Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 12 Jan 1950, p. 2

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THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL PEOPLE and EVENTS A daughter, Karen Fay, w. Frank Smith is on a business born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kil- [trip to New York and Philadel- ty, Howard Ave, in Hamilton |phia. Rev. and Mrs, W..B. Cas- Mountain Hospital on Wednesday [well are spending the winter in January +4 Florida A change im present Oakville public library hours uas decided upon at the monthly meeting of the board Monday night. Com- mencing Monday, January 16, the library will remain open until pm. and re-open at 2, each week day except Wednesday, when it will remain closed all day as usual. On Saturdays in future, there will be no noon hour clos- DAY! LAST BETTE DAVIS IN "BEYOND THE FOREST" Barbara Ann Scott in "Beauty and the Blade" HES HERE!" THE NATIONS NO.l FUNNY , i Era Friday, Saturday -~ RUTH ROMAN BERT IAHR Jan. 13-14 I's J Piokvp Pickwp ENTERTAINMENT ¥ = Marion Marshall Randy Stuart William Neff HOWHTT Hes SOLE, EEL Saroan Hoy by Charles Lodurar, Laooard Spiguloon 'and Hogor Wide Frome Soy by boo Rochord Mon., Tuesday, Wednesday Jan. 16-17-18 AND THIS IS HOW y ing. This change of schedule adds six hours per week to the cur- rent listings. vane Frank Lawrence, aged fourteen performed a Ife-saving feat while visiting at Point Claire, a Mon- treal suburb. He was skating on the ice of a lake when the ice gave away and he went in, As he was swimming ashore, Frank noticed another lad had gone through the ice and was sinking. He swam back and helped the twelve-year- old youngster to safety, being first obliged to render him un- conscious, ss Mr. and Mrs. John Davies, of Newmarket, formerly of Oak- ville, visited in town over the week-end. cess The annual meeting of Oakville and District Red Cross Societ; will be held in Lusk Hall, St. John's United Church, on Mon- day afternoon, January 16, at 2.80, CRC Dennis Davies of Newmarket, a former Oakville boy, was mar- ried to Miss Hilda McCaffrey in Newmarket recently. ces. The Journal is particularly pleased at the reader response to a story in last week's issue deal- ing with the collection of used Christmas cards by the Dr. Chase Co. Limited, who forward the gay greeting cards to the British West Indies, Bundles of cards were forwarded to this office with- in a few hours after the Journal went on the stands, However, as the move to this newspaper's new quarters is close at hand, the staff would appreciate it if oth- er residents who may be round- ing up their old cards will leave them at any town drugstore, 5 8 Y| Thistietown, Mr. and Mrs. Harry MacKen- drick are holidaying in New York City. un Roy Brand, Stewart Street, was the winner of the A.O.F. hamper and turkey draw. . a Wednesday evening, January 18, Westwood Friendly Circle will hold their regular monthly meeting at Westwood School at 8 p.m. This will be a social eve- ning. Court Whist will be played and an exchange of gifts will take place. Refreshments will be served at the close of the meet- ing. Every one is welcome to at- tend. seems The Oakville Choral Society is busy rehearsing for a concert to be presented in St. John's Unit- ed Church Wednesday evening, January 25. Sven Eketorp, in- strumentalist, will choir, which will be conducted by. Irven Fell. BRONTE Mr. Wm. Landry Jr. is visiting for a time at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Landry, Jones St. EE and Mrs. Sam Harding, visited with friends here last week. ERE Mr, and Mrs, Bremner Sar- gant and Hughie, London, Ont. were visitors in the village alst week. Mr. tras Shelia Lawlor was guest of honour at a party for her birth- day, given by her parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lawlor on Sun- day. sein Jack Sargant, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sargant, has return- ed to the R.M.C. Kingston, after the holidays to continue his stud- ied. ' sox There was a large attendance at the Community Club dance held here last Sat. night. The next dance will be Sat. Jan. 14 at 9 p.m. The Club is also hold- Ing a euchre Mon, Jan. 16 at 8,30 pm. in the hall. Good prizes, 54x An Evening Branch of the Wo- Winners of the CPT. euchre last Friday were: Ladies, Ist. Mrs. V. Roberston; 2nd. Mrs. L. Reed; Consolation, Miss Mary Hunt. Gents, 1st, Mrs. L. Hawes, 2nd, Mr. D. Fitzsimmons. -Con- solation, Mr. W, Ockenden. Draw, Mrs. M. Slight. Bases Mr. and Mrs. W. O, Gibson are vacationing in Bermuda. sesso Mr. E. T. C. Burke has left on a business trip to Central Ani- erica. ER The University Women's Club will meet Jan. 18 at 815 in St. Mary's Hall when the guest speaker will be Dr. Helen Han- son of the Punjab, India. Mem- bers and friends are welcome. tsa Miss Lakshmi Roa, Bompay, India, Dr. Devatetta Lyall, Luck- now, India, and Miss Lorent Chute, Vellore, South India, were week-end guests of Mrs. Harry Coote Smith, Douglas Ave. Miss Rao and Dr. Lyall are attending the University of Toronto, and Miss Chute, who is spending her furlough in Toronto, is returning to India shortly to resume her teaching * duties. 'Mrs. Malcolm Smithy Reynolds Street, enter tained Mrs. Smith and her guests Sunday evening. x38 STARTING JAN. 23! "PINKY" JEANNE CRAIN ETHEL BARRYMORE Le TUM A shower was held last week at the home of Mrs. Allan Day, John Street, for Miss Helen Shields, who was married on Monday. PEPE A "daughter, Laurel May, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Hedley Cross, Gloucester Road, on Fri- day in Oakville Temporary Hos- pital. men's Auxiliary of the Church of Monday night for the younger women, An election of officers. was held and the following were elected. President, Mrs. Robert Mason, Secretary, Mrs. Douglas Wilson, and "Mrs. Earl Barr, treasurer. vee xa The Bronte Home and: School Assocation will meet in Bronte School on Tuesday evening, Jan. 17, at 8.15. The gathering will be in honor of the original Bronte Home and School Club, whose members have been' invited. The public is welcome, sane [The executive of the local as- sociation of Brownies met at the home of the Chairman, Mrs. Hugh Brearley on Jan. 3. The meeting was called to discuss ways and means of raising mon- ey and buying equipment for the Brownies, The Brownie Pack was formed in November with Mrs. Chas. Lawlor as Brown Owl, Dawna Scarrow as Tawny Owl and Jean McNaughton as Pack Leader. The Brownies meet in the community hall every Mon- day night from 6.30 to 7.30 p.m. Any girls from 8-11 years of age agsist 'the; TRAFALGAR Sakville- Trafalgar Memorial Hospital will benefit to the ex- tent of $200 from the windup up of the affairs of the Postville War Service League. The League, organized during the late war, held its final meeting in the new Trafalgar Township hall Tuesday afternoon, and disbanded, there being no further call for its ser- vices. Approximately $400 re- mainded in the treasury. The members decided to donate $200 to the hospital and the balance for the purchase of cards and card tables for the township hall, Mrs. W. BE. Dent was president of the league. HE [Mrs George King and Mrs. T. Coates are confined to their homes with illness. PIF Snider's Farm Forum met Mon- day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Fish. Supply and demand, and its effect on the farmer, was the topic of discus- sion, Next Monday's meeting, will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Turner, Eighth Line. Thursday, as it effects the topic of discussion evening's Farm Forum, held Mr. and Mrs, wi) Next Monday ey, Mrs. Stanley Line. and Don King haye re Ontario Guelph, for the winter three examinations, Mike returned to Ontario Ag, A iculturg) ee vies Mr. and Mrs. Wilner Gongye, John Ford and Miss Aggie Ford, and Miss Martha Rigpy, spending the winter in Floridg. Newly elected officers of yyg,. ley United Church WMS, yon installed by the minister, poy W. J. Stewart, at a meeting pe; Tuesday aftemoon at the pom of Mrs. Roy Fish. The new of Cers are as follows: Preside, January 12, 1950 The 1aw of supply ang demang farmer was tp, at Monday of Postville at the home of trod Pickers meeting me of ne J Barnstaple, 3 Ralph Fish, ne Calverley turned | Veterinary : term, ay Christma alverley hay passed thei (Continued on Page 10) / wim AGNES MOOREHEAD - 2 COMPANION FEATURE ys; wig wnss JOE YULE REHIE RIANO Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Jan. 16-17-18 A "WHOPPER" OF A SHOW! Beauty Rémance! Rhy | XAVIER GUGAT and His Orchestra * Music by JEROME KERN A COLUMBIA RE-RELEASE HAYWORT GENE KELLY [2 Tm ROAE KER IRA GERSHiN repel 1 COVER GL: A COLUMIE SE RITES Jiax Falkeaborg 2 Fy by VIREHIA VAN UPP_« Dincld by CORRES Yl] are invited to join the Pack. of 2 a ""LIBRARY DISCARDS THE GOLDEN HOUR BOOKSHOP | 53 Colborne St. L 15¢ Up Phone Us For A Demonstration CLARK'S SERVICE CENTRE AUSTIN SALES and SERVICE Colborne St. W. at Chisholm . Check ALL The FEATURES On The New AUSTIN DEVON Phone 1031-W.

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