Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 9 Mar 1950, p. 4

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A) Page 4 DHE OARVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, 'March 9, 1950 oth THE EARS OF TEXAS Grad Hoopsters Lose | Chartreuse Chanters |". ou. song to put your| Deep im the heart of Texas, o . A lady bird fancier who lives |economics against man-power, 821 was granted a divorce be- Another One-Pointer on Church Strest noticed five okay brother, you've had it, and cause her husband shut off his ! a u ? Chief Explains Town's For en ; ; ; yber declared hearing aid everytime she tried t Modern Alarm System| r= ie fie ures bw ad rin, rte dt oll ETRE | days, { Baas. a : cs «back yard the gum { Better fire protection for Oak- of concrete blocks, with fire-| one-point decision to a Toronto Lo Br ar think the missions and the chur-|ar8Y ent. other day. Their plumage is of a| po opt to quit handing out According to the Galt Report- { ville is ensured by the new fire|proof door, in the fire-hall, This(\ 0 to) quintet as Keelesdal la Syl bei ata iad wns sontrol wal 18a args sIny Black [Loo oh as Keelesdales | oy rouge, or green-yellow color, | charity and wake up to the fact ; Re oe eo poe cnt metal cabinet, Josey Something |ro Ou & BE 0 50 penis bb the| it a band of black ' on the that men are being Wasted while 5% & mother is a person who (ff Shaw, who has made a careful |like a telephone switchboard. Its |high school gym Tuesday night. |i gq Describing them to a we're going along with a self-[TInS 2 temperature of 103 fevery : study of the growing town's re- mechanism is extremely intri-| p . i 20 centred smugness. The community time her child's temperature hits " quirements. in mn am 12 and Bill | neighbor, she found they were . 't the fore- |100- b > 5 : 5 is doomed that hasn't the fo pee wn polos, WS eens She fed them sun-| Soy an - 8 =» new system the | tight-fitting metal door. It George Juriska and Ron Ander- | flower seeds, which they ate] g 5 J | Cl ifi d Te town will be divided into thirty | yoo cave of 80 alarm boxes, |Son Were the pick of the defensive ravenously. The birds are still| "The story of Woodgreen Cen- ourna assifieds | s districts, with an alarm box in| that it will not need to be en. | brigade. Grads will continue to around, much to the lady's de-|tre is the story of an attempt to P. Di id d | of each district," Chief Shaw ex-| oq foo some time to come, Play exhibition games each Tues light and to the annoyance of [understand a neighborhood of ay Dividends Te pained to a Journal reporter. |p Sig tg present capacity be |day might at the school, Billjsome cardinals she had been feed- [15,000 people, with 4,000 children, i Nobody will have to travel more | \oo oo ioe" gay two more |Hughes advises. "The Toronto | ing, who beat a retreaf when the (and no parks," the speaker con- sp than Jtwo blocks to ring an| oooh be added to thé unit, | clubs are much impressed by our newcomers arrived. She has nev- |tinued. "There can be no peace EDDIE'S | be slarm. which would make it large enough | PTogress in such a short time, and|er seen grosbeaks in Oakville [as long as you have these spots Bl Under the former system thereto serve a community of 25,000 |e don't lack opportunities for |before, and believes their pres- [of resistance." Thirty boys from : an were twelve alarm boxes, Fifteen population. Whereas it was nec-|Sames that will give us further |ence here is something of a rar- the district. were serving terms GARAGE a Now ones and. threo reconditioned | sary to chargg, the batteries on |experience." he declared Ht in penal institutions, he pointed||: (mpDIM ROW) B ones are being added to these, |the old unit very day, a system of out. He spoke of the efforts made | i making a total of thirty boxes. [rectifiers keep the present one to protect the young people of General Repairs To i i the district from the bad influ- All Makes of Cars | | "Our old system wouldn't take [constantly charged. M | H 1 F il T D ee ee Sel SEE elting Ice Fails lo Dampen ences of their environment, "We PHONE 1106 ver] " ; hen someone pulls the lever re. Zivi . overloaded," the chief , are giving them a chance to be ; ed" the chief stated. |, one of the alarm boxes, the Y uthful Skatin Ardour In eee tens wit tol mane] 2B Randall St, Oslville Hach of the new alarm boxes is [control unit picks up the signal 0 g ot nr aaa wenr or OakivillefiTie the very latest word in efficiency |and rings a bell in the fire hall Mr. McCleary. Battery Sin very ater wos in oon y | 0 segs 2 0 erent) Winter's First Full Dress Carnival the traditional red being relieved deputy chief, company captains, by a dash of white, making for |and engine drivers. By the num- Oakville's rink was alive with (Pullen. better visibility at night. The con. | ber of rings they can tell in which gliding skaters and bright with Boys, Dick McArthur, George . o Erol ot tb nich te Domus ave of the! thirty. districts the five js||E2Y costumes Tuesday - evening, |Olah, Bill P THiHps. arvis yric ako io fhe contre of the whole located, The unit also) transmits] hen the Oakville Recreation| Girls 10 and 11, Ann Thomp- alarm system. It is housed in a|the impulses to an automatic re- Commission presented a Child- [son, Nancy Tuck, Barbara J. F. CARTER, ASSOCIATE specially constructed room, built [cording device in the same room. ren's Carnival. Despite rather) Thompson. ] This device punches triangular |SOft ice and the fact that the| Boys, Ken Brown, Bob Barrett, ||| = REAL ESTATE -- INSURANCE -- MORTGAGES holes in a long strip of paper, like | event was organized on very short [Derry Hendershot. 8 | a ticker-tape, the number of holes |notice, everything went off very| Girls, 12 and 173, Judy Ross, 118 COLBORNE ST. EAST corresponding to! the number of |Smoothly and successfully, thanks | Elizabeth Black, Elizabeth Stor- Tt elie Ea i the box from which the alarm |l2rgeLy to the supervision of Ted |ey. one -- Holidays 2 i as oouniodl This recording de (lionnedy, newly appointed rec-| Boys, Fred Wollonchuck, Frank OPEN EVENINGS os dy (yee preety The RE Lawrence, Peter 'Campbell aesootoneol with' requirements (geodsized Scrowd jon hand to| Boys, 14 and 15, David Ball, the o> warance Maderwsit- (Welch the fperfommance, and the |Peter Campbell, Frank Lawrence. Oo amach 3% the Sav Does wis |youngsters| got & bigihand, also be tested once a month. «It is regrettable we're not Can't Stock Economics Wien an alarm is telephoned| Rolling this event in a now an 3 into the station, the man taking |Peautiful community centre," ob- Against Man Power served Mayor James Black, open- he s a metal case beside = er oy Eat ° [ig the carnival. "By the look of Pastor Tells Rotary small metal disc bearing the(all the young hopefuls here to-| A forth-right, plain-talking saber of the slarm box Serving|ought I think, We should make | minister with an Irishman's the district in which the fire is|that our next target." He was in-|sense of humor urged a square reported, he places it on a trans- troduced by Councillor Fred Gea] for the unemployed, the mitten, which he sets in opere- Turner, Recreation & a d-out, and the under chairman. privileged in a talk to Oakville tion. The effect is the same as though he had rung an alarm on| «ye hope to keep a recreation Rotarians Monday evening. The speaker was Rev. Ray McCleary, the box, and the signal bells ring ne thvough the sum: program \going 2 0° well-known United Church pas- 'Closs Dru Co in the homes of the fire chief and [mer and winter months with : S ® [other key members of the de- ese" | said|ton: and moving spit in the DE 7 rams such as tl program o | foundation of Woodgreen Com- (L. E. Closs, Phm.B.) partment. Mr. Kennedy, introduced by the| PRAHA Ch HR ongested i ib A broken line will not inter Solas AWNINGS OAKVILLE -- PHONE 248 mayor, dustrial district. 8r | ea eT We are proud to say that we have the only - Hat Cleaning and Blocking equipment in akville Gon Leadership d's RIVIER'S "Those Careful Cleaners" Forsythe St. at the Lake. Phone 1123 a fere with the functioning of the Deliveries--Devon Ice Cream |. alarm boxes. When the line| The carnival started off with| "There's never a dull moment OF I broken the power is automat-|a costume parade to the music of down at Woodgreen," said the oe leally grounded, and the signal Oakville Oitzens' Band. It was a|speaker; telling of his work among DI STI NCTI Oo N an goes through the same. Firms|gay spectacle as several score (the people there, and the variety ENGAGED GIRLS having their own alarm boxes boys and girls clad in costumes | of requests that reached him from may connect them with the sys-|of red, green, blue, yellow and | people with difficulties. He told various, color combinations went [of the increasing number of job- On account of the extremely bad weather, we have |i th extended our offer of a genuine 25% discount on ail tem. (The present alarm system, |round and round the ice. There less, homeless men, forced to orders. vhi r' were pirates and Indians, cow- sleep on the floors of shelters, Eien the new System Topics 2 FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY was installed back in the early boys, tramps, soldiers and clowns, | and expressed the belief that an- twenties, at the time the firehall |to mention just a few. One tiny |other depression was shaping up. T T li & A n C vents, at the He ee | enap) aired a a red devil with | In spite of this threat, no public oronto larpaulin whing Co. men had to depend on the whistle | pitchfork got much attention. | works had been undertaken to re- RO. 4545 ou NLT. 1558 in the tannery to alert them for | The costume of another was made [lieve unemployment, he pointed 2 to a fire. And earlier still, alarms | to simulate-a skeleton. The girls The | were very pretty and graceful in were rung on church bells. new system, installation of which | their costumes. Will be completed this summer, | some superb skating was seen will put Oakville in the front rank | i "tne performance of Myrna t Ontario towns in the matter|scade in a solo number, in a of fire protection, Chief ShaW | i 'comnoced of Judy Ross and points out. Wendy Pullen, a single by Rich- "Our decision to install the NeW | ;3 pearson, Oakville Skating alarm system has already brought | op ana a pair, Ann Howard Just become 'engaged: are about a reduction in fire Tn ed Pony. Young, ale of. the ew Mother, have just moved tes in Oakville," sail e : L Roun petit awe mn OR le Sy ots, for Just. become Sweet (chief. "It will also = ney ling was the performance of the Sixteen, This basket of gifts |by enabling us to get to fireS|«oayyine Sixteen," consisting of quickly. It is these delayed |gyicen young girls, all in simi- spirited local merchaj alarms that are the costliest." Jar costumes, also from the Club. There's nothing to buy. gas rw 2 obligation, Phone your Wel- ; All these young skaters showed | , come Wagon Hostess below A MOOT POINT ability that promised well for the snd arrangelto Tecelve these One can't help but wonder Why |e ve "ang drew big rounds of si Sot people who get in the rear of the pn)oyge Much excitement was Welcome Wagon elevator always om oft ut J provided by the barrel-jumping second floor. Guess its JUSH|of the "Masked Marvel." A ser- NEW YORK © HEH LOS ANGELES | ot the same as wondering |; of races, and a grand parade PHONE 807 what the laundry does With all| 0 Gh caters completed the the buttons it keeps. program, after which there was | / ---------- free skating for the public. Prizes were won by the fol- The Big Quality Car lowing: ORDER NOW CLL Best fancy dressed boy, Bobby in the Low-Price Field! It's now on display at our showroom! Come in . ... lef your own eyes tell you this "50-ways- 50 new" Ford for '50 is more than ever--the big, QUALITY car in the : Friends in Brita Chisholm, skeleton; Teddy Shields! For Delivery to Friends in Britain Indian; Martin Wade, red devil. Best fancy dressed' girl, Bliza- FOR EASTER beth Crack, Heather Brooks-Hill, grenadier; Page Wadsworth, cat. PEAK FREAN'S Overseas GIFT PARCEL Best pair, Am Thompson snd Mary Rimstead, pirates; low-price field. Let us arrange 2 convincing demonstration drive at your convenience. Com *~... SEE IT today! The most convenient way to send an Easter Gift o MoGausland. and. Karen Green, friends in Britain. No duty . . . No Packing . . . No Shirley Ballantyne and Janet Co- shipping charges . . wan, clowns. 2 Best comic costume, Butch Banfield, old maid; Skeeter Webb, $1.53 to $2.49 clown; Dick McArthur, girl. Best unusual costume, Mary PARCELS PRICED FROM coll Jane McArthur, Santa Claus; | L C d Chris Johnson and Nancy Tuck. 4 onna ea an Y Judges were Mrs. L. Elson, Un- iversity Women's Club, Miss M. @ @ \ Forest, Business and Profession- 3 and Nut Shop wenn §tirling-Dynes Ltd. Heddle, Oakville Recreation Com- | | Joyce and Doug. Goode mission, : i Phone 800 Oakville | OPPOSITE CENTURY THEATRE Races, Girls 8 and 9, Heather © Brooks-Hill, May Duncan, Judy

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