Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 5 Jan 1950, p. 3

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Thursday, January 6, 1950 Thursdayrgdanuaty >» THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 3 Brown Paces Riverside Fuel and Ice : Juniors In NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS fehighValley Scotch Anthracite Nut, Stove Coke, Stoker, Etc. Owned and! Operated by Ph 128-] : one Chas. Jinks BRONTE WANTED Telephone Operators for Oakville Inability to succ ville's battling junior "C Thursday night, the loca 3-2 to Brampton in a encounter been heavier in the winne! our had it not been for the clas netminding of Chuck Terr turned aside wave after Brampton who thro ville attackers defence far too for young Mr. Terry' mind. Chuck stood however, and kept in the hunt to the final gong. New Starting Rate - $23.00 per week No Previous Experience Necessary frame counter. Age 16 to 30 Years Preferred The local youngsters a total of eight for the winne; ton tally we One or More Years Iligh School Education s cashed while the cooler. Apply In Person to Chief Operator Bell Telephone Co. OAKVILLE Although the he didn't looked attack that stead as Boxford particularly good on displaying should stand the and him in Milligan also well in spots Brampton Tilt fully kill off penalties in the second and third period proved expensive for Oak- squad s bowing slap-dash The score might actually have who wave of sifted a far from topflight Oak- frequently peace of up manfully, mates right Effective June 949 ( - 1940) Up front, Kenny Brown carried 1 x the major part of the scoring Regular Scheduled Increases mail, banging home Russ Hab- Kirk's pass in the second period |and setting up Ronnie Orr's third collected penalties to five and every Bramp- Cor- bett's cohorts were languishing in break into scoring column, Don Rutledge the a neat shift good season progresses went Please God! Not fo Mine! Not to mine, this horrible crippler. - Not to mine this thing with the long scientific name, poliomyelitis, this thing that means misery and pain in the language of the little ones. Not to mine to wear a brace, to hobble, to limp. Not fo mine to hear the laughter of others, to watch them at play, to cry the bitter tears of childhood lost forever. Please God! Not to minel And let me help those to whom [t does come, this crippler, this destroyer. Let me give to help the helpless: Let my dollars and my prayers go with these little ones; that some day, some time, children everywhere will walk without fear, free of childhood's greatest enemy, Poliomyelitis. I am glad | have the privi- lege of giving to the Canadian March of Dimes. Give to THE CANADIAN MARCH OF DIMES (The Canadian Foundation for Poliomyelitis) 410 BLOOR ST. EAST, TORONTO 5 Space contributed in the public interest by BREWERS SINCE 1832 Executive Appointment CHE: Edward Barringham, president, Barringham Rubber and Plastics Ltd, announces the appointment of Chester A. Emerson as vice- president ana general manager of the company. Mr. Emerson joins the organization with a compre- hensive background in the rubber TER A. EMERSON and plastics industry which has included service with United States Rubber Co., Converse Rub- ber Shoe Co., and Cia Royal Del Pacificio S.A. Co. During the war, Mr. Emerson assisted the government rubber and plastic defence program in var- ious capacities. He comes to his new assignment from New York ral music enjoyed by c that packed St. Jude' capacity for Sunday carol service. The program includ- ed a wide of Chri different Chlreh to evening's vari as | compositions, or and periods, in some of the congregation joined. G bourne lands which | Mel ar- Io , organist, who ranged the carol service, was the organ at Children of St School and their parents ed in the parish hall evening last week Sunday tainment Jude's Sunday ather. Wednesday the annual Christm for hool enter- Outstanding on the program was the performance of primary cla songs, dances and other by the Jill and Pullen heartily provided ment the consisting of numbers young Judy and pupils. Dances by Brown Judy Penny were applauded additional and Young Two films entertain- Attendance prizes wy pre sented by the rector Holy Communion will be cele- brated tomorrow, the "Epiphany of Our Lord," at 7.30 am. On Sunday there will be Holy Com- munion at 8 and 9.45 a.m The annual vestry meeting will be held in the parish hall on Mon- lay evening Januar | The | Senior Women's Auxiliary where he was assistant director | will meet on Mon E of the Export Manufacturing Co.|yun 10, and the Evening Auxie of the United States Rubber Ex-|jiv will meet in the evening port Co. PEE The Girls' meets tomor- row afternoon 4 o'clo and OBITUARY the Boys' Guild at 6.30. JAMES C. HOPKINSON KNOX Following eight years of ill| The Moderator of the General health culminating in a five- smbly of the Presbyterian | weeks' illness, James Clarke Hop- | Church in Canada, Dr. C. L. Co- kinson died on Sunday at hiS|wan of Hamilton. will be the home, 274 Colborne St. East. He| preacher at Knox Church this was in his 84th year. Born in|coming Sunday morning Bothwell, in Western Ontario, Mr Hopkinson was brought up in| The subjects of sermons to be | campbellville, Halton County. | delivered by the minister, Rev Many yéars ago he was in the|C: K. Nicoll during the next lumber business in Grey County. |'Welve evenings are as Later he went to Toronto and en- | follows a Christian need tered the empl of General [0 BO to Churcn?¥; "What is the Steel Wares, where he remaind-|Church?®"; "Isnt one Religion as ed for thirty-nine years, most of | G00d as Another?"; "Docs God the time as head carpenter. Three | take any notice of our prayers?" years ago he retired and came to | What should we pray for Oakville to live, "Am I my brother's keeper? "How broad minde should a 3esides his wife, Mr. Hopkin-| Christian be?" slerance and | son leaves four sons, William, of | mntolerance"; "Are we free agents | Newmarket, Gordon of Oakville, |or not??: "Why did Jesus work | Keith Clarke of Ancaster, and|miracles?": "What did Jesus die Robert Vance, of Toronto; and | of": "what do we know about | four daughte Della, of Grand |the hereafter?" | Rapids, Mich, Mrs. James Law, Waterdown, Mrs. Meyers, St ST. JOHN'S Paul, Minn., and Mrs. Harold At-| Rev. Russell McGillivray con- | kinson, Toronto. He Is also sur- ! vived by a number of grandchild- ren The funeral was held or day from the funeral chapel of William Speers, Toronto, to Un- ion Cemetery, Waterdown. Ser- vices were conducted by Rev. A A. Stoll, pastor of Calvary Bap tist Church, and Rev. Mr, McKay, Toronto. Pall-bearers were six grandgons of the deceased California Fruit Among Elliott Birthday Gifts Good lle friends, wishes from atulator from in various parts Canada, with flower vere showered on liott ¥ birthday informal hig on the occasion of Thursday. At a gathering In F 84th last pleasant entertained a number of friend including R and Mrs, Char Hackett, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hambrook, Mr. and Mrs. M, B McArthur, Mr, and Mrs. Star ton, R. F. Sanderson and W Stirtan. One of Mr lott's birth day gifts was a packnge of fresh fruit from California. | = CHURCH NEWS = | Sunday morning, ducted the Sunday evening service John's Church in the nce of the minister, Rev, Har- ry Pawson, due to the illness of Mrs. Pawson, ab- The Supper Sacrament of will be the Lord's administered on when new mem- bers will received church. be into the Officers of the Women's Assoc- fation will be installed at a meet- ing in Lusk Hall tomorrow at 8 p.m. David Rogers, Toronto, will ve an illustrated address on urope at the monthly dinner of the St. John's Men's Club at 6.30 Thursday evening, January 12. CALVARY BAPTIST Ivary Baptist Church will be the scene of a Baptismal service on Sunday evening, when a large number will be baptized by im- C mersion. Music will be by the Barrington Quartet of Toronto, The mid-week prayer hour will be held at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE At the sorvice Sunday, Janu- wry 1st, the subject of the lesson sermon was "God." The Wednos- day evening service included readings from the Bible and Science and Health, testimonies of healing, and experiences and rk on Christian Science, A vice will be held on Sunday, January Sth, at 11 o'clock and Sunday school at the same hour. The subject the lo: will be "Sacrament." of n-sermon CHURCH of the BPIPHANY The chile stmas party held Wedns in the parish hall by the was enjoyed | parents as well as the children. Mrs. Playle, president of the Woman's Auxiliary in the Diocese of Niagara, will addr 98 0 meets ing of the young women of the parish in the parish hall, Mon- day, Jan. 9th, at 8 pm. It is ox- of the society will bo organized. pected that an ovening branch ST. LUKE'S » parish hall wos filled lust Tues vening with children and thelr parents to witness the sonted by the children of School under the direction Ly © play pres Merton of Mr. James Fuirbrother, It was the children's annual Christs mas party The Bishop of Niagara will ate tend a special vestry meeting to be held Friday, January 13th, at § pm To Citizens of Oak FOR 28 66 Colborne St. E. | OLLIE'S EE QUALITY WORKMANSHIP AND SERVICE FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY LEANERS ville and Vicinity YEARS Phone 588 "Your Weddin The Latest*Album Pres 14 Inglehart Ave., Oakville Thelma Brown Commencial Photographer Specializing in station of that Great Day g In Pictures" Phone 485-W BURROS' SPEC LINGERIE HOSIERY SPORTWEAR QUALITY VALUE SERVICE 136 Colborne St. E. Phone 423 IALTY SHOPPE Coming Soon . . . 1950 DODGE Wm. Whitaker & Sons OAKVILLE Station Road

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