Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 1 Jun 1950, p. 1

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fe RS vee ------ ol. 3, No. 28 Spurred irito organized group of westside business last Thursday night. Establish Fund Under sedatives for shock in ithe Memorial hospital, this young Expectant mother is stranded far from her Newfoundland home. With her husband and children, Billy, 10, and Gloria, 3, she had been living in the cabin of the Nancy C". Now that she is in ospital, the youngsters were ffoken care of for a time by Ed. Slater, are now with the Jim Roger: ' On Sunday, a group of resi Gents who live near the scene of ithe tragic explosion held a meet- ng passed the hat to collect 29 for what, after a lengthy dis- gussion of ways and means, was o become the Mrs. Garland Guy Disaster Fund. M. W. "Mickey" rbes was named president of he group, Ross Wilson and Har- Bld Simpson were elected vice: flents, all of Oakville rallied this w the wife of young family of Gar: Wlost his life in the flaming hull of Entered, 2nd Class Mail, Ottawa , concentrated men stone unturned end happy process went other citizens were quirements ley Keegan, Mrs. E , Cecil sec: ng one tary, and Harry Thornton, |, 0 / brought treasurer. office by Mr. Everybody Helps Other residents were quick to "offer help. Mr. Burke and A. Dor- here, Already, arrangements are nder way to have «Toronto Tip Trop Tailors, world's fastball hamps, play an exhibition game!| and the town softball "lea: ue has' offered a night's take. And other athletic projects are linder consideration. Fred Price, assisted by Ed. Slater and J. Holliday, are busy "| fore John Black Fund. shortly. "Mrs. the district branch, while port of LO.D.E. Toronto, Folks are has sent PRESS CAMPAIGN TO AID THE FAMILY OF BOAT BLAST VICTIM al HIGH SCHOOL P Oakville, Ontario action by a and sympathetic resi- eel to the assistance of and "Newfie" Guy, who the motor, cruiser Radel in acquainting the town and district concerning the details of the drive, was no to find the Toronto Daily Star throwing its support behind the fund Monday. A. M. E. Provides Spark Meanwhile, as this organization steadily ahead, coming for- ward with funds and equipment. More than $100 was volunteered within a few hours, while slip- pers, a nightgown and drug re- were sent Mrs. Guy at the hospital by Mor- Madden and Len Hope. And of particular note was the contribution ®f the A. M.E. church, whose congregation roll total 18. This 'group, through its pastor, Rev. Lorenzo Wainer, forwarded $25, this cheque closely 1 for a similar to the Journal Wainer for the ong And other help is forthcoming Eyre Davis has promised to bring the matter be- Red Cross Miss Marion Mc- Naughton has promised the sup- Chapters," Mickey: Forbes stated. "The Gold- en Triangle O:E.S. Matrons Club, along $10; really getting behind this very deserving family." Town council also swung be- hind the plan Monday night. tag day was authorized for June [€ommittee, O:kville high school, was the only rs in the second Walklett Work and Al Johnson are at contacting organizations which is leaving no he had without a said support The annual meeting of the Br ov ON S. E. Trafalgar Property HAROLD SIMPSON aL iomNson |s Efi Bront ovs AMONG DISASTER FUN unanimously passed a resolution ranging for other events that 17, and a group of Westside lad- endorsing the aati of the aA ies wert iz a tors in opposing an amend- UL swell the total. Mrs. AL ies were authorized to hold alec ing a i ohston, Mrs. H. Simpson, Oll-| home baking sale in front of the|ment fo the restrictive by-law fer Buck, Lachlan McArthur, Gib| Post office. permitting the Fumane Saclety [mes Toth Mavi, Mayor James R. Black, who [Shelter to be built in the restrict committed council meeting be or aid. And Al Rivier's publicity | cause he was sure of the bod: (Continued on Page 6) will feature the gala variety day night in the new of the Old Boys' Reunion. to With everything now in read- iness for the much heralded Oakville high school reunion Sat- urday, donations to the proposed R. H. Archibald memorial schol- arship fund continue to come in from all points of the compass, committee chairman Herb Merry reported yesterday. "Latest let- ters we've received were from Savilla Hutchinson Baxter, who lives in Gainsville, Fla., and Joan Brown Chisholm, in La Jolla, Calif." he stated. "We're very optimistic about the fund." It is hoped to raise $1200, in order that a $50 scholarship can be presented annually. A portrait of Mr. Archibald has 'been com- pleted by artist Audrey Watts McNaughton, and will be on view Saturday. As final touches go toward program arrangements, the sole remaining concern of the com- mittee is that local grads pur- chase tickets for the event by today at the latest, in order that catering requirements may b estimated. "Any person who ever attended the school is in- vited to buy tickets," Mr. Merry explained. "There are still about 200 left on sale at Thornton's bakery. If a grad can't manage to get down for tickets, they might) at least phone and place an or- der. We'll have a bumper crowd, and it will help to have a close estimate in advance." Festivities begin at 3 pm, when a twohour registration period will take place. Students will offer a cadet display as grads renew old acquaintances. (Continued on Page 3) Membership Endorses Directors Action Re Restrictive By-Law ed area. The motion also includ- ed, however, instructions to the executive to co-operate with the Humane Society to determine if the shelter would, in fact, infringe OCAL STUDENT WINS CHEMO. AWARD, LEADS CLASS IN PHARMACY "Bob" Ballantyne, son of and Mrs. W. Ross Ballan- Douglas Ave, has been Warded the Lorriman silver Medal in practical chemistry at © Ontario College of Pharmacy, was announced this week. Bob, ho won the B.A. chemistry icholarship while afftending udent to attain first class hon- year of the pur-yvear B.Sc. 4 In addition to his scholastic thievements, he also captained be 0.C.P. hockey and lacrosse Fams this year, and starred with pe basketball squad. course. A Good Deed During coungil day on Mr. Cooper's debate lot, Mon- and difficulties" in securing a satis- property, factory deed to the which had taken~"ten years, Town Clerk Clarence Byers ex- plained the town deed had gone to a Mr. Goode, had sold to Mr. his lawyers furnish who Cooper, with in ing turn Mr. Cooper with a deed to the land which could not be registered. Attempting to clear up the mat- ter for confused Mr. Byers carefully he had drawn a deed for Mr. Goode, deed suitably. "You finished with a smile. the good deed." councillors, explained satisfactory that the law had been changed and the lawyers had not changed their see," he drew the by-law and, if it was foun to do so, to have the executive co-operate in everyway with township council to assist in find- ing a way for the shelter to be located so that an expensive road would not be required, provided there was no reasonable object- ions from adjacent property own- ers. PUPILS ENJOY HOLIDAY UPON KING'S BIRTHDAY This coming Monday, June 5, will be officially celebrated throughout Canada as the King's birthday, which actually falls in December. There will be only one mail delivery, in the morning. Post office wickets will be open from 8 to 11 a.m. and 5 to 6 p.m. Banks, the municipal office, the public library and the schools will Thursday, June 1, 1950 RINC BRILLIANTLY BLANKETED INDIAN MAIDENS are Eve Armour, Eleanor Merry, Helen Bide, who are featured in one of the hilarious skits which high school auditorium as a highlight Ready For Gala Reunion Dakville - Trafalgar Journal 18 Pages 5 cents a copy, $2.00 Per Year in Advance IPAL RESIGNS LAUDS VIA TORONTO 30 CASEY WOOD EDITOR ALL THE CITIZENS M NIGHT STOP ACC BELLS RANG WAS MADE Macrae and Ruth revue to be presented Satur- Journal Photo by Thelma Brown WHO ARE IN STOP OAKVILLE'S PRO SERVICE Accept Resignation, Decline To Comment The resignation of W. S. Blake principal of the Oakville-Trafal- gar high school since the fall of 1947, was accepted Monday night FLOOD RELIEF FUND. Closely following the announ- cement of Carl Slipp, chairman of the citizens' committee, that Monday night's one-hour blitz added more than $5300 to Oak- by the Oakville-Trafalgar high |ville"s town-wide support of the school board during a closed | Manitoba Flood Relief Fund, the meeting. ournal received the above wire The announcement was made [Tuesday night from H. W. Man- to the press by George C. Atkins, |ning, the fund's general chair- board secretary, on Tuesday | man. morning. Mr. Atkins stated the Mayor J. R. Black received a board declined to comment in any way on Mr. Blake's resignation. similar telegram. Mr. Manning's message. speaks Board chairman Frank Sulli-|for itself. Here Is Mr. Slipp's van informed a Journal repre: | brief breakdown: "With other sentative Monday night that the|funds already in or tabbed for meeting was closed to the press due to the fact that a represent- ative of the Ontario Teachers' Federation was addressing the session. Contacted Tuesday afternoon, Mr. Blake also declined to com- ment at this time. early forwarding, we are sure of $8,000 to send to the Winnipeg flood victims, while at least an- will certainly be other $2,000 forthcoming." of the $8,000 already contribu- been raised TNAC 178 149/143 DL 2 EXTRA-WINNIPEG ON BEHALF OF THE FLOOD VICTIMS ITOBA I SINCERELY THANK MAYOR BLACK AND OF OAKVILLE AGNIFICENT BLITZ YOU PUT ON THE MANITOBA FLOOD RELIEF ORDING NEARLY FOUR HUNDRED CITIZENS TOOK PART IN YOUR LIGHTNING CANVASS WHILE CHURCH AND THE WHOLE COMMUNITY AWARE OF WHAT PLACE STOP THE ENTHUSIASM PEOPLE OF OAKVILLE CONTRIBUTION OF $10,000 WHICH RESULTED. ARE A GREAT ENCOURAGEMENT NOT ONLY TO THOSE OF US CONNECTED BUT ALSO TO THE THOUSAND IS FURTHER ENHANCED WONDERFUL RESPONSE YOUR CITIZENS HAVE MADE IN THIS EMERGENCY EH W MANNING GENERAL CHAIRMAN MANITOBA BLITZ CAMPAIGN WINS PRAISE, AS MANNING $10,000 EFFORT MAN TRAFALGAR JOURNAL OF MAN- FOR THE IN AID OF FUND LAST TO OUR REPORTS WAS TAKING SHOWN BY THE AND THE SPLENDID WITH THE FUND OF FAMILIES SUCH DIRE NEED OF ASSISTANCE AS A RESULT OF THE DEVASTATING FLOODS UD RECORD OF PUBLIC BY THE through the efforts of the town's active Junior Chamber of Com- merce, it was estimated by John Wotherspoon, Jr., Jaycee ropre- sentative to the citizens com- mitee. Milk bottles on store coun-s ters, a theatre night and Tues. day night's benefit ball game, along with cheques sent to the Chamber by private individuals, made up this total. Among the latter was one for $1,000 from M. Wallace, who wired from Omeemee to congratulate Jay- cees on thelr effort. Last Sunday night's show at the Century theatre netted $350, While Oakville Oaks and New Toronto Fords drew another $150 at the Wallace park gate Tuesday night. Donors desiring receipts for Income tax purposes will be able to obtain same from committee treasurer Tom Andrews, Box 101 COUNCIL APPROVES $130,000 NEW WESTWOOD DEBENTURES Twenty-year debentures' amounting to $130,000 for the ex- pansion of Westside school were Want A Quartet uthorized by council on Monday Oakville Oaks will be after night. One of the large items of [ their fourth straight Halton expense .was the heating cost,| County loop victory when they which Involved renewal of the| trot out to try conclusions with old system Milton at Wallace park at In response to Councillor| 3 p.m. Saturday. The Milton squad, which also boasts a top heavy win over Waterdown, last Saturday's Oaks victims, is expected to provide a tidy Cooke's questioning of the advis- ability of enlarging the school rather than starting a new school in Forster survey, where NEW APPOINTMENTS Willlam Hughes was elected president of the Oakville Junfor Chamber of Commerce at the an. nual meeting hold Monday night at Ide Lodge. Other Juy- cee officers named wore: R, McAllister, vice-pres.; William Russell, teas; Ken Russell, Duncan McTavish, John Wother. spoon, William Chrfstensen and Pete Watters, directors, NAME THOMPSON Trafalgar township Tuokduy nlght appointed Wiltrad Thomp- son, R. R. 2, Hornby, Reg. Smith an repr the Oakville 1 school board ASHLEY MOVES Jack Ashloy, popular Boll Telephone Co. manager, has ro. Ived a promotion to the Toron lead office. Ho hy duties June 1 ro main a regldent | GUIDE ASSOCIATION Hulme was named progi- South East Trafalgar Owners anssn, at the tng Tuesday night. don and Mrs, Harry Mackendrick were elootod vice. presidents, S. L. McGinnis, treas, and J. R, Walton, Jr, mecrotary, It was reported membership now totals 135, to succeed sentatlye to falgar high to new Anum but will Lok dent of Property annual Ir ; Warning! No house-to-house the Mry, Garland Fund hay be "Mickey" Forbes, ind Chale. man, told the Journal Youterday, He bad been Informed that some person was calling at houses and sollelting donations to the fund, be mald, and warned householders against being duped by this fraudulent appeal Mart K and His Western Gentlemen il provide the mus- le for a gala benefit dance In sup. port of the fund, Fred Price un- for Dignator d, M. W., canyuy Guy author: be closed. land for athletic activ-| tussle. itities would be available, Coun- _-- cillor Freeman explained the ex-|B-A- UNION APPROVES pansion would leave the depart: | "STRIKE VOTE, REJECT ment approved amount of land Det, et" COWPANY 5G OFFER the Public School Board expect:|, A strike vote wil bo hel at ed that within two years another | % es school would be required some. | British American Ol Company Were in' the survey: Ho stato |Lmited on Friday, June Zn any that pupil requirements in the ys a oy tte immediate vicinity of Westwood |° se of 2 nn 2silecon as bio Markers. Union, CLLOLO.CL The provincial grant of $2092.66 | nformed the Journal Tuesday. He was turned over fo the Recrea:|*tted the strike vote was auth tion Commission. The rental of Orc by 76 percent of voting four lots beside 16-mile creek to|Members at a union meeting fol Hillmers Fuel and. lee for the lowing the company's refusal of al wae auth rog the Conelliation' Board's. recom: Senge ol coal une wlan Tor ne et OF 3 leyisgd "msls fo hat SUE |hour acrows the board, with LE unfon check off, The company the. sazmested: $25. with ver | had" offered tnsteud! Ge por hour eur Teves insted ot ten. Ive cost of Hving bonus, with ne in storage would not be permitted Wn Sl to faterfore with the ond o po pointed out that cost of living dents to exch thelr toate. oT [bonus rates were not included in Council members and the may- fiasing vesting or Sg se) nn "The 8c Increase would have bars of the firs brigade. during Drought the Clarkson ratos only the harbor disaster, and a letter |'0 the level obtaining in the dfs to the chief expressing the ap.|trich Which includes Trinidad preciation of the town was dir.|L¢aseholds and McColl Fronton. ected. There was also discussion |A° I Toronto" he concluded of the fact that In the event of Ta a such disasters, the town police HALL FAMILY REUNION force was not adequate to cope The 50th consecutive annual with all the difficulties that |Hall family reunnion will be held! 3 this Saturday afternoon at the arose: To assist should any, fil fn mr Coin 4 Teil ath Thee, (Continued on Page 7) Trafalgar, 1 nounced yesterday. The event will be held in the high school auditorium Wednesday evening, June 7, with Mayor and Mrs, McCallum, of Toronto, among special guests,

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