Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 23 Mar 1950, p. 1

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Uakvile -Trafalgar Journal ol. 3, No. 18 Entered, 2nd Class Mail, Ottawa Oakville, Ontario, Thursday, March 23, 1950 20 Pages 5 cents a copy, $2.00 Per Year in Advance The Eastern Pentecostal Bible er Blair, of Hamilton, spokesman for Unable to contact Pri DERRY DEFENDS CRUISER TRIPS Stating he felt it necessary to make "a rebuttal" to charges of his improper use of the police car leveled by Reeve Litchfield, so residents would not gain the wrong impression, Chief John Derry told council Monday night he had been on duty Wednesday afternoon March 8th, when in Burlington. Line of Duty "I was continuing an investi- gation in consultation with the Sergeant of the Burlington force concerning a woman for whom both departments hold a war- rant," he stated. He admitted he had made two personal, short calls while in Burlington, but saw nothing wrong in this. "As head of the department, surely I must be' the judge of whether to continue an investigation or not," he said. "I can't be expected to consult the head of the commit- tee every time I think it neces- sary, in the line of duty, to go out of town!" He stated he should have been in Oshawa that day, but did not like to be away when council met in case they wished to consult him. He stated he had arranged with Stirling and Dynes or Wm. Whitaker and Sons that a suit- able car be made available to the department in case of need any time-he-had 'the police car but of town. He stated chiefs of all other departments used their police cars for such work, and felt it would be unseemly for Oak- ville's chief to have to be "run- ning around on buses or train The chief's remarks followed Reeve Litchfield's statement that, on the Wednesday in ques- tion, he had received complaints of splashing and speeding on the west side of the bridge. Asking at the station for a man to be placed there in a car to stop this, he was informed "the chief has the car out of town. He is on a interested in locating at Ennisclare, the former being developed by a local contracting firm, through cipal Rev. Bible College Cools n Ennisclare Plan College revealed it was no long- Cox estate now Rev. J. H. the college. T. Johnstone, absent from Toronto on business, the Journal was referred to Mr. Blair by O. Scott, college secretary. This newspaper thereupon sent Mr. Blair the following telegram: Local concern ported negotiations by Eastern Pentecostal Bible College for Ennisclare has reached such a point that it is necessary for this newspaper to ascertain reliable information as to facts from you owing to absence of Rev. T. Johnstone. In open meeting here it was stated that considerable local opposition had been drawn to your attention hy property owners associated. Would appre- ciate reply by Monday night sure respecting re- press rates collect answering following: In view of statement attributed Mr. Johnstone that any opposition would mean your withdrawal from contemplated purchase have you therefore abandoned plans locate college at Ennisclare? If we do not re- ceive answer to above we will assume you are continuing nego- tiations and intend testing local restrictive bylaw. Appreciate your co-operation. Mr. Blair's answer, received esterday, was as follows: "Def- initely interested in projects in other cities where there is no opposition." Water By-law Trafalgar Township Council took a definite step Tuesday to- wards providing Bronte and the adjacent area with a water ser- vice, when it passed a motion in- structing the township solicitor to draw up a by-law establishing the district as a water area. The territory to be covered by the by-law Includes the village of Bronte and the area bounded by the eastern limits of the village, the Fourth Line, the lake and a line 1,000 feet south of Radial Road. The by-law also provides for the construction of a wator- main through the area, based on estimates of the township engin- eer, George Power. New Journal Feature Begining with this Issue, the Journal is happy to Introduce to its feminine readers Jean Galloway's Enjoying the high point of his day in an increasing ly familiar StmmyTrook Hospital wheel ch Johnny Black smiles confidently at Nurse Isobel Wilson. This exclusive Journal photo is John's first since his physic- ian decided he should begin pointing toward a battery propelled wheel chair of his own. Johnny Graduates To Wheel Chair, court case in Burlington." "Investigation proved there was no court in Burlington that day," the reeve stated. "I do not think the police car should be out of town on anything like that." He stated he had been bringing to council's attention for years Anderson Grapefruit Picker Love a d lin "SISTERS ALL," new weekly column for Kenny Brown, starry young i ; Hk Canadian ; - shortstop of last season's juv- > ed > e s i splas 0 3 0 gone] Moves Arm Now, Doctor Reports| s.r is mms am 5 Sin Suing Wi on Sa 37 ft chest / off on the right foot. Kenny |Went Of and that he felt some-|page §. "It is always a stimulating experience to drop in and see John|and when the weather is suitable| Of! ©; HERE foot Kenny] FL So ond he done about fil ; will provide local representa This latest Journal feature ls k," said Dr. Harold V. Cranfield, 6th Line, who while not dir-|go outside. He charged that the administra- > tion in baseball's annual grape- |. written in a refreshingly origin- By in enarge of Johnny's case is on the staff of Sunnybrook Now || «Ves, eventually, Jonn will Bel [ic league. pilgrimage fo the [LO was inefficient with officers| WEL SE KK CECESS AR Of ' ver seen |; ott AI ily i bei se roperly. He claim- |" #2 . - > in the department of physical maine | LR able to visit his family in Oak-| gunny south where he will work pen ry iin is lous, sometimes brevzy, but al depressed. I have never seem him gua = ville," Dr. Cranfield said. But he| ,u4 with the Daytona Beach a Ee that school child-|AYS entertainingly informative, ® The doctor stated that life was| could not, of course, make any| Ciags D club for two weeks. ers ain dronchad by driv. | It Will have a particular appeal to a test of character. How a man guess as to when this might be.| mpg youthful infielder, who oy ad had to go home | OWkville, Bronte and Trafalgar Loa lermo Farmerette reacted to the test, if 2 a fo did stress Lo visits on a travelled to Florida with Don RE Y women, we feel, In that Mra, Gal- him, was the measure of the man. friends were of great value fo] py,yis this week, will thus have loway now makes Oakville her ins Judging Honors | 1 have never seen anyone like| john in his recovery, and this hl Hed Coungtine Isard olay that ns A ee on Er ; : : Br an . 0 akville-Trafalgar | him," he said. "He's a grand raised a point the Journal had| aig start their workout sev- GE SE ail [localized in theme, will neverthe- § schol placed second to Bur-| chap." John Black was a victim been pondering for some time. eral weeks hence. eh 5 less reflect In great measure the ; EE i of a one-in-twenty-thousand spin- : ' ; (Continued on Page 11) life of this v. n H.S. in the intercollegiate | ip .p) Injures lust roll. To get from Oakville to Sun: ) etition, attractive Jean Pat- 2 nybrook hospital and back again, While new to the Journal, "SIS- 1 Johnny spends an hour-and-a-| eo). anyone without a motorcar, is individual TERS ALL" n claimed 2 NEW LABS BROADEN TEACHING SCOPE has long been on fa chair, Burs in the seed and hog judg. | half daily in this Whee! Chetan involved and time-consuming| yo... opout nitrates and|lab has sbsteen combined desks|OUrite with Canadian chatslaines, t the annual seed and bacon [and is able today to move NiS| ip The younger friends of the ; On| and sinks with handsome nickel. | his "been syndicated for some r) 2 I'd i i how | 4i. + phosphates, the law of specific|and sinks with hands ¢ 5 at Milton Saturday. The|arm. Dr. Cranfield indicated disabled football-player, in most| ~~~ ; i Fach student has|time to a list of dailies and : ee gravity, or the mysteries of soil|plated fixtur tach student has : pa -operatively by | MUCH courage and perseverance cases do not have such transpor- ; ol rer for his or her equip. |Weeklies In Canada. A success sponsored cooperatively SE This achlote ls 5 composition is going to be much |a drawer for his or her equip- |" alton Crop Improvement| Were reduitsd for this achiever) tation available, But there are a) jo % UH ol Ed CC "Oni | ment. Seats are of the adjustable | ful newspaper and public relations | t--for that is what it is. : | eas ents : Seats are o adjusts i, ys Ss fo and the Halton Hog Pro-|ment--for that i number of residents with chauf| , ., czar High School. Well| swing type. All desks have black | Woman for many | goss Mr Assn, attracted more| "The first time these patients|feurs and cars which they might|® =" iar HIE Seow: SEH FEE Re BEATE EEE BICC Galloway, as Joan Love, has hu be able to make available, say once a month, to take a group in to make a visit. If each made his car available only once a month, this would insure a regular flow of visitors. "And this would be a very fine thing for John Black," enthused Dr. Cranfield, stating he knew two men who would be most willing to make their cars available, and do the driving themselves. "I'll be the first, in fact," he sald. "I hope the Jour- nal or possibly the board of trust- ees of the Black Fund, can get this plan into operation, now the weather will be better." Augmenting the continuing Black Fund will be the proceeds (Continued on Page 5) 350 county farmers. are placed in a chair, it is us- ually all they can stand to re- main there ten minutes," he said. Explaining that after the long period flat in bed blood vessels in the legs and abdomen were not toned for the job of maintain- ing necessary blood levels in the upper part of the body and head, he stated that "Many men, after the first venture in a chair, re- fuse to try it again the next day. But John adopted the attitude that it was progress, and that he wasn't going to quit." As the daily. time is lengthen- ed and John Increases the use of his arm, he will be able to run a battery-propelled chair around the hospital, taking in a movie A wide experience in covering wo- men's activities, In addition to having published a wide variety of articles of typleally feminine Interest, she acts ns public r tions coun: to the Canadian Assn. of Consumers, and was the only Canadian newspaper woman to gain an interview with Lady Mountbatten during the latter's visit to this country. She married Major Galloway, who used to edit h copy on their hometown weekly in Aylmer, in 1848, Major Gallo- way ls posted at Central Com- mand, and the couple have bought a house and flve acres, tabbed it nglewood", and settled down to enjoy country living. of the room Is a series of hand- some light wooden cases with glass fronts, in which the jars and bottles of chemicals are kept. Students can look at the labels in odd lefsure moments and fam- iliarize themselves with the nam- es of various chemicals, thus augmenting thelr knowledge of this important subject. At the rear of the room is a long, black- surfaced alance tab] for weighing out chemicals, A special table 1s necessary for this work, because weights must be accur- ate to the thousands part of a gram, and the delicately balanced scales must be on a level surface, On the wall is a big chart board Continued on page three scientific age, the men who plan- ned the enlarged building made ample provision for the teaching of scientific subjects. As a re- sult, the school has three fine laboratories for the teaching of chemistry, physics and agricul- ure, that for general layout and equipment will equal any to be found in a school of comparable size in Ontario. liss Patterson, an active mem- 'of the Palermo Junior Farm- oup, was named best youth- age of small seeds and hog ses, and was also success- tested for her ability to ify weeds and forage plants. dother district wimar was Three For One All three labs, which serve in place of only one in the former setup, are located on the east side of the. remodelled portion of the building, and are very light and spacious. All are very sim- flarly furnished. The chemical Butter trophy for the high- oint total for judging hog sses and potatoes. 3 ©

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