Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 16 Mar 1950, p. 3

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500 hursday, March 16, 1950 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL» g Page 50 % 2 ; =] I = CHURCH NEWS = |[ OLLIE'S =A Ck E! | DYERS 1 a s lh a ren Zann 2 the EPIPHANY QUALITY WORKMANSHIP AND SERVICE ppleby College Student Choir,| Bruce Gordon, son of Mr. and i vil icini --1 We wish to announce that under the direction of E. Leslie |[Mrs. Earl Barr was baptized on Tem A Vii -- Wednesday evening. The godpar- ARS | | BRONTE | Phone 210 <a | Forsythe St. at the Lake iL ROY JOHNSON ELECTRIC has been appointed our agent in RIVIER'S "Those Careful Cleaners" Phone 1123 Oxy - Acetylene . AND - Electric Prompt Service on all types of welding by only experienced help. If lt Can Be Welded . . . We Can Do It ! f<!) Maxwell - Brown Motors Phone 6 Bott, assisted the regular choir with the praise service at Knox Church Sunday morning. The choirs entered the church in a procession, singing the proces sional hymn "Praise My Soul the King of Heaven'. The Appleby choir also rendered an anthem, which was much appreciated by the congregation. Twelve n¢w communicants were received by the minister, Rev. C. K. Nicoll, at the pre- paratory service Sunday evening. Mr. Nicoll will conduct the Com- munion Service on Sunday morn- ing, and will preach on the sub- ject "Lord is it 1?" His subject in the evening will be "Why did Jesus work miracles?" The Evening Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. J. K. McBride, Watson Ave. on Tuesday evening. Great, success is attending the series of Lenten teas and sales of home cooking being held by the Knox Ladies Aid in the church hall on Thursday after- noons. The fourth of the series is being held this afternoon. ST. JUDE'S A former rector of St. Jude's Church, Rt. Rev. L. W. B. Broug- hall, former bishop of Niagara, paid a visit to his old church Sunday morning. His forceful sermon was much appreciated by the congregation. This coming Sunday will be "Mothering Sunday" at St. Jude's, and a special invitation to attend church with their families has been issued to fathers and mothers. Service will honor the mothers of the congregation and the -Holy Mother, the Church. «Our Difficulties as Christians" was the subject of discussion at the study period following yes- terday evening's Litany service. The subject for next Wednesday evening is "How to say your Prayers with the Prayer Book". The attention of members of the congregation is directed to the church library, in the north- west corner of the church. It contains a growing number Of splendid books upon many phases of the church and religion, which may be borrowed for two weeks. Tenors are still needed for the church choir. Those wishing to join are asked to get in touch with the choir master, G. Mel bourne Evans. po [| == SKIN A Scientifically Compounded Preparation That Relieves Distressing Skin Affections «OFF FOR THE SKIN" is prepared from a formula that has been used effectively for over twelve years for the relief of ftching, irritating and embarrassing skin conditions. INVISIBLE effective relief Is greaseless, and invisible 'when properly applied. Only a small amount is required. "DOFF FOR THE SKIN" DOES NOT PREVENT THE USE OF COSMETICS. CONVENIENT "POFF FOR THE SKIN" may be applied any time convenient, morning, noon, or' night. Dust lightly with talcum, and you may appear at your best without any fear of "DOFF FOR THE SKIN" being seen. IX Ww aE se, | AT NIGHT |] APPLIED before retiring, "DOFF FOR THE SKIN™ works i while you sleep. In the morning you will be pleased with : the satisfying results. Helps promote that smooth, smart look : ing appearance. i WORKS RAPIDLY gic" «[)OFF FOR THE SKIN" penetrates quickly into the pores and fights the cause of surface skin blemishes. It soothes the itching, and the smarting in a few moments. It leaves the skin softer, whiter and smoother. » MEN MEN who are in misery from sore, smarting and inflamed face and neck caused by shaving, will find "DOFF FOR THE SKIN" gives immediate relief. "It soothes and cools the irritated skin, leaving the face and neck with that healthy, clean-cut appearance admired by everyone. SKIN BLEMISHES R those who suffer from ugly skin blemishes, such. as eczema, pimples, psoriasis, blackheads, impetigo, and red blotches, try a treatment of "DOFF FOR THE SKIN." Help clear the skin this easy way, and be delighted with the big mprovement it can make in your appearance. Try a jar today. il The Oakville Drug Company Limited COLBORNE ST. E. (Len. Hope, Mgr.) TELEPHONE 94 ST. JOHN'S Three chidren received the cere- mony of Holy Baptism at the hands of the minister, Rev. Harry Pawson, at the Sunday morning service. They were Brenda Kath- ents were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark. FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY 66 Colborne St. E. Phone 588 Mr. Ralph McKim read the les- sons Sunday. The flowers were in memory of the parents of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cross. Holy Communion will be cele- brated Sunday. ST. LUKE'S The Banns of Marriage be- tween Bramwell Albert Oates, Bronte and Evelyn Marie Pellet- terio, Palermo, were read Sun- day. The Bishop of Niagara has consented to be present at a Deanery Picnic to be held in Pal- ermo early in June. CALVARY BAPTIST Twenty-two new members were added to the congregation of Calvary Baptist Church during the past year, making a total of HOTEL NEW MURRAY DINING ROOM 1 BLOCK SOUTH of COLBORNE ST. on NAVY ST. NOW OPEN - 6 AM. - 12 P.M. Breakfast 6-11 Luncheon 11-2 Dinner 5-8 Steaks Chops Home-Made Pies We also specialize in: FISH and CHIPS Every Evening from 8 p.m. to 12 p.m. 81, it was revealed at the annual meeting of the congregation on Kerr, Wednesday evening. cial statement, presented by F. S. Treasurer, of $9,930.77 raised for the build- ing fund. Cost of the new church building was $22,322.77. Collect- ions for the general fund totalled $2,296.65, and for missions $787. 60. Miss Lilian Stairs, secretary of the Sunday School, average attendance of 84 and to- tal colection of $719.29. Average attendance men's Missionary Society was re- ported by Mrs. E. S. Kerr, with total collection of $203.56, plus a special donation of $100 for bap- tismal robes. Attendance for the Young People's Society averaged 40, and a total of $66 was collect- ed. Deacons, Clerk, Browne; Kay; ply for pendent service, London address Officers were elected as follows: Clerk, Hartley Sims; M. McDonald, Treasurer, E. S. Kerr; Envelope Communion Baer, Mrs. Willis Drew; Chair- man of Ushers, Clayton Rayburn; Song Leader, G. E. Browne; Sun- day School Superintendent, G. E. Sixth Line Sunday School Superintendent, Assistant, Earl Grant. It was officially decided to ap- Churches of Ontario and Que- bec. A. Bowdon the preacher at Sunday evening's YP.S. song group. Stoll, the pastor, preached in the morning. Dr. 'The .finan- showed a total reported of 25 for the Wo- Board of F. S. Kerr, M. Baer, F. G. E. Browne; Mrs. Joseph Rutledge; Stewards, Mrs. M. Assistant, Arthur Mec- Kenneth Sims, membership in the Inde- Fellowship of Baptist of Burlington was and singing was by the Rev. A. A. R. E. Hooper, of Bible Institute, gave an Watch Our Windows! WATCH OUR WINDOWS Watch Our Windows! We are showing EASTER WARDROBE SPECIALS SEE THE SAVINGS BURROS' SPECIALTY SHOP 136 Colborne St. E. Phone 423 W. S. DAVIS & SON REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE MORTGAGES * W. E. DAVIS R. C. A. CUMBERLAND 71 Colborne St., Oakville Phone 41 Evenings and Holidays Phone 612-R WILLIAM C. MILLIGAN, R.O. OPTOMETRIST « » OPTICIAN 69A COLBORNE ST. OAKVILLE (Over Bank of Commerce) Telephone 1507 OFFICE HOURS Monday to Saturday--9.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday evenings--7.00 to 8.00 on Monday evening. leen Carpenter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. E. Carpenter; William €arberry, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. EF. Carberry; and Donna Anne Louise Hossack, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. C. Hossack. Mrs, J. H. Jewitt, of Wainfleet, was the guest speaker at Tues- day afternoon's meeting of St John's W. M. S. She took as her subject "What is in your hand?" The Evening Auxiliary held a supper meeting in Lusk Hall Monday evening. A layman rep- resenting the Ontario Temperance Federation will address the con- gregation at the morning service this coming Sunday. The next April 2. Qakville Hardware 94 COLBORNE ST. E. Telephone 290 ar Guarant Communion Service will he held on Sunday morning, La It's 100-to-1 You'll like the When spread upon bread, or used upon, vegetables, not one person in one hundred knows it is margarine. You won't believe how good it is until you taste it. Try it once, and we are confident you will buy it regularly NEW MARGENE can be coloured for table use in three minutes. Directions are given in every package. OF PRODUCT MARGENE CANADA PACKERS aA LIMITED

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