Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 6 Apr 1950, p. 3

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Thursday, April 6, 1950 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 3 950] H b MUSI C ALBUM neighbour Bronte is included. |go to church, sing with gusto and , ospital Settles Down To 3 The United Church there sang|enjoy. That is the intention. It is ing of BY IRVEN FELL "Olivet to Calvary" last Sunday|a joyful time and the only chance ne gol N R . B d L night, St. John's United Church, | the congregation has of enterin i EASTER MUSIC : : 8 ompan) ew Routine, Boar earns SK here in Oakville sang Stainer's| individually into the service, of the Oakville-Trafalgar Me m orial It is the joyful Easter time, | "Crucifixion" and on Good Fri-| The choir's music is only an in- St Hospital is settling down to a Patience Pays Off Let all sing Halleluyah, day night, I understand that the|cidental matter in the service Gi FS PAILY SERVICE 10. aid steady, normal routine following The merry bells ring out their| Choir of St. Jude's Church is|and should be accepted as such. ess fy CANADIAN AND U.S.A. POINTS the hectic period of moving in For Floral Enthusiast chime, singing suitable portions from | Oh, there are a few choir leaders © CHARTERED BUSES OFFER from the temporary hospital, ? the "Messiah." I except who try to build up their IDEAL SERVICE FOR ALL TRAVEL TICKETS AND INFORMATION AY HALTON INN Phone 600 Alex Tilley, chairman of the hos- pitas management: committee, stated in his report at the meet- ing of the board of governors Thursday evening. The difficul- ties of moving and getting adjust- For the second months, patience has paid off for R. E. Perkins. And the word pa- tience is used advisedly, because in this instance Mr. Perkins has time in six But now hath Christ arisen. Yes, Easter is here again and the churches will be full to over- flowing. There is a joke which says that at Waster time when To some people, and I am sor- ry to say, I think they are in the majority, this means absolutely nothing. I am judging from the attendance which is usually very slim, own reputations on the work of their choirs. The result is that it usually can be detected and the service is more like a concert recital. "Music possesses powers: that exalt and ennoble mankind." tl wai ) Wo except in cases where the co MT et we Te [Servet rots en 2 ne set ome. of ie | oy pater o the church shaken Chi. is ing soming spon] WINNER. OF TE WEEK bin en Applied as Directed a or = ee a % the hand of some members of his| for the first time in many years.| If M. Jennings, 21 The Bsplan- See py Pr Stair Me oitte Sa ospital seed experiments. | congregation «t the dor of the|Baster music is inspiring and can| ade, will call in at Lofquist's os, Mill Ae 2 : It was way back in 1040 that| church, he will be fairly safe in|be very helpful / to those who| Record Bar, he will be presented Oakyill] "T, as chairman of the manage-|Rev. E. Righy, then a district| Wishing them "A Merry Christ-|have a conception of Easter and|with a Red Seal Record ik the n qui ment committee, think the staff resiaent and now presidentiof the mas" for he probably will not [its spiritual message. When you | compliments of the Journal. route | did a very creditable job," said|\ * > P| cee them again until then. Gd Mr. Tilley, "Tey were emi apla| Ontario Horticultural Society, : : i Da to get through by the help of the|52V¢ MI. Perkins seed of the| Musically, Easter is a difficult 1 ifs REL 30% Ey No hr Sle ei 0 hh ch Broth outlook is now brighter, and rou-| =" ey species, he plant- nn 72 a in and y tine is setting down JAN ervices| OL Ire S°5C, Za¥e the pion pain [#0 SHIfY, lh > is . are now functioning with the g care, year in and year out 0 Sunday. on Oakville Hardware exception of the laboratory, which oo Lu week, for the first time, (yp ivy and mending Good Fri- ot mi] we believe will be in operation by | o° roadleated, | Amarillislike |g, =} airing Holy Week, the by Mi 94 COLBORNE ST. E. | Monday." There were 20 adult| ov rewarded his efforts by| igo has to do with His suffer- 8 Telephone 290 patients and nine babies in the| MIONINE its oe cluster of | nog and death. Then the glorious. hospital on Wednesday evening, orange blooms. "There| resurrection and the glorious E| who attend rehearsals and give F LL YOUR BUILDING pital's was also loud|time shipped to Canada from (voluntary services to their OR A in his praises of the efforts of Belgium, but is no longer readily| churches have been working hard Superintendent Florence Roach | available. during the past few weeks. To a and her staff. "Miss Roach, with| few, those who are soloists and AND REPAIR NEEDS the help of the management| 12St October, he was enthus-| icine the solos for their first fae lt IZES S-Year Guarantead MOTHPROOF BERLOU the committee chairman noted. S. W. Martin of Toronto East General Hospital, the new hos- an One Application Makes False Teeth Fit For the Life of your Plates Free Booklet This Week Closs Drug Co. 39 Colborne St. E. PHONE 248 SINGER Sewing Machine Company Sales and Service car will be in the Town of Oak- ville on Tuesdays for a period of four weeks starting January 17. New machines now avail- able. Repairs to all makes. Free Estimates in advance. Work Guaranteed. Phone or write SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 39 Main St., Galt. Ph. 3165 and our man will call committee, did a fantastic job," he declared in a brief address to the board. "No one realizes how hard it is to get bed accommoda- tion in a hurry. I think you've got the basis of what is going to be a very good hospital. I think your management committee and Miss Roach have done a splendid job in getting things going in such short order. The overall direction of the hospital is very good" Mr. Martin noted that more nurses were needed. A letter was received from W. S. Davis and Son, agents for the sale of the temporary hospital, stating that a number of pros- pective purchasers had inspected the building. They recommended that a sum of $565 be spent in cleaning and brightening up the building to make it more saleable. Vernon Dynes, J. P. Cowan and Tom Chisholm were appointed a committee to arrange for the sale of the old hospital and to make the suggested expenditure for renovations if necessary. R. O. Bull, Fred Brooks-Hill and E. G. Bulmer, members of the hospital endowment commit- tee, waited upon the board. Mr. Bull addressed the hoard, re- questing permission to add to the are 12 of these blooms, like the lily in shape, on the one stem," Mr. Perkins reported, explaining that the Clivia seed was at one iastic over the appearance of a single bloom on one of his two Bird of Paradise plants, a devel- opment which also crowned with success ten long years of patient optimism and care. This plant is also a native of the tropics, and it's brilliant bloom is a rare sight in Canada, even in a greenhouse. music. Choristers, those valiant souls time in the cantata, it will be a time of nervousness and very important to them. Oakville and district does a good deal in trying to provide the ministry of music for this and other seasons in our Chistian life. I say district because our & PRE-SCHOOL Easter Egg Hunt FOR ALL PUBLIC & SEPARATE SCHOOL PUPILS Saturday' April 8th, 9.30 a.m. Ages 4 to 6 years--VICTORIA PARK Ages 7 to 9 years--BUSBY PARK Over 9 years--TRAFALGAR PARK PRIZES FOR TOP NUMBER OF EGGS MOVIES --AND-- REFRESHMENTS "This Is Just Another Recreation Service" AGE CHILDREN cupboards, shelves . DUNDAS ST. N. Get your home spruced-up for spring by making all repairs and improvements now! For steps, shutters, .. whatever your needs, we have the grade of lumber you want, priced to please! You will find all your other quality building needs here, too! ORDER NOW For Early Delivery On Millwork * Chas. F. Doty & Son After Hours: 558-W or 670 PHONE 76 7] He also spoke of the llWe are also equipped to | give the following services: ll. NEW BATTERIES fICHARCING & RENTALS ll. BATTERY REPAIRS ol VULCANIZING RETREADING TION FOR TRACTOR TIRES OAKVILLE TIRE --and-- BATTERY SERVICE PHONE 774-W ri vin. Prop.) (Tpnie. S e's plans for a canvas- sing and advertising campaign on behalf of the hospital endow- ment fund. W. H. Edwards was added to the committee. Roy Irwin, chairman of the building committee,' +n making his final report, stated that the auxiliary generator was expected to arrive within a few days, he reported. Treasurer C. S. Freeman told the board that a government aud- itor, after a two-day examination of the hospital accounts, had been favorably impressed, and had assured him that cheques for both the federal and provincial government grants would be is- ued shortly. On the recommen- dation of Dr. E. P. Soanes, chief of the hospital's medical staff, it the hospital's X-ray laboratory. The annual meeting of the Hospital Association was fixed for Thursday evening, April 13. Junior Farmers Swing And Sway Ron Wickens and his orches- tra will offer danceable mel- odies for the fifth annual Spring At Home of the Halton Junior Farmers' Assn, to be held at Brant Inn on Thursday, April 13. Reservations may be booked by phoning Burlington 2371, the Journal Is informed by Miss Evelyn Course, assn. secretary. The event is a high- light in the busy program of the county group, which suc- cessfully combines the aims, "Self Help" and "Community Betterment," in its widely var- ied agricultural work in Hal- : : CECE total cost of the new hospital building and equipment was $506,199. The new 'standby" or was decided to ask Dr. H. T. Ewart, radiologist of Hamilton Sanatorium, to take charge of For STEP OUT WITH YOUR GARMENTS "Fresh As A Daisy" JUST PHONE 311 Pick Up LAKESHORE CLEANERS Berenson ton's four townships.

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