Oakville - Trafalgar Journal Entered. 2nd Qa: Mail. Ottawa Oakville, Ontario Thursday, May 1950 20 Pages 3 cents a copy, $2.00 Per Year in Advance Canvass For The Bi Canister The Bind Debentures, County Levy by the Oakville Bank of Com- merce's Ed Palmer and Ted - Toes Sorted on 3 Po Boost Town Mill Rate day that a sum of $3,081.39 iis ALIN hoon HORE 13 Town ratepayers will this year recalve tax bills reckoned at. 53 campaign to assist the Canad: | MILs on the dollar, council reed Monday passing the ian National Institute for the | Annual tax bylaw with little crease In the county rate Blind. This total does not In- [30d the additic the hig ol the general de- clude several pledges already | Denture levy accounted largely for the three jump over laat made, according to Mrs. J. A. | Yod mill rate M. Bell, In charge of canvas- Debenture Levy Almost Doubled sers. s compared with neral debenture bylaw figure of neral debenture rate, atruck at {Hospital Board Elects | Shave General Rate | Chisholm Chairman| on ine stner mans cone was JAYCEES READY Following the annual meeting [able to lop better than a milt| oe on Seam 'ea | om WL. A FOR CLEAN UP, i lation, the newly appointed board [lost year's Kure s i at | met and slected TC. Chinois [F050 mills a8 -nnparal wnt te | PAINTING DRIVE I chairman with W. H vards, | New 28.70 levy. The parks hoard Application of a alick new 3 vie airman. Other levy also dropped, from 1.67 paint surface on the Sea Scout i : of the board will be A. M. Munro, [to 1.27 mills. Other items making [hut and the town bieyels racks 5 % 3 » ~ \ E. G. Bulmer, D. H. Stevens for [Up the total rate included: high [plus another nammoth parade their first term, together with |School expenditu 417 milla; [Will highlight the annual "Beau former members M. F. Auden, | Public school expenditures, 8.73; [tification Campaign" of the Oak Rev. J. A. M. Bell, P. J Cowan, | relief, 11; local improvements, | ville Junior Chamber of Com J. M. Dunwoody, B. V. Dynes, J. [1.08 merce, chairman RI Christen Spencer Fraser, Roy Irwin Jack | It was noted by Mayor I.°R. | se need yeaterday. 'The Russell and Alex Tilley. District | Blick that many new residents | two-week drive takes place from L representatives elected were G.|Wore not aware that tax propay 8 to May 27 + > i i BUREN D E. Fletcher, Clarkson; ment certificates are available nphasis will be on "paint Fleming, Trafalgar, with one to ("These certificates can always |up, clean up" during the first wd bo chosen by the Board for|bo secured any time after Jan. | then we swing over to DONATIONS TOTALLING $45,661 on Sunday encouraged St. John's United |Eronte. L* ho anid "Plant up, Nght up® for the final Church canvassers to predict that their goal oi $72,000, required for improvements The meeting authorized a sug- -- feven days" RII Informed the SHOP to the church, would shortly he attained. Some 56 canvassers made 264 calls in |°Stion of the board that an H fournal, "Ie parade atarts |W successiully seeking donations that covered two-thirds of the funds needed to put a | opartment in Maytair apart-| Humane Soc. Closes [tings oct ans 13, while judging 129M w floor in Lusk hall, instal a new heating plant, clean and redecorate the church, |Ments be purchased by the hos Morri R of the best kept properties and = ssign the choir loft in chancel form, acquire a new Casavant organ, put in a new |Pifal as a residence for nurses orrison Rd. Shelter| awarding of prizes on May 27 lighting system and, finally, extend the church toward the street to enlarge the [OWE to the difficulty fn secur-| Kenneth MeNeit Wells, well | Will end the campaign. We hope seating space. Above, Malcolm Smith hits the totalizer key on an adding machine [M8 accommodation, the manage: [known author of "Ihe Owl Fen | that, with the co-operation of while A. Caulder (seated) and Bruce Root, Les Siegrist and Hunter Reid happily [Ment committee could haben Will be the guest speaker at the [every citizen, we'll have the old eve his figures. By Wednesday noon, the total had passed the $50,000 mark, with 160 |*deauate nursing state Bo Volannual my of the Oakville | town aplo and span by then calle still to make, according to Mr. Caulder, who predicted that the $60,000 mark (Continued on Page 8) and Ditriot Humane Soclety, ta| "We would specially request vould he passed hefore the week was over. : po held in Knox Church hall on [that, as a part af the drive, mot een Tuesday evening, May 0 at 8.18 |orists concentrate on avoiding 3 : ; Rescue Bronte Tot pm. ! the boulevards between aides onsider Bronte Problems Elderly Man Dies Prompt notion on. the. part. of], Society offclala amounced this walk and streets ha wont on part of Mrs. D. McLaren, Misais- | Wook Wat the Morrison Rd. | "Many people take pride in keep irae t of af Innaldte for [be SP As Flames Consume saugn Road, Bronte, saved two | hatte fie boon closed, and that [ing these boulevards neat, even he lakefront at Bronte as a don't feel as though the town- year-old Sharon Brown, daugh- [Work will commence on a new | though the strips of property 'are beans of preventing drowning | ship should pay for the whole Lakeshore Rd. Shack tor of Mr, and Mrs, Lon Brown | shelter an oon an a location has | town ned, and it is discour tal was urged upon Tra-| thing. Bronte will benefit more| frank Liberty, 70-year-old | from drowning on Wednesday of | been decided. The soclety owns [aging to have cars parking on 1gar Township council at Mon- (than the township as a whole." | manager of a mink farm lost hig|!08t Week. With a young com-|® 8cre tract in Trafalgar twp, | these areas. by Alfred Jenn- A representative of a firm sel-[life in a fire which destroyed his|Panion, David Foster the little [2 the end of Maple Ave, Parade te will be from Bronte village ling he inhalators was then cal-|shack on the Lakeshore highway |#&Irl had wandered down to a funtor members, through | Westwood school to Wallage was accompan-|led in, and demonstrated one of west of Bronte Saturday n pond used as an emergency fire | thelr draw ticket sales, have al [per Marching between faata thin Martin, a'mem-|the appliances. At the suggestion| While the cause of the blaze ls|Nole. Mrs. McLaren happened aay counted for three quar will te the citisens iband, the e commission of Mr. Wickson the commission-|not definitely known, It Is be-|%¢e the child In the wator, | Lorn of the coment blacks needed [pipe band, drum majorettes, Hea waded out and drag the bullding" H. C. Merry | Bouts, Ciel Guides, clowns and not a matter of doll-|ers agreed to ask the Bronte fire|lieved Liberty may have been | 2 child ashore, With Georg tated this w We would like | a full turnout of Jayoees n cents,' declared Mr. | chief to get recommendations on moking bed and accidentally "If the inhalator saves|various makes of inhalators ignited the bed-clothing. There he life it will more than pay for from the fire department ws an oll stove in the shack, bell. We felt this was the| Mr, Martin complained that [but it had not been lighted. responsibility." the township building by-law| The man's body was discover Deputy-Reeve Joseph Wickson|was not being enforced ined on ei ne wae ly Ye hats. ied that Bronte was benefit! Bronte. The shack which was |rear part of the small structure Fi ; FEE TN? = 0 the large number of peo- [burned Saturday night, when a|There was only one door, at the| MINING , . . AND UNDERMINING le who patronized the beach El lost his life, he described as|front of the shack, which was mmer and should: therefore '"not fit for habitation." A cer-|completely burned. Firemen from UGLY BRITISH LAG HEAPS IRK FEMININE ARTIST tain busines building on the | Bronte were summoned by main street did not meet the by-| neighbor, Victor Dorland, who fire from his house or who had rushed to the sce to asl the coraperation of resi Assisting Hill Christensen on took the child to her home where |96nts In keeping a careful watch | the arrangements committes ass the little gil, blue with cold, waa | 00 thelr pots, Should an animal | Fete Waters, Hob MoKay, Howe given a hot *bath by her mother to be disposed of, please |ard Christensen, Neil Dymoak, and put to bed | contact Dr. Alex Camphelt," sels and Mag MoAllister England in still the England of sgainat the natural chagrin that one wondered why the Mi irements he state the ments, h ated old in many ways and always | which results from sesing all the! Naughtons wouldn't be tos keen | | | Halton Festival wide of the roudi bot Final sessions of the annual n music festival will be 1d in Knox Presbyterian Milton, on May 11 and Roy Fenwick, of Toronto, Il act as adjudicator for all Lec "We're going to enforce the declared Deput p IL be--but England unde ine products of labour scooting | to build a home over 'ome « flames had gained too much |%!! be but F and dar fl Products of lat ting hor LLL for the men to save the| labour govt n't the marries | past the workman's home to on fs Just HEfeult bo build | your own place right new," she That's what we've Jilding, England of yore from the stands | ter the capseious holds of marl have: the i oint of pleasan actos time freighters % MoNaogh \ | chief constable (| Coroner Dr ¥ ii f pleasant, {os It fraigh Mr MeN explained Yours simply plag Jen RE tated there And just so long as the re-|ton found, And while of | ue a nd Just 1 id th ard And A Til jL | a per forms and bulld habilitation program continues | slag, trademark the a 27 ing restrictions. And if you slip ita present tortuous track, | sd apen mining drive these obstacles, you can't af Oaks Opener Slated | win the qualities of John Bui) hw an indication . wha acies, You Ete Rural school pupils, par-| ir e 7 long admired by the world | dustrial pre=jof tr ben 5} sac For Queen's Birthday Z ontinue to he under-| rubble ges Oakville's 1060 edition of the | 3 : re ds Bian , t life haven't altered the ou In their way Bronte Mr. Jennings told council I open t ovinlon af Ande a] A teular Cans the man and woman on that the Ontario Municipal Board | Proaching diamond wars Abr | eNaughton, Onkville artist sad | dar . ted that one ciuized atpetitlon of ratepey- May 20, it w y n-| hom, Calis xetist aad ban ; think the women will h school solo ineorporation could ght 'al a schedule mus returned from two- | 6 her, upon watahing the pomp | ""%HY Miss the queues when they will also be run off dur- ce. It would be a o Halton County Basepall | 001" | peas she sald afternoon t First home pe abe Wal lo aghtor pi ta reel famed opening B y ht will see ose that rporation wi ng | 1 ie will be A Ri tn ha f was the vivid vith "the NE E8Y gossip, and sstually seem sicians holding the stage | undert 2 er to FErgU h Waterdowr ng ths OE groves of oughout the entire ng d following i morning, aftefnoon g will be given o 6t In many ways how WJourn averse Mrs. Me. | 8nd ceremony that nd the | hours exehang Bg ral Hvis ritalin But But all miprassions weren't | definite con | ringed rain clouds. M na | 8 fammil institution all H hi 4 h companied heY | aggs are off the ration Hast now! our circles may school competitive ¢ to 85 percent. and a L and if your British cousin could | "AV Misapproved of Princess GINS of the ratep . ¥ : ha countr Just dig w fork into a bE mors | oan display, but Bs aie i . t L he wouldn't feel h Is fave she report nD . d & Be jh a | s Lo hb " nt i] too badly. Oddly y gy very full af. ortraitln Pastels St tn a ion June 3, the en mieg iaheret | ine Digi] Dor ot ar udrey Watts McNaughton, ater and e ds | Ee outs . Lhe ¥ 1 . . dsl. | 800 ar ve in in its day rll known local artist, has ac- | # ™ i 8 4 ota, ted a commission to execute enth i portrait in pastels of the Coun R A X Af galn. And dent | All the qua [ 8 exportad. | «principal RH. Archibald, | 1324 po incorpo F that the pale an ius wr eS McAllister Passes was announced this week by L that Br very i 4 prices similar | * commitiee in charge of the cont: H. S. Ceremony hy 1 T™ 'ansdi psy A | A privates funsral servies was HB N ville high school old boys - 1. opening care- | Lian hry f hat football and | held on Friday in SL Andrew's union. Invitations to attend |gar . oepital - Oulewille Trafalgar | & 3 fiecten cing pools, wi hey patron | cme Shaughn MeAtisser June 3 event were mailed to hig ol. ! 1 . ill take pi mandausly, and st the sam ne | 26 even mors than ever--be nthe' son of Mr, and reds of former students to P fon | 23 4 A na, | has sent fares sk cause winnings on pools srs one MoAliister, Douglas ay. Latest sdditions to & r a J Ling irman of Cc in| Emphasis on export of the few items not taxed 1 , who was one of cial prize list sre swands 1 harge of arrangements, announ-|necsssary in the govis' atte And London is still one of the | twin boys, disd Wednesdsy in the the grad travelling the . of Health | ced yesterday. Both afternoon |to pull the country wp by Ws|world's grest art centres, Mrs | Hospital for Sick Children, Tore atest distance to aftend, and t village commis-| and evening activities are being Bootstraps, has kept peopls very | MeNsughton svowsd. When shes | onto, from natursl esuses Inter. the grad boasting the great- |sion, which will be held tn Bronte | planed, details of which will be | busy. But sven the famed Eng-| mentioned these sxhibitions, in|ment was in St. Mary's Cems avelrdupels. about the middle of this month. | announced later, he stated, lish good nature ls not proof | fact, she becams so snthusisstic! tery.