Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 9 Mar 1950, p. 1

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1950 use of 0 bring akes its ele sup- and na- at one uffering | vhatever for Red | The Oakville - Trai ar Journal Vol. 3, No. 15 Entered, 2nd Class Mail, Ottawa Oakville, Ontario, Thursday, March 9, 1950 20 Pages 5 cents a copy, , $2.00 Per Year in Advance FACT FINDERS WILL COMPILE ARENA CHART i i i | Repreesnting a wide cross $ec- Wl tion of town interests, sixteen I Oakville men have been named to analyse all the needs of the pro- posed Oakville and District Centre Arena. Facts Only "We will consider facts, and facts only," chairman Ross Blaik- ie said, addressing the board's I first meeting held last Wednes- | day night. "The basic needs were [Wi not sufficiently considered," he went on to explain why the cam- paign was being postponed at this time. "As these are definitely Jnown they will be presented to this group and it will be up to you to study them carefully. Then lyou will be prepared to make your recommendations." Community Interests | A resolution of agreement on the basic principle that adequate recreation facilities are in the best interests "of a community, land that this subject deserves every consideration as it concerns Oakville and district was passed nanimously. [Headed by Chairman Blaikie e Fact Finding Board includes e following: W. A. Anderson, Canadian Le- zion; Rev. J. A. M. Bell, presi- dent Arena association; Mayor J. IR. Black, Town of Oakville; A. B. Johnny Ross and Pete Sutton, OskvilleTrafalgar High School's track twins, again stepped into topflight competition with a high degree of success last week. Run- ning under the colours of Lloyd Percival's North Toronto Track Club, the local youngsters picked up a first place ribbon each at the first Eastern Canada indoor OAKVILLE"S Track Twins Take Titles championship meet. Johnny cracked a track record as he sped round the armouries bends to finish the junior 600 yard event in an impressive 1.19.1. Bringing up the rear were such good future prospects as Bruce Waller, of Forest Hill, and Clarke, Hamilton Olympic Club speedster. . Sutton edged team mate Jack McRoberts in the juvenile 500, driving the distance in 1.04.7. to miss a Canadian record by two-tenths of a second. Pete placed third in the semi-final heat of the 50-yard sprint, but was out of the money in the fin- al. - and community was recognized M bres. Red Cross Blitz Happily Overshoots $7,000 Quota Target Oakville's blitz Red Cross campaign, concentrated into a 2- hour drive Monday night last, proved an unqualified success when more than the quota was reached with several divisions reporting their canvasses still incomplete. The novel idea of packing the general canvass into a one eve- ning's drive instead of the usual week's long door-to-door calls attracted much attention outside the community. Provincial Red Cross headquarters had observ- ers onthe scene, to watch how the campaign was organized and carried out, and Toronto news- papers reported on the event. Prov. Red Cross sent details of the drive to all branches, and will release a report of the outcome, Ont. publicity director Kay Me- Mullen olville, Chamber of Ce Dr. F. M. Deans, High School Area Board; G. G. Gray, Lions Club; J. F, Isard, Legal Advisor; Dr. C. MacArthur, Rotary Club; G. F. Maccabe, Public Relations; R. F. McAllister, J. Chamber of iCommerce; W. J. McGuire, Opt- limists Club. ; J. N. Milne, secretary; R. J. ew, campaign chairman; F. C. Turner, Recreation Commiss- and A. Weatherstone, public School board. | Associate members, include W. Armstrong as Architectural Advisor, J. H. Sunley as Public elations Advisor and Mrs, D. M. "Heddle, LODE. Angela Bruce apter and Mrs. W.. M.. Smith, Gallant Gendarmes In dealing with the annual re- port of Chief J. B. Derry Mon- day night, . council noted that 156 prosecutions for traffic vio- lations had been pressed last- year. Pointed out Coun. John Izard, chairman of the admin- istration of justice committee: "We have a lot to say some- times, in rather bitter vein, about women drivers. Yet every- one of these accused was a man." It would seem that chiv- alry, at least where the town constabulary is concerned, is LODE. White Oaks Chapter. not dead. ions Award Because the Oakville-Trafalgal viously impossible to single out this year Oakville ld. Trafalgar bltiple co-holders |i this annual cit- ship award. o it happened at last Thurs- Bsey Wood pre- ted an illumin- fed scroll 'to Arn- Banfield, vice- airman of the ital board, who epted the award behalf of the On Bi munity as a whole. Hospital Drive Support gyitable symbol for their 1950 Award of Merit, ual or group from the united effort of everyone, the Liors Club of Recognizes r Memorial Hospital was the in- and because it was the contribution of any one indi- ehalf Of The Community Memorial Hospital Opens Monday To Receive Baby Bonus Youngest of six wee infants to occupy the nursery in the com- modious maternity wing of the new hospital on Monday was day old "Baby" Bonus. And although the unnamed son of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Bonus, born a scant 22 hours before, was way behind Bolton's tiny Patrick Doyle, Who was uttering his first lusty cries in a speeding cab in Weston at just about the same time--he was still just about the youngest automobile tripper the town has seen in many a month. Whisked from the temporary hospital for a drive through the morning sunshine by a member of the hospital women's auxil- lary, the baby was met at the Memorial Hospital door by Sup- erintendent Florence Roach and Miss Lilian Parsons, in charge of the maternity wing, Miss Parsons had him tucked into a gleaming new crib in short order. Next came week-old Don Mec- Gillivary and four other infants whose mothers had already gone home, followed by Mrs. Bonus and Mrs. McGillivary. All told, eight patients and six babies were moved in an ambulance and seven private cars. Two patients were accident victims now well on the road to recovery. Dr. E. P. Soanes, chief of staff, and other staff physicians assisted in Babes, Babes & More Babes 1st Baseman of Future Gives Carters First, Lunau First & Last First baby to be born in the Oakville-Trafalgar ~~ Memorial hospital arrived at 4.30 am. Tuesday morning, less than 28 hours after staff and patients were moved into the building from the temporary hospital. The new arrival was the husky, as yet unnamed son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter, Sumner Aves and needless to say the burly Oaks first baseman was proud as punch over the news that he had taken permanent possession of first place in the new hospital's Stork league. Batting average of 1000 was also recorded by Dr. M. E. Lunau, who delivered the last baby to be born in the temporary hospital and was also on hand to Baby Carter into the world. The Carters, who = have two other children, Patricia 9 and Barry 8, will have several momen- toes of the occasion, Town mer- chants have long been prepared to suitably mark the event, and the list of gifts the infant and his mother will receive is an impres- sive one. From Louis Myers, of Trust Credit Jewelers, will come an engraved sterling silver cup and spoon, as well as a baby re- cord spoon with the name en- graved on one side, date of birth on the other, and a tiny clock, marking the hour, inset on the stem. J. D. Russell $25 credit certifi is forwarding a te and a mo- usher | The Oakville Club was the cen- tre to which canvassing teams reported as they concluded their tours of districts. Within a half- hour of the opening of the can- vass at 7.30, the first teams be- gan arriving. In the club lounge, district captains had set up tables where they computed totals and were able to provide up to the minute reports as the returns came in. By 10 p.m. the total had reached $8,183, substantially (Continued on Page 9) Lakies, Milton Draw In Torrid Fourth Tilt A defensive lapse with but 13 seconds to go Monday deprived Oakville Lakeshores of a 8-2 ver- dict that would have squared their O.H.A. intermediate "A" |series with Milton. As it turned out, the battling group finalists ended a speedy overtime session with the count still knotted at 4 to 4, necessitating'a replay of the tilt in Milton Friday night Although Coach Bert Peer and "Giggs" Watson were still on the sickness and Injury shelf, Hank Galbraith returned to the fray after a prolonged bronchitis bout to put the P.D.G. line hack on a paying basls as a unit. In fact, It was Gally and Ray Pat- terson, along with Joe Lawrence who flipped home the that put the locals in the drivers seat until careless clearing in the dying moments gave Milton op- portunists an opening to back on even terms. And it was Jack Davison who slipped In the all important counter that once again deadlocked the Issue after Milton went ahead early in the markers come Council Proud Of Phil Commemorates Long Term A substantial 23 years of active service an behalf of his town council, ed," i onday night when council prior to its regular meeting, made a presentation to ex-Reeve P. W. Cham- Presenting a gold ring engraved with the town crest to a hap- ily beaming Phil, Mayor I. R. Black de- clared: "Oak- ville has indeed been fortunate for more than two decades, In having a con- scientious citi- zen who gave freely of his LL time and efforts to helping adminster municipal affairs. Those of us who served with him during a part of that time can sincerely say that he was a good man to work with. He was sometimes hard to convince, but he steadfastly refused to support or carry out any move he did not believe to be right." Ex-mayor C. V. Hillmer also had a word to say. "Nothing was ever too much trouble for Phil Chambres," he asserted. 'T've never been associated with a harder working man." "This is one time I'm stuck for a word" replied the ex-reeve. "I'll treasure this momento, for I've always enjoyed my council associations, and T've always tried to work for the betterment of Oakville." Concerned Over Speeding: Reeve Howard Litchfield re- ported receiving numerous com- plaints from residents regarding excessive speeding on Dundas and Colborne Sts. ® "I feel the situation Is getting very much out of hand," he stat- ed. "Pedestrians west of the creek are complaining about being splashed by cars travelling at high rates of speed. T think the police should also thoroughly check this business of trucks parking on the main street, too." (Coun. Jack Isard, chairman of the adminstration of justice com- mittee, told council he contem- plated Introducing new parking regulations In the near future, "Some 14 speeders were picked up last month he sald, "I in- tend to go Into the matter per- sonally, and T can promise actton very quickly." Mayor Black declared he In- tended to discuss Chief TJ. B, Derry's annual report to council with the committee, "Last year, the police dept. put out a printed report similar to that we are asked to accept tonight," he sald. "Tt was done without the sanc- tlon of councll or the police com- mittee. and the chief was repri- manded then and told to take fn- structions from counell In future, TI don't feel this report need be so extensive, and I'm wondering if the committee did approve it." "Chief Derry was reprimanded last year for releasing the report to others before It came before not for having It print- obected Coun, Robert Free- man, "T feel this report la second in importance only to the finan- clal report. The chief has to make one, and T think the content fa n matter for him to decide." "DID GIVE FREELY" The scroll, which will be promirfently displayed in the hospital unda, was worded: "Whereas the citizens of Oakville and Trafalgar have success- installing the patients. Miss Roach has 15 nurses to commence work in this pastel tinted last word in modern hospitals, and all ther's bath set for Mrs. Carter, a Ciel | overtime period. While Colin Letharer, of the Oa Dil McNally again stood out ville Card and Gift Shop, has a the Lakeshore blueline, while white leather baby record book in another tidy at Legear turned lly combined in the greatest single community effort yet put forth|py i tno midnight shift were |all ready for the inscribing of vit. fl this district, and whereas they ere ito Iond a er pre. | performance. McNally picked up| "I disagree with you retort lid give freely of their time and|terprise, this finest of 50-bed senting a silver cereal bowl, and (another choice assortment' of |ed the mayor. "T think its a mat. ney, both through taxation |nospitals in Canada, is not the re-| EVery detail had been care-1aqy Baillie will send along a|eamned and unearned penalties. [ter for council" d donations to the Oakville-| sult of any single person's effort |fully checked before S. S. Rus-|gift on behalf of the hospital wo- | It's getting so the arbiter's Discuss New Lines algar Memorial hospital, be above that of anyone else. It is |Sell's ambulance made it's first men's auxiliary. The baby' will, of thumb starts swinging slyward | Reeve Litchfield announced a herefore known that the Lions | the united, concerted effort put |trip, and the business office was | course, also receive the wide every time McNally moves In to [meeting with the public utilities b of Oakville Incorporated, (forth by everyone in some way or already a hive of activity when |sortment of gifts the Welcome [break up an attack. On one orca- (Continued on Page 9) award Lo all residents of these | another. So we felt that our list young Master Bonus made his |Wagon Service always has ready sion, Dill crashed Fox with » ---- cts the annual Award of |of names submitted for the appearance. for new arri |bodycheck so strictly accordine Educational Visit it for community service for|award would not be complete un- es - |to legal Hoyle that it probably OD in recognition of this|less it included those of every 11 gf [amazed MeNally himeelt--but he| Parents of Oakvillo public levement in, erecting this hos-|sinkle person in Oakville and F M M I C f i a minutes | ¢hool pupils will get a chance rr unny Money Men Improve Craft = ww wee o | ras to hm ae ¢ Glorious Dead." Individual Mention | {Phe funny money men are at flooded ; th Teta) Par aad Wataono will. rolotn pees a re i a ri cl e 'chagri rea a few we ago, the re re due: sek, the 3 1 Si a rn eof a ho Si dge | their mates for Fridav's fora¥,. ..ui. wongoly are holding vue g farmer In the month part] tots itizenship | 21 Oakville hotel proprietor and cing smudge | Noha . 5 e 3 oni afalgar, the businessman in | Club's patriotism and citizenship | ets a i 2 " . 27% proof and even the small green |And the confidence of Lakien| youn At Westwood school 3 lle, the resident in Bronte |committee, told more than 100 @ Bronte druggist. Both busin- po) ;.paites being present in the | fans, at half mast after the fi from 2 to 3.80 this afternoon % ¢ Lions and guests representing [€5men found counterfeit $10 bills paper. Only readily apparent dif- [two zamas of the series, is wine-| Lupile parents will be permit- in their tills upon checking the [ference to the cur week-end turnover. The current |is in the quality of the stock used, [Carberry sounds a consensus note batch of phony notes are of much |which is much inferior to that on |when he says: "We're just get- better quality than those which which legal tender is printed. [ting started to ron!" ted to visit the regular classes. Visiting Hours at Central and Brantwood schools will be from 7 to 9 this evening, all town and township organiza- tions that his committee was | particularly glad Mr. Banfield wonderful community en- (Continued on Page 8) cy layman |ing high again. Sponsor Duke | | | is, EE 7

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