Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 23 Feb 1950, p. 5

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3, 1950 fit Tnursday, February 23, 1950 THE OAKVILLBE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL . 1| small as he was, and then the latio 0. B. BERGQUIST The Co e cobweb looked exactly like a Y th \ (e) e (0) u n rope. L gran | WATCHES, CLOCKS, y m "He taught me," Knarf went nti on, "to climb up the rope, and ! EW ) De, post JEWELERY BOOK TWO slide down again, fast as light- 2 a SILVERWARE ning. But then he taught me the eve > y » . best trick of all He stretched ke riff 6g Colborne St. E- Phone 1231 Patsy's Kid the Tope from the end of the ol fence right across to the branch Depart Fudgee of a tree. It was quite a few feet - above the ground. He showed me J EPirectoxry || bre pr is alling. 2 ight ust hoy PREPARING TO GO NORTH [collect them and take them care- 2 pi elied; tgnpeope emarkef INSURANCE ELECTRICAL or walking. fully on their first car ride. Hanid nodded, Sh Caen August days are usually hot,| : ded. She glanced at| > > 6 i I. 5. H. GILES . ee Ss eptio || BY muses ihsiooning ail was her brother in admiration, "Ana|| Thefant stowed Kuarfihowiey debent[jReal Estate and Insurance (© LLL Every day the sun beat down on o readiness. The car was packed. [what other tricks did you learn?" balance a daisy ce. "wil 139 Colborne Sireet on ELECT teas 3 RV om |v and made us wish for the cool > ol the jing-| "The ants taught me a wonder-|how to glide along the ground we hav, e - - - - Phone he ing, The ewes wed|Lo ingles Of fhe Reed, Wes i, gul trick' vi ven s ? e hay Melinda St. BROWN ELECTRIC re also a large cardboard box with| "Oh, the ants! What trick di WH wn aE elin CONTRA CTO! burned to a nasty brown, and the ick did| phen T met the Toronto - - - Adelaide 2761 zs garden suffered terribly. I tried |%7 old woollen sweater on the they teach you?" Se Evenings - - - Oakville 712 intl Bnew (E08, Sized RY BE Potton ton thie sow ualien tn tres 7D Seti shal mysel 5s cipal stowed, me, tony, 0 1sy, SHTeng 2 Spline ol _ Phone 1059 Oskville| © ©" 'he plants, shrubs and vel in. A place was prepared on |as they were, first. Then they pretend 1 was dead. Then Iimet © wil] GENERAL INSURANCE BILL ANDERSON | Te a 1G H. S. THORNTON RADIO - APPLIANCES * |%oi too hot. My work seemed to he coli seth. out comfort: enermous log' Ot was really only (i sit; lon) the water 'and paddle va cor Sales & Service EE ats oe [ou nd watts puree tne [3 ot aw aw Da [Ty me Eh a tricks Phone 874 Phone 521-M 2 y gave |, < below hi it : 8 | of all T learned from the fly." hove West, Oakville ne elow her. seemed to be as big and heavy _____|§ Lakeshore Ol Dunn St. North - Oakville| "0 spicular morning I "Now Tafee, my high-falutin' [aS a 10g) and showed me how to "From whom?" said Hanid in 2 A. ¥. BERRILL L. F. CLEMENT pad been up. earlier than usual. little friend," I said as I turned |Palance it on my head. They Surprise @ Oakville's Active Broker" | ayy HOME ELECTRIC os hs manly Sel Th oui Look at Per where!shelsat, very, showsd ime how) to run with it, "From the fly] ; MRreal Estate and Business THORIZED FRIGIDAIRE) (otnes closet, had spent the closel to the | open: doon of trie|[ Tow [to] tumble with fit rAtONE WERE fetid (rye! Tonto ox Broker DEALER night stretched out on the sun |S "You will have the honor of |roPPINg it--how fo climb over) the FH! 3 Insurance Comniercial Sales & Service| . oo floor. The red tiles had ab- sitting on the front seat with us." rocks with it, and how to crawl| "Oh said Knarf, "if only I 4 ivi 5 : " 5 2 | int hole with it." c ed her tricks NN RT = ee es i me © neil tes et Be ) and Oil Burner Units rot hey at 'on ad wares|(Honor to Dejmuretl Youre only at's a wonderful acrobatic | they were the only ones that werd TS ROFESSIONAL Service & Installation of all| 500% Sc 104 ace to sleep. Putting me in the front with you fitote, Enel too hard. She tried to show me" Makes on De wot of tha |Decause there isn't one ounce of |, And then," continued Knarf,|seid Knarf, "how to walk up az e "I met a kind of worm. It show- |slippery pane of glass. I couldn't CARSTEN GLAHN Optometrist -- Optician 163 Colborne St. E. Phone 1375 IE tie ILLIAM C. MILLIGAN, R.O. PHONE 1441 16 THOMAS ST. N Oil Burners WORK GUARANTEED ~ GENERAL ELECTRIC Commercial Refrigeration back stairs as I came down. Her tail was wagging at a great rate and her blonde jowls with the edges were pulled back in a grin. She was up and raring to go. space left in the back." "Well, I can make space in the back for you, if you want it." T told her, as I started to rear- range the boxes and the bags. ed me a wonderful trick, too." Hanid wanted to know about the sort of trick the worm taught Knarf. "This worm showed me how to do it. "That must have been hard," said Hanid. "What else couldn't you do?" "I couldn't stand on the chan- Optometrist * Optician Sales & Installation "Come, jcome,!! she said, hefore|{ ON, [not TI accept the hon-|curl up in a ball and go rolling |delier. I couldnt stand on the 694 Colborne St, Oakville, Ont. A. C. PENN I even greeted her. "Such goings |or," she said hurriedly. "I could |from one place to another with-|wall. And above all, I couldn't (rer ific Bak oo mereo)e|94 Maple Aves. Phone 158 [Ic 00 never do. The sun's been |not stand befng left alone in the lout hurting myself, Then I mot |walk upside down across the gE an Saati Oakville up a long time. T don't know how back with seven squirming little the squirrel, and he taught me ceiling!" And Knaxf sighed, "But Office Hours: Monday to Sat- REPAIRS ER Sn oo things that look for all the world |how fo run up a tree and leap|T dia," he added, "stand on a lump 1 urday, 9.80 am. to 5 PM.|To all types of commercially, cy» B litemice, Being in the front seat |from one branch to another. Then |of sugar and rub my feet togeth- ACH. will be bad enough. I hope Black- |I met the snail and he showed me [er!" And this time he smiled. Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 7.00 to 8.00 p.m. Telephone 1507 y W. A. CAMPBELL, D.V.M, V.S. Accredited Vetérinarian Hours by Appointment Home Office 29 Herald Ave. Oakville ed. "Really Joe, this will never last load. "They're your brothers Phone 390W NURSERIES do! Tt just can't go on. Someday (and sisters, and youll have to Trafalgar Farms Office your face may freeze like that, |help take care of them, whether - AND - Phone 1344 ROBT. NIELSEN 'then what would you do?" you want to or not." NURSERIES "Good morning Taff," I finally| She mumbled something but IT OSTEOPATH noon, Saturday and Sunday. BARRISTERS and domestic GUARANTEED E. W. BURBIDGE 136 Robinson St. refrigerators and electric ranges. PARTS & SERVICE Telephone 521M or 1423W I reached the bottom of the stairs, and was about to greet her, but a yawn that I just could not stifle interrupted the intend- ed greeting. "Oh come, come," she repeat- Growers of Garden Design and Landscape Contracting TREKS -- SHRUBS -- ROSES chong AARa~W, a LINBROOK NURSERIES High Quality Nursery Stock got out, as I unlatched the screen 'door. "How are you?" An hour later, while I was busy with the hose pipe, watering the little evergreens in the tree mur- ie Davis never finds out I have ridden in the car with them." "Youll have fto get used to them sooner or later," I said, as I went back to the house for the same didn't wait to hear what it was. I was anxious to get the car all was curled up on the front seat sound asleep. Puppies or mo pup- ples she wasn't going to be left CARLTON qRec "Fine, fine" she said as she packed that night so we could steopa i ® scuttled down the verandah. |get a good early start in the 63 Division Street We Grow = Design - Past vine gsioiln, sroh from x wii oming We'd likely have to . By. Appointment. Only. Oakville RR. 1 worm." And she disappeared | make many stops with our carful NT : Phone 826 Phone 1444-W hurriedly around the end of the|of dogs and puppies. Al 7 NA) Evenings, Wednesday After- house. When I came out again, Taffee Nz. Oxy - Acetylene Electric : Designers of Fine Gardens -- Contracting -- EIGHTH LINE N. Phone 137J FLOOR SERVICE BRONTE FLOOR SERVICE FLOOE SANDING 7) behind, 'Earlysnext morning we started out to pick up Patsy and her family of seven puppies. Knarf¥Did Handstands By MAX TRELL "I just learned a lot of tricks this morning," Knarf said to his sister Hanid. "I'm learning how to be an acrobat." Hanid, who was sitting in the chair under the window, reading sery, I saw her return. She came pack 'into the garden through a hole in the fence, caused by a broken picket. I couldn't see what she was carrying, but no doubt it was some lovely treasure from a trash basket in the neigh- ibourhood, She had been out early enough to make her rounds be- fore the garbage had been col- lected. I called to her but she pretended not to hear me and went in search of a suitable place to hide her latest piece of doggy | ANGUS McMILLAN Barrister -- Solicitor Notary Public 107 Colborne Street East Telephone Oakville 532 ROSS RYRIE Barrister Solicitor Notary Public 61-A Cotborne St. East Telephones Office 65: Residence 1487-w McConachie & Jones Prompt Service on all types of welding by only exper- ienced help. - & REFINISHIN( LINOLEUM FLOORS LAID LINO-MASTIC-RUBBER TILE PHONE BRONTE 194 W. H. PARKIN - Floor Sanding & Refinishing Phone 1058-W i RG Be Welded... : We Can Do It | D. A. McC hil art. a book, looked up with interest Richard Jones ROOFING I mended the hole in the fence [and curiosity. "Oh, so you're Barrister - Solicitor NICHOL'S ROOFING _ |and decided T would go all over learning to be an acrobat. Who is teaching you?" "Well" said Knarf as he sat down beside her, "the first one to teach me the spider." "he spider! Why what kind of tricks could a spider teach you, Knarf?" "He taught me how to do tricks on a rope. It wasn't a real Notary Public 169 COLBORNE ST. Telephone Oakville 1804 JOHN F. ISARD Barrister -- Solicitor i Notary Public WW. the fences around the place and fix all escape holes but not right then. I had other things to do. We must pack to go to Owlscroft. The next day we were to leave for Victoria Harbour. Patsy and her new family would be picked up on the way. The puppies were only a little over a week old, but New roofs & Old roofs applied Insul-Bric siding & Asbetos siding. Insulation Materials Eaves Troughing Materials supplied & sold Peter P. Nichols New Phone 2544 Burlington Oakville 1445. 38 CLARKE AVE., BURLINGTON (Estimates Given) Maxwell - Brown Motors Successor to N. Robinson, K.C. Church St. W. at Navy Phone 6 142 Colborne St. East or. Socord said! they' : 5 > D ; y' were old |rope, of course. It was just a Phones: Bus. 15 Res. 216 BUILDING enough to travel, so we would |cobweb, but T made myself as JACK A. SEED THOS. SHIELDS Barrister-Solldlior "Building Contractor" WILLY DEE By Vic Green Notary Public 81 Colborne St. IRL, WILLIE) WHY DONT YoU] OK BUT AH WOULDN'T DO IT WILLIE, MEET FEEBY-.- FEEBY MEET WILLIE... 27 Park Avenue Oakville = Ontario ES cee ane en FOR ANYBODY ELSE... : Telephone 1237-R Estimates Supplied I CAN. peer ACCOUNTING it hohe 2 CHAS. WATT C. L. OLIVER and CO. Accounting and Auditing, Business Systems Installed Income Tax Returns 32 Thomas Street P.O. Box 402 Ham. 7-5452 - Oakville 1268 Local Representative J. Cooke Limited CONCRETE BLOCKS Phone 386-J-3 rn ry TURNBULL & HOLDRIDGE Building Contractors Concrete - Masonry SURVEYING : Bloskwork H. D. SEWELL 1578W - OAKVILLE - 903 TORONTO - PLaza 5491 MUGGS AND SKEETER ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR Oakville - Phone 1297-4 Bo viene dls ] lig WILL IT BE OK. L RIGHT, RELAX, JUNIOR, IT'S ONLY | GLAZING, REPAIR WORK 000 < I 0 oT TO Br Dont WALF-PAST ELEVEN... | All kinds of Carpentry SUTSIDE, TRYING BE LONG! I WON'T BE OPENING A. S. Wright GET IN! md MY LUNCH BOX FOR PHONE 97J Evenings AEE nee Pp. G. PENMAN Rugs, Carpets and Upholstered Furniture Cleaned In Your Own | E Home. Portable Equipment -- Satisfact- | 50 | jon Guaranteed 108 Kerr (N.) Phone 1535 | = 2 7 a < = ---- -- a wg & - r ---- ee :

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