Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 5 Jan 1950, p. 1

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Sustain she wy Al The Oakville - Trafalgar Journal Entered, 2nd CI: Vol. 3, No. 7 Mail, Ottawa ee Oakville, Ontario Thursday, January 95 \ -- - s , sSday, January 5 1950 16 Pages 5 a copy. 2 , haa bl : ; he 5 0 cents a copy, $2.00 Per Year in Advance ast, ne At Long Last = : ; a ay al mast | A Resolution Worth Keeping Local Firm n | he ohiyg ol esidents To Discuss Renews BWI eet in J | We Milforg | C d D x iving J ar rive "at the Opos or Wn a er YS em With the holiday on over "qu, : | and the mails no longer jammed I After months of delay and discussion, a definite pro-® =n SERRE WE With: the y avalanche of i posal for supplying the village of Bronte with badly needed | Sreetin rds, the Dr. Chase Temoyy [Water was placed before Trafalgar Township Council at its Puppets For Moppets | Medicine Company is once again hospity) ( [fist meeting of the year, Tuesday, by George Power, town-| Youthful Gordon Lowe and | collecting a consignment of used inst Mj. \ ship engineer. It will be considered at a special meeting of Teddy Bennett may not decide cards to be sent to the British the Bronte village commission and Brote ratepayers to be | to become show producers when | West Indies. This has buen the held in Bronte on Monday ecening, they grow up, but as embryo al practice of the local firm at Dogg 5 E cra 7 ES for seve years, during whic 8 Major Project For Taxpayers Puppeteers 'they did manage to time sonra or towne + : y raise $6.20. for the Toronto Of townsfolle have °S Come, Suggested plans call for the laying of a waternain from Hospital for Sick Children. The poputad literally thousands or 10 bark 4 point 454 feet east of the Fourth Line, along the Lake- attle of the Lowe residence = gay holiday squares ure thay shore road to the eastern limit of Bronte, a distance of 11, Morden Rd. became a. rn. - Which have carried the beauty of Tolecteg 400 feet. Total cost of 6" watermain would be $41,600; 18" | jfeatre for tue dh i the Canadian winter scene to the ost Boe $85,660; 10", $71,750; 127, $89,500. Hstimated cos! of in- Ol Wire Wovat dings whos Con. equatorial zane, Tt wi li | filters ea = S day, 2 r- n . Tw Il 8 take, pump house, filters, machinery and other eqiipment | yo Mccarthy ana Dopey, Christ | An Exclusive Journal Cartoon by Allen Boddington, Maple Ave vl lst January, when a >a dy. |f i Is $100,000. Production cost, fixed charges, intereB andi rag sites te Teddy tl eit z STOR ARIE Ave. | Journal reporter became inquisi- (adv) ff prinicipal total $7,036, and annual operating costs $5,797, | , oman mena, Te Gi bs : | A d I'll t d li h I h ton non ao San ie) i 219 Qoa 3 3 ' a E 0} alla iy, 1 © cards were making a total annual cost of $12,833, This cost Sg he] er pe i wh | n read lightly on the gas as | swing 2 ards were put upon reaching : met from sales of water, at the rate of 30 cents thous -- jelr destination, few residents li S ater, a a 3 tS Per thous- | ourhood kids enthralled f 3 3 0 i = and gallons, Mr. Power suggested. od aie Ee along Dundas. Know the full story behind the A ARR Ch 3 The: ly. drawba e pro- rm SE annual Chase Christmas o % ! = ° MEMBERS COMMENT duction, which was three days sealieae S corres Alfred Jennings, a mertap of | in rehearsal, was that Mrs, bet Briefly, g stor wls Hoot 1.O.O.F. el ety, It Is the story of Rev. ' the Bronte village commission, ois sri) the front hall ello Iris gn ore 1k Wain, who is in charge of : "lobby" of the theatre ; : Assist Black Fund expressed satisfaction thi: the| wan LA a E the ative parish in Biabou, a > - = st settlement on the jslg i An enthusiastically attended | plan was ready for presenition| prints than Graumeis famed moke eep Plug in sila 5 island of s § cent, B Rev. Walnh | | Christmas party and draw, spon-| to the ratepayers, when inter-| Hollywood Show house can First fire siren of th / 8 8 parish etually Kn -- Ya | : 3 First fire siren of the new yea --_ be 18 ac 3 own as On g sais. || fy uoted by the active Owls Club, | ieyyeq py telephone yesterday boast. "It's spic and span again SR ene Qver the Bight--which fs Just ae ve hone ([|§{ | has further augmented the John now, though? she chuetleq | UNUSually prolonged blast, MUSIC HI I other way of me RJA Ay a ; 7s ; ther way of saying ro i Black Fund to the extent of $100. Bronte certainly needs wal," yesterday. "And the youngsters |Shrieked through Sunday's mid- GHL GHT are nine | Sn op on i 5 So A ; 3 whlig] of a Clarkso oo Stations © B86-milg It ay Se "the |he said. "The people are in fuior| did get such a big Kick out of |night fog to route many volun- rant oe oe nom (square aren administered to. by | m Of it. It didn't appear to ug| helping the Sick Children's Hos- | teer firefighters from early post. pte entertainment | ia | Owls, and has been set along to 2 ol air & y pos ison, Which offers a wide va abou is the [/ fund treasurer I. G. MoKitop, | fFOm the report, to be too costy.| P ; holiday slumbers. Location of the |lety of outstanding attractie. Se | Who! announced the fund 'has now | Everyone knows it is going i fite--in the basement of the|Will be a return appearance of Mrs Bi rey age, healings i es had their own small we reached $3,336. Of this total, some | cost them something. It is a rir. | Install Sherry To town's Bell Telephone Co, ek.| Norah Drewett and Gera de F haem gua thelr own mall wooden SLIOS has been turned in to thelr have to do without a wat . change building--was™ the reason |" * Plano and violin recital Sat-| ip con "then hl Joumal from interested readers| 41° © 40 WhO Head Masonic Slate |... 1 ors yrds January 1, Tonle i AEEOU Re ons is so muc ! ] oe (ue rmcenstemad etemenen fo Sr tr ne in 1898, and the little § Eroup: ater. aroun | MLW. Bro. Claude M. Kent pre-| of the siren 10% | edifice lifted from its ting hl tv Helpful Hoot sented Bro. Chas. Doty with the Fithi Will be a feature of the varie and dropped into the ocean. Sine A great deal of advance plan- MARTIN APPROVES 30-year medal emblematic of his| "I wasn't taking any chances,| PrOST4M being arranged by this | yon worship has been. canduet, Bee went dit) ie Owls Shab Lob Te enough peo: OBE association with the order, | and wanted to get every man ana "°XY POPular concert duo din a frame schoolheuss naa Basty, held at the Riverside Lodge| | *5F a 18 Oakville Lodge 400, AF. and|all our equipment on the job| MM de Kresz will use his hig ind called St, Matthows an Dec. 22. Winners or the ae ple in ronte who want water, to SM. inetlled officers. for the | Promptly, Chief Fred Shaw, who ly valued G larnarius violin, re Hill, But R Wai : OW PA 2 7 on ; pin 1 Sta Shaw, dently 'recovere . 5 jut Rov. Wain has r Were Wilt Knight and Walter | Carty this project through," said) jo. year following a banquet | Was first on the spot, explained {C°NtlY recovered after having | up building plan Sl nd Hooks, of Oakville, and William | Watkin Martin, another member Wesday night, W. Bro. Stanley | Tuesday. "A bad blaze in the tel-| Poh stolen and pawned for alpocyuge hiv 4 titut table 3 % . B e. ) Son mm 5 deal © parishion« Wilcox of Toronto, of the commission, "I think the |ntch, v installing master, |ophone exchange would baaly [MINE sum. The violinst had | ang counr, gp pr puts it, in pone 0dd Fellows Assist cost is reasonable, considering | "ompanied by masters of 1946. [handicap the town's business set- ih he Instrument Uangt loies, Ante ties very. penton Another outstanding entertain- 2 ; Bro. C. T. Shi s installed [UP for weeks." out the war years in Hungary, of- | ch they y the pric A : Bro, C. T. She: s installed : i ; clr they gladly give to the ! ment event in support of the fund peieesimasetial and labore) Worshipful Master, succeeding jem ding It away when capture Cy tor or Ctr Sho / ii Is now in the planning and pro-| OTK should be done this year. Bro. D. M. Heddle. Othe op | Minor explosion in the furn-[by enemy troops threatened him fel dian Chrlat- s SE Eales. Dimer of Ines alisut 12005 wm, Ignited the (and BY. fell villagers da that decorate their } motion stages. Sponsored by the Although the plan calls for |ficrs are S.W., Bro. Jas. Wilson; ceiling joists, the chief stated otherwlio cheotloss huts, ure the , f Independent Order of Odd Fel- i Tye Ere; T. And i oh, Boat ener stated, 1 bickbone af . I} lows, the show will be a variety| N° Construction of an intake and [J Ee 5 erson; Ohap-| prompt action of the brigade Ch Ww 4 persevering IF , a J : al W. Bro. S. P. Hannah; elohed the flames before d ith aloniey's bullding program [| revue featuring local talent, and | PUMP-House, which would mice squelched the flames before the arge it eft | J 5 , Vis, Bro. F. C. Daubney; Sec. | gir, f overt ML had to date been responsibly |. will be presented on the stage of | the system complete in itself, in : 3 ey, : fire got a foothold, however, res- Charged with theft of a thous-| for 0 Tr ! 8 W. 0. 7.8. Hope; S.D,, Bro. J. lriring damage to an att nated for rectory wohool nd' half a fie) Century Sheatre on Sunday tel intial stages, 'water would [0 Weiner To rs a oe $100, : "fifa dota damond sing trom the flores wet I' evening, January 29, at 8.30 pm. (he purchased from the Oakville|an; iG. Bro, Alan Davii 88 i Hous of her employer, L, F Natives haul stone from the J Burther details will be found in = - Bro. G. McKillop; 1S, Bro, C,| Most unperturbed individuals on | Clement, Shodden Street nd | sousido on the. hondn during long ease } next week's Journal, L. Fwyburn; Tyler, Bro. P. O.[the scene--outwardly, that is--|Gloucester Road, Phyllis Law-|maoniighi uilding an i ny. == | King D. of Cer, W. Bro, Stanley | Were Mrs. B. Newcomen and Miss | Te Was arrested at her home in| well an sand for th Hae { ) aa Porte Organist, Bro. Trven Fell. [Joy Hollanby night operators, | Bronte Tuesday afternoon. The [cause thoy must tof) long hours con- I Town S Oldest Citizen 95 Now he © Who remainded at their switch-| Arrest was made by Chief Con-|all day to uke out a mengre liy- ; | I i | board posts even when dense stable Oliver of Trafal ar Town-| Ing in the cine und arrowroot of 119 B t It's "Just Anoth r D 3) Progam Continues As clouds of smoke poured through [hip and Constable Hd. Henth of | flelds, nor derelict wugar milly ear, | | u € ay 1 the operating room, the Oakville police department, on | that Peale of ou prosperity that | I He'll be ninety-five' on Sunday, | year for a wage of $150. But of New Director Sought Th complaint of Mra. Clement. The|no longer exits, Only the thrive [pit Fred Snowball, Oakville's old- [course money went a bit farther| A sutbssor to Geo ey, fhe Birla did a fine Job, and young woman; who was employ-| ing gardens. on mountain y er ¢ mre ie Sel TEs tain slopes EE at citizen, out soine to bother|int these. Toros days. Eggs | recreatin) director who recently 3 EE ED 295 along, oo ed a8 o mald by the day In the [permit them to surviv + Hey [[E§ with a celebration this year. "It[brought ten cents a dozen and|vesignec Will be chosen later thin] ee Takis got Prot thick | Clemant houssholt, wan token to] Wik otten contrac in his lot If will be just another day," he told | butter ten cents a pound month, hairman Fred fTumer| 2" & feW minutes! stated J, A. [the county fall at Milton, Shelters to the Chine. tiem n . told the Tournal this week. Applic |-?1\eY: company district manag- | will appear 'In Onkville police] pen (1 people of Oakville If 5 3 ; ; But the Snowballs did not stay g i r. court today, . 8 viewed at his Robinson Street Ihe or Seen cations fr the post will be receiy- wn Lu: y they can't send too many used "home this week. & aut Aare | ihe to Taman 15 OTs oreo Christmas cards," he writes, "It 1 about a year they came to Oak- tat 3 " In surprising how they enthu; he a : ated. B Y | M h ing ho oy enthuse he doughty nonagenarian go or emits mn Shan [TE mission hes ararged) BAST et, Jeclare Merc ants, over your bright Canadian scons ||. about the business of living with | worked on the Grand Trunk Rail- for activiy supervision until such The cards that aren't sold for | § an activity that would put many|way between Toronto and Hamil-{ 5 A C h R - Ri M v me aga new director takes ov. church fund are made intd ne 6 a younger man to shame. Hefton, laying steel. The job paid fen ang a ei hs Ss as egisters ing errily craphook that putianta # continues to do much of the(98 cents for a ten-hour day. But out daily it Victoria hall or Although the rain-clogged| "For a couple of wesk-ends we| St. Vincent hospital, who can't housework in the house where he the highest rent the young man | sepory clildren during their |8kles and soaring thermometers | weren't sure whother wore | rond, ean sUIl amuse themselves, lives with his son Russell, al-[had to pay in those days was five | onristmas ication," he stated, |Of the mildest December on re-|coming or gol commented | They're very appreciative, i though one of Mr. Snowball's|dollars a month, and the cost of Annual neeting of the come | cord we cry from the|shoe store operator Lou Hawk And that Is the simple story 'of | daughters drops in now and then [living generally was a fraction of mission will be held January 18, | SnOW-fill "But natyrally lke It that [an imaginative missionary, of {dust to make sure everything's [what it is today. Later Mr. Snow- following which a financial state. | usually r way." Biabou, and of n few thousand Ii going along all right. ball got a job in the old Marlatt ment of t] work will be | enthusi unsensonal wea oul Christmas cards, which are packs i tannery, and remained there many she: cers for 1950 will | ther had little effect on the town's | OMY merchants who found the | fn arian ne o "Tm just as well now as T was) years He kept on working foro | PoC ohed: Olcers for 1950 wil ands th dreary weather a sales deterrent § Savion and shipped by he - > years. p ing for ape elected at this meeting merchandise marts. In fact, a local firm, Residents who would three years ago," declared theivine until he was eighty. For iy Journal et re- [WEre sporty goods pur Bud (jie to help I} sturdy ola , vr ten years he was sexton of St. tailers. this week dis un- | Corbett and hardware operators | ivy vole own discarded pRiown every, day with my dog} juge's. church. Mr. and Ma L ki L animous verdict that cash regls-| "HO carry similar stocks, "ry-| oo UE AWE sociirely tied in | {1§Frince. He won't allow me to be snowball had a, family of four. dKies Lose ters had cheerlly rung up the|' to sell aki equipment andy oo CT the Journal office or | out of his sight. I've never had a | teen children, eleven of whom are Although thay emerged on the |best holiday business ever enjoy-|#Kates as rain beats on the win it any town drug store --. | dog I liked so much." Mr. Snow-| still alive. There are also a great short end of :|6-4 verdict, Onk-|ed here, dow can be a bit discouraging Al )d ball, whose eyesight is unimpair-f many grandehildren. Mrs, Smow-| ville Lakeshores forced Milton fn- Bud moaned good-naturedly, On 1 ed, reads the paper every day and been dead about seven |termediates to display t| (While total volume in 1047), whole, however, he was tar | AIF Force Group 2 || takes an active interest in events. hockey of thé current was higher than in 1948, business % iy : 9 He's a great radio fan and list- fore yielding the decision in their |this Christmas was really tops," [om displeased with the season Gets Rich Quickl = ens for hours every evening, al-| In his present good health and| gb to m0% (hed encounter at |declared jeweller Lou 8. | al turnover Sy : y wf though he has no favorite pro- | spirits, Mr. Snowball gives every | goto Pharmacist Len Hope echoed th Licey lle: Wink; 419 of the Royal HP | rams, indication of belng good for quite| "= " sentiment. "The busiest Christ- |anatkin AirFoice sew Vil i ] a few more years. While his fa- : tay Pa ie on added another Has PRAT aR Tertarbis. ne| Council-Elect Te H Id [nora Its first get-together since i A native of Yorkshire, England, | ther died fairly young, his moth- pe i onl o jecent erganizstion, ithe vent > otal as he paced the losers at- jr y ) the form of a combined i * Vi re er live ety. r. Snow- 5 OL 1 aed 68 Are on Po Mr. Snowball was a shephered in % ae be ee Sr tack, while Hayes and Salvisberg|?°" that hacd fos 8 Ar 1 n | Inaugural On Monday million. night and oyster | his youth. Marrying as a very]! . 1% : > Si of YEAR| collected the wher Lakeshore] ® AY fan get a Om argument Liat meeting. of Oakville party tobe held at the avs Mur S young man, he came to Canada |'"8 the century mark. counters. The two squads battled] ©" M& new town council will be held on | T4Y hotel at 7.30 pm, Friday eve. | gl | With his wife and one child at the| "I'm going to live to be a hun- | hard throughout 'a rough tilt] oper members of the Onkville | Monday, January 9, when recent. | 1% January 6 ) { ge of twenty. They went to|dred," he told the Journal, safe sau St i eaandet | py ta Assn. all reported ly elected members will take the| AV former membra of the ai Scugog Island, to a farm then I'm g 0 ask cone t © Pe while' z store| oath of office settle o| £0500, whether they wers ROAW, oe ; i 2 rm owned | then I'm going to ask someone to. "EE" for a five-minute Dumper sales, while clothing store (oath of office and settle d fo |, RCAFWD, or WAAF, ure ly Mrs. Snowhall's parents. Here |ask the king to congratulate me. |, onduct sentence following a | clerks were kept on the jump for | what promsies to be an extremely | extended on cordial invitation to € young immigrant worked all'm a good British subj; melee with Milton's Scanlon, | days on end, | busy: year of muncipal busine attend by the wing exsctutive,

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