denike, Miss Thelma Skoog, Miss Porterfield, Robert Flavelle, Murray Inkster and Bruce Don: aldson. The Junior Choir soloists were Mary Rimstead, Margaret Fell and Richard Boyd. sesso Miss Ada Riggs, wha has ser- ved as secretary to the Woman's Association of the Church of the Epiphany, Brontz, for many years, was presented with a | prayer book and hymn book by the assoclation upon retiring from the position recently. esses Mr. and Mrs. Angus Gregg are entertaining. at a joint Child. rens and Grown-up. party on Christmas Eve. oso 0 Oakville Masonic Lodge No. 400 and White Oak Chapter R. AM. held their joint Christmas party for children in the Mas- onic hall Tuesday evening. cosoe Mrs. G. Workmaster of Gar- den City, Mich, was- a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. Mor- gan. AT THIS HOLY SEASON OF THE YEAR WHEN THE WORLD CELEBRATES THE BIRTH OF THE SAVIOUR" WE THANK GOD FOR THE MANY BLESSINGS ES CE CEE SE a C0 EO CE C6 1305300830088 W.| Kindergarten room on Scores of happy youngsters enjoyed the annual Christmas party arranged by Branch 114, of the Canadian Legion, on Tuesday evening, when Santa Claus presented a welcome fore- taste of things to come as he put in a brief appearance to dis- tribute gifts. 850s Mr. James Chisholm is spend- Ing the Christmas season at his bome here. sans Miss Dorothy Perdue is home from the University of Western Ontario to spend Christmas with her family. canes Pupils of Pineview school were entertained at a Christmas party by the Angela Chapter, I.O.D.E. This is the Chapter"s adopted school. A program of carols and recita- tions was presented by the pu- pils, after whieh gifts and candy were distributed from a gaily decorated Christmas tree. The girls received Barbara Ann Scott skating caps and mitts made by members of the Chap- ter, while the boys received mitts and earmuffs, Ice cream, ginger ale and cookies were ser- ved by a committee convened by Mrs, Lloyd Lunua, comprising Mrs, Bruce Colville, Mrs. Roy Was | Irwin, and Mrs. Hamilton Smith, Regent Mrs. Eyre Davis thanked the youngsters for their pro- gram. Bruce vee Miss Kiddermaster of London Ontario who has recently re- turned from a visit to England hs been spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. M. Auden. Peene A craft display by members of the Arts and Crafts was on exhibit last Saturday at the Biv. ate. Master Angus McMillan is home from hospital in Toronto but will be confined to bed for some time. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Te Graeme Dovenor entertained a group of fourteen friends at a Christmas house party last Sat- urday night. s2eow A Sol M. Wartzel Frodvein Rateased by 20M Centar. Fe AND AS AN ADDED HIT Wh HEATHER ANGEL GALA KIDDIES CHRISTMAS PARTY FREE SHOW -- GIFTS -- FUN FRIDAY, 2 P.M. DECEMBER 24 ADMISSION BY TICKET AGES 6-10 ONLY THEATRE ACROSS CANADA Arete PETS on 500D ANYTIHE AT ANY ODEON PERE om Be ow Little Janet Dunn lebrated her fifth birthday with a party. Among the Bronte tots who at- tended were Patsy Reburn, Su- san and Nancy Hill, Herby and Danny McLeod, and Dennis and Stephen Madden. seca The Club Five Point were en- tertained with a Christmas party at the residence of Mr. Allan Belyea on Monday eve- ning. = sw The staff of Bronte Public School extended the - heartiest season's greetings to parents, guardians and pupils, following a Christmas party held in the Wednes- day morning. CCRC 'Walton Memorial Church held their annual Christmas party for the children last Thursday evening in the Sunday school Toom. - cess The Ernie St. Mars are enter- taining on Sunday afternoon. * DEE The C. P. Jenneys entertained on Saturday night before the Oskville club supper. Teves Arnold Banfield held a stag party for the working members of his hospital pubicity commit- tee on Saturday night. ss een The Ab Wilcoxs entertained Toronto friends on Sunday. ssn sn Ken MacTaggart will spend Christmas in Bethleham. He left to make the trip by air last wesle. somes The J. A. Whalens entertain- ed last night. HEE FOR FURTHER ENJOYMENT | ON THE SAME BILL FRANCES RAFFERTY And Introducing LARRY OLSEN as CURLEY § Produced by ROBERT F. McGOWAN Directed by BERNARD CARR Released thru UNITED ARTISTS MAY YOU HAVE A JOYFUL CHRISTMAS KEENAN'S SMOKE and CARD SHOP This Store will remain closed f: 2 ee rom Dec. 24 to Tues.

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