Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 8 Jun 1950, p. 10

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OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, June 8, 195 GOODFYEAR ROAD LUG & HARD ROCK LUG TIRES And $100. has been turned over to the Oakville Manitoba Flood Relief Fund. We have also for- warded a cheque for $200. to the Legion National Flood Rellef Fund which will be administered under the direction of the Dom- inion President in Winnipeg. Two big days at Streetsville Park, June 30th, 'Grand Garden Party, 10 outstanding artists. July Ist, Field and Sports Day, many attractions. Giant bingo in evening. Watch for posters. Bveryone welcome to the OPT euchre in the 1.0.0.F. Hall, Fri- day, June 9th, OR SALE OR TRADE 16 foot pleasure boat with 514 hp. Neptune outboard motor. Ap: ply, phone 6187, before 6 p.m. (50-27-29) BATH tub, open style, toilet bowl and flush tank, complete for $65. Can be seen at 146 Bel- yea Ave. after 7 p.m. (37p29) RECORD cutter, 33 1/3 and 78 new, $300. On display 'at G. Heaven's Appliance Store. Box 394 Journal (x29) CANOE, new canvas covered $80. Box 394 Journal. (x29) HACKNEY pony, saddle and bridle, phone 715. (25p29) 6 HORSE, garden tractor, plow, disc, spring and stiff tooth cultivators. Other small attach- ments, cheap for quick sale. W. Struthers, Bronte. (37p29) SINGLE room for girl. Central. Phone 956R. (25¢29) comfortable 4-room apartment, 2 bedrooms, living- room, kitchen, bath, 35 Brant St. (25p29) | UPPER duplex, 163" Colborne at Reynolds, 4 rooms, furniture op- tional. Phone 882W. (25p29) | 2 furnished rooms with private bath and entrance. Apply 260 | Kerr St. (25p29) ISt. two weeks of July and Ist. two weeks of September--new summer cottage on Source Lake, Algonquin Park, 1 mile from Pro- vincial Highway. Wharf, beach, boat, fishing, two bedrooms, Kitchen, living room & screened verandah. Lights, water, store nearby. Telephone Cameron Hill- mer, 37. (1c29) ~ FURNISHED bedroom in_mnew home, suit young lady, 19 High- land Roa (25p29) LLL IEETTR TRANSPORTATION to Tor- onto and return. Arriving about 8 am. Leaving about p.m. Phone 404. (36¢29) FLAT or small house in Bronte. Phone 227W, Bronte. (25p29) HOME wanted with meals for retired business woman in Oak- ville or vicinity within 10 miles radius. Desirable considerations. Individual furnished or unfurn- ished room, use of telephone, op- portunity to assist in house- work, or outside activities. Tele- lone for further information, Oakville 916W. 1949 CHEVROLET coach, air conditioned heater, low mileage, top condition, 48 Riverside Dr. FOR SALE or rent h option to buy within 18 months (at $21, 500) or will rent immediately at $165 per month. This 7 roomed, oil heated stone home, 5 years old, sits on 10 lovely acres on Queen Elizabeth Highway near Oakville, and has 4 large bed- rooms, 36 ft. recreation room, 2 car garage. For appointment to ABOUT 20 tons spoiled bay or straw, delivered Lot 1 west 6th Concession new survey, Trafal- gar. Phone 1208. (31p29) STRAWBERRY pickers. Apply John Lawrence, Morrison Rd. Phone 12897. (50-29-31) BUSINESS SERVICES MATTRESSES Representative ~ here now for inspect, phone, write or call G.|one month. We specialize in Mar- Albert Walsh, Broker, Port Cre- dit, 2500. (c29) AUTOMATIC ~ oil hot water heater, like new. Phone Bronte 41.7. (2529) HANDY man's opportunity. Unfinished 6room frame house with extra lot. Phone 11261 1938 FORD coach, excellent tires, southwind heater, com- pletely new brakes, guarantee no oil consumption. 36 Pine Ave. Phone 1347W. (35p29) all and Beautyrest repairs. Spring mattresses rebuilt, re- turned like new. Eiderdowns re- covered. Finest workmanship. Ontario Bedding Company, Port Credit. Phone Oakville 203-W. Station Rd. OAKVILLE Wm. WHITAKER & SONS SITUATIONS WANTED ALL types of decorating, paint- ing, paper hanging, HELP WANTED--WOMEN carpentry, | Fridays. GOOD typist, some shorthanl. Surveyor's assistant. Phone d int ted Top rate. Phone E. G.|1297J. (35029) | ahead, Apply Pe (35¢29) BY local manufacturing com- | British American Oil Co, your windows can with latticed lead work. Have us call to see you. Phone Bronte. (5320) HOUSEWORK wanted by the day. Phone 211J. 25p29) Box 142-A, Clarkson, Ont. verandahs, kitchens, remodelled | Bulmer, 249M. be PRACTICAL nurse or nurse's 191M. (53029) Phone 1514W. | (C Japanese-Canadian high school | S0nal calls only. Kallen Gardens, girl wishes summer employment. | Clarkson. pany, high school boy to act as mail clerk after 4, 5 days a week. morning WE have vacancies at Of i Le HELP WANTED--MEN [FERRE | men, who have a basic educa on] in ark] during aid for private duty in home. : : (65lcy) (35) | Phone 1080 or reply Hox 196 the| ~ Two young wen to Tern pull So Ey Le Rain eheRy 3 9) | ciples of dehydration, preferapy| oir WAITRESSES, must be steady| EXPERIENCED maintalance high school matriculants sori! [li small and have good appearance. Per. |mhan year round work in congen-| well pald permanent oma [ll tacki: lal surroundings. Apply Gordon |ment with a future. Apply Gorge [Wl City ¢ (50c29-31) ' Beardmore and Co. Lid. (35c20) Beardmore & Co. Ltd. = (oc backs high RELIABLE woman wants to baby-sit, one day a week and light house work or ironing. Box 395 Journal. (31p28) Mr. George C. Gibson has re- ceived instructions to sell by Public Auction the household effects of Mr. W. H. Austill, Sth. Line, Township of Trafalgar, just north of No. 2 Highway, on Sat- urday, June 10, 1950, at one p.m sharp, DST, the following: Bunk beds, springs and mat- tresses; matching chest of draw- ers; four mirrors; bedside table; antique chest of drawers; 3 matching chests of drawers (ma- hogany); hanging lamp; oil lamps; ~electric floor lamps; elec: tric table lamps; magazine table; Continental bed; maple dressing table and bench; maple mirror; rollaway cot, spring and mat- tress; end tables; love seat; fire- place screens and tools; log bas: ket; eiderdown puffs, blankets: pressure cooker, mixmaster. 1 Ironing board; medicine chests; electrolux vacuum clean- er; garden tools; wheel barrow: lawn mower, power mower; ga den chairs; picnic table and ben- ches; lawn roller, tennis net; boy's and girl's bicycles; figure skates, roller skates; pictures, 00ks, card table; oil stove, cur- tains; steam Won and electric iron; deluxe model Frigidaire; Moffat-Roper gas range; 7 cu. ft. steel ice box; wicker furniture; 2 small tables; bed, spring and mattress (new); and other arti- cles too numerous to mention, Terms Cash. George C. Gibson, Auctioneers; Arnold Farrow, Clerk. © 3 Oakville MAMMOTH Lions Club Prepare Now | | Wagons ow:! Children's Parade ob SATU RDAY, JULY 8th Bicycles - Doll Carriages - Tricycles Prizes in each section for best decorated vehicles--and major prize for most original entry grounds to be judged. All entrants must parade from starting point to fair- Important Parade leaves George's Square at 2.30 P.M. and ends at Lions Summer Bazaar, Central School Grounds - Saturday, July 8th ALBERTA coal briquets, an all-Canadian product, from Frank . Sullivan, Bronte 80-W. Your Blue Coal Dealer. (35c1tf) e more we have that fine Pennsylvania oil. Bring your own gal. container and we fill it for only 80c. Grade 40 only. Hed- leigh Home Ltd, Dundas St. N. LARGE Deluxe cold wall Frig- idaire like new, 3 year also large Roper-Moffat gas range 6 burner, 2 ovens; Sperti-Sun lamp. Phone 1046. (41p29) BABY carriage and mattress, $5; two ladies' suits, size 14, $4 each; two ladies' coats, size 14; §5 each; baby's spring outfit, size 1, §2; baby's snow-suit, re- Versible, size 2, $2; child's winter outfit, size 4, $2. Phone 1181J. CRIB-basisinett, $3.00; Begin- mner's trike, $2.50; combination carriage-go-cart, $20.00; good 1 phone 1275R. (25p29) HOUSE FOR SALE at 43 Howard Ave, 4 bedrooms, Tot 165 x 175, beautifully land- scaped to provide complete pri- vacy, tennis court, $10,000 cash will handle, balance st [owe Ap- n premises, phone 824-M. phy op 2 (1.37p28-30) LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF the Estate of ALICE MATILDA OLIPHANT, late of the Town of Oakville, in the County of Halton, Widow, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the estate of the said Alice Matilda Oliphant, who died on or about. the nineteenth day of April, 1950, are required, on or before the 5th day of July, 1950, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to the under- signed full particulars in writing of their claims against the said deceased. AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date the undersigned will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the said de ceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. DATED at Oakville this 23rd day of May, 1950. JOHN F. ISARD, Solicitor for the Executors of the. Estate of Alice Matilda Oliphant, 142 Colborne Street, Bast, OAK- VILLE, Ontario. (27-29) FOR SALE LATE 1947 FORD SEDAN built in radio, heater and defroster, low mileage, looks and runs like new. Price $1195.00 PHONE 911-R LONG BRANCH SAFEWAY DRIVING SCHOOL 7] "Drive The Modern Way and nA 5 ) All Cars_ Equipped Control. We will be in Oakville one day weekly. For appoint ment, call New Toronto 1347, 'or write. WANTED--TO RENT Centrally located room. Start ing Sept. to use as music studio part time. Phone 898J. (50p27-30) SPECIAL NOTICES TOWNSHIP OF TRAFALGAR Tender for Watermains Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 3 p.m. Tuesday, June 20th. 1950, for ex- cavating, laying and back filling a 6" cast iron watermain on the following properties: 750 ft. on Innisclare Drive, Lot 7, Cons, 4, S., D.. S. 600 ft. on Cedar Grove Blvd. Lot 10, Cons. 3, S, D, S. 1100 ft. on Birkbank Drive, Lot 1, Cons. 4; S. D. S. 605 ft. on Suffolk Ave. Lot 19, Cons. 3, S.D.S. 1010 ft. on Rebecca St. Lot 20, Cons. 3, S. 330 ft. on Burton Rd, Lot 20, Cons. 3, SDS. 850 ft. on Patricia Drive, Lot 20, Cons. 3, S.D.S. With fire hydrants and gate valves. Plans and Specifications will not be sent out but may be seen at the ofice of the Township Engineer, Mr. George H. Power, Bank of Toronto Bldg, Oakville, on and after June 12th. Lowest or any tender not nec: essarily accepted. S. A. Featherstone, lerk, Township of Trafalgar, Trafalgar P.O. TENDERS Sewer Construction Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5 P.M. (D.S.T.) Monday, June 12th, 1950 for jthe construction of the folloging Sewers; 8" from Kerr St. to Felan Ave. on Deane Ave, MacDonald Ave. and Herald Ave. and 12" Sewer on Felan Ave. from Herald Ave. to Deane Ave. Plans and Specification may be had at the Office of the Town Clerk. The lowest or any other tender not necessarily accepted. C. H. Byers, Town Clerk FOR ADDITIONAL CLASSI FIEDS SEE PAGE 5 SELECTION. Rollaway Cot with Spring-Filled Mattress this very WE NOW HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL TYPES OF SUMMER FURNITURE TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS. ALL AT LOWEST AVAILABLE PRICES. COME IN'NOW WHILE STOCKS ARE COMPLETE AND MAKE YOUR "and comfortable ex- tra bed is fully automatic. Now on sale at $4.95 available with Canopy And 5 Footrest at only $8.50 $6.95 it leaves SA AT A Have ja numb dons you Drotectio ® document ers and T they can Deck Folding Camp Cot Si ponve! ok Chair po ith Sturdy and com Re-inforced seat way fro - and Back fortanl mind, wh gk able. On sale wa fin your o ountant. Deposit E AND DOLL BUGGIES. \ DOMINION WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BABY FURNITURE --YOU'RE SURE TO FIND WHAT YOU NEED, AND WE INVITE YOUR PRICE COMPARISON. ILLUS- A TRATED IS A 2 PIECE CE SUITE FOR $69.95 --_---- SEE US FOR CRIBS, BUGGIES, HIGH CHAIRS, FOLDING STROLLERS, KINDERGARTEN SETS This CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE DOMINION FURNITURE STORES PHONE 957 OAKVILLE Store Open Saturday Till 9 p.m. 1 gifts. 3 COMPLETE FLOORS OF FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS Welc NEW YORK P

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