Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 2 Mar 1950, p. 2

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March 2, 19 hoped ty, Owls will } Join Thursday, Page 2 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL y, 1 church filled to capacity, and only | at the Training Conference [ - g | Lestie of Stratford. Mrs. M. Har- : illness kept the ranks from being | Burlington last Saturday rington a sister, Bronte, also one hundred per cent full. The | Which there were around a p PEOPLE an survives. Colour Parties carried out their | dred and forty registrations f Funeral services were held duties smartly, and Brownies this a le ost. from the S. S. Russell Funeral Guides, Cubs and Scouts renewed | some ne as Tay, Band Mus, John Campbell [if Mr, and Mrs. H 2, Palen on | 17 iol Monday | atiernoon | at 2 their promises in chorus. The |Owls and Brown | Ow left yesterday for Daytona tertained a few celebrities of the, "with' 'Canon Russell D. Rev. Mr. Jackson conducted the |found to keep pace with the | Beach, Florida, where they will|CBC on Friday night. Smith, and Rey. John Cameron 4 ( oh service and spoke interestingly | creasing number es applicatio) 5 ver, i < isfory of Scouting. from newcomers to Spend several weeks. They were BRONTE conducting the services. Inter- Ja on the hisfory of A; : ted | Brownie Packs. accompanied by Mrs. Campbell's ment took place in St. Jude's Girl Guides Oakville was well represente H sister, Miss Maude Smith, Tor- onto, seu. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Macdonald recently flew back from England, where they spent several weeks. Mrs. Ray Manbert is on a visit to the Barbados. awe Locating high schodl students of former years is proving a tough job for the Oakville-Tra- falgar High School reunion com- mittee. Anyone knowing the ad- dresses of any of the following, or where they may be obtained, is requested to get in touch with Mrs. Maurice Lunau, Miss Joan Thornton, or Herbert Merry: William Cator, Harry Byers, Bill Norris, Mona Weldon, Jean Turner, Harold Harker, Shirley Shank, Frank Morgan, George Meadows, Janet McGrattan, Pearl Smith, Lois Jeffcott, Eleanor Hutton, Ruth Lewis, Jean Lewis, Henry Sjonnesen, Robert Tate, Stewart Fluney, James McChes- ney, Donald Pierson, Steve Ada- mek, Norman Harrison, Otto Lin- kert, Warner Linkert, Russell Moodie, Fergus Percival, Janice Shurman, A. S. J. Wilson, June McClure. CR Mr. Murray MacKenzie and Mr. Gordon Latham of Edmonton spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Alan MacKenzie. axa en John Hadden has returned home after several months in Sunny- brook hospital, sss en Major E. F. Pullen attended the reunion of Boer War veter- ans in Toronto Saturday eve- ning. A picture' in Monday's Globe and Mail shows Major Pullen seated beside William H. Wright, owner of that news- paper, and a fellow-veteran. Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Shackleton are holidaying in the West Indies. Fra Mr. Reid of Brantford is spend- ing a few days with his daughter, Mrs. BE. T. C. Burke. tram Mr. and Mrs. W. Murray Cor- coran, The Queen Elizabeth Way, Oakville, are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter, at the Oakville Temporary Hospital, on Tuesday, February 21, 1950. Winners of "the CP.T. euchre last week were: Ladies, 1st., Mrs. Godfrey; 2nd, Mrs. L. Ribble; Consolation, Mrs, . Carpenter, Gents: 1st, Mr. C. Hawley; 2nd. Mr. A. Soules; Consolation, Mrs. W. Loyer. Draw, Mr. A. Soules. sess Among those attending the Annual Royal Canadian Yacht Club dance at HM.CS. York on Friday night were: The Bill Mac- raes, Doug. Armours, Gordie Nairns, Ed. Mudges, Gorman Mec- Convrys, Charlie Birges and Ken MacTaggarts. tessa Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grierson are leaving this week for Florida. PE Mr. Arnold Banfield has been in Cincinati on business. . Mr. F. S. Bull has returned from a business trip to New York. * Lt.-Col. Robert Williams enter- tained Sunday evening for his daughter, Miss Joy Williams, who is in Toronto with the Ballet de Paris. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hicks and children, Picton, Ont., were guests over the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hop- kins. eves Mrs. George Wright is confined to her home with a dislocated knee, exw Mrs. Ken. Johnson is a patient at the Hamilton General Hospital where she underwent a "serious operation. rere Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Gilliam and family, Welland, visited in the village over the week-end. sees Mrs. Hugh Brearley and Mrs. D. Allan motored to Toronto to attend the Kiwanis Musical Fes- tival last Tuesday evening. aes Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferrier and family have moved to a farm at Nassagawaya,_ ses sa Mr. and Mrs. Robert Joyce have returned home from their honeymoon in Florida. 4 Fr A baby daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Walker in the Oakville Temporary Hospital on Wednesday, February 22. PP The W.A. of Walton Memorial Church will hold a Pot Luck luncheon on Thursday, March 9 at 12 o'clock. Charge will be 50p. Regular. meeting will follow at 2 pm. Mrs, A. E. Pickard and Mrs. Jas. English will be in charge of the program. Mrs. N. Gilbert will have charge. of the devotional. seen Winners at the weekly euchre Cemetery. The pall bearers were, Mr. Len Hall, Ray White, Len Ince, Art Hall, Dick Baxter, Robert Wicks. arses The open meeting of the Com- munity Club was held on Thurs- day, February 23. There was a good attendance and many mem- bers were enrolled. Mr. Wm. Mil- ligan sang several times, and lit- tle. Tommy Hughes delighted everyone present with his songs. Jill and Judy Brown, Oakville gave several tap numbers, as did Mrs. Joan Whiting, local dancing teacher. Miss Natalie Huska sang several times. Mrs. Beryl Landry was at the plano. Refreshments where served later. TRAFALGAR Stanley Turner attended the meeting at Trafalgar Memorial Hall on Monday evening which had been called by two residents of the Lakeshore district of the township for the purpose of or- ganizing a township poultry pro- ducer's association. Only seven poultry producers turned up at the meeting, not enough to or- ganize. Arrangements are being made to call a meeting later on and in the meantime all town- ship Farm Forums will be noti- fied. FP Betty Post was one member of the Oakville-Trafalgar High School Choir who was disappoint- ed because she was ill with the measles and therefore unable to to take her place in the choir at the Kiwanis Festival. Other Tra- falgar pupils who were more for- tunate were Marjorie Scott, Heather Wash, Joan Ford and By Mrs. J. F. Graydon This past week has proved that the weather is not an insurmoun- table obstacle to Oakville's Guide and Brownies, The worst blizzard of the year failed to keep them from the Thinking Day rally in the Masonic Hall, and there was a good representation of parents on hand as well. The Church Par- ade on Sunday at St. Jude's was well attended, too, with the Sue Harris. cess Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Fish were guests on Sunday at the home of Mrs. Fish's sister, Mrs. Barl Jewitt, Oshawa. cesses Mr. Gordon Joyce, ill for some time past, is now in St. Joseph's Hospital, Hamilton. He was visit- ed by a few of his Trafalgar friends on Sunday, FER We are sorry to learn of the illness of Mrs. E. A. Fish, who has been ill for the past ten days. Members of Sniders' Farm Forum entertained the members of the Munn's Forum Monday evening, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Fish. A pleasant so- cial evening was enjoyed. Next Monday evening's meeting of the Snider's group will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Culling- ham. faxes Mr. and Mrs. Donald Busby, Miss Irene Busby, Mrs, Charles A. Decker and Mrs. S. A. B. Me- Clery attended: the funeral on Saturday at Dunnville of Mrs. Charles Hendley, the former Bue- lah Kennedy of Oakville. held by the C Club were as follows: Mrs. Clifford Carpen- ter, Mrs. Wm. Hill Jr, Mrs. H. Brewster, James Scarrow. Mrs. C. Craigie won the draw. . The Annual Benevolent Euchre and Dance of the Trafalgar fire brigade Area No. 1, will be held in the Palermo Hall on Friday, March 3. Norm Gills orchestra will play for dancing. Admission 75c. Time 8 to 1. wrens Brown Owl, Mrs. E. Lawlor, Bronte Pack No. 1 attended a Guiders Training course in Burl- ington. Saturday, Feb. 25. sasan The Ontario Horticultural As- sociation's annual meeting will be held Thursday and Friday, March 9 and 10 in the Royal Con- naught Hotel, Hamilton. Many interesting subjécts will be dis- cussed. Sessions free to all in- terested. Banquet Thursday eve- ning. Professor N. H. Parks will be the speaker. sre The Mission band of Walton Memorial Church will hold a con- cert on Friday, March 3 at 7.45. A play will be presented "The Good Samaratan."" The evening is in charge of Mrs, F. Granf. Silver collection. CRO CR) The entire village was shocked at the sudden death of Mr, Fred Rogers, at his home here on Fri. Feb. 24. The late Fred Rogers was very well known in the vil- lage where he has lived for the past 17 years. Besides his window the former Margaret Keeves, he left one son, Bobbie. His mother, Mrs. Edith Rogers and two bro- thers, Jack of Bronte and James as JUNGLE JIM | Thursday, Friday, Saturday March 2-3-4 2 GREAT ACTION HITS IN ONE GIANT PROGRAM! NORTHWOODS THRILLS SNARLING VENGEANCE JAMES 7 OUVER CURKOOD'S PLUS LATEST WORLD NEWS Thursday, Friday, Saturday March 2-3. JOANNE D JOHN AGAR BEN JOHNSON Y CAREY. JR. Gost MAAGLEN + MLDRED GEORGE O'BRIEN + ARTHUR SHIELDS west JOHN FORD Monday, Tuesday @ She's Pretty! STANLEY HOLLOWAY NIGEL PATRICK ALARTHUR RANK PRESENTATION Brian ONLEVY Susan AWARD ee in TECHNICOLOR Patricia ROC ... HGH CARMICHAEL WARD BOND Plus! Colored Cartoon Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday March| 6-7-8 2 MIGHTY MOTION PICTURES IN TECHNICOLOR RAMSAY AMES runt RATCH ---- : "700 ADON DeFOR| (ATE FOR TEAR: cesnae Mrs. Ryland New entertained at dinner before the meeting of the South Bast Trafalgar Pro- perty Owners' meeting in honor of Professor Weall, 0.A.C,, who was speaker of the evening. exes Miss Joan Hadden is home on sick leave from Toronto Western Hospital with an infected toe. Her many friends and acquaint- ances will be pleased to know that she received her cap at the capping ceremony at the hospital last week. exer Mr. Murray MacKenzie left on Sunday for Calgary. =x The Cameron Hillmers are on a motor trip to the south. Mrs. Fred Hotson entertained at tea on Monday afternoon in honor of her house-guest Miss Peggy Macpherson of Boston, SEE THE AUSTIN DEVON .. Drive It Yourself. . * FOR IN OAKVILLE Clark's Service Centre! YOUR FRIENDY B-A SERV Colborne St. W. at Chisholm Th 14 1 / ] Austin Sales & Service ICE STATION Phone 1031-W

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