Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 9 Mar 1950, p. 11

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Ss Oak- coun- tmmer. switch op. and at the akville |* it is a AB.A atisfied eceived st sea- gistra- in two escrip- [8 Thursday, March 9, 1950 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 11 SILK STOCKINGS WIN Which is the stronger sex? LUT STRONGER SEX SURRENDERS OVER COLD, --Central Press Canadian The one that can brave sub-zero weather in silk stockings--or no stockings at all---or the one that puts on a heavy suit of underwear, "They ignore the cold and get by. and earmuffs? In the current cold wave gripping eastern Canada, it's a common sight to see bulkily clad men alongside hatless, silk-stockinged women, so these three | students at the University of Toronto exaggerate the point, above and below. "Women are wonderful," says Dr. G. Jackson, Toronto's M.O.H. But I don't know how!" A Day To Remember Town motorists who wish to avoid a Thursday afternoon ap- pearance in Magistrate Lang- don's court are reminded that March 20 has been set as the deadline for obtaining 1950 lic- ences. markers and driv- ing permits may be secured at the residence of P. W. Cham- bres, 310 Reynolds St. New Sniders Farm Forum Discuss Urban Toiler The Iot of the urban worker as contrasted with that of the farm- er provided the subject for one of the liveliest discussion members of Snider's Farm Forum have engaged in for some time when they gathered Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cullingham. Some claimed the workers in the towns and cities had a much easier time of it than the farmer, while others dis- agreed. Part of the evening was devoted to card playing, and re- freshments were served. Next Monday evening's forum will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mear, base line. DAN WONDERS In noting that the world is re- ported to be running into a shortage of high grade wool, loc- cal expert Dan Tremblay wond- ers if the nations are using it up pulling it over each other's eyes. Plywood Paradise Ideas actually do have legs, Staffer Harley Potter of the Fin- Wancial Post, found out recently. WAlt least, Potter contends, when some 10,000 uare feet of space in the build- ing which formerly housed the is a man who imagination d war savings into a rapidly panding business that supplies olded plywood parts to a wide nadian market. And it all came out because he set out to dem- ve to be impractical about the ole thing. WToronto-born Dodds has only en operating in Oakville since gust, 1948, but his nonincor- ated firm first came into being 1945, when he invested $5,000 his savings in the business of nufacturing boats and com- ent aircraft parts. He select- the former because he saw a od market, the latter in order quired helping to make Mos- glito bombers in wartime. While the young manufacturer, v 36, found that "we had a lot fun experimenting," he had to e his boats atop his car fo the ter for testing, and when or- s began coming in thick and t, he was quick to move to wer, better | situated quarters | SWere in town. i Start Early Ndeas began perking early with . Dodds. When only a young- :. he devised a cab-like affair bike. 'After fit over a motor ting it himself, he tried to vince the Toronto police de- tment it was just the thing the traffic squad. The inspec- in charge agreed that the trivance would undoubtedly ep his lads warm in winter, but inclined to feel that it would them down. Later ideas, Qwever, have proven increasing- Builder at 21 Leaving school to join his fa- :, a realtor and builder, young e out, he went to work at the ley Harris aircraft plant, be- er and aircraft component mer, He has a diploma ach- by studying architecture in hours. y to his successful produc- tion of plywood boats, benches, f boards and many other it- is his use of radio frequency inz. In this way, veneers are shaped parts. It's an advanced technique which utilizes two k.w. short wave radio hook-ups, which transmit 12-foot waves. This compact unit can be wheeled around by. his seven-mgn staff quite as easily as a hostess man- ouvers a tea wagon. While the process is perhaps a mite com- plicated for a layman, it might be noted in passing that it has a lunch time practical applica- tion. An employee places his lunch between two aluminum plates, flicks a switch, and in 30 seconds can have well cooked meat with rich juice flavouring the bread, 'just like a hot beef sandwich." Floating Tegr-Drops Dodd's hoats are of radical de- sign, although he started in building his own along the time tested lines as a youngster. Of "tear-drop" shape, with a broad rounded bow and narrow stern, the hull hits one at first as an adaption from Buck Rogers. The designer claims it isn't just theory, however. Actually, he worked: on the principle that the shape found most satisfactory for airplanes should react equ- ally well in water. His sailboats weigh about 100 pounds, have 18- ft. masts, and handle well. But it seems that characteristically con- servative Canadians are a bit dif- ficult to sell on the nautical new look. Americans have bought half his output to date, mostly on first glance, but Canadians have to be sold, Mr. Dodds says. His favourite plywood has also | gone into the prefabricated suite in which the Dodds live. Intend- ed as a prefab house, it was not ready when cold weather set in, so it was installed in a corner of the plant looking out over the harbour and lighthouse. Present- ly consisting of a large living room, kitchenette and bathroom, it is designed to simplify the ad- ding of more rooms later, and may be moved outside this sum- mer. Mr. Dodds is a firm support- er of prefab. plywood homes, be- lieves they offer the ideal, low cost accommodation for. young couples. Bowling Benches Benches for bowling alleys are another big item with Aero Mar- ine, and plans for more conser- vative models to serve as church pews are now under considera- tion. Mr. Dodds is also playing with an idea for plywood prefab- ricated staircases which will oc- cupy the same space as a clothes closet. If this latest of his brain children thrives as have its older brothers, it should do well. He's also considering the possibilities of a plywood piano. Plywood with him, it seems, has terrific poten- tialities, 'bonded-together to make Brain Waves, Short Waves Success Parlay For Young Local Industrialist Last but not least of his pro- jects is a small auto, a test model made of--yes, plywood again. But this is merely the pattern for a. proposed fiberglass imbedded in plastic body. At present, the de- signer just hasn't much time to spend on it, but he intends to con- tinue experiments at the first opportunity. About ten feet long and weighing 400 pounds, the 2 passenger model has done 40 miles per hour in tests, he claims. Slated for the low price field, it would park easily 'on shopping excursions and handles, he says, like a dream. THE NEW ART A sketch . of Stravinsky by modernist artist Picasso, on it's way. to an exhibition, was once Balkan customs officials. They insisted it was a plan of their frontier fortifications. A LONG LAST . USE IS FOUND FOR PRIZE CUP -- Centra Bress Canadian A good fit is the cup won by this champion female chinchillz who could use it as a spare kennel Carol Hugginson holds the prize animal during the third annual show of the Chinchilla Breeders of Canada, held in Toronto As a champion, this animal is worth about $2,000, PSYCHOLOGIOAL MOMENT The St. John's Ambulance Corps in Saskatoon always holds training classes in one of the city firehalls. This arrangement has always worked well until' recent- 1y a fire alarm shrilled just as a keen bandage class had an obli- held up for forty eight hours by | A Complete PRINTING SERVICE Whether you need Business Cards or Catalogues, we are equipped to give you PROMPT DELIVERY on all your printing requirements. We will gladly assist you in pre- paring layouts, office forms, folders, stationery, posters, etc. This automatic press has been added to our equip- ment to give faster service and Quality Printing. ° AND OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL ® Dakville- Trafalgar Publish Limited 7 DUNN STREET NORTH OAKVILLE ging fireman bound up tighter than an Egyptian mummy.

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