Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 8 Jun 1950, p. 7

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0 & ee Thursday, June 8, 1950 OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page b : 1 5 bs TENDERS : Sig For Rebuilding of Culvert bituary k : i REUNION HIGHLIGHTS [firms | to undersigned until 5 p.m. (D.S.T.) nd op Monday, June 12th, 1950, for the| FRANKLIN F. WILSON DON'T ARGUE > Who rebuilding of a culvert on No. 2| pranyrin mela Wilson, a rest When Is So E i re Mod Trend M R isto between Kersfand Wit | SETS RISES Wilson, past 26 T a ren odern lren emory Room a ¢ be|Years, died suddenly on Sunday © Beautify Those ¥ not : ans and Specification may ba|YeaTs, di Sed Re of A big eyeopener fo the old:| "Memory Room" would have had at the office of the Town [2 his home, 62 George Tee | coq. [ifftimers of Oakville High School(been an appropriate meme for it | Cues South. A mative of Beauharnos, i! onges was the vastly enlarged and mod-|It was one of the main points of | The lowest or any other tender Quebec, Mr. Wilson was for some | encray [ilernized building that greeted attraction at the High Sehool Re:| mot necessarily aecpton. Years associated withthe invest i One [Mithem when they turned up for [union on Saturday. On the walls oa ST of Avern Pardes or ds tus reunion' on Saturday. Theor this ireomts weretitote a own Clerk |Toronto. He is survived by his Rent our easy-to-use equipment and re-finlsh dull, wom floors with ) stool 5 vife, the fq h, urfoce: | % to school they had left behind. them | photographs. and newspaper clip- TENDERS CALLED Wife, the former Margaret Bath, lustrous, Bonwit au re aid Eoint sl ne | all ify was a small, cramped, . dingy pings which formed a pictorial (Renovating St. John's United [2 son, Tod, and a daughter, Beth, time and money -- change those dull, worn surfater into floors that | Bui place compared with the spacious |record of the high school for the | Church buildings. Tenders re-| all of Oakville: The funeral was are beautiful and lustrous. i any magnificent structure' that greet: ipast, twenty-five years, Thor quired for general alterations | held Tuesday afternoon in Knox OUR LOW COST RENTAL i vo 1 iehelr Wondering gael of th | Were! huge Photomrarndl or ui | PI SeRATAt: tener a hols Presbyterian Church, service * PLAN FURNISHES old boys and girl: football teams of years gone Ing and decorating. Plans and | being conducted by Rev. C. K. EVERYTHING YOU NEED Ee "Is wonderfull" delightedly | photos. of argos 5! hers, | Specifications may be secured | Nicoll, assisted by Rev. J. A. M. Famous Clarke Speedy sand. D-- imed Clarence P. (Tony) eng s OF Students and teac | from Mr. Joseph = A. Caulder, Bell. Pall-bearers were Dr. F, P. ors, edgers and xclaimer 3 8 V)|and graduating classes. There Chairman of Committee of Stew: | bers I Fak Millieae: orf ve $indpaper, varnli Fell, of 'Hamilton, to) the! Journallwere' pletures" and! nowspapes. ue ards. Address 221 Watson Ave. | SOAS. Ri ae YE tructions." eporter. ; {ounts of games, cadet inspect-|nue, Oakville. Phone 15598. patty le DY bi PHONE TODAY FOR ALL "Isu't It a corker? You'd never|ions, athletic events. of different | -- angman, Hugh Wilson an INFORMATION now itifor the same place" kinds. And! there were clippings NOTICE Frank Jeffrey, Toronto. vos the frfbute of BilliMeille, [which fecorded some of oes (TAKE NOTICE that the Mun- ow living in Kitchener. tributions towards Canada's war |icipal Council of the Corporation sathered or its annual banquet in H ly > ery fatust said Join effort mate 'by tho wiusents) of > Sally ponies the Legion hall. Team members ommunity araware i MacDonald, who travelled all the | Oakville High School Z Tt ox l'all received purple. ane fl L . 2? gold vay fom ions 8 Wisconsin, | icy flassed sry those pre: he i roliguy ee Belly mt Colborne St. E. Phone 1288 | viete he operas a) farm meliures mi crowds; hose moni p the south-westerly limit of Dun-|oned with club crests. SEE i hinery business, to attend the|boys and schoolgirls of yester- | gas a ye SOPOT SLDO [a8 eunion at his old alma mater. year, reviving memories of their of Sixteen Mile Creek. fi! T This School i= 2 jliew one onlveurh 'Many u peunchy, besvoor | den: FURTHER TAKE NO- ih [Wne," exclaimed, Charles Chisholm | acled man with thinning hair was | TICE that the Council will, at ita | i { Niagara Falls, Ont. "IV's tre-|able to identify hinselr an. meeting to be held on the 26th f hendous!"" slim, shock-headed youth in foot- [day of June 1950, at 8 o'clock in | hose A "Wonderful!"" declared Karl | bal] uniform, Many a smartly [the evening at the Council Cham- B oh ehman, who left Lin Or | groomed mature matron laughed pore 2 REE i, ars for Geraldton, in i ; ; 5 , len years a or over the picture of some demure solicitor or agent, any person who orthern Ontario, Jans UL the quaint attire ang|SOlHter oriagent ln 00 Te tun telus del or net rnonteat Yad claims that his lands will be pre. ohool, impressed the visitors, | gigheq wistfully as she thought judicially affected by the pro- ho found it a much bigger and|of the swift passage of time and |posed by-law. usier' place than the small, easy. | thoi changes 1t brings 'Ther. al» C. H. BYERS, por Sua oing community of their high |paq 5 wonderful time, those old Clerk Town. of Oakville. chool days. girls and boys, looking at their (27:30) _ old pictures and laughing and |~gr--e= Ta 3 = . To live beyond reproach is to chatting and living over again or Sa wy FOR THE GOLFER e beyond reproaching others.-- | their old school days John D. Lovering, Toronto, were i] a ary Cummings Edy. To ---- |emiong former Trafalgarites who Lawson Little Pro-made and Campbell Irons and i 7 T f | attended the Oakville H.E. re | Woods. Irons $6.75 to $10.50; Woods $8.75 to $16.50 Hh raralgar union. Among local residents il FATH E R (Continued from Page 2) Who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Golf Bags $9.95 to $23.50. i Same Jov the National Sale of ed re 2 Balls, Campbell and Dunlop, 60c, 75c, 95¢ ! hE Bo ile, re. | CO , Mr. iE. cl I. WOULD PROBABLY SAY! fe savions ay in Oakville, re Biggar, Ee ees Biggar, Reloh Head Covers $1.50, $1.95 4] : : and Miss bh, N \ 1 : | Ehrie isis cl Pal Erstad Ts Golfers Shirt $6.95. The popular B.V.D. free-for-all | | N U 1 S he picture of little Barbara , ss ess in a good choice of colours. { -- Hi Maxwell, mice on Mrs Gomi] Sr Sle daugh- | | = I > Shain, appeared in Saturday's is- : £ i to a present on is | ter, who have been staying with {i | p Sue of the Torotlto Star. She is [LL VIO Bere nl a FOR THE FISHERMAN oh 1 + shown feeding one of the cows at Mrs. W. H. Post, during the ll FATHER'S DAY the Holstein auction sale at Oak- Winnipeg flood conditions, re- Ville oni Friday, where: she Posed | vurmor nomen Ted | JUNE 18th for the photographer. They're Tops 5 oe i > 2 LAKESHORE FETED | Mrs. Wm. MacPherson, who en- a 2 : Gas , | 20 GIVE HIM [lure ot Tol sn | Ca Laser, many sotentn GLASS CASTING RODS li Hamilton, a week 280 Tor treat |night received the OMA roy | | psuslisiprogressing ical, valuable player award as the club $12.95 to $22.50 Eo D 5 --_-- |} | Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haight : ; | and family, Toronto, were week- A A choice of nationally advertised rods and reels. Wi | i 0 . 2 end visitors at the home of Mrs. Complete Rods, $1.95, $3.25, $4.95, $5.95, $7.95, $9.95 ii ra x Haight's parents, Mr. and Mrs. hl hh I ¢ : Reels, 75¢, $2.95, $4.95, $7.95 $9.95, $16.95 J raxxa x 7 . | 2 Trafalgar Charge churches nvestmen Plugs that really get the big ones. Flatfish, Riv- id were well represented at the Service er Runt, Jitterbug, Hula Dancer, Genuine Pikie Lens w= A==) | Services on Sunday afternoon at Minnows, Slim Jim, South Bend Bass-D-Rend, i | Milton which was held to com- BONDS Brooks, etc. i | the 25th _-- : ; [0 | of Church Union of the United STOCKS Nylon Lines $1.00, $1.50, $2.50. Silk, $2.50 ke Church, on all Exchanges | 1 Ji PAP Snr | Junling. Miss Clara Biggar is visiting I Specialist In Sports" | LE friends in Buffalo for a few days, MACRAE Your Local Special P il ! ROM Mr. and Mrs. Harold Biggar and ih 7 A daughters motored her over on AND COMPANY SPORTING i ONNA LE! Sunday. During Miss Biggar's Investment Dealers i D ndy absence, Miss L. Conover, Tor- GOODS a oi &hop onto, is staying at the Biggar [80 King St. W.--Toronto a | home, Pl, PHONE: EL 3374 5 Thomas St. N. OAKVILLE elephone 1378 i Mr. and Mrs. Belford Savage, accompanied by their daughter, Mrs. Arthur Bullied Bullied, leave on Thursday for Sault Ste. Marie, to attend the wedding of their son, Frederick, which takes place on Saturday HOICE CASHEWS per pound SEAL $1.39 in Tarentorus Twp. United 2 Church. Enroute to the Soo, they EANUTS will call on friends. The per pound .......o 59¢|} | groom's aunt, Miss Bllena Sav- SSORTMENTS age, is motoring to the Soo for the wedding with Mr. Alfred Savage and Mrs. Savage, Toronto, and Mr. An- drew Savage, of Stayner. Era her nephew, per Ib. from 99¢ to $1.49) DONNA LEA To Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mar- Candy & Nut Shop latt, formerly Dundas Highway, Pposite Century Theatrell | mratalgar, at Private Patients Phone 1229-wW Payilion, Toronto General Hos- pital, on May 20th, a son. IVERSIDE LODGE Following Our Usual Summer Custom . . . . COMMENCING SUNDAY, JUNE 11th DINING ROOM OPEN FROM 1.00 P.M. to 8.00 P.M. WEEK DAYS: BREAKFAST: 8 am. to 9 am. LUNCHEON: 12 noon to 2 p.m. DINNER: 5.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Sorry: Dining Room Reserved Sat. Evening, June 10th ES) | 7 Guz ft TO CLEANSE, REFRESH; SMOOTH Cleanse with Ardena or Fluffy Cleansing Cream 1.25 to 7.00; Refresh with Skin Tonic, 1.25 to 1075, Smooth with Ardena Velva Cream, 1.25 to 7.00 Orange Skin Cream, 1.25 fo 9.50, or Perfection Cream, 7.50 and 12.50 ATTEND ; The White Oak Chapter 1.0.D.E. FASHION | FANTASY | Saturday, June 10th 3.00 to 5.00 P.M. 8.00 to 10.00 P.M, We are glad to have been able to secure the co-op- eration of the Ellabeth Arden Co, to take care of the I entire make-up problems of the cast, I 'Miss Arden's Personal Representa MISS CHELSEA FELLOWS will be in charge of making-up the cast, assisted by our MISS MARGARET CAMP an Arden trained cosmetic consultant THE MODELS WILL BE FEATURING MISS ARDEN'S NEW SUMMER SHADE +. CANARY RED... RUSSELL DRUG CO. Colborne St. E. Phone 47

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