Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 16 Mar 1950, p. 2

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THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, March 16, 1 Page 2 Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Mills are Wilkes Sr., gave a clear picture holidaying in Jamaica. of what takes place inside the Li wood wind musical instruments Mr. and Mrs. Harry MacKen- drick entertained at a dinner party on Saturday evening. and Ted Kober played records which featured solo wood winds in orchestration. Dr. Davison was our hostess and an excellent lunch Patsy Folland entertained a|was served by the refreshment Sroup of her young friends on the committee. occasion of her fifth birthday. Bek Aa mn Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Taylor at- tended a presentation by St. And- rew's Dramatic Society at the Little Theatre of St. Andrew's College, Aurora, Saturday eve- ning. They were also among those entertained by the headmaster and Mrs. Ketchum after the per- formance. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wright Jr. have announced the engagement of their daughter, Dianne Ainley, to Kenneth Ainsworth Stewart son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stew- art, Toronto. The marriage will take place early in April. teen The Oraft Classes of Oakville Arts and Crafts are proving a| The Jim Steeds left Saturday great success. The class in |morning for a vacation in Flori- Leather has called a halt to |da. further enrollment temporarily. Large classes in Basketry, Rug- Making and Smocking are well under way. The Music Group have had another of their very successful evenings of instruction and pleasure. Mrs. Douglas trees Mrs. K. Nichols, has heen visiting relatives and friends in Oakville and Trafal- gar. "After all, I didn't come all the way down just to pay my subscription to the Journal" she said smilingly, when she called at the office last Friday. seven of MacTier, Speed on the silver blades paid last Saturday afternoon when six youngsters, winners of racing events at the Oakville Recrea- tion commission's carnival, en- joyed the Gregory's matinee bill, "Leather Gloves" Crocket, Indian Scout" The theatre management donated the half dozen passes as prizes. . Thurs., Fri., Sat. March 16-17-18 Savage! Lusty! Spectacular! Ollie Johnson, formerly one of Canada's outstanding: sprinters re newed old acquaintances at the 91st Highlanders annual indoor track meet at Hamilton last Sat- urday. Ollie, who won the 60- yard dash at the same meet back in 1920, was in his element ex- changing reminiscences with such oldtimers as Bobby Kerr, himself one of the world's fastest humans a few decades ago. a DON'T CRY, DAGWOOD... WHEN EVERYBODY'S LAUGHING! When the floor commenced to smoulder following collapse of the furnace grates, fire for a time threatened to erase on of the town's oldest landmarks, the Temperance hall, last Sunday morning. Had the fire been dis- covered 15 minutes later the old frame building would have been past saving, Fire CChief Fred Shaw reported. The hall, which was erected in 1843, has been "BLONDIES | BIG DEAL Based upon the comic strip. J, "Blondie" created by Chic Young Penny SINGLETON Arthur LAKE Lorry SWANS a Rn y Plus Latest World News Mon., Tues., Wed. March in recent years for the Sun- 20-21-22 [Ud day capotl 5 SROTE Christian serves as services of the Science church, and | practice quarters each Tuesday | evening for the Oakville Citizens band. aries w | ®e'and Mrs. Bud Corbett an- nounce the arrival of a daughter on Tuesday afternoon, at, the Oakville - Trafalgar Memorial hospital. EE | Mr. and Mrs. Herb Brewster ro land Jimmie are leaving this week Si RRING ; take up residence in New DANA ANDREWS Brunswick. Mr. Brewster, who COMPANION FEATURE , was attached to central army command here, spent the past Ri PT) (o] Ho ME (0): week in Ottawa prior to his Lola lL SLA VNB ZN transfer to the new maritime post. wk a Winners of C.P.T. Buchre last week were: Ladies, 1st, Mrs. Gil- roy; 2nd, Mrs. S. Fitzsimmons. Consolation: Mrs. I, Griffiths. Gents, 1st, Mr. N. King; 2nd, Mr. E. King; Consolation, Mr. McCollum. Draw, Mrs. Carpen- $x Youthful ticket selling zeal of members of the Oakville Junior Humane Society has already re- sulted in raising sufficient funds to purchase 121 concrete blocks for the proposed new shelter. Fora x 0 ALSO COLORED CARTOON Gregory Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Fraser re- turned on Tuesday from a motor trip vacation to Mexico City. and "Davey |was formerly general for several years. He is president TRAFALGAR A class of teen-agers, prepar- ing them for church membership, is being conducted by Rev. J. S. Stewart every Thursday evening at Trafalgar parsonage. This is for those who wish to unite with Munn's church. For Wesley and Sheridan churches, Mr. Stewart conducts classes dur- ing the Sunday School sessions of each - church. xk en Misses Lois, Martha and Kath- ryn Biggar were hostesses at a tea which was held by the ladies of Munn's church in honor of a recent bride, Mrs. Howard Bon- ham (Barbara Fuller). During the afternoon, Mrs. A. Walsom, on behalf of Munn's W.A., pre- sented Mrs. Bonham with a floor lamp. 2x4 en Mis. J. MacSparron, Toronto, formerly of Sniders, was a Sun- day guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Hoey. eon Friends and relatives in the township of Mr. W. G. Watson, of Toronto will be interested to learn of his recent marriage to Mrs. Claire Brown, of Listowel. The ceremony was performed in the Metropolitan church, Toron- to, by Very Rev. Dr. Peter Bryce. As a lad, Mr. Watson was a pupil of Munn's P.S. and Oakville high school and attended Munn's church. Last November, he re- tired as president of Toronto General Trust Co. of which he manager of the hoard of directors of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra as- sociation. a The many friends and relatives of the late Gordon Joyce deeply regret his untimely passing. FFs It is hoped that Mrs. Calvin Bentley, who has been ill for the past two weeks, will soon be able to be up and about again. BRONTE Mrs. Annie Osborne and Nettie Golow are both confined to their home with measles. caves Mrs. Ken Johnson has returned home from the Hamilton General Hospital. PT Mr. R. J. Scarrow is sick again at his home here. : sree n Mrs. W. Gilliam visited in Wel- land last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Gilliam. PIP ra Bronte Legion No. 486 are hold- ing a St. Patricks dance at the Pig and Whistle Friday March 17. esx The monthly meeting of the Bronte Home and School Club will be held on Tuesday March 21 at 815 in the Public School. Mr. Skuse, school inspector will be the speaker for the evening. Pa Winners of the Community Club weekly euchre were as fol- lows. Mrs. L. Ribble, Mrs. A. Elliott, James Scarrow, Mr. W. Morris. The lucky draw was won by Mrs. K. Lew] csees The next open meeting of the Bronte Community Club will be held in the Hall Thursday March 23 at 8 pm. All members are asked to attend, and to bring someone else. var en Mr. A. Dalby who was quite ill for the past week is able to be out again. ness Mrs. E. Lawlor and Mrs. Wm. Landry attended the Ice Carni- val in Toronto on Monday even- ing. Fa The Carry on Club met at. the Walton Memorial Church on By JIM HARRISON THE REASON lovers always fit so comfortably in Ginger motion picture arms -- like organ's in "Per- cach other's Rogers in Denni fect Strangers," for example--is ex- simple, according to re- searchers at Warner Bros, have discovered that the average girl's waist is 28 inches, and the average man's arm is exactly that tremely who long! Like ghosts out of the past, a gracious, gray-haired woman re- cently met the people she knew best in her youth and watched them ive through" on a Hollywood studio set a tiny fragment of her life in the Canadian Northwoods. She is Mrs. e Flannigan, the woman who in- the Benedict and Nacy spired the Benedict and Nancy Freedman best-seller, "Mrs. Mike," whigh was recently made into the year's most exciting love story. Dick Powell plays Sergeant Mike Flan- nigan and beautiful Evelyn Keyes plays Mrs. Mike. "It takes a little adjustment," said Mrs. Mike shyly the day she spent on the set, "to see the people one knew so well por- trayed by actors." HOLLYWOODODDITY -- Jane Wyman and Kirk Douglas had to wear flannel overshoes for their big scene in a dance hall for Warner Bros. "The Glass Men- agerie" It was found that the sound of their shuffling feet drowned out Kirk's softly-spoken romantics. Guest of the Week" If Arthur Nadeau, 33 Highland spired love Ave., will present himself at the box office of the Century Theatre any night next week, he and an- other guest will be admitted free as guests of the Journal. Be On Guard If someone, in the course of a businesg, transaction, should hand you a particularly slick-looking ten-dollar bill, don't accept it until you have taken steps. to make sure it's genuine. This is the warning issued by Chief of Police Derry, who informs the Journal 'that a number of bogus ten spots are in circulation in this district. One or two local business men have already been Wictimized. "It is very good counterfeit money, if I may use that ex- pression", said the chief, "but there are certain differences be- tween these and genuine bills. The surface of these counterfeit bills is smoother, and their color is lighter." The chief advises anyone who is tendered a bill answering this description to phone one of the local banks and give them the number. The banks have the serial numbers of the bills, and in this wav the enuineness of a ten-dollar bill can be Checked, or its spuriousness con- firmed. serial ligan sang several Irish song [| and also assisted in a sing-song If of Mrs. Hugh Brearley Group 3|A skit by the group was enoyeq leader. Mrs. A. Jennings favored [by all. A delicious lunch closeq with 2 violin solos. Mr. Wim. Mil- la delightful evening. | | -- LUXURIOUS Thursday March 9, for their regu- lar meeting, which was in charge 16 Sv (IP We have a number of beautiful Mink Neckpieces in silver-blues and browns. The fur used is from our own ranch-raised animals which assures you of high- grade whole furs. Priced from G85 00 " up. For inquiries telephone 661 between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. After 6 p.m. call 832-M TREELINE MINK RANCH COMING MOVIE ATTRACTIONS Today-Fri.-Sat. March 16-17-18 "Sands of Iwo Jima" STARRING | John Wayne - Adele Mara - John Agar ADDED COLOR CARTOON & LATEST NEWS Show Starts Tonight At 6:45 -- Fri. & Sat. At 6:30 MONDAY & TUESDAY MARCH 20-21 | | JAMES CAGNEY| * HITS NEW HEIGHTS IN HIS NEW WARNER HIT "FRED CLARK = onus VIRGINIA EDMOND OBRIEN M AY Adult Entertainment First Show Starts At 6:45 (Feature 7 p.m.) Second how 9 p.m. 3 Wed. & Thurs, March 22-23 | "Are - you %! Looking for iin A Laugh My puny : Callen SIRES FROM THE HILARIOUS LONDON STAGE SUCCESS STARING CECIL PARKER Produced by George H. Brown Directed by John Paddy Carstairs ATWO!CITIES FIM. An EAGLE LION FIIMS Releass Open 6:30 B: Mon.-Fri. g Phone 1120 When You Need Automobile Service ... "Fast Thermastatic Battery Charging and Testing - + Power Simonizing to give your car the New Look - // Power Lubrication with expert chart methods and high quality Lubricants - : i' Car Washing - Fisk Tires - Exide Batteries - Accessories 's Service Centre =i 8 Your Friendly B-A Station

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