ii Thursday, April 6, 1950 Junior Humane Notes DofY There'll be an interesting four- legged visitor at Lusk Hall Sat- urday morning, when Oakville Junior Humane Society holds its meeting. Mrs. Noel Eaton, presi- dent of the senior society, is bringing it. It isn't a cat, nor a dog, mor a rabbit. All the youth- ful members are urged to be on hand to welcome the guest. OBITUARY HARLEY CARPENTER As a result of injuries sus- tained in a highway crash east of Bronte on March 27, Harley Carpenter died in Toronto West- ern Hospital, Toronto, on Friday. THE OAKVILLE-TRA! FALGAR JOURNAL Page 7 Former Alcoholic Tells Of A. A. Program A former alcoholic, addressing: Oakville Rotarians Monday eve- ning, told how he had been saved from misery and ruin by Alcoh- olics Anonymous after all other means of rehabilitation had fail- ed to cure him of his weakness. Speaking with a frankness and sincerity that held the attention Of every listener, the speaker, a clean-cut middle-aged man, sketched the 'story of his life and his downfall. An inability to let liquor alone had. turned him from a prosperous business man with a bright future into a brok- en, furtive, crazed creature, alienated from friends and fam- ily, devoid of all hope. a LAUD "DAMASK CHEEK" (Continued from Page 1) week-long festival, Mr. Wray, himself a master showman, had much laudatory comment for the Arts and Crafts players. In fact, pose and a delicious sense of comedy." And Belle-Mary Tait, felt, offered a convincing, authentic portrayal of Miss Pin- ner, a difficult character role. Other members of the cast, which also included Shirley Fosbery, Michael Lawlor, W. R. Glover and Nancy Chisholm, came in for critical approval. During his Saturday evening resume, Mr. Wray apologized for his earlier omission in not prais- ing the settings and costumes, which he described as being in 'extremely good taste' The form- er undertaking was that of Dick George and Peggy Seed, who were aided by the lighting effects of Eve Armour. Costumes, of 1909 vintage, were the co-opera- tive work of Mary Chisholm and Eleanor Merry. EASTER SERVICES (Continued from Page 1) les Hackett will preach at a Good Friday service at 11 am. The minister, Rev. Harry Pawson, will conduct the Easter services at 11 am. and 7 pm. At Calvary Baptist Church TEEN TOWN BY KAREN PECK If it isn't measles, it's exams. T think I would rather have meas- les. Oh well, by the time this is out, all the kids will be well on their way to long awaited for holidays. OI Man Sun has certainly been shining brightly these past few days. If he keeps it up the holidays will just be right, with everybody decked out in their new Easter outfits. One of the high spots on your holiday program will be the Easter dance for Juniors and In- termediates at the Oakville Club. The date is April 14th, price $1.25 per couple and the dress inform- al, so don't make up any excuses that you didn't know what to wear or when to go. Teen Town will be open Thurs- day night (because of Good Fri- day) and a committee has voted on getting a seven-plece orches- tra from Toronto. With exams over and worries behind us, there MR. D. HAMILTON -WRIGHT Chartered Accountant wishes to announce that he has opened an office at 153 Colborne Street where he will practice his profession MAN WANTED FOR LARGE WHOLESALE MOTOR PARTS DEPOT BEING OPENED IN OAKVILLE The late Mr. Carpenter was 61 years old, and was born in the United States, although he had lived in Bronte since childhood. He was one of the community's most well-know citizens, and was a member of Walton Memorial Church. He is survived ,by his wife, the former Florence Clem- ence, a son, Lloyd, a daughter, Mrs. Roy Johnson, and a brother Clifford Carpenter, all of Bronte. The funeral was held Monday afternoon from the funeral chap- el of S. S. Russell and son to St. | Jude's Cemetery. Services were "conducted by Rev. W. Delve of Walton Memorial Church, Bronte. should be a record attendance, so get out everybody and sup- port your Teen Town. the only major fault he found was a lack of pace which, he hastened to add, "one rather ex- pected in an amateur presenta- tion of this particular play." True, he pointed out several technical faults in attitude, ges- ture and placing, but for the most part, his remarks were de- voted to commending the casting of the play, which he termed ex- cellent. He singled out the performan- ces of director William Glover, who also essayed the leading male role, Norah Morgan, the feminine lead, Kath Makin and ean Caine for special mention. Complimenting Mr. Glover on the results of his dual undertak- ing, Mr. Wray expressed the view that Damask Cheek was an admirable choice for the group Easter services at 11 am. and T p.m. will be conducted by Rev. John Russell secretary of Sudan United Mission, Toronto, in the absence of the pastor, who with his wife is visiting in Kentucky. Musical numbers will be rendered by Miss Monica Barnard and the Young People's chorus. At 9.45 Miss Malcolm of the Child Evan- gelism Group, Toronto, will con- duct the Sunday school. Applicant must have good appearance, Personality and character references. PLAN HOBBY SHOW The Annual Hobby Show of Oakville Lions Club will be held Friday evening, May 5 and Sat- urday afternoon and evening, May 6, in Victoria Hall. Albert Wilcox is chairman of the Lions' special events committee, which is now busy preparing for the show. George W. Barrett = Sons PLUMBING and HEATING Contractors and Supplies PHONE OAKVILLE 1133 FOR INTERVIEW. JAMES L. COOKE MOTORS Ltd. 2489 Bloor St. West, Toronto Chet Vollick, Freeman Bray] and Nick MacDonald. WALLACE L. SCARROW Wallace L Soarrow, son of| With Which the director was AND TRUCKS Mrs. Annie Scarrow, Bronte, and|Working. Of Mrs. Morgan, he ® the late Henry D. Scarrow, died [2sserted: "She has charm, re- 1947 NASH 4-DOOR SEDAN Custom Radio and Weather Eye Heater 1947 CHEVROLET COACH Radio Heater -- Defroster 1937 WILLYS SEDAN Economical Transportation 1947 G.M.C. 1, TON PICK-UP Canopy and Heater 1942 REO 3-TON STEEL BODY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM SEE US FIRST -- GMAC TERMS TO SUIT YOUR PURSE Oakville Motors CHEVROLET -- OLDSMOBILE Sales & Service VISIT Our New Modern Showrooms FINE SELECTION OF WHITE AND COLORED BATHROOM FIXTURES, ALL FIRST QUALITY. This Easter Give Black Magic Chocolates $1.25 and $2.50 eaves four brothers, Oscar and Richard, Bronte, and Wesley and (Charles, of Hamilton, sisters, Mrs. Etta Jarman and Mrs. Edith Ely, Toronto. The WE EMPLOY ONLY FIRST-CLASS LICENSED PLUMBERS All Work and Materials GUARANTEED 120 Randall St. Opposite Telephone Office Phone 368 J. Williams, G. Gilliam, L. Patt- Werson and N. Plummer. Het, Son. By Myke Dyer This will have to be very short Mlhis week because of the over- helming presence of Easter xams. By the time that most of ou good people will be reading s, the students will be cele ating the Baster holidays. The White House senior bask- all team won the high school asketball championship last \Duesday defeating the Black "House 25 to 12. The winning am consisted of Dave Farley, ex Wilson, Bill Stewart, Glen eren, Johnny Okumura, Milt row and Rolf Johnson. \Trundling home from school DONNA LEA Candy & Nut Shop (Opp. Century Theatre) SUNWORTHY WALLPAPERS Bring Colour and Design into your home . .. Colborne St. E. (Opp. Century Theatre) Phone 460 baseballs and gloves were ing a long awaited for ap- around * the school. ng is certainly here! enjoyable evening Ridley College last Friday t watching their boxing fin- ) and T began to wonder why high school did not have any ized boxing championships. and some Why not decide now to keep pace with Mother Na- ture and rejuvenate the rooms in your home. No the new gym matter what your "problem room" Is, we have a ly would not be hard to get ed. If any of you have any dons on this matter, be sure t me konw and Tll pass them 0 the proper authorities. wallpaper for every purpose, designed and coloured to meet your particular needs. DON'T DELAY Come into our store now while stocks are complete and selections large. We will be glad to assist with your decorating problems. is being used up here, so I by end this winter term's set gh School Highlights. ppy Easter, everyone. THE CRAFTWAY WALLPAPER TOOL KIT SUNWORTHY WALLPAPER REMOVER THE Paint and Wallpaper Store A convenient and economical kit containing all the necessary tools to Practical tests have proven that this (EDDIE ROWE) remarkable liquid will greatly assist Re eral Sep is oo vall- in stripping old wallpapers from LS enable you to hang your own wall you in stripping pap: po a paper easily and satisfactorily. your walls. THE OAKVILLE LUMBER CO., LTD. Colborne St. E. Phone 1383 PRICE $1.98 49 per 8-0z. bottle r of Oakville Tire & Battery