Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 2 Mar 1950, p. 12

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Thursday, March 2, 1950 Wm. WHITAKER & SONS Station Rd. OAKVILLE Page 12 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL TA GOODSYEAR STUDDED SURE-GRIP TIRES projects are hospitals and for overseas use of I ANNOUNCEMENT FOR RENT By RASCOTT. |cunics and =e al 1 We'll be looking for you at the | --5-voom house, for adults. Vac- carried on all year round, all aim- affiliated organizations who bring 4 CPT. Euchre Friday, March A Bon A ed at the eventual objective of a |relief to stricken people. Yo 3rd at 8.15 sharp in the LO.O.F. 3 healthier nation. When the Red Cross makes its (l -- Hall, ROOM and board for mother Locally, the Red Cross chap- annual appeal, it is to seelc qup- Hall. land child in return for caring for ic anc} The Ladies Aid Society of Knox |15 month old boy, for three tors, which make up the provin- port of local provincial and na- Presbyterian Church will hold [ months from April '{5. Phone a cial and national organizations, tional projects all aimed at one ii mre on "Thurs: | 063, 95, May Henry. _ (49p15) AES Havel carried lon! progeams of {fends The Erelief Jef jSsuffering V five thirty in the Church Hall APARTMENT, 97 Randall St. > REST or ALL welfare activities nursing classes, | wherever it may be and whatever | HENDLEY Buslah E. B. Ken- 3 rooms and bathroom, available THE MONK SEAL and medical and dental health |it might pe. Dollars for Red | LEY Buelah E. B. Ken-|parch 20. Couple with child pr i hedy, on. Thursday, February 23 AYO. a pre- 3 lessons. Work committees have | Cross mean dollars to ease pain | / Ly, ay, February 23, ferred, $80. a month. Phone Her- PACIFIC 1S 1950, at her home 510 Pine Street, | pert Merry, 1151W. : PROAECAED BY-THE US. provided a huge volume of cloth- [and to make life more liveable | Re Dunnville, Buelah Kennedy, wife GOYERNMENT. ing and supplies for the outpost for others. tion of the late Charles Hendley and| FEMALE HELP WANTED if HAS WO CLAWS. aE a 8 Oak sister of Robert John (Bert) Kennedy of Lansing, Ontario. In- > anal GT pose Saturday, Feb. 25th, 1950. En. Phe aed % % Cent Would anybody interested in a | GIRL or woman for housework, 0 | Sang "y tative date of June Ist to July | =P er ---- th: in Gakville for the treai-| MARRIED lcouple, woman ie fact ment of stammering and articu- quired for part-time service in AufoMone ie s: lation _defects, please write Box |household, man to assist with DID VERY FEW DRIVERS. first S22" A11 information will be |gardening, etc. Detached living ol ora | # day Strictly confidential. (2.00p14-17) | quarters, & bedroom apartment, 0 4 BEFORE THE SELF- er modern conveniences. Apply in M ARTER WAS n MATTRESSES ith : ; te r | writing or arrange for interview K GIRLS Must CHOOSE INVESTED All F G f S k wen Representative here now for [py phone to B. R. Thomson, 8th. q HUSBANDS FROM THEIR OWN > n ormer 1 t toc paig one month. We specialize in Mar- ine North, (4th house north of ARIBES, OR BE HANDED ti: Shall and Beautyrest repairs. |No. 2 highway) phone 779]. OVER 10 ANY YOUNG MEN oe Spring mattresses rebuilt, re- WHO WANA AHEM. leans, CoB LIMITED PERIOD ONLY po turned like new. Eiderdowns r Co gt pt, rd this covered. Finest workmanship. SITUATIONS WANTED > Ontario Bedding Company, Port |=---- : * ou Credit. Phone Oakville 203-W. xperienced typist and _filin, Il you one tpt i in (RED CROSS STRONG IN PEACE OR WAR ay FOR SALE requires full or part-time posit-[ To most persons, war may ued in response to the demands of \ | : ion! Phone 506W. (2515) | seem to have faded into dim [hospitals and medical clinics all WE LOOK FORWARD WITH PLEASURE TO DOING | A 49 AUSTIN, low mileage LOCAL man desires work, |memory. The cheers and jubila- |over Canada. Today hundreds of BUSINESS WITH THE PEOPLE OF OAKVILLE the god pre, 14 ELE i EE permanent, single, tion of war's end have become | volunteers continue the work of a... , senior matriculant. refer |. a i iding i i i AN 3 -- ALBERTA coal briquets, an Position meeting public. Alan dimmed by time. This is the era |providing immediately available AND TRAFALGAR Ee all.Canadian product, from Frank | King, phone 19. (33v15) |of peace. ay for injured and suffering land M. Sullivan, Bronte 80-W. Your 5 5 ne, / ever: ie Coal Dealer. (350146) FOUND a ey TI Scattered all through the re- MR. & MRS. STANLEY LACK ee 'hospitals CTO! a, e WOOD for sale, hard and soft, : Le on ees reas of ihe country are The New Owners Of ny oD oaixed stove length, Phong) BLACK, whils and tan fox- |Srim horror o still is pain- |jarge and small hospitals, placed 224-W. Qeopte) [mound F- Stansbury, phone 71 fully sharp. These men are the [in Tocations which could not oth- (| The : : Hs Bronte. p15) | veterans who still carry the e PENNSYLVANIA OIL vl mat pen erwise support such service. GIFT AND he This is an excellent type of oil LOST. ounds, who sf e pain Of | These are established and main- and we are selling it at 80c a war. tained by the Red Cross. Through FLOWER SHOP 0 allon. Please brin, our own ; i > gion; golem Pu Co g wi om : Swe Jey named Guy,| To these men the Canadian other branches of the organiza- Opp. Century Theatre Phone 1326 a 90 only. Hurry while it lasts. Hed- or a The Red Cross seeks to bring some [tion, welfare, nursing, well-baby ® E leigh Home Ltd, Dundas Street, LY 1 2 comfort and aid. Apart from the North, phone 1063. activities of the Red NOTICE TO CREDITORS (Cross, such as the maintenance FIREWOOD, suitable for stove and fireplace, cut and split. Reg. Smith and Sons. Phone 72TW. (pd 15-18) PREMIER strawberry plants. 3 Place order row. Quality plants against the estate of Harry Gid- g r only. $18 per thousand. Joseph dings, late of the Township: of the organization maintains a pro- Dosion, Lower Middle Rd., Oaic- Trafalgar, Esquire, deceased, who |gram aimed at making the long IN. THE BSTATE OF HARRY [of 78: outpost hospitals in far GIDDINGS, deceased. areas and the programs of wel- and assistance carried on All persons having claims fare by nearly 1,000 local branches, Ba nlvi olae ville. (1.00p12-17) | died on or about the 15th day of [hospital trials less burdensome, I June, 1949 are requested to file > AFGHAN, female, 14 months, | their claims on or before the 10th [and als offers some help to the golden, housebroken, reasonable. |gay of March 1950, after which families of the men confined to Box 360, Journal. (7015-17) | gate the assets of the said estate hospital. SOF A d CH KE I HH] stots re an AIR by FAIRBANKS Morse, ol, hot will be distributed. or Across Canada water heater, all connections and| Dated the 20th d A ere copper tubing included. Very ec-| ary, fo] fhe SNR aS (of Sen jel ely TogES maintained by onomical operation, Also" gas the Red Cross for families of ve- stove, d-burner, broiler and util: ferans. Here a wife may find a oven control, phone room while she is visiting her ew. husband; here a father and moth- 1649 CHEVROLET coach, 4300 miles. $1800. cash, Air condition. | -------------- r are offered a home away er and heater, block heater, > from home while they await word or 2d heaton Dene oanvine| Glimpses of Yesteryear rom the hospital during a crisis. ivat k 158W2, privately owned. (35915) | (Gontinued from page 11) And here also are centred ser- --d Estelle Giddings, Executrix, Here is a truly unusual design . . . tailored in an entirely new, exclusive French-Knot Mohair Boucle. The lovely crescent shaped sofa and chair are specially priced for modest budgets. « _ Kroehler's own long-lasting Cushionized Lakeshore East, Oakville, Ont, Canada. (1.50p14-16) to any veteran. tn Toa ers at the foot of sloping banks |vices available Blavy duty teeth, 2 shallow covered with umbrageous trees; |Daily, volunteers make tours of : 2 ov |ana the the opening of Aberdeen |the hospitals, prepared to un- Construction gives unmatched comfort. plows, 2 scufflers, also % trailer. Phone 97J. (#3515) | Bridge, Sept. 18, 1894. For the |dertake any little personal mis: railer. Phone OF, WOMAN'S Rust cloth coat with | information of the present gen- sion a veteran wants done. A let- brown mouton trim, in good con- | eration, this bridge was the old ter home? A worker is ready to on 2) Bg -- - ivon structure which was replac- |write it. Some shopping for a or $15. Apply urnett Sted hy the present Colborne Street gift? A volunteer is at hand to Error Co bridge, A fair-sized crowd was on |search through shops for the ex- ' xX * 5 i, on one large ironing board. Phone hand to see the bridge opened, |act gift. And programs of con- 338. (35¢15) and strings of flags and pennons certs, movies, visiting radio stars EUGDIBS, ready for training, lent the proper air of festive |and so on are organized regularly yellows, blues and greens. Phone gayety to the scene. to ease the weary days and 5 (25p15) Period. of Changs nights of hospital life. Eis fs aot an) of *Pesuntall]. To PIER of services to 320 DL, oe enson. | Oakville." Th : Ea veterans is only one aspect of the . per .- Norman Jensen, ille." There is much else to 4 i - 0 per I dy RR: 1, O8ki| omic to the citizen interested vast national undertakings ac ville: (1.0015) | 2PPe erested [cepted by the Canadian Red Little |Cross. During the war, the Red Exactly as nationally advertised. a town's history. on ink, arborite top, |more than helf a century has Cross evolved the blood bank ser- | &g $125. 307 Allan St. $25p15) | elapsed since the little book made [Vice which poured life-giving | 33 PIECE Gming room suite |its appearance. That is mot a plasma overseas for soldiers, sailors and airmen, When war dark oak, will sell china cabinet | very long time in the life of a separately. Good condition. Tele-l or unity, but it has been a ended, pris JET (8515) | erioa of tremendous change for 3 FOR RENT Oakville, as for other towns and EDDIE'S cities the world over. The Oak- ROOM and board. Phone 1111W | ville of today, with its paved (EDDIE ROWE) General Repairs To (1.00p12-17) | streets crowded with motor tra- ey "TWO connecting ofices, second | fllc, its new residential surveys, All Makes of Cars PHONE 1106 this service was contin- stir and constant expansion is a good Queen Victoria. Battery very different place from the SHEET METAL Stenographer, Experienced floor, facilities, 7 Dunn Stdeet N., |its magnificent new hospital, big author of "Beautiful Oakville" \ to high-flown prose back in the |} 38 Randall St., Oakville aes a FREE ESTIMATES PROMPT SERVICE In general office of established local manufacturer in centre of town. apply Oakville-Trafalgar Journal. linqustrial plants and its bustle, closing years of the reign of (Rear of Oakville Tire & AER Cr Small Down Paymef to 12 months to pay AND : = -40-HOUR WEEK PRICE Oa ; State age, experience, salary expected DOMINION Furniture Stor hones -- Burlington es - Do Box 359, JOURNAL PHONE 557 Oakville 3911 3 COMPLETE FLOORS OF FURNITURE & FURNISHINGS

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