Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 23 Feb 1950, p. 2

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THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, February 23, 195 PEOPLE an The G. M. C. Wrights, Glouces- ter Avenue, entertained on Satur- day night before the Oakville Club supper. reas Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Banfield attended the annual dance of the Downtown Toronto Progress club. at the Royal York on Thursday night. reves The Ladies Aid Society of Knox Church will hold their second Lenten tea on Thursday, March 2, from 3 to 5.30, in the Church hall. The spring teas will be held April 27 and May 18, and the summer bazaar on June 22, it has been announced. Plummeting temperatures Sun- day night caused more than the usual quota of stalled cars and frozen water pipes. Hardest hit Victoria hall, where reported to require sive repairs. Even the mod- ern plumbing system at the new hospital was not immune to the morning hour attack of Jack Frost, but was functioning again within a few hours. - Mr, and Mrs left yesterday Lakeland, St da. Harold Stirling for a holiday at Petersburg, Flori- PPE With the rapid increase in the growth of the local scout move- ment, 'more assistant leaders are /padly needed for Scout and Sea Scout troops and Wolf Cub packs. All those wishing to volunteer their services as assistant lead- ers are asked to get in touch with C. H. Windeler, president of the Oakville Boy Scout Association, phone 977, or Mrs. Michael Jen- nings, 899W. cere Mr. and Mrs. Hilmer left Sunday for a vacation Florida. Lofquist in vem Oakville Lakeshores anticipate a full measure of vocal fan sup- port when they skate out on the Milton arena ice Friday night for the first game of their OFLA. group finals. Residents eager to hitch a ride to Milton are advis- ed to drop down to Lakeshore Cleaners, official departure point, as early as possible. Many medical officials of Tor- onto and Hamilton hospitals vis- ited the Memorial hospital on Saturday and Sunday. A recital by the Oakville piano pupils of Roy Taylor, Hamilton, was held on Saturday afternoon at the home of the Fred Hotsons, 8th Line. Selections were render- ed by Jill and Jennifer Weather- stone, Anne and Ian Fraser, Bruce Reid and Annabelle Hot- son. fern Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Collett of Campbellford, were in town to Help celebrate Ray Collett's birth- day on Friday night. Ea Miss Boston arrived stay with Mr. Hotson. Peggy Macpherson of on Tuesday to and Mrs. Fred Sa In the current issue of Canada's Weekly, a feature article points out the many advantages Oak- ville has to offer to industrial ists seeking new factory sites. Mrs. Harry MacKendrick is spending a few days in Buffalo. PRP a The Kenneth MacTaggarts en- tertained before the Oakville Club supper on Saturday night. PR Mr. J. Gayfer will be one of the adjudicators at the Kiwanis Musical Festival Mr. Kim MacKendrick enter- tained some of his friends on Sat- urday taking them to the matin- ee followed by a party at his home. Fa Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Salter, Fighth Line, have returned from a lengthy visit to their daughter, Mrs. R. J, Robertson, Nassau, Bahamas. Mrs. Robertson return- ed with them for a visit. FE On Sunday, Dr. Gladys Munroe Campbell and Mr. W, Allan Campbell, 33 Galt Ave, enter- +ained members of the staff of the Hospital for Sick Children, Tor- onto. Following a tour of Oak- ville's new hospital, tea was ser- ved at which Mrs. FE. G. Sparling 0 EVENTS Judge and Mrs. Wilson N. Rob- inson and Miss Mary Robinson are vacationing at Miami, Flori- da. ale The Drama-Choral ranged annually by Oakville- Trafalgar high school students will be presented in Victoria hall tonight and Friday night. In addition to two one-act plays, the school glee club will offer a var- iety of selections under the dir- ection of Mr, Hugh Brearley. sae The Board of TFrnepont Com- missioners will hear the applica- tion of the Bell Telephone Co. for rate increases on March 8 at Ot- tawa, town council was informed by letter this week. nights ar- David Street has R.CAF. joined the Tea oe oa Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Deans and Mr. and Mrs. Basil Megaffin left this week for holidays in Miami, Florida. scene Among those attending the opening of the legislature and the Lieutenant-Governor's reception at Queen's Park on Thursday were: Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Rick- aby, Mr. and Mrs. John Ross, Mr. and Mrs, W. O. Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. Ryland New. The regular monthly meeting. of Oakville-Trafalgar Home and School Association, scheduled for this evening, has been cancelled on account of the High School Drama and Choral night at Vie- toria Hall, The next meeting will De the fourth Thursday in March. see es The annual church service of the Oakville Girl Guide and Boy Scout assns. will be held at 4.15 Sunday afternoon in St. Jude's Anglican church. PRP Miss Phyllis Rayburn, Reg.N., Lakeshore Rd. Fast, who has tak- en a position on the staff of King Edward Memorial hospital, Ber- muda, was entertained at a Bon Voyage shower Tuesday evening by Mrs. G. Stairs, Some thirty friends were present. Miss Ray- burn flew to Bermuda the follow- Winners of CPT. euchre last week were: Ladies, 1st, Mrs. J. Anderson, 2nd, Mrs. L, Ribble, Consolation, Mrs. L. Dewsberry. Gents, 1st, Mr. F. J. Stafford, 2nd, Mrs. W. Loyer, Consolation, Mrs, D. Stewart. Draw, Mrs. Crowthers. Tree TRAFALGAR Rev, J. W. Stewart attended the February meeting of the Hal- ton Presbytery of the United Church which was held in Apple- by Church. Mr. S. D. Turner, who is lay. representative for the Tra- falgar Charge (comprising Wes- ley, Munn's, and Sheridan) also attended. The executive of Halton Pres- byterial of the W.M.S. met on the same day in the Appleby Church parsonage. Mrs. R. S. Mercer, hostess. The president of the Presbyterial, Mrs. G. W. Bridle, presided. Munn's Church W. A. | had recently affiliated with the W.M.S. and Mrs. L. Bradley at- tended as their representative Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Fish, Mrs. Earl Albertson, Mrs. Lorne Fish, | Mr. Allan Fish and their aunt Mrs. G. Sitter, Oakville, attend- ed the funeral of their relative, the late Cameron Duncan, E, E., in Toronto, on Wednesday. Mr. Duncan, who was the son of the late Inspector Walter Duncan (Dominion Detective) was well- known in the Snider's district where he was a frequent visitor before his marriage. He was a graduate of University of Tor- onto, was a pioneer radio "ham," served the first world war as a wireless operator with the R.C.N, VR. and in the second war was engaged in designing and develop- ing radio equipment. The Sixteenth annual banquet of the Trafalgar Hunt Club will be held on the evening of March first in the new Township Mem- orial Hall. Snider's Farm Forum was held as usual last week, in spite of the bad storm. Over twenty members made their way to the home of Mr and Mrs. W. R. Royle. We understand that some members had trouble with the drifts on the way home. They were forced to ing day from Malton. leave their cars and walk a con- siderable distance to their home. tres Bert Berry entertained the members of Knox Church, Sixteen, Ladies' Aid and WM. Societies for the February meet- ing. Mrs. nea Among those who attended the official opening of the new Oak- ville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospit- al were Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Fish, Mr. and Mrs, Edward Fish and daughters, and Mrs. E. Albert- son. ere Mrs. Ernest Hopper is visiting at the home of her niece, Mrs. Melvin Price, Lewiston, N.Y. Vaan The February meeting of the Wesley Church W.M.S. and W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. W. R. Royle. cess Previous to her marriage, Miss Barbara Fuller, the bride of Sat- urday, was guest at showers held in her honour, Miss Lorna Wat- son, Oakville, held a miscellan- eous shower at her home. She was assisted by Miss Lorrine Ful- ler. Miss Bernice MacPherson, assisted by her mother, Mrs. W. MacPherson, also entertained for her at a miscellaneous shower. Two weeks previously Mrs. C. |. cooper, Toronto, was hostess at a shower, and her associates at the Workmen's Compensation Board presented her with a rose Kenwood blanket, a corsage of pink carnations and forget-me- nots and a white lily. even The sixteenth annual banquet of the Trafalgar Hunt Club will be held on the evening of March Ist in the Trafalgar Township Memorial Hall. The ladies of Trafalgar United Church charge (Munn's, Wesley and Sheridan) will as usual cater for the turkey dinner. Judge Egerton Lovering will as in past years, will be Master of Ceremonies. Ronald Stewart, as usual, will sing and a representative of the Ontario Department of Game and Fish- eries, will show an illustrated film, Belford Savage is president of the club and Milton McCleary manager and MH. BRONTE The next class in square danc- ing will be held in the Commun- ity Hall Friday, March 3rd. Thursday, Friday, Saturday Feb. 23-24-25 THE WHOLE FAMILY IS SURE TO ENJOY ROBERT ARMSTRONG PLUS! LATEST FOR ADDED THRILLS! "Streets of San Francisco" STARRING One of the great thrills of Red Stallion's newest adventure! IN GLORIOUS CINECOLOR! MAE CLARKE WORLD NEWS MON., TUES., WED. Feb. 27-28 Mar. 1 IF IT'S LAUGHTER YOU ARE AFTER HERE IS YOUR PROGRAM! with ANDREWS SISTERS Lov VIRGINTA BRUCE THE FOUR INE SPOTS The Evening branch of tl Women's Auxiliary, Church J the Epiphany, held a success euchre and games night I} week, Buchre winners inclu Mrs. Truman Aitcheson has re- turned home from St. Joseph's Hospital, Hamilton, where she underwent a serious TE | Her many friends wish her speedy recovery. (Continued on Page 9) BRONTE ALERT! Boy Scout Paper Drive Saturday Morning, Feb. 25 If convenient, kindly have bundles ready for boys to pick up. Thursday, Friday, Saturday Feb. 23-24-25 POUNDING O07 OF THE HEART OF THE BLUE GR A STORY WITH A HEART-BEAT ALL ITS OWN | stallion's fight for fame brings an oldtimer his big break--and two young-timers their big love! SHRI ii IT, i ED ION WEGALTRR =z2u2eze Mon,, Tue., Wed. Feb. 27-28 -Mar. KING OF ROMANTIC EPICS! The Great Adventure of ihe Ages! aarit® onset Town - L WELLES © HN] ke WANDA JED poured. =F BR Clark' SEE THE AUSTIN DEVON .« Drive It Yourself. . * FOR Austin Sales & Service Colborne St. W. at Chisholm IN OAKVILLE s Service Centre YOUR FRIENDY B-A SERVICE STATION Phone 1031-W. FE Pou PE | THE

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