Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 8 Jun 1950, p. 5

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'hursday, June 8, 1950 OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page b i 1 TENDERS - For Rebuildi f Cul 1 REUNION HIGHLIGHTS [fsa Clit Monday vane Tomb, Sor tha FRANKLIN F. WILSON DON'T ARGUE rebuilding of a culvert on No. 2 Franklin Field wilson, a resi M R fighway between Kerr and Wil | jor of Oakville for the past 26 emory Room Plans and Specification may be|YeTs, died suddenly on Sunday 'Memory Room" would have (had at the offic of the Tow | his home, 62 George Street Beorl in SPPTORIte seme fore fo South. A native of Beauharnois, It was one of the main points of | The lowest or any other tender | Quebec, Mr. Wilson was for some When It's So Easy To Beautify Those Old Floors | Modern Trend A. big eye-opener to the old- timers of Oakville High School was the vastly enlarged and mod- encra) (Qernized building that greeted | attraction at the High School Re. | not necessarily accepted. years associated with the invest: Ong them when they turned up for [union on Saturday. On the walls C. H. Byers, ment firm of Avern Pardoe of ) doing the reunion on Saturday. Thelor this room were sister Town Clerk. |Toronto. He is survived by his ye | : i : vife, the former Margaret Bath, i | © da school they had left behind them photographs and newspaper clip- TENDERS CALLED pe His ai, [was a small, cramped, dingy pings which formed a pictorial| Renovating St. Jonna United|a Som, Tod, ang a daughter, Beth, time and" nel YE, 24 eat frie Revel Exuipment ond seve 1 But ES ted with Hie spacious | record of the high (school for. the | Church buildings Mendon co | all or Gapvind The funeral was ere beautifol and lusts. | arrive JU@magnificent structure' that greet past twenty-five years. There |dUired for general alterations | held Tuesday afternoon in Knox OUR LOW COST RENTAL led their wondering gaze of the 4 : vith separate tenders for heat-| Presbyterian Church, servies were huge photographs of the | e 3 PLAN FURNISHES football teams of years gone by, [IN and decorating. Plans and | neing conducted by Rev. CK EVERYTHING YOU NEED -- » i v specifications may be secured} Nicoll, assisted by Rev. J. A. M. Famous Clarke Speed, de -- ; Go ry Photos of students and teachers, | fhociI%atl Joseph A. Caulder, | pop Pall-bearers were Dr. B. P ors, adgers. and pelihers-- x ; ses. e | Chai ft 7 [| Bell. =i BP. sandpaper, varnhih, stain xclaimer arence ony) |and graduating clas: There | Chairman of Committee of Stew-| gq Frank Milli 3 Hi] Ee Hamilton to dhe Journal were pictures and' mewspaper anf Jddress, 231 Watson Ave | Sonen ink Milligan, H.W. EB fille? pans Brushed =i eporter. : counts of games, cadet inspect-|nue, Oakville, Phone 1552R. Spier, S\Oakville, oa {Peter PHONE TODAY. FOR ALL "Isn't it a corker? You'd never ions, athletic events of different Pangman, Hugh Wilson and INFORMATION | now Jt itor Fe sume place [inde ind there mere! cirri NoTIcE Frank Jeffrey, Toronto. vas the tribute of Bill Meikle, ow living in Kitchener. "This is very nice!" said John TacDonald, who travelled all the vay from Athens, Wisconsin, where he operates a farm ma. hinery business, to attend the [Wreunion at his old alma mater. IW "This school is a new one on [Wine," exclaimed, Charles Chisholm (Wb: Niagara Falls, Ont. "It's tre- tributions towards Canada's war|icipal Council of the Corporation gathered or its annual banquet in C H A Io Bs ey utente [7h Pow of loko) promos | Sot ST sumu nanivet in ommunity araware Oakville High School. the stoppingup of that part of [all Tecelved purple and gol | They flocked around those pic-| die Sto Street lying between | SWeatercoats, tastefully emblag: Colborne St. E. Phone 1288 | tures in crowds, those school- the south-westerly limit of Dun.|oned with club crests. S 2 } boys and schoolgirls of yester- | gag Street and the water's edge year, reviving memories of their of Sixteen Mile Creek. youth. Many a paunchy, bespect:| AND FURTHER TAKE NO. acled man with thinning hair was | TICE that the Council will. at fon able fo identify himself as a|meeting to be held on the. 26th § Which recorded some of the con.| TAKE NOTICE that the Munn = WTS } | nendous!" slim, shock-headed youth in foot- | day of June 1950, at 8 o'clock in hose i "Wonderful!" declared Karl | pall uniform. Many a smartly |the evening at the Council Cham. | i ehman, who left Oakville over en years ago for Geraldton, in orthern Ontario. The town, .no less than the chool, impressed the visitors, ho found it a much bigger and usier place than the small, easy- oing community of their high chool days. Eroomed mature matron laughed [bers at or ui i rson, or s counsel, over the picture of some demure Rone, ay Ha ran lass with the quaint attire and applies to be heard © and. wie Hairdo of the twenties, and gine that his lands will be pre- sighed wistfully as she thought judicially affected by the pro- of the swift passage of time and |posed by-law. the changes it brings. They all C. H. BYERS, had a wonderful time, those old Clerk Town. of Oakville, girls and boys, looking at their (27-30) old pictures and laughing and |p a = : na =m - Gerald Allen, of the 'staff chatting and living over again 5 i of Jarvis St. Collegiate, and Dr. John D. Lovering, Toronto, were Ce I eB Ty Good Old I Sports. . FOR THE GOLFER To live beyond reproach is to le beyond reproaching others.-- ary Cummings Edy. a among former Trafalgarites who Lawson Little Pro-made and Campbell Irons and it J T f | attended the Oakville HE. re | Woods. Irons $6.75 to $10.50; Woods $8.75 to $16.50 { i raralgar union. Among local residents I FATH E Rr (Continued from Page 2) who attended were Mr. and Mrs Golf Bags $9.95 to $23.50. i came for the National Sale of a Wr H. Balls, Campbell and Dunlop, 60c, 75c¢, 95¢ | ne a : vile re] Co , Mr. Mrs. H. | WOULD PROBABLY SAY Pievious day in Oakville, re-| pro isha, Mr. a Biggar, Ralph Head Covers $1.50, $1.95 0 and Miss Norma Fish, and Miss : | : | ZS tm Carol Hodnee, = Golfers Shirt $6.95. The popular B.V.D. free-for-all | i NUTS The picture of little Barbara es ess in a good choice of colours. bi -- § Maxwell, niece of Mrs. Gerald| po. Harl Tweedy and daugh. | to a present on FATHER'S DAY JUNE 18th SO GIVE HIM ter, who have been staying with Mrs. Tweedy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Post, during the 'Winnipeg flood conditions, re- turned *home on Thursday. shown feeding one of the cows at the Holstein auction sale at Oak- ville on Friday, where she posed for the photographer. vee FOR THE FISHERMAN They're Tops LAKESHORE FETED Gary Legear, flashy goaltender of Oakville Lakeshores, Tuesday night received the O.H.A's most valuable player award as the club ees LL ma Mrs. Wm. MacPherson, who en- tered St. Joseph's Hospital, Hamilton, a week ago for treat ment is progressing nicely. xxx xa GLASS CASTING RODS $12.95 to $22.50 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haight : and family, Toronto, were week- ¢ A > A choice of nationally advertised rods and reels. i 0 . end visitors at the home of Mrs. Rods, $1.95, $3.25, $4.95, $5.95, $7.95, $9.95 | Sime z Haight's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Complete i] R. K. Gibson. Reels, 75¢, $2.95, $4.95, $7.95 $9.95, $16.95 ilk : Toa Investment ; shy Ri ih Plugs that really get the big ones. Flatfish, Riv- { Trafalgar Charge churches H RIV i rg were well represented at the Service er Runt, Jitterbug, Hula Dancer, Genuine Pikie Cre Cr ===) | Services on Sunday afternoon at Minnows, Slim Jim, South Bend Bass-D-Rend, Hi | Milton which was held to com- BONDS Brooks, etc. A | the 25th 3 : { of Churen Union of the United STOCKS Nylon Lines $1.00, $1.50, $2.50. Silk, $2.50 Church, . on all Exchanges ese pin Miss Clara Biggar is visiting Em = | friends in Buffalo for a few days. MACRAE Your Local Specialist In Sports! | | THE i | M Mr. and Mrs. Harold Biggar and | va aT et per ND COMPANY SPORTING | ONNA LEA Sunday. During Miss Biggar's Investment Dealers Li D ndy absence, Miss L. Conover, Tor- GOODS I oer Shop onto, is staying at the Bigsar||80 King St. W.--Toronto | home, It Rai PHONE: EL 3374 5 Thomas St. N. OAKVILLE Telephone 1378 Mr. and Mrs. Belford Savage, accompanied by their daughter, Ee Mrs. Arthur Bullied and Mr. Bullied, leave on Thursday for Sault Ste. Mari wedding of their son, Frederick, A TTE N D which takes place on Saturday HOICE CASHEWS per pound ...... $1.39 in Tarentorus Twp. United /; EANUTS ~ Church. Enroute = the = they : | | A fle: pone sn AHA, The White Oak Chapter 1.0.D.E. SSORTMENTS age, is motoring to the Soo for ; | the wedding with her nephew, per Ib. from 99¢ to $1.49 | ny "Mircea: Savage and. Mrs. Savage, Toronto, and Mr. An- DONNA LEA drew Savage, of Stayner. HORE To Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mar Candy & Nut Shop latt, formerly Dundas Highway, Pposite Century Theatre|l | Tratalgar, at Private Pationts Phone 1229-w Pavilion, Toronto General Hos- pital, on May 20th, a son. FASHION A FANTASY i Saturday, June 10th A 3.00 to 5.00 P.M. 8.00 to 10.00 P.M. IWERSIDE R ODGE Following Our Usual Summer Custom . . ir DUMENNG Supa, i MISS MARGARET CAMP We are glad to have been able to secure the co-op- i eration of the Eliabeth Arden Co. to take care of the it entire make-up problems of the cast. i 'Miss Arden's Personal Representative, MISS CHELSEA FELLOWS will be in charge of making-up the cast, assisted by our 2 SMOOTH an Arden trained cosmetic consultant DINING ROOM OPEN Cleanse with Ardena or Fluffy Cleansing Cream THE MODELS WILL BE FEATURING | FROM 1.00 P.M. to 8.00 P.M. 125 a MISS ARDEN'S NEW SUMMER SHADE Refresh with Skin Tonic, 1.25 to 1075, ... CANARY RED. , . WEEK DAYS: Smooth with Ardena Velva Cream, 1.25 10 7.00 BREAKFAST: 8 am. to 9 a.m. Orange Skin Cream, 1.25 fo 9.50, LUNCHEON: 12 noon to 2 p.m. or Perfection Cream, 7.50 and 12.50 5 DINNER: 5.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Sorry: Dining Room Reserved Sat. Evening, June 10th Colborne St. E. Phone 47

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