Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 23 Dec 1948, p. 3

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ETE TE TE TE Ire gre gee See vee aver Coe ITTEINTES Q raday, December' 25, 1948 ursday, _ In the Woman's W ist Christmas Party In Adopted Country Pleases New Canadians [own was the setting Per Te one of the Oakville Tag Christmas when more than 100 rom all parts of were en at a EC ristmas party by mem- ® i the Angela Bruce and * Onl Chapters, LO.D.E. A ember of interest res- Fe "raved the inclement Finer to take part in {he fes- fities. entre of interest was a huge Mma tree provided by Oli- uek and decorated by the fee with glittering lights, Mrs. C. Lloyd- of the district committee, the which rope mit bay and gifts es, convenor DE. immigration fed os chairman during ertainment program, (ured folk songs of many fropean lands. Latvian and lich groups, clad in colorful ve costume were enthusia- ally received, as were a Pol- orchestra and talented sol- Ss A timely message dealing fi the significance of Christ- was delivered by Mrs. Ry- New, past national LODE. itbsident aried handicrafts of the new bucks made up an outstand- exhibit which featured em- fiery, lnitting, leatherwork, Bi: coving and weaving. Of ficlar interest was a village fin modelled in paper, while bistmas centrepieces and Dutch wooden shoes filled flowers were much admired. A gaily colored afghan, made by the girl's knitting class, will be sent to a child's hospital in a European displaced persons camp. Deep appreciation of the efforts of LODE) members. was voiced by Peter Latensteen, a member of the Dutch group. On behalf of the town, Mayor- elect James Black welcomed the new Canadians, while Max Le- gatt, Oakville Rotary Club pre. sident, extended an invitation for the group to be the club's gucsts on Jan. 24. Dave Farley, mayor of Teen Town, was in chuige of the music for dancing. Assisting Mrs. Lloyd Jones on the immigration committee were Mrs. New, Mrs. H. C. Ri kahy, Mrs. Eyre Davis, Mis. W. M. Copeland, Mrs. James Roberts, Mrs. J. A. Bell, Mrs. Ralph Young, Jr, Mrs. W. H. Moore, Mrs. Blair Ferguson, Mrs, M. Wimperley and Mrs. Carl Wynd- ham. with TO THE POINT One of the shortest letters on record was written by a N. Y. renter in response to his land- lord's notice to vacate the housc at once. Aware of his rights under state regulations, the renter replied: "Sir: "I remain, "Yours truly." The greatest buy of all time So much beauty... so much de- peadability , ,, 30 much value! Yes, Gruen gives you all three! Picured here ase the famous, sucionally adverdsed Veri-Thin models for men and women, a¢ a teurkably low price. 4 J . Ch ong 18 Hose of £verythin? ZN 2 Nm FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE THIS BTORE WILL REMAIN OPEN FROM 9 A.M. TILL 9 P.M. UNTIL CHRISTMAS BUY NOW PAY NEXT YEAR TRY sT RED, New Toronto -- Ookvie 4 Arngsiton. THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Hello Homemakers! Come the holidays and youre all set for plenty of food, plenty of com- pany, plenty of fun but also for plenty "of work. However, as- sign the small jobs and errands to other members of the family and get them started = early. Here are some wonderful menus and a brief calendar for Christmas week. With definite plans in mind and helpers to de- pend on, you'll be in the mood to enjoy a real holiday with your family and friends. Christmas Eve Family Snacks Chicken Livers on Tea biscuits, Celery and Carrot fingers, Cook- ies and Tea. Christmas Breakfast Cranberry juice, sausage and scrambled egg, fruit scones, marmalade, coffee. i Christmas Dinner Oysters on the Half Shell Cream of Tomato Soup Cheese wafers, melba toast Roast Chicken with Celery stuffing, Giblet gravy Pickled Crabapples, Currant Jelly Glazed Sweet Potatoes Green Beans Harvard Beets Poinsettia Salad Plum Pudding, Coffee Gherkins Custard Sauce Buffet Supper Cold Sliced Ham, Jellied ton- gue, potato salad Jellied Cranberry, Assorted relishes celery Appleby At Home With Scotch pine ating, banks of evergreen boughs provided a Christmas Setting for the 'annual At Home held at Appleby College last Friday evening. School colours also found their way into the decoration motif in canopies of streamers swirling- from the rafters of the school gym, while a.gaint tree blazed with lights of Appleby's light and dark TOWN TAXI "Drive With Safety" PHONE 1026 predomin- blue. Some 220 guests were receiv- ed by Headmaster J. A. M. Bell and Mrs. Bell, assisted by Mrs. Q. P. Bellingham, president of the Appleby Mothers' Assn. and Mr. Bellingham. Dancing fol- lowed the reception, after which a buffet supper was served. 1 cup raisins 1 cup currants 11% cups flour 1 tsp. baking soda Y: tsp. salt Mix and sift dry ingredients, then mix all together, Fill greas- ed mold 2/3 full. Cover loosely with parchment paper, -place in steamer and steam a full three hours. You may add 1 tsp. cin- namon, 1% tsp. nutmeg, % tsp. cloves if you liked it spiced, or add 1 tsp. almond flavouring, Y% cup chopped blanched al monds and the same of mixed peel. For a still richer pudding add % cup each of glazed cher- ries, chopped candied peel, and chopped dates. In either case add an extra tbsp. of flour to the mixture. It's a foolproof pudding so develop your own special | brand. When Poverty dies, And Peace is born; Godspeed the Light-- We approach the Dawn Fruit cake and tea. MONDAY-- Order perishables Check Grocery list Clean Silver TUESDAY -- Make Mince Tarts Bake Holiday Cookies Make Steamed Pudding WEDNESDAY-- Mold Christmas Salad Prepare Pudding Sauce Prepare Salad Greens Cook Salad Dressing THURSDAY. Decorate the House Make Jellied Tongue Bake Sponge Cakes FRIDAY Clean and Stuff Fowl Make Potato Salad and Poin- settia_Salad Cherry Ice Cream Order any extra supplies. HOT CHEESE WAFERS package snappy cheese 4 cup sifted all-purpose flour 3% cup butter Work all the ingredients to- gether with your hands. Make into small balls, place on un- greased pan, flatten down with the palm of your hand. Chill a half hour. Bake in a moderately hot oven, 400 degs. 7 to 10 min- utes. Sprinkle with paprika. Makes about 12. These are ex- tremely good and will keep in tie refrigerator indefinately. FLUFFY CUSTARD SAUCE Scald 1 cup milk. Separate 2 eggs, beat yolk with fork, add 2 tablespoons sugar and few grains salt. Gradually add the scalded milk. Place in double boiler over hot water. Cook, stirring constan- tly until mixture thickens, about 8 minutes; cool. Beat egg Whites until stiff; fold into cooled cus- tard with 1 tsp. vanilla. CARROT PUDDING 1 cup grated raw carrot 1 cup grated raw potato ° 1 cup chopped suet 1 cup brown sugar Sponge cake, cherry ice cream May the glow of the Can- dles at Christmas-time bring the light of hope, the flame of faith and the warmth of Good Fellow: ship to all MERRY CHRISTMAS Loydia (George : FOSTER"S VICTORY RESTAURANT The multi-colored lights which adorn your Christmas tree will be reflect- ed, we hope, in the radiance of your joy through all the years to follow. And may the happy surprises which await you mark the beginning of a future which will be filled with good health, good will, good luck and a pack of happiness to last a lifetime over. We thank you sincerely for your past patronage and look forward-to serving you to your complete satis- faction in the New Year. SEASON'S GREETINGS TO ONE AND ALL

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