Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 23 Dec 1948, p. 8

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THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, December, 9 " Page 8 3 act to insults as gf peo © frequenters of ey YOWIng over beer To call a man a rat prove anything man thus insulted; i [x to brove something: agi, man who uses the tery, and howl for the blood of some- body or 'other are rather taken aback when they see their home- ly profanities exchanged by men upon whom they have conferred honor and responsibility. They expect such leaders to be able to control their temper. ion, prize fights and ball games| They do not expect tp, 2 beverag, County Commentary BURLINGTON ACTON New Power Unit Hydro engineers recently con- ducted a survey of the Acton system, with a view toward in- § © ro 5 Forty-Niner" Stirling - Dynes is Tailess Tabbies againg; Although residents of the El- L gin St-Burlington Ave. area em- phatically maintain their feline NY | ee SE > MILTON i Burlinglon and District ~~ Fruit wy $0 a | and Vegetable Growers Assn. Sha IR a | ¥ B 8 11 Fil ) | ; a 3 business fol : ; | US SCihecuie Fed bc pene Err Ee SRT Ln Apply. in person to Chief Operator { i . were elected vice-presidents, ana| SOUncil named W. S. Hall as i Ny Leaves Kerr St. Leaves Dundas St. William Johnson was named as| iS representative on the Oak- I 1 0a.m. : 9.40 a.m. Secretary-treasurer. afin; Trig Schon! sal The Bell Telephone Co. of Can, £ i 7.40 a.m. 10.40 a.m. Apply To Board to; the BING on None, Boas : 8.10 a.m. > Mayor Norman Craig has an- He i Oakville | ) 12.00 -- and N. L. Pickett to the North i 9.10 a.m. STOP AT " nounced council will make ap-| maton area board | 13 10.10 a.m. ALL 1.10 p.m. lication to the Board of Trans- : i P i { 11.10 a.m. CORNERS 2.10 p.m. port Commissioners for a pedes- GEORGETOWN ee | 1 2.40 p.m. ON ROUTE trian right-of-way across Bur- Warden's Dinner i : v -- | | = 2 > 2 BOUTS 3.10 p.m. lington beach, Certain recom-| Warden George Cleave acted 2.40 2 2 To 4.10 p.m. mendations will be made to that|as host at the annual warden's i ; 2 2 } 2.201. mi. 50pm body as to the best sites, and if| dinner in the Legion Hall, at T All oO P i 1 3.40 p.m. SPRUCE I these are allowed, Mr, Craig|which Gordon Graydon, M.P. for o ur atrons 6.10 p.m. i Ie 4.40 p.m. To 10pm. feels a satisfactory settlement Peel County, was the guest speak- | \ 5.40 p.m. REYNOLDS 7.10 p.m. of the problem will be forthcom-| er. Some 150 guests attended THE } 6.40 p.m. 8 D101. ing. the banquet, during which Mr. ; § i San on Eon Cleave received an easy chair : 9.10 p.m. NE] and footstool from hi; il . . i iif il 10.10 p.m. nD Janamanie mazed. J oociatenr no ee Merriest Christmas {RE 9.40 p.m. Fire which broke out early bi ; last Sunday morning completely WEEKLY EDITORIAL | | f OAKVILLE BUS LINES destroyed an- old Nelson land- Undignified Conduct AND i mark, the corner store owned by| Such epithets as scab, louse : } ag H. S. Roy, Awakening at 3.30(and swine, when exchanged pub- I ie to smell smoke, Mr. Roy dashed |licly by public men do mot fall H N Y s I into his store to find flames | pleasantly on ears of the Can. appy ew ear a | D. > a blazing merrily under the main|adian people. They rather ex- Cel < 3 counter. Three fire departments|pect debate to be conducted on i Ii i: PEFreC OIF arrived quickly on the scene, but|a higher plane. They' may use It i il T. S. H. GILES McMILLAN & ISARD oo an mn SETI the words themselves and they i | Real Estate and Insurance Barristers - Solicitors am was estimated at $12,| oY imagine that public men E | 130 Colborne Street Bast Notaries Public 000. oe them in private conversa- : il 2 McMillan John F. Isard on, i Qaitville - - - - Phone 532 (Angus Mc; Bit th A i es oon ni ey expect something 19 Melinda St. alborng Siresh Bas more dignified of the citizens! | Todd pets are not descended from a yodelling species, a remarkable epidemic of tail cutting of cats has broken out recently in that sector of town. Tabby owners GAKVILLE 1060 are up in arms since three neigh- bourhood pussies have crept home minus the major portions of 'their posterior projections, and are vowing vehement ven- geance upon the culprit, if and when apprehended, Says the Burlington Gazette: "This is an amazing thing, and 'we are sure if the guilty party stops to think for a moment, he will not again be unkind to a defenceless cat, even if he is annoyed oceasion- ally by their howling at night." Gallagher Heads Growers Howard Gallagher was named president for the coming year as stalling a 2,000 KVA transform- er station in the eastern section of the town. Although details of their plan have yet to be releas- ed, it is expected the station would be ready for use by July of next year. Those Tanners Again . Sports enthusiasm reached a riffic Tanners continued to hold new peak in Acton as the ter- their place in the forefront of the round robin tourney race for the Tost Memorial trophy. Rated as the best club the town has faced in several years, the Tan- ners are attracting a wide mea- sure of fan support, and resi- dents are already forecasting a group title for their club this winter. Telephone Operators In Oakville Ex - Operators or New Employees FOR Regular, Part Time or Occasional Work --Burlingtoy, Gaza) -- Mel's Soda Bar fh bak | | Toreuto - - - - Adelaide 2761| Telephone Oakville 532 they have honored by election to | Evening: - Oakville 712 CARPENTRY C L U B 2 0 Lepichature or Parliament. Even 4 ; REPAIRS - ALTERATIONS ose members of the public DR. MAURICE E. LUNA KITCHEN CUPBOARDS By Marion Languay which attend wrestling exhibit- hysician £ Surgeon No Job Too Small - iid Office Hours: CALL-- It is not often that success z ! Afternoon -- 1.30 - 4.00 A.S. WRIGHT Tepeats itself to the degree that |e RRR EEE E Ji Evenings -- 7.00 - 8.30 Call 97-3 Evenings the annual Club "200 oremnl Lg or Ly appointment L. F. CLEMENT did last Saturday night. The i Phone 500 number of couples expected was : -- i Church and Thomas Sts. |HOME ELECTRIC approximated by the tickets x Hg ------ = >= | Commercial Sales & Service| sola and reservations made, but IN ORDER THAT OUR STAFF MAY FULLY ENJOY THE I 1 a AT THE En Pgh Products this. tabulation proved quite 1A BARGAIN COUNT Iron Fireman Heating Units [wrong, Many couples arrived 7 | 1 Cobos or Tare ALL 2 itnodt this. formality 'and. we CHRISTMAS SEASON OUR YARD AND KERR ST. OFFICE WILL Hie You cen buy: Pianos, Gram- Household Appliances are more than | a ophones, Health Ray Artic- PHONE 265-M happy to re- il les. r'urniture, Stoves, Guns, Sheddon Avenue port tha fi Ranges," Skates, Clocks, their needs as § BE CLOSED FROM THURSDAY EVE- i Books, Lamps. and Trunks. PAINTING & DECORATING far as tables 5 | Many useful articles New en Sa NING, DECEMBER 23rd UNTIL'TUES- : LE i Se ments were nn THOMAS-H. EASTON | mari cea vie. DAY MORNING, DECEMBER 28th Barrister - Solicitor Phone: "Port Credit 4206 | toria Hall r : ony ey OUR DOWNTOWN STORE WILL BE 1 an EEE howe. of oo 69 4 Sl. COMMERCIAL and spruce, OPEN DECEMBER 24th Telephone Oalville 1304 DOMESTIC SEE [ANTIQUE TREASURES | WIOTRICAL SERVICE pias the : ; Ic med the appearance for an Novy Baounted CONTRACTORS, evening of the Yuletide cracker, Dundas Highway (No. 5) Gord Brown | 12d within its four walls an as | and 6th Line Phone 1059 Oakville | YS! Untabulated number of gaily 4 West of Trafalgar - Four Miles|-------------- aa si oy TEE | from Oakville CARLTON GREEN net | -- PHONE 407-W-1 -- Sostaopath Rn. a LEE CL TR AAR © 1 Division Street t RL = i | With a. sprinkling of that tango Hi ! INTERIOR ; EIA By Appointments: Phone 826 myn that is so well received. | 1 ainting and Paper Hangi Evenings, We -.| Frances Wright vocalized o ) Hi (re Furniture Refinished Like New a > Ta aE | I il Plywood Lime - Oak Finish | 1000 Saturday and Sunday. [1 por, with deep feeling, that il i Guaranteed Workmanship GRADING oo oo SR from more Ii an the male half of the aud- bi Phone 1124 ss] R. H. TROWBRIDGE |ience. lak ig = Bo President of the Club, Jack Tv E ar ALE W. Wilson, acted as M.C. during tha GENERAL INSURANCE ; intermission and made public H. S. THORNTON _ Phone Cooksville 185 R 18 | the engagements of John Gar. Phone 874 BILL ANDERSON side and Joan Moulding, Barbara \eshore West, = Oakville| RADIO - APPLIANCES Wurburton and Bill Ockenden, Alix Sales & Servi ruce Skeffington and "Bobbie! ROSS RYRIE Phone 521M Adams. Congratulations all! SEE SAL 5 Among the older crowd pre- Barer re Dunn St. North - Oakville | sent were Mr. and Mss. Max. Notary Public H. D. SEWELL Leggatt, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hun- Office: Colborne St. N ter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright, Tel. Oakville 65 ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR (Mr, and Mus. E. Farrow and Mr. Residence - Tel. Clarkson 111 ille - and Mrs. H. Lofquist. Een Qakvills - Phone 1257.J, Suen splendid reports Have Sic OAKVILLE LANDSCAPE Peer received from those attend- Accounting and Auditing, SERVICE na Termal, as to its success, Susiness Systems Installed. | Landscaping - Rockeries - Sodding | fre ox, Club's committee ol ! e late nights spent in prepara- Inccme: Tax Returns Evergreen Trees - Roses - Ete. | tion were well worth it = Office above Black's Grocery R. N. F. NIELSEN May we extend particular ap- = c £.0. Box 402 Phone Oakville 1294-W-12 | preciation to those boys who so TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS . . . . = Hain. 7:5452 - Oakville 1268) irs prosrmumy PRAGIICE | Lil, (L482 the checking and E ushering, and to Mrs. Seddon Body and Fender Repairs of the late who managed the distribution of i ve Car._Repainting HAUGHTON C. LAIRD refreshments for another year in The Compliments of the Season- Expert Workmanship - Free is being continue such a fine manner. -- 5 d by Bstmates CARSTEN GLAHN SH 5 CLARK'S SERVICE CENTRE Optometrist - Optician JERAY, STAVISVIOS ey oh rae FOR APPOINTMENT During a recent bridge game J 5 dbl op ob in Stirling, Scotland, four play- = = 0 ; olborne St. W. Phone 1375 ers were dealt the same 13 cards e ak Ville umoer (0) imite Beside B-A Station, W. of Bridge [178 Colborne St. Oakville | twice on the same night. The y Mn odds against that coincidence , : ' J d are. 85000,000,000,000,000,000, ARDS: KERR ST. N. PHONE 1280 4 A rep CH 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, : ourna vertising Pays Dividends 000,000 to one. si

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