Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 30 Mar 1950, p. 2

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THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, March 23, 1950 | PEOPLE and EVENTS High school coming summer Kennedy, recreational Following the Easter examina Victoria Hall, structions in leadership duties. sees ing Sunday," Noel Streatfield. ae Mrs. Arthur Flinn of Auburn- dale, Mass, is visiting her sister Mrs. W. T. Merry. seer Miss Ruth Ellison, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Geoffrey Bide. ew The Opportunity Shop operated by Angela Bruce Chapter, LOD. E. is moving from its present lo- cation on Randall Street to Rob- | inson Street opposite the New Murray Hotel. sass A deputation consisting of Comrades Frank Gerrard, Milt Hubbs, Jimmy Devenish, Alf. Eastwood and Chic Purdy from Branch 114 of the Canadian Le- gion visited Comrades Black, Raymond, Wicks, McCleary, Roy. and Leaver in Sunnybrook hos- pital on Sunday. They presented the patients with a deck of play- ing cards each, and fruit, cigar- ettes and soft drinks. The local branch plans to make such a vis- itation every two weeks to see comrades. who are in Sunny- brook. | | | cee Mrs. H. Z. Palmer has return- ed from Ottawa where she was visiting her parents, General and Mrs. Crerar. Fe Mrs. John Mahoney, who has been staying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Bull, has re- turned to her home in Vancouv- er. sxwes, . Mrs. Ramsay Gillespie has flown to England for a month's visit. The prizes for the White Oak 1.0.D.E. draw will be on display in the window of the Lakeshore Cleaners. ~ Hiss Marianne Nattress who is home on furlough from India visited briefly in Oakville with Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor and Dr. and Mrs. Fred Nattress be- fore going on to Sault Ste. Mar- ie. ewww Mrs. R. Kindersley arived home from Florida on Friday. "es About twenty members of the University Women's Club journ- eyed to Hamilton last Thursday at the invitation of the Hamilton group to hear an address by Mrs. W. H. Clarke, vice-president of Clarke-Irwin Publishers. 'Some of those who attended were Mrs. J. Blakelock, Mrs. H. C. Rickaby, Mrs. Malcolm Smith, Mrs. R. Helmer, Mrs. F. W. Taylor, Mrs. ie D. Tough, Mrs. L. Minshall, Miss J M. MacNaughton, Mrs. R. Young, i i Mrs. L. Elson, Mrs. S. Martin, Mrs. R. Appleford. enae Mrs. J. A. M. Bell is having a tea for the canvassers for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind on April 18, eves Mr. and Mrs. E. J. James and \ | daughter are leaving next week for Florida. PIP Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Powless, Niagara Falls, N.Y. were week- end visitors, renewing acquain- with many district sean : A daughter, Lynda Joan, was 2 {born to Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Lee ¥ (formerly Joyce Lightfoot) in Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial hos- i pital on Saturday, March 25. craw Mrs. Ralph E. W. H. C. Mussen, of | Montreal, and Mrs. Gordon I Gooderham left yesterday for a hi vacation in Bermuda. They will ibe joined by Mrs. R. B. Buchan- an and Mrs. Brown, who have students who would like to serve as playground and day camp leaders during the are invited to submit their applications to Ted director. tions Mr. Kennedy will conduct a course in practical leadership at where applicants for the positions will be given in- The following books are recent acquisitions of Oakville Public|1st, Mr Bowen; 2nd, S. Library: "Wait For The Dawn,' Hazzard; Consolation, 2 G. by Martha Albrand; "Flowers On | Bartlett. Draw, Mrs. IL Griffiths. The Grass" Monica Dickens; "The Wall," John Hersey; "A BRONTE Few Flowers For Shiner," Rich-| Congratulations to Mr. and ard Llewellyn; "The Rock Cried |Mrs. Jas. English who celebrated Out," Edward Stanley; "Mother-| their 28th wedding anniversary Mrs, J. R. McCay, Dundas St. renewed acquaintance Sunday with an old friend she had not seen for 43 years. The friend was Mrs. Avery, of Niagara Falls, Ont, who with her husband and -{her mother, Mrs. Hattie Bray of Dorset, Muskoka, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. McCay. Fara Winners of CPT euchre last week were: Ladies: 1st., Mrs. L. Ribble; 2nd, Mrs. O. Warburton; Consolation, Mrs. Gilroy. Conte March 24. sas Mrs. Alex Chalmers who was a patient in the Oakville Tempor- ary Hospital has returned home. Mrs. Tom Joyce is confined to her home suffering from the flu. Little Paul Bray is a victim of the measles. sax nn Mr. and Mrs. J. Sloané cele- brated their 19th wedding anni- versary Saturday, March 25. Mr. Chas Lynch, Toronto was a week-end visitor at the home of the Wm. Hill's Jr. seme Mr. and Mrs. E. Crellin and children spent Sunday with friends in Bronte. ean A group of friends were joint hostesses at a personal shower given at the home of Mrs. W. Patterson on Thursday evening, March 28th. in honour of Mrs. Lora Reid, whose marriage to Mr. Harry Ostrosser, Fenwick, will take place later in the month' About 30 guests attended and many beautiful gifts. cess Over 100 en of the Bronte Public School went by special bus on a trip last Friday to Tor- onto. During the day they were escorted by their teachers to a tour of the Ontario Parliament Buildings and the Toronto Mu- seum. Bach child met the Lieut- enant Governor and Mrs. Ray Lawson, and were given a sou- venir of the interesting trip. Mrs. Mary Soncramp and son James, Detroit, Micly, were week-end guests at the home of Captain and Mrs. FB. Grant. sare The Scouts and Cubs are now holding their weekly meetings at the new parish hall The Cubs meet on Tuesday, while the Scouts have Wendesday evenings. Far Winners, at the weekly Com- munity Club euchre were as fol- lows. James Scarrow, Mrs. Jas. Godfrey, Mr, D. Fitzsimmons, Mrs, A. Elliott. The lucky draw was won by Mr. D Fitzsimmons. TRAFALGAR Mrs. S. D. Turner entertained the members of Wesley Church W.M.S. at the March meeting. Mrs. J. W. Stewart reported that she had visited homes in the neighborhood and had secur- ed from the mothers the names of 33 babies and small children. These will form a W.M.S. Baby Band which it is expected may be organized in the mear future by the Supt. of Baby Bands of Hal ton Presbyterial. Mrs. F. Near and Mrs. Gordon Post arranged the program and Mrs. E. A. Fish read a letter from a cousin, Dr. C. Fish, a missionary in China under the US. missions. During the afternoon, Mrs. Roy Fish conducted a memorial service DENTA-LINER EASY TO STRIPS One Application Makes False Teeth Fit For the Life of your Plates Free Booklet This Week Closs Drug Co. Mrs. Reid was the recepient of i The formula for this egg, hatching a beautifu trade secret. But Easter is the time to look for such an event and this vhoto was taken to prove it does happen --Certral Press Canadian young lady, is a for the late Mrs. J. N. Fish, the first president of Wesley W.M.S. and of which she was also a life member. Following the marriage of Miss Lorraine MacMurray and Mr. David Clark on Friday evening at Richmond Hill United Church, a reception for the wedding party and guests was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McLean (aunt of the bride) Dundas Highway. Para Harold Lawrence, who won top honours in the Junior Farm- er section for his exhibit of oats i the recent Halton Seed fair, is a nephew of Elton and Elmer McLean of Trafalgar. His moth- er, Mrs. Victor Lawrence, is -the former Reta McLean. His pic- ture, with the prize exhibit, oc- cupies a place on the front page of county town paper of the 23rd inst. cease Measles has struck Trafalgar and Snider's districts, even the older people are not immune. The combined March meeting of the Sixteen Church Ladies' Aid Society and W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. G. H. King, beginning in the morn- ing when the ladies quilted two quilts' for the missionary bale. A "pot luck" luncheon was ser- ved at noon. Following the two afternoon meetings, on behalf of the L.A, Mrs. B. Berry and Mrs. W. Dent presented Mrs. C. Hopper with a purse in dp- preciation of her faithful ser- vices as organist of the church for several years. Mrs. Hopper graciously thanked the ladies for their thoughtfulness. esx es At Munn's Church Stnday Many of the township roads are in very bad condition due to the spring thaw and recent rain, and the heavy mud is making driving difficult. sess Fifty-five new members will join the congregations of Wesley, Munn's and Sheridan churches on Sunday, when communion ser- vices will be held. The new mem- ers will be received by the min- ister, Rev. W. J.Stewart. cess More than two hundred mem- bers of the Farm Forums of Halton gathered at the new Tra- falgar Community Hall Monday evening for a grand rally to mark the conclusion of the forums for this season. The event, sponsored by the Ontario Federation of Ag- riculture, was a splendid success. There was dancing to the music of May's. orchestra, and 40 ta- bles of euchre were in progress. An interesting feature of the pro- gram was a talk by Mr. McKin- ney, of Peel County, who showed films of different European coun- tries he had visited recently, ill- ustrating farming conditions and methods in those countries. First prizes in euchre were won by Mrs. Russell, for ladies and Mr. Snow, for men. A small presen- ation was made to Mrs. McKin- ney. Fred Near, president of Hal- ton Agricultural Society, was chairman of the evening. The Farm Forums program will be resumed in the fall. sass Our Trafalgar residents who have been fortunate enough to have a change of climate and scenery for several weeks have all returned home. Mrs. Fred Harris arrived at Malton Airport on Sunday afternoon after a six weeks' wonderful visit with rel- atives and friends in England. short for the trip but she map aged to make one Visit to Glas gow in Scotland. She report that England was enjoying beay tiful weather, the farmers hay, been busy with their seeding an planting for the last three weeks On the 25th inst. the day she lef London, she visited Hyde Pa and Rotten Row, daffodils ang other spring flowers were blog soming in all their glory and th children were sailing their sma] boats in the park ponds. Mr James Walker, who has beer visiting his old home in Irelang arrived home on Wednesday, th, 25nd, He had a pleasant 'visit bu on his journey home the vessel Franconia, stormy weather was encountered and the 'going wa very rough. The vessel was many hours overdue arriving at Hal fax. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Con] over returned on Tuesday, the 21st. from Florida where they have been holidaying for nine weeks. They are sporting a fin] tan and are looking well. + » oh The several schools in the dis trict are busy preparing for the annual South Trafalgar Musi Festival which will be held of April 5th in the Trafalgar Town) ship Hall, cops Mrs. C. W. Conover visited on Sunday at the home of her sis ters, Mrs. J. Daly and Miss Dor, othy Barber, Toronto. Measles Wane Seasonal epidemics of meas- les and chicken pox began. to wane last weel, the Halton County Health Unit reports. One case of measles and one of mumps was reported in Tra- falgar during the week, while 12 cases of German measles and She says her time was all too one case of chicken pox made up the county-wide total. School on Sunday morning, Apr- il 2nd, several of the scholars will take charge of the services. At the three churches on the Trafalgar Charge on Palm Sun- April 2nd, new members will be received into the church The minister Rev. J. W. Stewart, will conduct the services. The Women's Association of Sheridan Church are catering for Trafalgar Twp. Firemen's banquet which is being held this week in Sheridan Hall. .EDDIE'S GARAGE (EDDIE ROWE) General Repairs To All Makes of Cars PHONE 1106 38 Randall St., Oakville (Rear of Oakville Tire & Battery a SRT SA RK BE EE Thur., Fri, Sat. SHOW STARTS, THURS., FRI, LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9 p.m. ) Mar. 30-31 - Apr. 1 RUSS HAYDEN (GORDON JONES Plus Latest World News SAT. 6.45 p.m. Mon., Tues., Wed. Eo FOUR FEATHERS TECHNiICOLOR avwind iy ZOLTAN KORDA ws BOE SICHARDION + C. AvDatY sus 0 CANIS © NE DUPRE FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT SHOW BEGINS AT 6.30. FRY April 3-4-5 A Thrill Treat JOHN WAYNE CLAIRE TREVER "ALLEGHNEY UPRISING" EXTRA! ONLY! Doors Open 6 p.m. Last Complete Show 8.30 Colored Cartoon YOUR FRIENDLY THEARTE 39 Colborne St. E. PHONE 248 been staying in TEL. 635-W Friday & Saturday Qur or Love's TENDEREST ADOLPHE MENJOU - JEAN POWELL - STEVENS: Mar. 31 - Apr. ITSELF WRITES THE WORDS var ox Dir. by IRVING REIS Prod. by GEORGE JESSEL Lyrics and Music by HOWARD DIETZ am ARTHUR SCHWART] RIE J Monday & Tuesday So many sinners so few ins T'S A MERRY TIME OU'LL BE HAVIN' WITH PLUS ADDED SHORT SUBJECTS a April 3 Wednesday & Thursday April 5-0 Spay TE STARRING JENNIFER JONES -- JOSEPH COTTEN "or An exciting adventure in time ... Portrait of Jennie NTURY Doors Open Saf: At 6 p.m. Start 658 Mon.-Fri. open 6 -- AP A cc base lings finge Frey Hard 5 Thc

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