Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 30 Mar 1950, p. 4

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Page 4 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL a t UY UY) - The Oakville- Trafalgar Journal ||| Trafalgar Tales {|< Member Canadian Weekly papers 'Association BY BESSIE CAIRNS ther citizens Published Every Thursday Morning in Oakville, Ont., by A FAIR RACE! OQakville-Trafalgar Publishers, Ltd. I would not want my daughter . 7 Dunn Street North 2 S. Casey Wood, Jr, Vincent H. Barrey Managing Editor Advertising Manager Bill Cotton, HEditorial Assistant Phone 1298 to marry a Negro yet I view with alarm the attitude of the British Government to Seretse Khama and his white wife. Im not sure what I think concerning Paul Robeson. We who were born white and who are geographically + A Committee Matter We fully agree with Chairman of the Police Committee Councillor Isard in his opinion that Reeve Litchfield would have been wiser to have brought his charges against the police chief before the committee, instead of airing them in council last Monday night. Advised of the Reeve's beliefs, the committee could have investigated and secured the correct facts. This would have prevented a series of publicly made statements which, had the chief not been present to correct, could have given the public an impression which would have undermined the respect in which a police department must be held in order to function. "This municipality owns only one police car. It will readily be appreciated by everyone, that this is inadequate mechanization for a population of 6,000. Reeve Litchfield wants this car kept in town at all times, and is correct in feeling the department should have available, at all times, a means of satisfactory transportation. But his suggestion that the chief ride buses and trains when called upon to go out of town in the course of duty is not very practical. Leaving out of the question the additional hours the chief would be away from his department, which would come under such a procedure, we fail to be- lieve the chief could be effective on arrival at his destination without a car. And if he was successful in his trip, returning to Oakville with a prisoner on a bus would be, we'd guess, a pretty tough assignment. The solution would seem to lie in having another vehicle available for the force. The use of the cruiser could then be left entirely to the discretion of the police administration. If it were ill-used, or used for other than official business, then it would be up to the committee to take necessary correcting action. The reeve also complained about speeding and splashing. Last year Councillor Freeman tried to se- cure council's permission to place officers operating the speed device in plain clothes--stating unless this were done the device was ineffective as drivers had too much 'warning. The reeve was among the other councillors who objected to such action . .. and coun- cillor Freeman gave up the attempt. If the reeve was really perturbed about speeding, surely he would have agreed to any action which would assist the police force to hold speeding in check. Splashing of pedestrians, which is going on all over the province in this weather, is not always the result of speeding. Last week we slowed to 2 m.p.h. when passing a lady walking on Galt Avenue. She smiled her appreciation just as our front wheel drop- ped into a water-hidden pot-hole to drench her from 'head to foot. Speed certainly had nothing to do with this mishap. This should not be taken as a complaint against Streets and Sidewalks éommittee; it is mentioned to show that speeding: and splashing do not necessarily go hand-in-hand as the Reeve indicated he felt they did. There is, unfortunately perhaps, nothing in the traffic act that convicts a driver, travelling within the speed limit, of an offense when a pedestrian is splash- ed owing to water lying on the roadway. Possibly there should be, but we think our editorial suggestion of an association of all drivers, formed voluntarily, to avoid splashing is actually all that is needed. With reference to the effectiveness of the present chief's administration, commented, on unfavourably by both the Mayor and the Reeve. This paper is not qualified to express a competent opinion. Actually, we helieve that only the police committee is so equipped. The fact that the committee has not seen fit to make any changes, would indicate that matters for the most part are being handled satisfactorily. The com- mittee will be aware of the difficulties of operation, both as to number of men on the force in relationship to duties, and as to use of the various men's time. However, it is a new committee, and may have some changes to make, or recommendations to offer the chief. When it does so. they will probably be made in privacy . .. which is the way we feel they should be 'handled. There are a number of standards available for determining the number of members on a police force in relationship to population. By all available stand- ards, Oakville's force falls far short of the required number. Tt will be apparent that if there are not sufficient men available for any undertaking, certain aspects of the job must go begging for attention. Possibly that js what has been going on, and the committee would be wise to investigate this--and the additional police "car, which could be a second-hand vehicle--and pos- sibly increase the force. It is not our province to assess the chief's abil- ities or suitability--that would be invading the res- ponsibilities of the committee without sufficient know- ledge to make a judgment. But it should be pointed out that a person placed in a position of arbitrary authority can not be all things to all men. The degree of tact possessed by the individual may g0 a long .way to helping or hindering in this connection, of course. But in the final analysis the measure of a chief's suc- cess would seem to be the incidence of crime, speed- ing, traffic accidents and other criminal activities that plague all communities. Here again, it is only the committee Who knows all the facts and can ac- curately make such an assessment, and we are sure that the residents are content that it should be on this fe oy f the chief th esult of voicing censure of the chief, or the he in open couneil session, the impression of poor police enforcement in Oakville is given to out- i i fortunate, as Oakville's force side centres. This is un ae other localities--is very i is a good one, and the record of crim pality--when compared with fortunate can afford to be smug --for how long? Thirty-three years ago Com- munism did not govern one square foot of this earth. To-day more than half the world's popu- lation is under Communist con- trol. There are 14,000,000 poten- tial Communists in the United States and until the American Negro gets a squarer deal the number will continue to grow. That's why I feel at liberty to quote from an article in the Ne- gro Digest which has already. been used editorially in the Tor- onto Daily Star. I'm confident the writer, Dr. Bunsche wrote it in the hope that it would receive world wide publicity. This is what he asks for his race. "That American Society should cease requiring its Negro citizens to run the race of life over a spe- course while all compete on the of flat; that American society lift the handicap of race from our shoulders; that it draws back the curtain of segregation; that the accusing finger of inferiority and scorn mo longer everywhere be pointed at us as a group; that we be accepted as individuals for whatever we are worth and be given unhampered opportunity to prove or or disprove our worth; which we can Not long ago arose in a small western Ontario town provided us with a warn- ing that our province is mot im- mune to this malady, Thursday, March 30, 1950 IT SEEMS TO ME i Complete By P. W. Thompson Investment It is somewhat reassuring to H see the political parties of Ontar- Service jo uniting to prevent racial dis- BONDS crimination. That is something STOCKS well do without. a situation that on all Exchanges MACRAE AND COMPANY and it is that we may walk in society with | 11 that we should be on our our heads held thigh in full res- against oi Investment Dealers ignity--that i 1 + pect and dignity--that is all I= 0" yo ymination in any||80 King St. W.--Toronto ask," he said, "except that I ask for quick delivery." It seems iron- ical that Ralph Buhsche who risked his life to act as United Nations Mediator in Palestine should refuse a post in Washing- ton rather than subject his family to the indignities they would be forced to face in the capital of Democracy. i Years ago the founder of the House of Rothschild asked for his people the privilege to walk the earth with dignity" -- a privilege which Hilter denied them. Re- member Adolf and his master race? According to psychologists, it is now possible to predict with astonishing accuracy whether en- gaged couples can hope to find happiness in the marital state, simply by asking five questions. Anyway, this article I was read- ing the other night was mighty darn confident about the whole thing. So, even though I've been mar- ried for twelve years (or is it twelve centuries?) I gave myself the test anyhow, just to see how happy I was or wasn't. My wife wore a chilly frown all through the test, but I don't think she in- fluenced my answers too much. It came out this way: Query No. 1: "Am I physically and mentally fit?" Well, not ex- actly. I've developed a slight spavin lately, and the very fact that T ever thought about getting married reveals my mental fit- ness. If my ever lovin' little wife is reading this (she sometimes inadvertently slips through a couple of paragraphs under the impression she's still reading Bessie Cairns) I mean it as a compliment. Quiz No. 2: "Do I have suffi- cient emotional stability?" Im afraid not. I get excited every time Isobel pays $20 for a mew chapeau. I worry constantly over the perils of poor Stevie Canyon and Dick Tracy. And I have a secret knawing fear that the boss is going to wise up to me one of these days. Question No. 3: "Will I be-able to keep the wolf from the door?" Shucks, in these days is anybody ever able to keep: the wolf from the door? To be frank, Im not in in the least worried about trying to keep the wolf from the door. My problem is chasing him out of the kitchen. degree is bad, cruel and unjust. At its worst it takes the form of frightful orgies of wholesale mur- der such as occurred in Germany under the Nazis. when we read of the lynching of Negroes in the south ( a prac- tice that is, ing) or of the way in which mem- bers of that race are segregated, are sometimes inclined' to adopt a self-righteous take it for granted that that sort of thing could never our own country. Let us not be too 'sure of that. There exists in Canadd a large amount of racial i prejudice PUFFS FROM THE COTTON.GIN portunity, would manifest itself i out-and-out although perhaps in nothing of a more serious nature. The problem presented by rac- ial prejudice easy one to solve. to hate and persecute people of a different race or nationality has PHONE: EL 3374 We in Canada fortunately, declin- attitude and to happen in which, given the op- discrimination, It Will Soon Be Easter Don't wait until the last- minute rush. Bring us your is by no means an The tendency (Continued on Page 5) be no disappointment when Catechism No. 4: "Are our race, morals, religion, education and standards of living very sim- ilar?" Well, we're both white. Our morals are getting more and more alike--we both stay up un- til midnight on New Year's Eve. We're both religious, and go to church at least twice a year. Ed- ucation is something we both have, too. Except that she has nine-tenths of it and I have the rest. And our standard of living, ALL OUR FRIENDS LIVE TEN TIMES BETTER THAN As a result, we are in constant conflict, which usually terminates temporarily that T am only 50 percent happy, and should never have married in the first place. that her only. didn't make this discovery twelve years ago. you want to step-out at Easter. Time. with her blowing nh smoke in my eyes as I stand there * wringing my dishpan hands: After carefully checking and For Pick-up & Delivery double checking all my answers, I was midly surprised to learn Phone 1557 My wife says regret is that I Oakville Cleaners Semi-happily yours, BILL COTTON cleaning now so there will |[' DUE TO INFLATION what with inflation and all, is just what you might rightly ex- pect. Interrogation No. 5: Have we similar ideas as to the place of women in the family?" The an- swer is a definite no. We both feel the place of woman is in the home, but we differ widely over which part of the home. I say the kitchen, and she plumps for the easy chair in the living room. good. The reeve made it clear he was not censuring the men of the force, it is true. But by bringing incor- rect facts out concerning the chief in the way he did, Easter Egg Hunt FOR ALL PUBLIC & SEPARATE SCHOOL PUPILS & PRE-SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN Saturday' April 8th, 9.30 a.m. Ages 4 to 6 years--VICTORIA PARK Ages 7 to 9 years--BUSBY PARK Over 9 years--TRAFALGAR PARK PRIZES FOR TOP NUMBER OF EGGS MOVIES --AND-- REFRESHMENTS "This Is Just Another Recreation Service" he would, except for the presence of the chief, have left the public with an impression of Oakville none of us would be proud of. We commend the Reeve for his desire to see everything in the police department run on the best possible basis, but we would like to have seen him go to the committee first. Looks as if this year the Easter holidays will be pretty full ones for the small fry, with the by Padding Cormtriesqni WILLIAM C. MILLIGAN, R.O. OPTOMETRIST « » OPTICIAN 69A COLBORNE ST. OAKVILLE (Over. Bank of Commerce) TELEPHONE 1507 OFFICE HOURS Closed All Day Wednesday Thursday evening--7.00 to 8.00 p.m., or by appointment. the Recreation Commission. With mud a main feature of this season, the recreation commission will be doing mothers a favor with the scheduled activities as Victoria Hall will be the scene for the fun. Have you sent the money for your Easter Seals yet? If you haven't... there's a saying "Do it now!" which is a pretty good idea. First to yell about the clouded water--first to yell about increased taxes. The cost of installing necessary filtering equipment would up taxes plenty . . . and that's not popular. It should be remembered that the cloudy water is a temporary condition, usually lasting a few days at this time of the year. Water is a thing everyone takes for granted until it either isn't available, or is clouded or otherwise different. Patience will see the end of the: condition. With flying-saucers being reported Oakville district residents show they are not subject to hallucinations -- there hasn't been a saucer reported here Hats off to Ken Russell and the Junior Chamber of Com- merce for picking up the Car Pool For Johnny Black gestion so promptly. Anyone willing to donate their car once a month should call Ken at 1015--those wishing to visit Johnny under this arrangement should also call Ken, and he will arrange the visitation. Won't those intending to assist in this way please pick up the phone right away? sug- Yona Don't Squint... SQUIRT! --INSTALL A-- WINDSHIELD CLEANING DEVICE Drive with a clear view at all times "The Home of Chrysler-Plymouth-Fargo "Service" Dundas St. N. LET US INSTALL THIS MODERN DRIVING AID Hedleigh Home Ltd. Phone 1063 OAI

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