Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 30 Dec 1948, p. 5

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daily hank dur- con- uring past you fair fhursday, a bsters have usually more ten- [Small lobste i ed lobsters usually cook at about 20 minutes. fice lobsters may need one-half hour's than do large ncring point in al Ging na then there was the Rey- who chirped his wife should be in par- good at . resident nt--she's sO December 30, 1948 in- Frequently during the last few years, the inquiry has heen expressed amongst music "Why don't we have a choral society here in Oakville?" And from discussion that usually fol- lowed, it was clearly evident that a considerable number of peo- ple were much interested in the idea. Chief difficulty, up to the present, has been the lack of a sponsoring authority who could find the ways and means to ad- minister the details of organ- izing and promoting a choral society. It is well known lovers that one of LYDIA GEORGE LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR -i-= ACCESSORIES MILLINERY Phone 738-W Colborne Street 'When you care to a trained you know you are getting the best treaty entrust ment. 'When you entrust riptions to us, can but the best. YOUR REXALL STORE Oakville Drug Co. Limited PHONE 94 Len Hope, Mgr. he sure of "your hurse your § you nothing FRESH DRUGS COMPOUNDED "BY QUALIFIED PHARMACISTS Oakville Propose Formation Of Town - Choral Group, Fell To Direct the objectives of the' Oalville Arts and Crafts Inc. is the ad. vancing of local culture ever possible. There is no doubt Whatever that a choral society here in town would be a- source of tremendous stimulation to those who are interested in mus- ical art. Therefore, it is but nat- ural that the responsible auth- orities in the Arts and Crafts should listen with sympathetic understanding when reports of these discussions were brought to them, Further, it is only to be expected that the Arts.and Crafts would support such a project if it seemed feasible. Therefore, it is with much pleasure and satisfaction that the Music Group of the Arts and Crafts, with the approval of the Board of Directors, announce the decision to sponsor a choral [| Society here in Oakville. - It is expected that rehearsals will commence on Wednesday, Jan- uary 12th, 1949, and also that a concert will be given sometime in April. The exact time and place of rehearsals will be announced early in the New Year. The committee has be very fortunate in securing the services of Mr. Irven Fell, who will direct and train the choir. Mr. Fell has?a great knowledge of music and a great love for it. He was a member of the famous Mendelssohn Choir of Toronto under the late Dr, H A. Fricker for over! ten years and has been associated with various other choral organiza- tions for close to forty years, either as 'member, director, or soloist. Well-known to the peo- ple of Oakville as he is, the Committee feels that the choice is. a happy one. Mr. Fell does mot plan to choose a heavy type of music this year. Rather, the program is to be broad in character, simple and interesting in style so that it may be pleasing to every musical taste. The sup- port of all music lovers in Oak- ville is anticipated, and per- sons who have had choral ex- perience are particularly asked to apply for membership, How- ever, previous experience is not necessary, and it is hoped that all those who believe they can sing will attend the opening rehearsals on January 12, 1949. Time and place of the rehearsal will be announced later. SNTARIO MOTORISTS Under an amendment to the Hi Was made The method prescribed for creating the Fund is the collection of a special fee, when required, from each person to whom is issued either an operator's or a * chauffeur's license. Although to date no fees have been collected from those operating motor vehicles, the legislation has been in effect since the 1st of July, 1947, and Many judgments have been paid by the Department pending the creation of the Fund. Effective with thy to whom is is; Judgment Fu, the Unsatisf This is not an annual fee and no further fee will be collected from motor for this purpose until the Fund is exhausted or so nearly so 7 that there is not sufficient in the Fund to pay judgments for a perio €e year. vehicle drivers to indicate of at least on ONTARIO NOTICE Re Unsatisfied Judgment DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Fund Fee e issue of 1949 motor vehicle operators' and chauffeurs' licenses, an additional fee of 50 cents (50c) will be collected from each person sued a 1949 license, which fee will be known as the Unsatisfied nd fee and will be set aside solely for the purpose of creating ed Judgment Fund. ONTARIO GEO. H. DOUCETT, Minister ghway Traffic Act enacted in 1947, provision for the creation of an Unsatisfied Judgment Fund out of which will be paid, in the manner prescribed, judgments for personal injuries and Property damage sustained by reason: of the operation of motor vehicles; which cannot be collected in the ordinary manner from the judgment debtors. 'when- Hello Homemakers! There are more single gloves around | our house than pairs of gloves. Of |' course four women each losing one glove every so often demon- strates extravagances. However, We are making novel bazaar and birthday gifts with these, and it's like money in a piggy bank, Here are the ideas: 1. Cut a two inch band from a wide cuff to make one arm band for milady's blouse. Line it with red satin and put elastic through tor make it look like the one they sell in USA for $5.95. 2. Lapel novelties may be. fash- ioned from leather gloves into miniature dolls, animals, and rugby balls or other favourite sporting goods. Stuff with cot- ton batting or use pinking shears for the double flat ones. 3. Pin cushions. 4. Bean bags, 5. Corners for desk pads and calendars. For those who haven't any old gloVes to make into novel gifts, perhaps there are odd pieces of fabrics that can be made into modern accessories. At a recent fashion show we saw a smart belt pieced together with velve- teen and serge in 3-inch rectan- gles and white sequins sewn on domino patterns, Using the back of a summer pullover, a dickie can be made for a winter suit. For warmth, use two thicknesses of material and quilt it. Hoods are still popular and can be made from short wool skirts or from upholstery end material. Stitch an interdining close or use a top stitching af- ter the cap has been sewn and turned right: side out since the edge of the hood may curl back. To make slippers from an old felt hat is not difficult. Cut the hat wp the back to the crown, steam, press flat and scrub with a brush dipped i Then use a sults or buy insoles that can be sewn. From top to toe there are ideas for using out-dated ma- terials in modern yet practical gifts, COOKING HINTS Used canned cream soups for sauces often. Never let them hoil --only heat hot enough to eat. Blend flour into meat juices, then add hot water to make the Dest brown gravy quickly. A' layer cake may be balked in 35 minutes at 375 degrees, while the same batter in a square tin Tequires 55 minutes at 350 de. rees. Bake a meat loaf 'mixture in muffin tins for even servings and it cooks quickly this way. Scalloped potatoes made with a hot cream sauce requires only half the baking time. Shred cabbage, turnips and beets on a slicer and using a small amount of water, cook the Vegetables in fifteen or twenty minutes depending upon the amount. turnovers are quickly baked than heavy fruit pies and baked on a jelly roll pan require 20 minutes, at 400 degrees; To hard cook eggs, wash them and put in the potato kettle for exactly 10 minutes. The pressure cooker may be used to cook a number of dif- ferent foods in the same pan. Make full use of this quick cook- ing utensil. Watch the clock to prevent over-cooking. - --Central Press Canadian "Buttons and Bows," and frills and flowers--just like the hit-song pines for--naturally set the No. 1 theme for corsasges and household floral decorations. t0o, for his win- ter holiday season. The "Buttons and. Bows" corsage above, in carnations and sweetheart roses, is a big favorite. : To All Our Patrons May You Have A Prosperous and Happy New Year Rivier Cleaners PHONE 1123 with zippered front HOUSE DRESSES ... We are featuring a fine selection of house dresses this week . . . beautiful florals, checks and stripes in sizes 12 to 20 and 36 to 46 ee , "Marita Wink" "Martha W ashington"' ? $3.25 Sanforized $4.95 The Ross Stores "Oakville's Own Fashion Centre! Phone 436 . Colborne St.

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