Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 30 Mar 1950, p. 7

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Thursday, March 23, 1950 THE OARVILLE-TRAFALGAR J OURNAL | = CHURCH NEWS = OALVARY BAPTIST A large group ofthe young Deople of the congregation went to Hamilton Monday evening to attend the rally of the Funda. mentalist Baptist Young Peo- ples Association in Hughson st. Baptist Church. The pastor, Rev. A. A. Stoll was the preacher at both Sunday ser. vices. At the evening service Mrs, D. Patton sang two solos, Tomorrow. evening's prayer meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Baer, Wilson CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY The subject of the lesson-ser- mon last Sunday was "Reality" and from the responsive reading, "They cry unto the Lord fn their trouble, and He saveth them out of their distress. He sent His Word and healed them, and de- livered them from their destruct- ions." Service will be held on Sunday, April 2nd, at 11 o'clock and Sunday School at the same Street Soutn hour. The subject will be "Un- re Mrs. Arnold Brown and Mrs, 1, | reality." ; Grice of Bronte will sing duets at CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY Sunday's service, ST. LUKE'S The Rectory was sold to Mr. C. Dredge, Moffatt. Confirmation classes will begin Tuesday, April 4th at 7 pum, | The service next Sunday will Il De a celebration of Holy Com. munion. The service will be in I the Church. The Rev. Canon Smith in his sermon last Sunday said that the p two chief causes of divorce were A successful rummage sale was held Tuesday. The flowers on the altar were given by Mr. Robert Mason in loving memory of his mother, Mrs, Marion P, Mason and his brother Corporal Charles R. Mason. Confirmation classes will be- gin Monday April 3rd at 7.30 p.m. In his sermon last Sunday the Rev. Canon Smith stressed the i hing the lack of appreciation and lack of| TPOrtance of teaching religion in the home, ST. JUDE'S Page 7 Death Claims Mr. & Mrs. Richard Richardson, Residents 30 Years Death claimed a well-known (a Red Cross member of the Roy- Oakville couple last week in the al Black Knights. Both Mr. and FO Dersons of Richard Richardson |Mrs. Richardson were members FREE PICK-! and his wife, who died Within two (of St. John's United Church. They 66 Colborne St. E. days of each other. Mr. Richard- | are survived by three sons, David borne) 5 OLLIE'S CLEANERS & DYERS AT a QUALITY WORKMANSHIP AND SERVICE To Citizens of Oakville and, Vicinity R 28 YEARS UP AND DELIVERY Phone 588 son passed away on Wednesday at his home on Herald Avenue following a two weeks' illness from influenza. Due to the shock. Of his death his wife, who had been in poor health for some time, suffered a fatal heart attack and died on Friday. and Richard Mary, Toronto. Mr. Richardson also leaves a brother, David, of Oakville. The double funeral, held Mon- day afternoon from the chapel of S. S. Russell and Son, was large- We are equipped to give you expert service "on any make of car radi- The late Mr. Richardson was|ly attended, The services were Etomite A ST years of age and was born in|under Orange auspices, and a AIRS Glasgow, Scotland, coming to|large number of Orangemen were zo. Oakville with his wife and family | present from Bronts Lodge and) pp ns in 1020. By occupation he was a|also from the Halto County cabinet maker. He had been a|Lodge. Services were conducted || PRESSURE fhemiber of Oakville public school |by Rev. Harry mawses. oo st.|| FLusmiNG voard for four years, and at the| John's Church, assigtoy by Rev. time of his death was vice-chair-[C. K. Nicoll of Hugs Church. In-|| BUST man of the board and chairman |terment was in St. Jude's Ceme-|| REMOVED Of the property committee. Mr, Richardson was a staunch mem. ber of the Orange Order for the greater part of his life, having Joined as a youth in Scotland. He Was a past master of Oakville Lodge, and was chaplain of Bronte Lodge, with which the Oakville tery. Pall-bearers for Mr. Rich- ardson were C. J. Laing, Charles V. Hillmer, George Butcher, Wil- liam Young, Gordon Leonard and Clifford Beatty; for Mrs. Rich. ardson, Allan Richards, Dr. W. A. Campbell, G. H. Walklett, Percy Sims, Wm. Rowe and Dav.. Oakvil Radiator Repairs! CHEVROLET -- OLDSMOBILE Sales & Service N= le Motors at the 11 am. and 7 pm. services on Palm Sunday, this coming Sunday. His subject will be "Christian Education." Major the Rev. John Forth, chaplain at Ortona Barracks, wag the preacher at the 9.45 am. ser. vice Sunday, which was Passion Sunday. Next week, which is Holy Week, Holy Communion will be celebrated at 7.30 a.m. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, and at 10 am. Wednesday. On Pam Sunday the blessing of palms will take place at 8 am. and the Palms will be distributed at the close of each service throughout the day. The second monthly meeting of St. Jude's Parent Association Will be held folowing evensong Sunday evening. The speaker will be Rev. G. H. Thompson. A Lenten cantata consisting of a portion of the Passion Music from Handel's Messiah and the Passion of Christ will be sung on Good Friday evening at 8 pm. [by the choir under the direction of G. Melbourne Evans, organist and choirmaster. KNOX A baptismal service was con- TWO-TROUSER Qucted on Sunday morning at Knox Church by the minister, WOOL-WORSTED Rev. C. K. Nicoll. Those baptized fvere John Harry and Judith Ann arlson, twin children of Mr. and rs. Norman Carlson, and John dward Appleford, son of 'Dr. and Mrs. R. D. Appleford, Children of the Cradle Roll and heir mothers enjoyed 'a cradle oll tea in the church hall Tues- Bay afternoon. There will be a service in the hurch on Wednesday evening Bext, April 5, at 8 p.m.' Service Bn Good Friday will be at 10.30 SUITS $49.50 $64.50 Know These People? Grad Committee Finds Journal Aids Listing Addresses of former Oakville High School pupils continue to pour into the Reunion Commit. tee, Herbert Merry, chairman, informed the Journal this week. "Last week's Journal was hardly out. before my telephone started ringing, and people were phon- ing in information," said Mr, Merry with enthusiasm, He ex- pressed himself as very pleased With the manner in which peo- ple were co-operating with the committee in: helping them to locate ex-students who' will be invited to the big reunion. Form- er pupils who attend the reunion are quite welcome to bring their husbands or wives, even though these may not be ex-pupils of the school. Lm. Rev. Allai Reoch from Man- Churia_ will be the speaker at a Bublic meeting under the auspic- Bs of the W.MLS. on Friday, Ap- Bil 14. The sixth and final Lenten tea If Knox Ladies' Aid is being held B the church hall this afternoon. "Christ the King? will be the Bibject of Mr. Nicolls morning ffrmon on Sunday. In the eve. g he will preach on "A Serch- p [lie Question" A new cover design, in the form Bf an attractive drawing of Knox burch, has been placed on the flurch calendar. © The drawing s made by FE. R. Halliday of Borne Park, brother of Miss E. A. falliday, the organist. ST. JOHN'S St. John's Choir, under the dir- ec will render at Sunday ¥ening's service. In the morning Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- will be administered by Rev. Pawson, the minister. New hers will be received at this The following is the latest ad- dition to the list of former pu- pils whose addresses the com- pice, and young communicants| mittee wishes to obtain: 1932: {BBucht into full communion with | Jack Georgetz, Wim. Labenski, SEHE church. Ridge Hammell, Rob Wicks, {MW service will be held on Good [Loretta Moore, Dorothy and §day, April 7, at 11 am, and|Evelyn Hughes, James Kitchen- \ embers of the congregation |er; 1923: John Darcy, Mary Bibeing asked to attend. Butler, Lilan M. Bentley; 1924: § Father and Son banquet will | George Lawrence, Anna Louis, field in Lusk Hall on Thurs-|Paul Mottier, Russell Pearce: evening, April 13, when the|1925: Gordon Walker, Evelyn M. Noel, Emily Matz, Margaret g d {Beaker will be Rev. James Fin- d Ella Hancock, Rachel Bentley, The Easter Parade begins at JACK FRASER STORES A big outlay isn't necessary for good-grooming! One really fine suit and the cor- rect accessories will do the trick . . . this handsome dou- ble-breasted gabardine suit for example, will get you off to a good wardrobe start! Notice it's new, easier, loos- er lines, the king-size lapels, almost straight shoulders. Just one of the news-making models yowll find in our BIG Spring collection. Come in today! Wardrobe Right For Spring Trimly striped dress shirt, precisely tailored in fine broadcloth. Regular point collar, button cuffs. A good- grooming "must" $3.95 Snap brim hat in tob quality fur felt with grosgrain band. Choose from rich new Spring shades $5.00 & up. Silk foulard tie in exciting Spring motif and colours to accent your entire outfit. $1.50 JACK FRAS ER STORES LIMITED 62 Colborne St. Oakville of Carlton United Church, ito. Stanley Nicholson. Bible in the school, Lodge was merged. He was also|id Richardson, a nephew. Colborne St. E. (Op Century Theatre) Phone 460 ENGLISH "ALL-WOOL" GABARDINE AND COVEDINE TOPCOATS $45.00 to $54.50 en x Br > Girl Guides By Mrs. J. F. Graydon It was announced last week that Guide and Brownie meetings would be resumed the first weak In April but as Good Friday comes next week the Second Brownle Pack will meet with 'the Third Pack on Thursday: after. noon at the Scout Hut immed. lately after sohool. First Brown. lo Pack will meet on Monday at the regular time, and Guide mest ings as scheduled, Division Commissioner Mry, H., W. Jaffray was the guest on Monday evening of Hamilton Guiders at the 38th Annugl Din- ner of Hamilton Division Girl Guides at the Hotel, the Royal Conaught One of the high lights of vering's program was the presentation of the Guilt Cross to & Hamilton Guide whose quick thinking and' action saved a chil from being struck by a car, A number the of Guides enfoyed Nature Study movies Bpon- sored by the Scout Association and presented af the Masonic Hall on Monday evening,

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