Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 2 Feb 1950, p. 2

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THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL i] Thursday, February 2, 1950 Page 2 PEOPLE and EVENTS Albert Wilcox, chairman Lions Club Annual Hobby Show, urges all hobbyists to put forth their best efforts so they will have their entries ready for the 1950 show. Final dates have not been selected, the chairman stated, but will probably be early in Ap- Til. essa Mr. and Mrs, Garth Macdonald announce the birth of a son at the Temporary Hospital on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. C. Wright entertained on Saturday night before. the Oakville Club supper. ska The Journal's new office is lo- cated at 7 Dunn Street. Mr. Allan Read has returned from a business trip to New York City. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Don Beaton (nee Love- lock) at Toronto General Hos- pital January 25. PE Bill Merklinger, of Ross Stores, is being transferred to the firm's Weston branch. is siss Professor J. A. Weall of O.A.C. will give a chalk-talk on Garden- ing a Suburban home at the nex meeting of the South-East Tra- falgar Property Owners' Associa- tion to be held Feb. 28 at the new Township Hall. Today | Last Ti ast Times "Lust For Gold" Glen Ford Ida Lupino Friday, Saturday Feb. 3-4 Here's a reckless racing Rooney... driving for glory in the toughest race of then J all. the Indianapolis 500! ROARING ic 7 R I THEBIG pr Vi is HEE Mick (fami HARRY M. POPHIN - semi Robert Sith. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Feb. 6-7-8 It's the Merriest of all Pictures and a Colonel and Mrs. W. G. Mac- Kendrick entertained at a dinner party last week in honour of Mr. Dano MacKendrick. ha. te Mrs. John Taylor had a fare- well tea Monday in honour of Dr. H. Hanson who leaves soon for England. dain Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Walton Jr. entertained on Sunday evening. csoce Mrs. P. J. Wardle entertained at tea on Tuesday. le oi rie Mrs. A. H, Downey is visiting relatives in Port Arthur. serve The Al Armstrong and the Doug Armours spent the week-end at Tallyho Inn. Patty Gibson, Balsam Drive, celebrated her birthday on Sat- urday with a party. tans The Gil Ostroms, Cameron Kindersley and Miss Mary Bull, with the W. Hamiltons and Dud- ley Binets of Hamilton, with Bill Armstrong of Toronto were guests at Limberlost Lodge from Thurs- day to Monday. ares Mrs. Thomas Makin, Randall Street, is visiting in Kingston. Miss Mary Chisholm and Miss Ailsa Balfour, Brampton, spent the week-end in Montreal with Mrs. Stephen Lynch, formerly of odkville. ren estd Mr. and Mrs. Harland Merry, Queen Elizabeth Way, have re- Hillmers, Alec Tilleys, Mrs. Ruth Dick George was elected presi- dent of Oakville Arts and Crafts at a meeting of the newly elected directors. Carsten Glahn was named Vice-President and Miss Belle-Mary Tait secretary. The February meeting of the Music Appreciation Group will be held at the home of Mrs. Douglas Wilkes, 53 Palmer Ave. Thurs- day evening, February 9, at 8.15. BRONTE Mr. and Mus. 'Sherman Gilliam and children, Welland, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Gil- liam over the week-end. Paul Bray celebrated his 4th. birthday Saturday, January 28, with a party at his home. Among the small guests present were Teddy FitzGerald, Margaret and David 'Scarrow, Susan Hill, Oak- ville. "aes Mr. and Mrs. L. Patterson spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Brown, Brighton-Beach, Miss Dawna Scarrow visited ity on African violets will be: the guest speaker. The subject will be African violets. Mrs. Copland will also judge the special com- petition. The door prizes will be African violets, courtesy of Mrs. Copland, vena The W. A. of Walton Memorial Church will meet in the SiS. rooms, Thurs. Feb. 9 at 2 pm. Devotional will be in charge of Mis. A. Dalby and Mrs, Jas. Eng- lish, Mrs. O. B. Crowell, Mrs E. Coombs, and Mrs. M. Dawson Iwill look after the refreshments: |At this meeting the Bazaar | Committee will be formed. | CREE Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Wy- |man, Ottawa, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hop- | Icing. Fr The Community Club euchre held Mon, night was well attend- fed. The prize winners wers as | follows. Mrs. H. Hartland, Mr. H. | Brewster, Mrs! L. Reid, ana Mr. ID. Fitzsimmons, Oakville. Mrs. Allan Elliott won the draw. TRAFALGAR fhe Trafalgar Township Feder- over Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Monas, Hamilton. Constable Holman, RCMP, was Margaret and Douglas Kinney Toronto, Were week-end guests at the home of their aunt, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Royle, ac- companied by Mrs. Royle's sister Mrs. J. Kinney and Mr. Kinney, Toronto, attended the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sargent of Mark- ham, : an interesting and instructive talk on Canada, and showed a film concerning the RCMP to the St. pupils. A meeting of the Bronte Horti- cultural Society will be held on Thursday, February 9 at 8 pm. CRE Mr. and Mrs. 'E. A. Fish enter- a visitor at the Bronte Public |W. R. Royle. attended the annual social eve- School last Thursday. He gave ais ixlie lz ning of the Halton Game and Fish Association, at Palermo ation of Agriculture on Thurs- day evening Jan. 27th. At a short business session, with Mr. Fred Near presiding it was de- cided to exténd an invitation to' all the Farm Forums in the Township to meet with them at a social evening tor De held in March, Walter Royle and Mr. Near were awarded the prizes for the highest scores in euchre. The hostess was assisted in serving s by her \ re: Miss Vivian Fish. PE Major J. Y. Fraser, Padre at Sunnybrook Hospital and form- erly minister of the Sixteen Presbyterian Church, was the guest speaker at the Burns' sup- per held at Streetsville Presby- terian Church on Tuesday, Jan. 25th. Among those who attend- ed from Trafalgar and Snider's districts were Mr. and Mrs. Ern- est Hopper, Mrs. W. E. Dent, Mz. and Mrs. W. Royle, Mr. and Mrs. G. Bentley, Mr. and Mrs Roy Fish, Mr: and Mrs. A, Rog- ers and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fish. ER Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Fish were among those from Snider's who aon Mrs. Fish won the prize for the highest score in euchre. Pr Postville and Sniders' Farm Forums held a social evening Monday evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs. George H. King. An enjoyable evening was spent in the Community Hall. Mrs. F. G. Copland, Port Credit, author- tained the officers and directors of in playing cards. turned from spending several days in Montreal. enn Mis. Hugh Fellows, Toronto, is spending a few days in Oakville as the guest of Mr, and Ms. Hil- lary Marshall, Watson Ave. and Mrs. B. Duncan, Bond St. : Para Arnold Banfield is in Winnipeg attending the sales convention of his Western distributors. a Mrs. R. W. Wilcox, Balsam Drive, entertained at luncheon on Friday. ol rier Mrs. Bill McKinney entertained at luncheon on Tuesday. ss Mrs. Clarence Kilty, Welland, Delightful Treat! A new heart thrill for you! I 5458 Produced and Directed by 17 DON HARTMAN Scroen Play by Isobel Lennart 'Look for the Silver Lining' in Technicolor June Haver, Ray Bolger Starts Thursday Feb. 9 is visiting her son and daughter- law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kilty, Howard Ave. POPP Ed, Mullis, Douglas Ave, has returned to Oakville after an {absence of several months in Montreal on business. Leesa x Ray Manbert spent the week- end at Sherwood Inn. : vanes Mr. and Mrs. James Kendall and Mr. and Mrs. Gilroy, Dunn St, returned on Monday from a three-week trip to Florida. vo | Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cham- bres, Spruce Street, and their son Billy, are visiting Mrs. Cham- bres' parents in Manchester, England. My. and Mrs. W. T, Barron, Eighth Line, have returned from a two month vacation in Fort [a Florida. xn To hold a group of women speechless for the best part of an hour is no mean accomplishment but such was the feat' performed by Adrian Dingle, well-known local artist, when he spoke before the January meeting of the Ham- flton Women's Art Association on Thursday evening. Mr. Dingle demonstrated his method of sketching a scene in such a way as to achieve an almost finished result in one sitting! The tech- nique used was to outline with thin colour and turpentine, then lay on the pigment with paleutte knife and finger treatment. Thursday, Friday Saturday Feb. 2-3-4 ONTARIO PREMIERE! The producers of "Two Mugs From Brooklyn" are most anxious to obtain your reaction to this hilarious comedy. We are therefore offer- ing a 3 month pass to the Gregory Theatre for the best 150 word or less review of the picture and 10 double passes as consolation prizes. My, Jim Har on, the Hollywood Reporter, will act as judge. Entries may be mailed to or left at the Gregory. Theatre. The contest closes Feb. 15th. | Prince of the Plains FAVORITE FILMS PRESENTS WILLIAM BENDIX MAK BAER ATs COMPANION FEATURE Starring" MONTE HALE | = 7 ---- ORCE MONTEOMERY Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Feb. 6-7-8 FB GREGORY | Feel the THRILL behind the wheel of AUSTIN DEVON the new AUST IN SALES and SERVICE CLARK'S SERVICE CENTRE Phone 1031-W Colborne Gt. W. at Chisholm

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