Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 12 Jan 1950, p. 3

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i 1950 fhursday, January 12, 1950 Page 3 deman( vas the Monday ostville ome of kering ST. JOHN'S Mrs. W. H. Ford was re-elect- ed president of the St. John's Woraan's Association at the an- § fue! meeting in Lusk Hall Friday Forum atrick, 1st. vice-president; Mrs. uy . H. Austill, 2nd. vice-president; Se Mrs. Alfred Eastwood, secretary; oe iss M. Sumner, corresponding AY retary; Mrs. T. S. H. Giles, etm ancial secretary; Mrs. Bruce oy is onaldson, assistant treasurer. ilturg) Mrs. D. Smith was elected treas- rer. Reports presented by the fous group chairmen revealed mover, most satisfactory year. Letters om Mrs, Follis, Toronto, presi- Dominion Woman's ssociation, and Mrs. McGhie, sident of the Hamilton Con- 5 rence Woman's Association, Ye Jere read by the president, Mrs. ware brd, who presided. Officers were hy Stalled by Rev, Harry Pawson y held Home hirteen new members were offi ceived into the congregation of ident John's at a communion ser- r, Rev. Harry Pawson. hual meetng of the con- of St. John's Church and elections made to the Session, "Board of Stewards, and Trustee Board. Refreshments will be ser- CHURCH NEWS ved by the adies of the congrega- tion. Church members and adher- ents are urged to be present. The Woman's Association will hold' a New Year tea Friday af- ternoon, Jan. 20, at 3 o'clock in Lusk Hall, KNOX Rev. C. L. Cowan, D.D., Ham- ilton, Moderator of the General Assembly of .the Presbyterian Church in Canada preached at Knox Church on Sunday morning. His subject was "Our Heritage" Dr. Cowan spoke of the heritage of our country, the Christian Church, .and the Christian relig- on. The annual luncheon meeting of Knox Church Ladies' Aid was held in the church hall on Tues- day. This coming Sunday the minis- ter, Rev. C. K. Nicoll, will preach on "The Christ of the Centuries" at the morning service. In the evening his subject will be "What is the Church?" ST. JUDE'S The annual vestry meeting of St. Jude's church will be held on Monday evening, January 23,°at 8 pm. in the parish hall. It will be preceded by a congregational supper at 6.45, St: Cuthbert's Church, Cedar Grove, 'will hold its vestry meeting the following evening, January 24. Owned and Operated by | Riverside Fuel and Ice | NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Lehigh Valley Scotch Anthracite Nut, Stove Coke, Stoker, Etc. Phone 128-] a Chas. Jinks BRONTE 0 us WANTED : 3 New Starting Rate Regular "Apply In Person || Telephone Operators: for Qakville Ii (Effective June 5, 1949) Scheduled Increases No Previous Experience Necessary Age 16 to 30 Years Preferred Bell Telephone Co. © OAKVILLE - $23.00 per week School Education to Chief Operator | ='Schlegel" | pany, Rochester, New York, an- | [nounce the appointment of Har. | CALVARY BAPTIST Fifteen people, greater of whom the were adults, were baptised by immersion at a baptismal service in Calvary Bap- tist Church Sunday evening. The service was conducted by the pas- tor, Rev. A. A. Stoll in the pres- ence of a congregation that filled the church to the doors. The ser- mon was delivered by Rev. Wm. Rae, of Stouffville, a former missionary in China. The song service was led by Norman Bar- rington and his quartet from Toronto. At the morning service number Mr. Rae also preached, and Mr. Barrington sang. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Stoll, will preach at both services on Sun- day, and music will be by the Baraca quartet of Hamilton. There will be a mid-week prayer hour Wednesday evening at 8, and a cottage prayer meeting. Friday at the same time. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE At the service on Sunday, Jan- uary 8th, the subject was "Sacra- ment." The annual business meet- ing was held on Monday evening to receive reports from Commit- tees and officers for the past year, and to outline policies and activties for the new year. The Wednesday evening meeting in- cluded readings from the Bible and Science as well as Health, testimonies of healing and ex- periences and. remjarks on Christ- ian Science. Service will be held on Sunday, January 15th, at 11 o'clock and Sunday school at the same hour. The subject of the lesson-sermon will be held on Sunday, January 15th, at 11 o'clock and Sunday school at the same hour. The subject of the sermon will 'be "Life." ST. LUKE'S A successful meeting of the W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. Alan Tyrell. Mrs. Tyrell was elected treasurer of the society 'Schlegel's Announce Staff Appointments Manufacturing Com- old L.~Miller as their new Gen- eral Manager Plant, Schlegel Company Canada Limited, Oakville, Ontario. Chosen to succeed R. Caryl, H. Miller has been associated with the parent company since 1922. Starting with the Company in their Shipping Department, he was eventually appointed to the position of Production Manager, and became well known in the Automotive Textile Manufactur- ing Trade in the United States. The Parent Company also an- nounce at this time the appoint- ment of J. Gemmnill, formerly of Ernst and Ernst, Toronto, as as- sistant Manager of the Canadian Plant. Both Mr. H. L. J. Gemmill will ville, Ontario.* Miller and Mr. reside in Oak- The diamond, says an old Chin- ese proverb, cannot be polished without friction, nor mam perfect- of the Canadian]. MUSIC ALBUM BY IRVEN FELL Tickets are now on sale for the of the Oakville Choral In last week's column I recital Society. made a plea for support of the cultural activities in our town and community. tunity to render the support which Here is one oppor- can be very encouraging to those who are taking part. The recital will be held in St. John's United Church with a seat- ing capacity of 450 people. In a community of this size, embrac- ing the town of 6,000 people and another two or three thousand in the surrounding township, I would hardly think it is too much to expect that the church would be packed, that is if the people are interested in a Choral Society. That was the basis on which the Society was founded, people being interested. Care has been taken to try and submit a programme by the 50 or 60 voice choir which will be of interest to all tastes in music, except jazz or be-bop. In the sacred field there will be "Judge 'Me O God," by Mendel- ssohn which is sung in 8 parts in the second portion. Handel's "For Unto Us A Child is Born," could probably be called a little late in the season, because it is usually sung at Christmas time but it is never-the-less a splendid example of choral work: The "Prayer from Hansael and Gretel" is always well received as is "The Lost Chord" of Sullivan which is giv- en by request. In the lighter vein but inter- esting is "The Gypsy Laughing Chorus" and "Rolling Down to Rio" both in the first part of the programmme. Starting the second part of the programme, the choir. sings ,.Ar- tists Life" by Strauss and finish- es with a rousing Russian dance number called "Russian Picnic' by Enders. In between the ladies voices sing "Tea For Two. from #No, No, Nanette" and the male voices sing the 'Comrades Song of Hope. Our assisting artist will bes. Eketorp, a 'flautist who will con- tribute to both portions of the programme. Mr. Eketrop is a other century there was another Ptolemy with a surname Auletes which is said to mean "flute lov- er" showing his fondness for that instrument. The flute remained popular through the ages, through the Ro- man into Europe where we can find it mentioned by Shakespeare in "Hamlet" Ancther royal de- votee was Frederick the Great. While still Crown Prince in 1728 he heard the famous flute player, Quantz at Berlin and he arrang- ed to have Quantz visit him per- fodically and teach him how to play. The old king, Frederick, did not care much for art of any kind and once threatened that if the lessons were not stopped he would break the flute over his son's head and hang Quantz. On one occas- lon Quant crawled up a chimney to escape the old king. When the prince, became king he made Quantz the court com- poser and became véry accomp- lished himself, both as a flautist and a composer. I understand that Mr. Eketorp will play one of Frederick the Great's composition for flute besides a concerto by Handel. It will be an interesting con- cert, one which a lot of voluntary effort by everybody concerned has been put forth, primarily as a service to the cultrual element of the community in which we. live. Winner of the Weel If Don Davis, Oakville, will call at Lofquist's Record Bar, he will be presented with a Red Seal Record with the compliments of the Journal. Our chief interest should be in the' future, because we are going to spend the rest of our lives there. If you want right, why not self? to put the world start with your- by your Jordan, Doris Day, Buddy 2 FOR .98 STOCK CLEARANCE RECORDS POPULAR and WESTERN RECORDINGS favorite artists: Harry James, Johnny Bond, Jimmy Lunceford, Louis Como, Louis Armstrong, Frank Sinatra. Lojguist's OAKVILLE MUSIC CENTRE Clark, Bing Crosby, Perry CLIP THIS ADVT. GOOD FOR .10 OLLIE'S * FOR 28 66 Colborne St. E ES CLEANERS QUALITY WORKMANSHIP AND SERVICE To Citizens of Oakville and Vicinity * FREE PICK-UP AND-DELIVERY | DYERS YEARS : Phone 588 resident of our ana deeply interested in the advance ment of music, especially from a cultural standpoint, He is an ac- complished artist, not only on the flute but also on the piano and has extensive European study to his credit. He will be accompan- ied at the piano by Mrs. Dorothy Douglas of Toronto and Oakville: Little is known of the flute by the, average person. True it is used in all symphonies and quite a lot as an to color- Thelma Brown Commercial 0 Specializing in 1 . . 1" "Your Wedding In Pictures The Latest Album Presentation of that Great Day 14 Inglehart Ave., Oakville Phone 485-W. tura sopranos. However, it is one of the oldest instruments. In Egyptian history it is mentioned that Ptolemy Philadelphus gave a great festival at Alexandria in 280 B.C. with singers, kithara players and flutists amounting to six hundred in all. A century lat- er another Ptolemy was a great ed without trials, patron of flute music. After an- BURROS' SPECIALTY SHOPPE LINGERIE HOSIERY SPORTWEAR QUALITY VALUE SERVICE 136 Colborne St. E. Phone 423 A CORDIAL INVITATION THIS FRIDAY and SATURDAY : ; January 13th and 14th You are cordially invited to. see the » i 1950 DODGE and DE SOTO PASSENGER CARS and DODGE TRUCKS AT OUR SHOWRCOMS | Wm. Whitaker & Sons | Station Road OAKVILLE Telephone 141 1 ET 4 iy " i BT Rs = Le ' : = rn a--

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