Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 5 Jan 1950, p. 2

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THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, January 6, 1950 PEOPLE an Miss Christine McLimont spent Christmas with her family in Quebec City. Mr. §and Mrs. W. R. Walton 0 EVENTS The following pupils, St. Jude's Sunday School, were awarded prizes for regular attendance dur- ing the past year: Beginners: spent the New Year's vacation in| pi poco Patsy Hicks, Dav- gs) Msurentng. id Ann Blakelock, Shar- a on Blizabeth Jackson, Mrs. Irven Stratham has Te-| oc vanagh, Jackie Winger, purnadito Chiesa. Marjorie Whitaker, Lynn Kight, Fore | Ralph Day, Bonnie Clark, Stew- Mrs. H. L. Wethey and Miss |, yaorae, Geraldine Bull, Drena Wethey who are spending the winter in Toronto returned to Oakville for the New Year fes- tivities. esses Miss A. Carter of Montreal is a guest of the Fred Davies. craw Mrs. W. B. Jebb spent the holi- days in Winnipeg with her daugh- ter and son-in-law Mr. and Mus: John Byers. B Many Oakvilleites were guests of the Lieutenant-Governor and Mrs. Ray Lawson at a party giv- en in honour of their daughter Mrs. R. Kindersley. cen Dr. H. Hanson of India is a guest of the John Taylors. "err The Burros family spent the week-end visiting in Kitchener. FR 'Winners of the CPT. euchre last Friday were: Ladies, 1st, Mrs. Hawes; 2nd, Mr. R. Slight; Gents, 1st, Mr. S. Osman, 2nd, Mr. S. Hazzard. Consolation, La- dies, Mrs. Warburton, Gents, Mr. Harrison. Draw, Mrs. Smith. PRP Dr. and Mrs. C. MacArthur are leaving next week for a short va- cation in the United States. FN The A. W. Bennetts, Galt Ave, spent Christmas in Port Hope and Cobourg, and entertained rela- Primary Judy Brown, Elizabeth Freeman, ilton, Judy Pullen, Bobby Rose, Freddie Michael Hutchins, Jimmy Billy Whitaker, Harry Fol- Edith Flippance, Patty Ham- Bobby Naylor, Brennan, Blake- lock, land. . Mrs. T. Burke, Miss C. Burke, Mrs. W. Harper and Miss Olive Harper spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, B. T. C. Burke. Tom Lindsay en- Mr. and Mr: terained at an evening party last Friday. CR Mr. and Mrs, E: Ware of Cleve land were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. Kapel over the holiday week. Teddy - Groothand entertained his young friends at a birthday party during the holidays. The Lorne Scots annual New Year's Day reception was held in the Officer's Mess, Brampton Armouries, on Monday, January 2nd, in the afternoon, In attend- ance among othep guests: Mr. Gordon Graydon, MP, Peel, Mr, Stanley Hall, M.P.P., Halton and from Oakville Company, Lorne Scots, Major Art Kemp, Lieut. W. M. Corcoran, Lieut. David Mac- tives from Oshawa last week-end. Donald. AAAAAAAAAAAARAARAARAARARARAN Thurs., Fri., Sat., "Bullet Crackling" GLORIA JEAN, | PLUS! DAVID STREET, N THE MUSICAL COMEDY "] SURRENDER DEAR" Jan. 5-6-7 Action In Color! os Ee WILLIAM ELLIOTT ADRIAN BOOTH FORREST TUCKER ANDY DEVINE and JACK HOLT = MIKNA GOMBELL GRANT WITHERS 1 sginstone BJ SEPH KANE FT A REPUBLIC 8 PRODUCTION 0 a vn we va DON McGUIRE Mon., Tues., Wed. The Big Stars Clash In This Giant Two-For-One Action Smash! Jan. 9-10-11 Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Wardle spent ] | Christmas with their family in Ot- tawa. 2 rasan Mr. and Mrs. Allan MacKay 'entertained on New Year's Eve. ss ®so 'Mrs. Smith of Windsor visited with her son and daughter-in- law Mr. and' Mrs. Tomy Smith on her return from an extended trip in Scotland and England. esses Among those entertaining over the New Year's week-end were Mr. nd Mrs. Carl /Slipp, Mr. and Mrs. G. Ostrom, Mr. and Mrs. J. Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davies. esse The Junior Catholic Women's League wishes to announce that the winner of the hand hooked rug, drawn for 'on December 14th was Mr. C. W. Clyde, 43 Navy St, Oakville, Ticket No. 778. ss gv Dr. and 'Mrs. C. H. Lusk, Tor- onto, spent the Christmas holi- days with the latter's sister, Mrs. James H. Elliott and Mr, Elliott, rem ne 'W. G. Jaffray, former president of the old Toronto Globe, who died last week in Atlantic City, was a resident of Oakville for many years, leaving here about eight years ago. rox Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Fraser and Mr. Robin visited Trenton over the holiday week-end, RIE Jim Munro entertained his friends at a New Year's Eve par- ty. sss se The president's New Year's Tea is being held at the Oakville Club on Sunday afternoon, Jan- uary 8. : exes Mr, and Mrs. T. R. Jarvis, Wat- son Ave. entertained on Monday, evening, sess The Music Appreciation Group of Oakville Arts and Crafts will meet at the residence of Mrs. James Chisholm, 52 Dundas St., N., on Thursday, January 12, at 8 p.m. The program is under the direction of Mrs. Douglas Wilkes. Folk songs and dances of England Italy and Sweden will be featured. Cr The Harry "Red" Fosters en- tertained on Friday evening last. FEE The Fred Hotsons, Eighth Line, entertained at dinner New Year's eve. vs The Merritt Wrights spent hol: iday week-end in Ottawa with Mr, and Mrs. Sandy Beardmore. sss Among those entertaining New Year's eve were Mr. and Mrs. A, M. Macrae and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wilkes. sss Mr. Bob Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Hill and daughter Susan, of Centralia, Miss Ann Johnston of Toronto, spent Christmas with Mrs. A, F. Hughes, Lake Shore West. sess Flying Officer James Hughes flew home for New Years, prior to his marriage to Miss Helen Shields. semen Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. B. A, Arbor and family spent the festive season with Mrs. A. F. Hughes. BRONTE Sandra Harrison, Lakeview, Ont., spent a week in the village, guest of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gil- liam. "x san Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Kyle, Port Dover, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Grant Williams for New Years. "eae Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brockway have returned home after spend- ing the past two weeks at the home of their daughter, Mrs. W. G. George, Indianapolis, Indiana. IN MEMORIAM BLAIR--In loving memory of a dear* husband and father, John Blair, who passed away Jan. 2nd., 1949, Our hands reach out to touch you Our eyes seek your face in vain Our ears are strained for the sound of your voice We never hear again In the silent lonely hours A rendezvous 'T keep in thought with you, of by-gone days Before you fell asleep. --Sadly missed 'and always re- membered by wife and daugh- ter, Helen, Miss June Scarrow spent a few days in Toronto visiting with rel- atives. «xa Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Shier, who were recently married. Mrs. Shier was formerly Margaret MacEachren of Palmer- ston. Both: Mr. and Mrs. Shier are on the teaching staff of Bronte Public School. ose e Mrs. Joan Whiting, local dance teacher, and Miss Gloria Rollin- son, were featured in a dance number at the Pig and Whistle's New Year's Party, Sat. night. . The regular monthly meeting of the W.A. Walton Memorial Church will be held on Thursday, January 12 at 2 p.m. in the S.S. rooms. Mrs. B. Coombs, and Mrs. W. Delve will be in charge of the devotional, while Mrs. D. Allan, Mrs. H. Carpenter, and Mrs. J. Clemence will look after the re- freshments. es The sympathy of the village goes to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hin- ton, whose only son Rcbert Gor- don, aged 20 months, died in the Hospital for Sick Children, Tor- onto, on Sat, Dec. 31, 1949. The funeral was held Monday, Jan. 2 at 2 pm. from S. S. Russell and Son, Oakville, with the Rev. W. Delve officiating. Pall bearers were, Mr. Alfred Martin, Bronte, John and Robert Schmidt, and Harold Waestenhofer, Kitchener, Ont. Interment took place in St. Jude's Cemetery, sess The Carry on Club of Walton Memorial Church donated a piano for the use of the Sunday School. 'Mr, 8, S, Russell, Oakville, al- So gave the Church of the Epiph- any a piano for the new Parish Hall, recently opened here. Xow ow ow 'There was a large attendance for the euchre and dance held hy the 'Brorite Community Club on Friday night. The euchre winners were Mrs, Clifford. Carpenter, Mrs. L, Bowan and Mr. G. Bberth, Burlington. Booka Mr. and Mrs, Robt. MacDonald and family, St, Catharines, visit- ed at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Landry, New Year's day. CE Mr, end Mrs. of motored to Toronto io spend New Year's with friends. Khon E Mrs, Edith Bly, Toronto, spent a few days at the home of Mrs. H. D. Scarrow. cso as Mrs. W. Gilliam was hostess at a coffee party given at/her home last Thursday morning. Among the ladies present were, Mrs. John Clemence, Mrs. Alfred [Tripp, Mrg. H. Carpenter, Mrs. J. P. Joyce and Mrs. P, H. Gilliam. vse Mr. and Mrs. h Brearley spent the New Year holiday with Mrs. Brearley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Walsh, Simcoe, Ont. v0 ole Mr. and Mrs, Fred Darlington, and Capt. and Mz. L. R, Pick- ard are holidayingtin Florida, Ea Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Brearley, St. Thomas spent the holidays at the home of thelr son, Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Brestley, = Josh Billings he didn't care in a few words. used to allow that how much a man | analyse Spanking, if youll just stop to it, is merely a case of talked, just so long as he said it| soundly punishing one extremity to get sense into the other. TODAY ONLY! J. ARTHUR RANK S 'HERE COME THE HUGGETTS"" Wisi m= FRIDAY, SATURDAY s ANOTHE R "BEST" FROM (CHARLES BICKFORD - RAYMOND MASSEY RICHARD BASEHART: GIGI PERREAU JANUARY 6-7 SAMUEL GOLDWYN The Hatfields and the McCoys. .. America's most famous feud)" Ban SAMUEL GOLDWYN presents MONDAY, TUESDAY : JANUARY 9-10 HERE'S THAT LONG, LONG LAUGH YOU'VE Svery BEEN WAITING FOR! LLNS S-LIDADIRNEL RESTA CHARLES COBURN, WEDNESDAY, THURS. : ADULT ENTERTAINMENT NOBODY'S AS GOOD AS BETTE DAVIS WHEN SHE'S BAD! WOMEN will despise or envy her ++. but will understand her} MEN will love her or hate her ++» but never understand her! DAVIS: COTTEN HER NEWEST PICTURE=HIS MOST DRAMATIC ROLE] body DOESIT. '20. JAN. 11-12 ' BEYOND FOREST DAVID ) BRIAN: "RUTH ROMAN EXTRA! BARBARA ANN SCOTT AND DICK BUTTON WITH OTHER TOP-NOTCH SKATERS DO SPECIALTY NUMBERS IN "BEAUTY AND THE BLADE" ENTUR For Economical Transportation . . ASK FOR A DEMONSTRATION OF THE NEW AUSTIN DEVON AUSTIN Colborne St. W. at Chisholm CLARK'S SERVICE CENTRE SALES and SERVICE . - Phone 1031-W Phone ouu

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