THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, May 25, ; Thu ual, excesst worrying. They [means the terrible ordeal worry about the health and the feared. economic security of themselves| All manner and their families. They worry treatises have been writt NYA) 7 WAY} | Trafalgar Ts of boo) The Oakville-Trafalgar Journal IT SEEMS TO ME A about their relations hla view to helping people ,.. - (c Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association BY BESSIE CAIRNS By P. W. Thompson other people, and magnify trif-| come fear in its different J Reeve Published Every Thursday Morning in Oakville, Ont., by ERIBPLY You les into matfers of great signifi- But fear is not easily ra: i i BS | cance. Countless people suffer|ed out of existence. . Oakville-Trafalgar Publishers, Ltd. Someday ff only for the satis |g. 27 the -psvchologists tell| poo georee from that wide ourselves ink 7 Dunn Street North faction 1 get out of putting the oe Is an emotion necessary for| Lupifeized malady "inferlority |fears are groundless, N ih, S. Casey Wood, Jr, Vincent H. Barrey lid on my typewriter and saying De he Dan complex," others from a false |worrying can do mo Boat Managing Editor e were Advertising Manager Bill Cotton, Editorial Assistant | 2 ; Phone 1298 that's that, I shall write about sub-dividing property. = Today, however, with two road-graders sense of guilt. There are those|good. The demon of dreag who spend hours fretting about | tinues to haunt us. Ofte the state of the world. |alone can banish it. (first got s And most of all this fear and|back, we realize that we tractor Le = de tu 2 iC re auantly) our lives| oor which causes such agony |ed ourselyessto cis at he foot of our road I feel [pay testing of you we cannot | and turmoil, is without any sound |fear in itself this article, shgit as ft will be fs BEE pariane a -- ba It is not like the primitive the thing fwel fred. Hence of feeling fear our chances of survival would be considerabl; lessened. We would ignore dan- | Som sting me /, 1 should be : % | emotion that warns us to get out|is ome of. our, Worst enemi = AS selling hot dogs and lemonade at en nestles large | of the way of danger. It is all to| ul EVERYONE the corse. } or perhavs mover we res of role cha no purpose. We may spend hours| Never miss an opportun charitably rescuing small fry, who. "a HH erolc characters|,r agonizing apprehension over |make others happy even | WANTS just saw disappear down a | gr o mot know the meaning |c,.oming which never happens, |have to leave them alone : To culvert. wo more cars have now Sa A eter, hleg, | OT If it does happen, is by molit I appeared and two children have oo | } 3 matic temperament who seem | li : GIVE 2 LT LE Je nh incapable of being perturbed by i : Hr i ESN BURR OS? SPECIALTY. SHOPPE | 8 ow Ve people who r | them according to s 2 I i B to size, e rv 2 | THE According to the optometrists rome A Ton a LINGERIE HOSIERY SPORTWE f a person should sit in a seml-| gor ordi ny or ies that be NGERI Ad MANIT0EA a [1 grim bonny et Fio0D after a session of te prey to fear, of some wind ang || QUALITY ares SERviey | a new excuse for careless arty. | ; j Hl ele in some degree, at one time or| I ers, "Your honour, I had to hur-|, ; are giv | RELIEF Ty away from a television party." | another Man are given to conti: 136 Colborne St. E. Phone 423 | | FUND. I suppose there's no such thing | | | A as unalloyed bliss but the other |Of Paris, but that Paris is on fire oN day 1 had to pick a bunch of [the Communists having yester -- --_-- - swamp marigolds, enough aspar-| drenched with petroleum the MONDAY agus for supper, decided weed | Tuller the Louvre, Notre MEM RIAL CONCERT fp weren't up enough to be a head. | Dame, fhe Hotel de Ville and La 16 ache when a miserable wasp took | Sainte Chapelle and set them in | | all the Joy temporarily out of my | flames. When the telegram. lof: BY CENTRAL, WESTWOOD & BRANTWOOD itl AT 7.30 lie; anyhow I had the satisfa [Pare at 6.30 last night the Tuil SCHOOLS tion of killing him and there's |eries were a heap of ashes, the YOU WILL BE nothfug temporary about that. | Louse not much better, and no Thursday, June 8 hat Year? hope of saving a i] CALLED ON Li: Tai i mes Sting AT 8 P. M. IN were so fur- | 2! SO THAT fe Sor nigns Ge J Victoria Hall : YOUR DONATION Choirs, trios, duets and solos TO Silver Collection Children's Fund f§ 3 | O0AKVILLE'S EFFORT FOR PUFFS FROM THE The year was 1871. ey COTTON GIN MAY BE Our Store Will Be OFFICIALLY It life is what we make it, why | Maybe that's all right. But all ACKNOWLEDGED do we make it that way? Person-| that labor does get a bit tedinas| ally, I'm beginning to think that |sometimes, doesn't It? | the shrewd feller who allowed And look what the pursuit of | that money fs the root of all evil money has done to the modern really hds a well taken poin ti d 5 Please be home and have your donation prepared so Be- | business world and the English the central organization which has been formed by cause if anything fs more com-|language. As the Toronto Star -- { the Mayor and a citizen's committee will be able to pletely r ble for the sham-| remarked the other night, a : 3 ble the world is in to than | lawyer's brief isn't probably make the complete Oakville and District collection cold cash, I'd like to hear about | because charging by the ny in one hour, as it is planned and which can be done it Ww ord. A permanent isn't. It Money is the jack of all trades, | wouldn't pay. And sometimes we but you can't y well gay its|can't help but | wonder whether ter of none. Trouble fs, (the probabilities also aren't 's just about everything I'm inclined to think I read the. other day association of an eminent sociologist sers subsidize the that most people just| weatherman, just to make sure stand prosperity. The sad recast clear and warmer part Is, most people don't have on the day of a deluge, ET a So ona] ton, on. th 65% = toy rich men | Wouldn't it be so much better has made an impassioned plea that "Rule Britann- ary: 5 vata le 286 (If we all forgot about moncy and as ade pa € ples : retary, a laundress, a cook and | concentrated on, sweetness i ia" be retained by the Canadian Navy for such pur- a housekeeper. But. most of us|and light. If we all went around i poses. Among arguments for doing so, he pointed Just get married . . . and event-| being kind and thoughtful and | out that Canadians were very happy to hear "Rule ually we get to figure time {is | helpful d sympathetic, we Britannia" as British ships came up the St. Law- [Just the stuff between pay davs | wouldn't miss money at all. Ang rence during the last war. Surely Canadians, under as 1 guess there other we wouldn't have to listen to if everyone co-operates. "We Stand On Guard For Thee" It appears to us there's some muddled thinking if going on in Ottawa about the question of "0, Can- Hl ada" being used by the Canadian Navy as its official IN ORDER THAT WE MAY MAKE ALTERATIONS We Appreciate Your Co-operation Dunn's Drug Store these circumstances, would have been equally ples BS In the world more im-|Jack Benny on the radio any 5 : z ; portant than money, but the ma-| mote because Jack Benny would ed to have heard the American Navy's Anthem as it | 5,000" 00 this ola onfon's resid. not be on the radio. There would also would have meant a great power was coming to ents are too busy dollar chasing {not be any radio. Yes, sii, I our assistance. But no one would have tried to argue to notice. And ck of the old | think it would be a oll setup that the U.S. naval anthem should become our navy's dorcme seems to cause more| What brought all this on? hardship than i | too. So why should another nation's naval anthem a | Well, you see, I just happened to he does 1 individual, Canada is an individual among nations today. By standing erect in such com- pany and proclaiming her individuality, she does not cast a slur on her beginnings, and will always look with pride to the fact that she was fathered by Brit- ain, and is tied to Britain as a member of the family despite her being in the world to find her own place, Let us have pride in what our forefathers have done for us, but let us also have pride in what we, today, are doing----doing for those who will come after us. Whe e the muddled thinking comes In Is that objectors take this change to mean that Canadians no longer feel that Britannia Rules The Waves. We all know Britain will always rule the seven seas, and Canada's navy will assist her were it can. It's A Warm Weather Job From time immemorial greedy landlords have been blamed for bringing suffering and death on those who, through force of circumstances, are fo ced to put up with the conditions imposed--or offe ed--by the landlords. Yet it should be remembered that no one is forced to inhabit dwellings which are not safe, or sanita It is a situation which will al- ways develop in times of over crowding, and is one that should be approached without too much ani- mosity. Laws are passed to protect individuals against themselves--there are such laws to protect people against living in unsafe homes in Trafalgar town- ship. The township council is wise to move to' clean up such situations, and can do so now that warm weather Is here. "They weather that no unsafe living quarters will be inhab- ited. It is always nice to sit warm and secure your- self during winter months and talk about throwing people out of the only shelter they have been able to find . . . but it doesn't work out as easily as that People can not be thrown out into the snow be- cause, if they remain where they are, they may be should make sure before cold Yar 5 stick at. Nobody fs r content | discover tha vallet wi : A --evel x » Brite 3 » adopted? Bt discover that wallet was flat, | even though it be Britain's--be adoy Eo ist ahybod oan lee lis) ns Ty | Tod: ranada is a nati { op m rie she eurrenc they've accumulated, | the office drawer is locked | Today Canada is a nation in her own right. She ie ee aw A | fll needs the trappings of nationhood, and one of these Van: Tone oT 2 tie a re ino Sok: hi | ie is being ace shed by such acts z Some 8 end, and rig w d use | is being accomplished by such acts as this. Some will skullduggery. Everybody Rt ta RTA argue that breaking with tradition bad. But when to figure that the money the light i a youth grows up he undertakes to stand on his own other fellow has fis capital, that feet, with his own equipment for doing so. He carries getting it away from him is labor, Impecuniously Yours, on the traditions of his forefathers, with pride; but and that that is how it should be BILL COTTON burned to death. Rather action should be taken so they will not be living under such circumstances, Like similar conditions elsewhere Trafalgar's shacks are good butts for spectacular talk . but people should have athy with the council's po- sition, while still insisting that council investigate and then prevent such conditions being in effect next winter. [Peed direg Cormienerid Hats off to the hardy women of the Women's division of the CN.E. Anytime now they are going to build a $6.500 budget house on the CN.E. grounds. Some lucky visitor to the fair will win the house--which will be duplicated for them any place they like. Leaving out 'of it the possibility of an Sskimo being the winner, and asking for the house six feet from the North pole, it would seem the gals in the women's division are letting themselves in for many damaged nail- dos. Or did we read the press release incorrectly, and they aren't doing this themselves, Kate Aitken, director of this group, is the authority quoted in the release, so our guess is there's only one way to read it , the way it's written. Which is that the gals are going to build it themselves Wo all can do something sbout arthritis, We have the leadership of some of the most brilliant medical minds In this country avallablo for research agsinst this dread disease--provided wo all support the drive for funds which got under way May lst. Campaign Headquarters aro at $4 Yonge Street, which Is where any donation you cahl spare will be counted with ---- W 'hanks. ER Jack C of our readers will holds a big job get cultivate a pleasing others, sow seeds of ki goes, perform his work be most and salary he is getting. Luck does the rest all en} ~ MORRIS : bets * MINOR * OXFORD %* SIX Desi Finest small car yet bull. A scasstion in motoring Powerful overbead cams Independent Front Suspea- value. Powerful new cogine ; 6-cylinder cagine. Lug sion; * Monoconstruction™ strikingly beautiful new Lore, sors eering mo wide body and chasis saves independent front suspension; vision toy Briver, Laminin weight; more mils per gah withiowheel base scating! within whesloase seri s loo, brilliant performance, steering column gear change; True Mors reliability 0 extn roomy for economy low upkeep costs. 3 = RC LV, © McDERMOTT'S GARAGE Oakville, Ontario Pair James L. Cooke Motors WT?" [rosie 2489 Bloor Street West -- Mu. 8231 Datu MORRIS, WOLSELEY, MG. RILEY. JAGUAR, BENTLEY sed B JSE