Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 30 Dec 1948, p. 2

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i sia JOURNAL PEOPLE and EVENTS Tremblay the Mr. and Mrs. Dan journeyed to North Bay for Christmas week-end. Toronto from guests Irs, Dick George, entertained at an y Sunday evening, Some GO Miss Barbara Tilley, nurse in Hamilton and Oakville attended raining at the Royal Victoria an unusual house party | Hospital, Montreal, flew home the home of M o visit her parents, Mr. and holm, with Misses Mary and| Freq Tilley, Dundas Sts over \¢ y Ch: and Miss Bal-( the week-end, S An out: 2a Standing feature of an evening np. ang Mrs, William Shears of dancing and novel games WSS|i,g son spent Christmas with the presentation of Rae Purdy, gional in Tillsonburg. 2 original creator of the "Out of) es the Night' air show, whose an-| : ecdotes in the dim, candle-lit| setting lent an eery touch to the otherwise light and festive oc-|s casion. Picnic-style box re-appeared at this panty, lunches Miss ret McCleary last week for Florida, and M Mary McCleary is holidaying Ottawa. ev dian left| New Year's Eve dance tomorrow Mrs. Bronte Br Legion ening in with Norman Gill and his orches- | tra in attendance. Jean Sullivan pent the week-end in the London rea, and Dixie ranch of the are holding Cana- their the community hall, 41 ES SHED IN A SINGLE SEASON: INSIDE. ABouf 30,000,000 up fo PREVIOUSLY GASOLINE. WAS STORES. By R J; SCOTT' 10 uc STATION. IN HE WORLD WAS OPENED Al ST.LOUIS MISSOURI, IN 1995. SOLD IN GROCERY VERY ELASTIC RABBIT SWELLS 2' Bb AMAZING RAs SKIN IS A LY FROM RESSURE IF EN GREAT] HEIGHTS IN AN |} J ARFLANE. TOWN TAXI "Drive With Safety" PHONE 1626 LAST TIMES TO-DAY AND FR!DAY Abbott & Costello Meet FRANKENSTEIN FRED ASTAIRE Sn 3 5 2 Yen? Gala New Year's Eve Midnite TICKETS NOW ON SALE FOR MIDNITE FROLIC ALSO PLAYING SATURDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY IRVING BERLIN'S Easter Parade - JUDY GARLAND PETER LAWFORD -- ANN MILLER IN TECHNICOLOR IN Wednesday - Thursday 3 J. ARTHUR RANK PRESENTS MARGARET LOCKWOOD DENNIS PRICE, IAN HUNTER, JOAN CRAWFORD "The White Unicorn" Mrs. Fred Rogers is in. St. Joseph's Hospital, Hamilton, re- covering from an operation and Mrs, A. E, Fitzgerald is in Oak- ville Temp. Hospital suffering from a severe attack of bronchi tis. Boron e ow Mr. Willard Skoog, Delhi, was a Christmas guest with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, A. Skoog. Riles Miss Grace Merry, of Toronto, spent Christmas with Mrs. W. T. Merry. Mrs. J. H, McBain and Miss Dorothy McBain enjoyed Christ- mas with friends in Toronto, bron Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey entertained Christmas eve, did Mr, and Mrs. H. C. Merry, Pa Bide Mr. and Mrs. A. Tripp had as their guests, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Ganton of Clarkson, on Monday. PEER Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Mac- Arthur travelled to Napanee for Christmas. wren x Friends of Fire Chief Fred Shaw, who has been confined to hospital, are hoping for a speedy recovery, EE Guests of Mrs. W. L. Mac- Donald for the Christmas week- end were Mrs. V. Hall and Mr. Ted Hinton of Toronto. fxrwer Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bowen of Bronte have moved into: their new home in Oakville. Fab Mrs, MacArthur and Miss Is abel MacArthur who are visiting, Dr. and Mrs. Cam MacArthur! are being entertained today at a tex given by Mrs. J. Tomlinson, Sr. tx ox won Mrs. J. Mitchell is entertain- ing on New Years eve, - sx s os Mr. and Mrs. J. Oliver enter- tained on Wednesday night. Aaa Among Bronte residents spending the Christmas holi- days out of 'town are. Mrs. D. Dougan, in Newburgh; Mr, and Mrs. R. Hunt in Toronto; Mr. and 'Mrs. R. Gilliam in Hamil- ton; Mrs. M. J. Churchill in Staffa; Mrs, Wallace in Ailsa Craig; and Mr. K. Hogan in Tor- onto. xxx s ue Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sander- son and Mrs. E, Mackintosh spent the Christmas week-end with Mrs. James Shields. xxx Col. and Mrs. H. Wethey, who spent Christmas with Mrs. H. L. Wethey, have returned to King- ston, Mr. Douglas Hannah, a nep- hew of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Leaver, flew from Dayton, Ohio, to spend the Christmas season here. The trip required only four hours by air. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cleleand have moved into the former lakeshore home of Mrs. G. Rob- inson. EE Mr. R. A. Hopkins, as Vice President of District No, 9 of the Ontario Public School Men Teachers' Federation is attend- ing the Provincial Executive in Toronto this week. xan os Mr, Freeman Bray was re- moved" to Oakville Hospital on as| Christmas suffering a heart at- tack, but was able to return to his home on Monday. Mr. Allan Bray suffered a second heart at- tack on the same day and is re- ported to be seriously ill in the hospital. cess Pte. F, McLaughlin of the Air Training School at Rivers, Man., was a guest of his sister, Mrs, Allen Elliott, and his mother, Mrs. McLaughlin of Milton. Teses Among the many Oakvilleites planning parties for the New Year's eve are the Noel Eaton's, Cam MacArthurs, Ab. Fallans and the Angus Greggs. ese Particularly impressive is the "Nine Lessons and Carols" ser- vice which takes place each Christmas season in St. Jude's Anglican Church, with rector, choir and congregation all tak- ing part. Carols of French, Po- lish, Ukranian, and Netherlands origin have a place along with the traditional English hymns, while the reading of the nine les- sons tells the Christmas story step by step. Of special interest to the younger members of the congregation is the story of St. Nicholas. This service was taken from sources ancient and modern by Archbishop Benson for ca- thedral use, the lessons which tell the "Redemption story being read in order from choristsr fo Bishop. The service at St. Jude's has been adapted for use on a simpler scale than the original A ventriloquist negro funeral unknown mourners. Afterward, them told another what happened at the cemetery. "You won't believe it, Mose," the narrator said, still wild-eyed, "but when dey begins to lowah Joe in his grave, he says, "Lemme down easy, boys." "And did dey 'finish burying him 2" "Man, ah don't didn't stay." aftended a to the know. Ah . . Obituaries . . AGNES S. WYNDHAM Private funeral services were held Tuesday for Mrs. Agnes Sarah Wyndham, who died Sun-|1g day following a prolonged ill- ness, Widow of the late William B:|Dj Wyndham, former principal of the Oakville high school, Mrs. Wyndham was horn in Streets- ville. A resident of Oakville for more than 30 years, she was a member of St. John's United Church, and was at one time active in the work of the Wo- men's association and the Wo- men's Missionary society. Dur- ing her earlier years here, she was also active in the White Oak 1st 2nd Tuesday, Thursday, Decemp, 20 1 District Activ; ti Optomits (yy, Rt 2nd and 4th Mondays, New Murray 17,0 | Lions Qup t and 81d Thursday, Teen Town Ia} Ro Meeting eyey 7 p.m. Teen Town 4] Town Counc 1st and 8rd Mondays, Council Champ ™ Township Coun, Ci t Monday, 10 am, yn Hall i Public School Bg 8 pm, Chambers High School nner Ong] Area Boy Chapter, LODE. and the Oak-| 3rd Tuesdays, § pn, Coungy ville and District Red Cross So- 4 Chambers ciety. ranch 114, Can, Ly Surviving are four sons, Carl|1lSt Fridays, 8 pm Clu and Jack, of Oakville; Paul of| White Oak Chapter, 1; New York; and Max in Bigland; 1st Thurs, afternoon, Teg ot one daughter, Mrs. Donald J.| Angela Bruce Chapter, |, po Gladman (Nan) of Winnipeg. | 1st Tuesday night, Tee -- MARY BURNELL Rev. Fred Jackson officiated yesterday at funeral services for Mrs. Mary Burnell, wife of the late G. J. C. Burnell, who died cg, Sunday while spending Christ- mas at the Leaside home of her son. She was in her 81st year, 2nd Wed. night, We, be Westwood Friendly cing, stwood oy W. C. T. vu, i Tuesday st 3 p.m, Christian Scien Oakville and Distriot Ruy Red ntral Workroom, every ne m day, 10 am. to 3 p TT Born in England, Mrs. Burnell [J came to Canada 36 years ago, and had been an Oakville resi- dent for some 20 years. A mem- ber of the Church of England, she was predeceased by her hus- band six years ago. Services were held from the funeral home of S. S. Russell and Son, with interment taking place in St. Jude's cemetery, Surviving are seven sons, Bert, Stanley, Frank, Thomas and Charles, of Toronto, and Harold and Artie, in England; and two daughters, Mrs. William _Bam- ber (Violet) and Mrs. E. A. Dan- iels (Ivy), of Oakville. Alsa sur- viving are 80 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. R. A, Hopkins and sons Bobbie and Jackie spent several days and Christ- mas at the home of Mrs. Hop- kins' parents, Mr. and Mrs. F, G. Wiman, Peterborough. an Dr. and Mrs. Soanes enter- tained recently at their new home, "Magnolia Manor". - REMEMBER . Dunn's Drug Store Still Offers the Speediest Photo Finishing Service in Oakville All work brought in by 4:00 p.m. will be ready the next day by 1:00 pn, PHOTO FINISHING by the UNIQUE ART STUDIO TORONTO Dunn's Drug Store PHONE 650 over the past twelve months (BYERS' DRUG PHONE 47 As we approach the new year, 1949, we look back associations with our customers and friends of Oak- ville and district, we pause now from our daily bus- iness routine to wish you one and all Happy New Year DAVID J. RUSSELL, Phm.B. and recall the pleasant COMPANY) OAKVILLE To All in Oakville and District A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ... AND THAN KS A MILLION For Another Banner - ® Year KEENAN"S SMOKE and CARD SHOP ft:

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