Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 2 Mar 1950, p. 10

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Page 10 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL What's New In HOUSING IDEAS? Home Heating |are small, compact, highly effi- Wi th Hie Haas cient furnaces in miniature. They of several small heating |#Fe fully automatic and control- an a single large led by thermostats, just like the ne says Practical Builder, [modern central fur We can hear grandpa snorting | y g I TUNE Most of them are out of sight, call this a new idea. | 2 us. that is how they |to0 except for the necessary re- tomes in his , with ae ters through which the heat stove in every room foe the room. Some of them, There's a little difference to- [called floor furnaces, are design- day, however, The "stoves" we [ed to be set info the floor with are talking about, and there are|the warm air registers flush several of them on the market, - ; They come in various sizes, the smallest only 18 inches deep. One house we know of has such a furnace in the floor of a centrally located closet with registers opening in three directions. DO YOUR NERVES PLAY TRICKS ON YOU? Still another unit, burning gas, is completely self-contained. It can be installed anywhere in the floor or ceiling, on outside or in- side wall, Tt needs no chimney, using an insulated exhaust pipe, much like your automobile. It is Tf your nerves "jump" at a (about as large as an oversized sudden noise . . . or you feel [table radio, In case this unit s0 edgy and low in spirits that | | ry SE hon boat | needs servicing, the maker says meaning to out! Per. |the dealer would merely bring out a loaner which could be in- thing weighs only a few pounds. tonic, like Dr. CI erve Food . . . to help build you up S0 you can get your proper rest at night. That's when you'll really feel the benefit of the Vitamin Bi, iron and other needed minerals this time- tested tonic contains! For Dr. Chase's Nerve Food has been proven in over 50 years of use. And Canadians, by the thou- The theory of these heaters is that you can install as many as you need. In very small houses, one may be enough. In 6 or 7 room houses, you might have as many as three. With such an arrange- ment, the makers claim it would be asy to maintain almost any sands, say they rest beter, eat temperature you wanted any- better, feel better --yes, an 'here in tr » bedr Ce Rl pg rns nae house. Your bedroom could be cool, your living room warm as toast. Also, it would be unlikely that trouble would dev- clop in all of them at once, so you could he pretty sure you wouldn't freeze waiting for the service man, - So if worry, anxiety or the strenuous pace of modern living is upsetting your nerves--get Dr. Chase's Nerve Food today. The name 'Dr. Chase" is your assurance. The large "economy is your best buy. 2 DRIVE IT AND BE CONVINCED We want you not only to see the new '50 Ford--50 ways new--but to drive it! IT'S THE BIG QUALITY CAR in'the TEs LOW-PRICE So visit our showrooms. Take the keys and take the wheel of the Big, Fine Car in the Low-Price Field. For Come in... SEE IT today! Stirling-Dynes Ltd. Colborne St. E. : stalled in five minutes. The whole Phone 800 South America, was the preacher "= CHURCH NEWS = | The Sunshine Quartette of Hamilton will sing at Sunday evening's service. CHURCH of the EPIPHANY The afternoon branch of the W.A. met at the home of Mrs. L. Bray, Tuesday. Holy Baptism was administer- ed Wednesday evening. ST. LUKE'S Linda Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Inglehart, was baptized Sunday. The godparents were Mr. and Mrs. Dodgson Wil- son. Holy Communion will 'be cele- brated Sunday at 11.15 am. ST. JUDE'S A congregation composed of Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, Wolf Cubs and Brownies, with their leaders and parents filled St. Jude's Church Sunday afternoon for a special service in observan- co of Boy Scout Week. The boys and girls, in uniform, paraded to the church. The service was con- ducted by the rector, Rev. F. C. Jackson. In his address = Mr. Jackson stressed the importance of loyalty, and the part played by religion in the life of the individ- ual. The boys' choir sang. The monthly general meeting | >'® : of St. Jude's Women's Guild will| Sn havejibeen provided for et Leldt Monday evening] Maven! Lic fehoristers ropes. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE At the service on Sunday the subject of the sermon was "Chist Jesus" On Sunday, March 5th, service will be held at 11 o'clock and Sunday School at the same hour. The subject of the lesson- sermon will be "Man." The Wed- nesday evening meeting, March 8th, will include readings from the Bible and Science and Health, 13, at 830, at the home of Mrs Thomas Chisholm, Church St. Holy Communion is" being cel- ebrated every Wednesday at 10 am. and every Friday at 7.30 am. during Lent There is a children's service at 4.15 Wednes- day afternoons, and Litany at 8 oclock Wednesday evenings, followed by a study period Thursday, ~ Hospital Board Accommodation rates for the newly opened Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital were fixed by the board of governors at its reg- ular meeting last Thursday eve- ning. They are as follows: Pri- vate room with private bath §12 per day; private room with shared bath, $11; shared room and bath, 2 bed, $8; 4 beds, §7; 6 beds, $6.50; use of major opera- ting room, $20; use of minor op- erating-room $12; use of delivery room, $ Membership fees were fixed as follows: Life member, $500; sus- taining member $100; family membership $25; individual mem- bership $5. Each member will be entitled to a $5 deduction on his hospital bill once a year. "Things are shaping up as well as can be expected," Alex Tilley, chairman of the operating com- mittee, told the board. "Supplies are coming in daily by the truck- load. We are aiming at moving, in next week." The report of C. S. Freeman, March 2, 1950 Meets treasurer, showed $36,795.57 cag, on hand, with $21,910.46 accounts payable plus $6,278.47 to be paig when approved. R. C. A. Cum. berland, chairman of the finan. cial campaign committee, told th, board that pledges outstanding at the end of the year totalle| $2,522.66, which was 1.26 per cont of the total amount collected. Ti balance of the provincial grant had yet to be - paid, Mr. Cum berland said, and an audit woulg be required before the federa grant was paid. The audit will be made. "The Women's Auxiliary play. ed a marvellous part in our open. ing ceremonies," said Vice-Chair | who pre. man Arnold Banfield, sided in the absence of Chairm J. M. Dunwoody. "I don't knoy how we could have handled it af all without their help." He als) paid tribute to Jack [Russell ang Tom Chisholm for their work aj chairman of the opening cere] monies committee, The Girls' Guild meets every a ! testimonies of healing and ex- Friday afternoon at 4.30. : 3 ? periences and remarks on Christ- ST. JOHN'S ian Science. Officers and men of Central Command, military headquarters. held a church parade to St. John's United Church Sunday morning. The service was conducted by the minister, Rew. Harry Pawson, and the sermon was by Major the Rev. J. W. Forth, Central Command padre. The World Day of Prayer ser- vice for women was held Friday afternoon with Mrs. A. A. Stoll in charge. The speaker was Mus. Stanley Kerr. Members of the Woman's As- MUSIC ALBUM (Continued from Page 8) "Fra Diavolo," "Eugen Onegin" and three or four others. Caruso made his debut in Naples, his home town in 1894. After that he sang in Egypt and Europe and came to the United States in 1903 where he became immed- iately famous. While singing on the stage at the Metroplitan in New York he was taken suddenly ill, He seemed to be on the mend sociation Will | held! thelr Marchand he went jto Naples to re- cetitin thel Ladies' Parioy tor cuveratefiimt suttordiia, relapse and died on August the 2nd, morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. All the women of the congrega- tion are invited. The minister is conducting a Young Communicants' class in the vestry every Sunday 1921. I would like to offer this col- umn's congratulations to the Oakville-Trafalgar High School choir in placing in its two events at the Kiwanis Festival last week. I heard the choir sing the numb- ers which they sang at the fes- tival and they were grand. The choir which beat them must have been something, I understand minister's at 2.45 p.m. J. P. Coyle, general manager of the Carnation Milk Co. of Can- ada, will be the speaker at the monthly meeting of the St. John's Mews Club in Lusk Hall on Thursday, March 9, at 6.30. He will speak on his visit to Aus- tralia. The Sacrament of Baptism will be administered Sunday morning, March 12, and the next Commun- will be on Sunday points difference. great work and a tough job for you but' there what you are ] ? youngsters for something which jon service morning, April 2. ; A in later years. may get some irst of a series of Lenten Co Choral Society 'Peas and home cooking held by the Ladies Aid last Thursday in the church hall was well patron- ized, The second tea is being held this afternoon, with tea being served from 3 to 5.30. A Communicants' class is being held this evening at 815 in the minister's vestry. The Sacrament of the Lords Supper will be dispensed at the church choirs and choral groups Winner of the Week If F. Brooks-Hill, 53 Secord St. Seal Record with ments of the Journal. that there were only one or two. Congratula- tions Mr. Hugh (Brearley. It is a is no doubt but preparing these will give them a lot of pleasure Who knows we of them, in the eventually, after you are through with them. You and others like you are the only salvation" for the preservation of will call at Lofquist's Record Bar he will be presented with a Red the compli- 3 [= tec Th stil old lat pri wh O: Prefit Window Units Prefit Picture Windows This ch: to any room. JANI 7 sais ew SPENT (Ele SUSTARRIVED Yards: Kerr St. N. charming arrangement of windows gives an excellent view, and adds beauty Here we show only one of the several designs of colonial en- trances that will add a note of distinction to any:home. Are available in a wide range of standard sizes and designs. They assure tapid construction,saving costly delays. Phone 12 . Buf The Oakville Lumber Co., Limited {Oalo morning service on Sunday, March 19. "Am I my brother's keeper will be the title of Rev. Mr. Nic- oll's sermon on Sunday morning. At the evening service he will preach on "Tolerance and Intol- erance." A cradle roll tea party was held in the church hall Tuesday afternoon. ALVARY BAPTIST Victor Griffin, of Paraguay, an at Sunday morning's service at Calvary Baptist Church. Mr. For Healthful Recreation Learn To Bowl! 7 Join in the fun with your friends! Just give us a call and reserve an alley The Lanes Open At 2 P.M. Daily Oakville Bowling Lanes Phone 1328 Griffin is on furlough from the mission field. The pastor, Rev. A_ A. Stoll, preached at the eve- ning service, and Mrs. Russell Black sang. Tomorrow evening's prayer meeting 'will be at the 'home of Mrs. A. Quinn, Burnett Street. knows it is margarine. taste it. Try it once, and we ar buy it regularly. Oakville Hardware 94 COLBORNE ST. E. Telephone 290 RLOU minutes. Directions are given PRODUCT" S-Year Guaranteed MOTHPROOF A Its 100-to-l ~ MARGENE When spread upon bread, or used upon vegetables, not one person in one hundred You won't believe how good it is until you NEW MARGENE can be coloured for table use in three You'll like the e confident you will in every package. OF CANADA PACKERS LIMITE!

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