Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 6 Apr 1950, p. 2

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THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, April 6, 195; PEOPLE and EVENTS The ever active Owls Club is busy planning a Ladies Night for the near future, following the success of the recent informal meeting at Riverside Lodge when the ladies were invited to attend. Entertainment offered by Mrs. Aikens and Messrs Walter Hooks, Percy Gray, Ross Brown and Jack Ross made for a particularly enjoyable evening, secretary Hugh Windsor reports. A special spot waltz was won by Mr. George Hastings and Mrs. Ben Galley. es ense Miss Betty Myers is recupera- ting at her home following an appendectomy performed last week at the Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. sss A program of Canadian music will be presented when Miss Alice Elshout entertains the music group of Oakville Arts and Crafts on Thursday evening, April 13, at her home, Galt and Douglas Avenues. Mrs. Ellen Scott will be at the piano. esse Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ford are leaving today to visit their son and daughter-in-law in New Or- leans. css A son was born in Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, on April 3, to Mr. and Mrs. James B. Robert- son, Nassau, Bahamas. Mrs. Mrs. Robertson was formerly Joanne Fleming Saltter of Oak- ville. cee Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Whalen have returned from Miami and New York. / axes Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Fraser en- tertained at dinner on Saturday night. essen Highlights of the Oakville Club bowling on Thursday night was th presentation of a trophy by Carlton Green to Ivy Cantelon. A presentation verse, composed by the donar, and sung to the tune of Sweet Adeline, was sung by the opposing team mates. sens Mis. Ken MacTaggart enter- tained at tea on Friday after- noon. sree Mrs. Gladys Moran has left for a holiday in New York City. = +s Mr. D. Hamilton-Wright, a former resident of Oakville, has returned to establish a business here. cess A Women's branch of the Oakville Liberal Assn, will be formed next Monday night at an organization meeting to be held in the office of Mr. Angus McMil- jan, The assn. plans a rally to- ward the end of the month, when officers will be elected. crs There will be no CPT euchre on Good Friday. Winners last week were: Ladies: 1st, Mrs. Parkins; ond, Mrs. Adamson; Consola- tion, Mrs. D. Lawrence. Gents: ist, Mrs. G. Griffiths; 2nd., Mr. S. Work; Consolation, Mr. " Hunt. Draw, Mr. A. Soulis. The Doug Armours entertained on Saturday night. John Ford and Miss Agnes Ford are home from Florida. Tene Robin Fraser was in town for the weekend. sess The Jim Steeds have returned from a vacation in Florida. PR Next week will be an active one for the town's small fry. Recreational Director Ted Ken- nedy has arranged a varied pro- gram to be run off in Victoria hall, commencing. at 1.30 each day with the exception of Friday, when the Day Camp re-union gets under way at 9.30 in the morning and continues all day. Other events will be: Monday, a marble tournament for boys and girls of the 7 to 15 age group; Tuesday, a crafts day, featuring leatherwork, papercraft, wood- craft, painting, drawing; Wed- nesday, sports and games, with Chinese Checkers, hoard hockey, table tennis, floor hockey, basket- ball, group games and commun- ity singing; and Thursday, Swap Day, when the exchanging of old toys, comic books, hockey sticks and other youthful bric-a-brac will provide a raft of fun for the kids. » cxsase Mr. and Mrs. B. E. T. Ellis have arrived home from a trip to the West Indies. PIP Mr. Dave Hoover is recovering satisfactorily and has been dis charged from hospital. Struck by a falling ladder at Ortona bar- racks last week, he suffered a head wound that required 60 stitches. essen Householders in Oakville and district are asked to save their waste paper for the Boy Scout Paper Drive to be held on Satur- day, May 6. essa In the week ending April 1st, 21 cases of German Measles were reported from the town of Oak- ville. None were reported from Trafalgar. The age group of these cases is still in the higher age groups of childhood; 12 cases being from 12-19; 3 cases of red measles were reported in Oak- ville and 1 in Trafalgar township. Miss Evelyn Armour, Spruce Street, entertained the cast of "The Damask Cheek" and their friends at a supper party at the King Edward | Hotel Saturday evening, following the presenta- tion of the play at the Drama Festival at Hart House. cass Miss Elsie Price of Newmark- et has been visiting her cousin, Mrs. M. Armour, Spruce Street. esse Mr. and Mrs. J. Shakleton have returned to Oakville after spending the winter in the West Indies. Mrs, Harry MacKendrick and son Kim are spending Easter in Dalton, Pennsylvania. We have delivery trucks h You will find it more your accounts locally long distan PHON Local Distributors Buy British Fuel Oil Save U.S. Dollars FUEL OIL A PRODUCT OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE (Trinidad Leaseholds Ltd. ) Contracts Available For Next Year ours per day convenient and cheaper to pay and be able to order without E 23 AND WE WILL MAIL YOU A CONTRACT Hillmers Fuel & lee Co. and service men on call 24 ce phone calls. Dundas St. N. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Christie are holidaying in California. oe Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Lankin left recently for Florida. Fre Mr. even Among those entertaining for Col. stay with Mr. and John W. Pierce and Mrs. A. Hagar during her Mrs. B. Kapel were Mrs. Lawrence, Mrs. Mrs. J. Taylor. of Denver, os Mrs. F. W. Taylor entertained at a bridge on Friday night. PRE Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Kapel are visiting relatives in Cleveland. BRONTE Mr. Hugh Brearley is confined to his home with a throat infec- ton. eens Mrs. James English was ill in bed for a few days last week but has now recovered. esr Mrs. Mrs. Sherman Gilliam. raz The Community Mr. and Mrs. from a holiday in Florida. ress There was ponse to the Brownie livery in a few days. PRE Mrs. R. A. Hopkins celebrated her birthday Wednesday, March 29. and Mrs. Page Wadsworth are spending Easter in Bermuda. George Wright and Bon- nie are spending a few days inj Welland at the home of Mr. and Club weekly euchire winners were as follows: Mrs. C. Craigie, Ken Lewis, Mrs. D. Fitzsimmons, Henry Bownan, Mrs. C. Carpenter won the draw. Wm. Hill Jr. and children have returned home a wonderful res- Baster egg project, and the local L.A. will have all eggs ready for de- Mrs. Hugh Brearley and child- ren spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Walsh, Sim- coe. vere The Halton County Mobile Dental Clinic is at the Bronte Public School, giving dental ex- aminations to the various pup- ils. css Mrs. Margaret Rogers was in Toronto last week studying the new short hair cutting and styl- ing. canes The free euchre lesson given by the Community Club was well attended last Wednesday evening. Anyone interested in learning to play euchre will be welcomed to the hall We. night at 8 p.m. serns Paul Allan suffered a broken wrist in an accident last week at the United Church here. Takk The Brownie Pack No. 1, had their first enrollment of Brown- jes on Monday evening. Mrs. H. W. Jaffray, District Commiss- ioner, assisted by Mr. Brown was The four local girls Brownies were Brenda Busby, Beverly Pick- Evelyn Scarrow, Marie Cross and ard. 2 sess Mrs. Jas. Brockway Jr. was hostess to several friends at her home Monday evening, when she gave a miscellaneous shower in honour of her sister Miss Shirley Penfield whose wedding to Mr. Bruce Watson will take place Sat. April 15 at 3.30 pam. in 'Walton Memorial Church. "rae The next meeting of the Bronte Horticultural Society will be held on Thurs, April 13 at 8 m. in the Community Hall There will be a demonstration of budding and grafting by Mr. John Wilson, Oakville, a recent Thur. - Fri. - Sat. April 6-7-8 THRILL- FLAMED FRONTIER. EPIC! SHOW STARTS: THURS. SAT. SHOW STARTS 6.30 p.m. Last show at 9 p.m. Plus Latest World News & FRI. 7 p.m. Last show at 8.20 p.m. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. THE ML OF POST OFFICE Show Starts Mon., Tues., SPECIAL MATINEE EASTER MONDAY AT 2 P.M. DEFIED Be7y MAN AND BEAST! Lyn Thomas - "Rand Brooks Damian O'Flynn - Kirby Grant EXTRA COLORED CARTOON ON THE SAME PROGRAMME With WARREN DOUGLAS, AUDREY LONG Apr. 10-11-12 AN OUTLAW HORSE Gordon Jones INVESTIGATOR Wed. 6.45. Last show 9 p.m. SPECIAL EASTER Wednesday, April 12 at 2 P.M. YOUR FRIENDLY THEATRE CARTOON MATINEE TEL. 635-W. graduate of the OAC. There will be the usual door prizes and flow= er show. All entries for the bird house building competition for boys and girls must be in at this meeting to be judged and prizes awarded. Everybody welcome. TRAFALGAR On Wednesday evening, Stan- ley Turner and Edward Fish re- presented Snider's Farm Forum at an executive meeting of the Forums of Halton County, which was held in the Town Hall, Mil- ton. Tentative plans were made for carrying on the Forums for next fall and winter season. PERI Mrs. W. H. Post, Bighth Line, has returned from a six weeks' visit to the home of her daughter, Mrs, Barle Tweedy, Mr. Tweedy and little granddaughter. Miss Luena Conover and Mrs. H. S. Lovering, Toronto, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fairbarn. They attended the evening ser- vices at Munn's Church. Miss Lois Biggar is leaving on Thursday evening by plane g Bermuda. She will be accom, fed by two sister members of y, teaching staff of Annette Str (Toronto) Public School. Ty, will 'spend, the Easter recess j, the Bermudas. css Mrs. Stewart 'Herod, Toron,| was a recent Sunday guest at yy home of her daughter, Mrs. By) Jackson, Dundas Highway. PI Miss Mary McGregor, who JJ known as Streetsville's Grang qf Lady," observed her 93rd birty|] day last week at the home p! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Caves, M8 McGregor was born in Oalkyi 93 years ago and" when ql young moved with her parents i} the large farm on the Nin Line, Trafalgar, where she liv until about 10 years ago whe her only remaining brothel Dugald, gave up farming and rf tired to Streetsville. She is uy} last of nine children, all of wh were of a literary turn of miy 'Among the gifts received by Mj (Continued on Page 8) in SPECIAL DRAW Prizes on display MONSTER EUCHRE IN AID OF CANCER, POLIO and T.B. FUND And Relief of Distress Auspices of Oddfellows & Rebekah Lodge: | the LEGION HALL, OAKVILLE APRIL 14th 8.15 p.m. CASH PRIZES at Ollies' Cleaners Friday & Saturday DICK FORAN ANNE GWYNNE JOHNNY MACK BROWN MERRY MACS ELLA FITZGERALD. Tn ONNEAL PURE MATINEE FRIDAY AT 2 P.M. OPEN AT 1.30 PLEASE NOTE: FRI. & SAT. 1st. SHOW STARTS 7 P.M. LAST COMPLETE SHOW 8.30 P.M. 3 FULL OF SIDE-SPLITTING LAUGHTER & FUN April 7-8 | § Ho Si Monday & Tuesday ACDAD coor o JECHN/ Colop with JOHN SUTTON « JEFF COREY creenplay by ROBERT HARDY ANDREWS Directed by CHARLES LAMONT Produced by ROBERT AR _ EXTRA! "THE MARCH OF TIME" -- EXTRA! BURGESS Also starring he. by RKO Radio Pictures Wednesday & Thursday JEAN WALLACE-PATRICIA ROC and From the Novel "A Batle of Nerves' by GEORGES SIH April 12-18 ALTFILM PRODUCTIONS, INC. presents CHARLES LAUGHTON FRANCHOT TONE MEREDITH ROBERT HUTTON and the CITY OF PARIS onthe Ei ANsCO Col "An IRVING ALLEN-FRANCHOT TONE Produc BEL) El NTUR NEW REDUC PRICES ARE NOW IN | EFFECT

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