Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 15 Jun 1950, p. 12

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Page 17 OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Theta June, | : 5 in ; vel - |had were not the re with mind. It wa: fi that [I threw my weight to the left: sult was a feeling of ditions as I did during Oe otkall sad] Suporebiity ior Fenner. 1 ; | dl ] mastery, of supreme confidence. |drop. While I fought the controls J UR NEWS = But it was real. and tried to get the engine going [jammed the controls, then jam- o mm Tn be If I had said such a thing then, |I saw all the good and bad things |med the engine wide open. The ane that. ; los |e Dovs would have called me (1 had ever done, and most of [thing suddenly sputtered and vib) fhe, as & headed for Pig of Oakyille noon, June 24, to the A. W. Miles | crazy. Even now I can't explain | them were bad. Then I began to rated violently and sailed away (one wing that there hy Is directed to|Park, Erindale. 2 it. But I believe that if you think | pray. on her one good wing for France. | Something Blse. T had se, [ » a monthly publica-| The monthly meeting of St.|qisaster you will get it. Brood| "Oh, God," I said, "help me get|I held it that way all the way |ers die--brighter and pp, tion containing articles of a relig-| Jude's Women's Guild was held (about death, and you hasten |out of this" ; home) than I I' knew {there was , ious and inspirational nature.|at the home of Mrs. A. B. N. your demise. Think positively and|(MAJENEE Tost desperate act This escape and others I have (Continued on Page 15) Published in the United States,| Davis last evening. masterfully, with confidence and 2 it is described as "A practical CALVARY BAPTIST faith, and life becomes more se- omnia IE, TJ) cutis veg "vou for ure mre aught ih cto rp ; Christ" rally drew a large con- | richer in achievement and exper- general appeal. |, 41 The speak s v. fence. Local representative Is Richard | EreBation. The speaker was Rev. Peard, Linbrook Road, RR 2 1x Mr. Hoogendam of Philpott Tab- Perhaps such things as the another part of this issue a sam: | CLhacle; Hamilton, = and singing control of mind over matter and SDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY y Ie artis rom ioe a] by the Carolina Four, colored |the transmission of thought wav- THUR: ' y Soma SEL = singers from Buffalo, was much |es are tied up together, part of Prayer", by Captain Baie Rick: appreciated. These singers also something so big we haven't J U N E 22 - 23 - 2 enbacker, American war hero, |S2n8 at both services on Sunday, grasped it yet. It's part of us and © [when Rev. A. A. Stoll the pastor |bart of the Something that is ST. JOHN'S preached. Ken Baer was at the [looking after us. It's one of the O k ill The completion of the first Plano. things that make me believe in|} Central School Grounds aKvilie quarter-century of church union| A representative of Briarcrest (Personal protection and in life was celebrated by a large con-|Bible School addressed the |after death I don't know how to gregation at a special 25th an. | Young People's meeting Monday |Put it into words. niversaty service Sunday morn-| evening, when the soloist was nl strange thing happen- ing. A regulation order of service [Monica Barnard. d toime.tSeveralivears ago I' was was followed. The minister, Rey. Mrs. Alberta Keele, missionary fying to Chicago. It was a Sun- Harry Pawson, preached upon the [from South America, was the day afternoon in the middle of significance of church union in| Speaker at yesterday afternoon's|December, and the weather was its various aspects. The sermon meeting of the Women's Mission. arn There was a lot of was followed by an act of dedica- We suddenly/Hostj the] radio tion on the part of the congrega- fal speaker at yesterday beam. For a long time we cruised tion. The eveming service was|evening's prayer meeting was |back and forth trying to pick it cancelled to permit members of (Rev. John Boyd of Guelph. up. Fog was all around us. We the congregation to attend a| Tomorrow evening's cottage [Were lost, off the beam, and fly- mass service in Maple Leaf Gar- (prayer meeting will be at the (ing blind. Our two-way radio dens, Toronto. homé of Mrs. Edith Grant, 38|Went out, and we had lost all Tables. were beautifully decors: | Herald Ave, communication with the world. ted with spring flowers for the| The Sunday school picnic will |For seven hours we flew--where, Silyer Tea held in Lusk Hall on|will be held on Saturday after-|We didn't know. Nobody knew Friday afternoon by members of noon, June 24, to the farm of the |Where we were; nobody even St. John's Womas's Association | pastor, Rev. A. A. Stoll, Lower (knew we were lost. in celebration of the 25th anni-|Middle Road, Clarkson. Darkness was coming on. Then versary of church union. Princi-| CHURCH of the EPIPHANY. ae ae Dn Le al speaker was Mrs. Hunter ol vi ur] he pilotbrougl eRshiD Dn a Ar = cele | down to within one hundred feet bytery W.A., who outlined the| monicht (uhiesday) and we saw light) go flashing by out! night (Thursday) the after-| ~ hay work of that organization. Mrs. | oon branch onal four-lane 'highway. organization of the W.A, is spon-| "uy SE R. L. Gregory was in charge of |soring a euchre for the heating ne Un my Tow mn fhe tea, assisted by Mrs. T. S. H. | fq my pie 1 = and Giles, Mrs. Lloyd Wright, Mrs. vo tow were owed it for some distance. Fiona Anderson and. Mes (A on hel Altar Were)" Then! we saw a red glow away n loving memory of Francis|ore to the right, headed for it Biette. Proceeds from the tea, [Newton andl were given by 'his| or to ie right, headed for it, which was well patronized, are| yr 0" SRG NETS | Y WSland saw a river gleaming. We Boliig turned'. over tof thie 5 flew up that river, and out of the man's Association Dominion ST. LUKE'S six-thirty dusk of winter sprang Council. - Sunday the graves in the cem-|a town--Toledo! I saw the To- etery will be decorated after the [ledo-Edison sign flashing as we The last monthly meeting of ; the season of the Evening Auxil-|morning service. swept over the bridge tops. Skim- ming the roofs, we circled and ary, W.M.S,, took the form of a CHRISTIAN SCIENCE picnic at the home of Mr. and largely attended lecture, [131080 at the airport a moment Mrs. Fred Hotson Monday eve-|«, Sei i ;|later. We had just enough gas ning. "Chri ony a at! |tett_for eleven minutes of flight. GRAND The fregular © meeting of theln for. Seattle, was! given inl the, ve ied flown DIfad, witout a WMS. was held Tuesday after-| High School auditorium on Sun-| DCA Dut We were on a beam, noon at the home of Mrs. H. C.| aay afternoon. "From time fm |Just the same. I like to think it DRAW Hindmarsh. memorial the worship of God has| V2 fhe "Big Radio" that kept Members of Oakville Lodge 132 pean accompanied by song," said us going--the Thing that keeps LO.O.F. will hold their annual| ihe lecturer. "Indeed, praise and |2l. ©f US flying safely through (3 1000 00 church parade to St. John's |song go hand in hand, bringing |i fo and night, toward some » GAMES o CLOWN Church this coming Sunday |narmony where discord has| Mysterious and important goal BOND morning. seemed to be. How much human. | Lhe "Big Radio" is a two-way : The annual picnic 'of the Sun lity needs: the uplifting influence [iSP: You've got to keep tuned in -- FERRIS WHEEL day ischiool ifs] being held to. Hid flor nis! heavenly | harmony ito| x 8 It, and (vou lavellio talk den Valley, near Aldershot, on| gay: s » ack. I believe in prayer. I learn- J y! Mankind needs to throw off rider) afternoon, Juus 23. its fllhumors, its fears, its en- (4 10 Pray as a kid at my moth- SPECIAL DRAW - MERRY -GO- ROUND KNOX vyings, ts diseases, its head- so : aches and its heartaches. What| On day In France with only Wheelbarrow Full of 2 Adult Ride isha tnversary, of the | better way can be found than by [1S Magneto on my Newport bi: Silver Dollars > establishment of the Presbyter- y plane functioning, 1 was attack: 2 Children's Rides fan Church in Canada will be ob the expression and enjoyment of| 35h "or co Goran © Albatross ¢ served atla special | (service ni[|SPIitual J, harmonye (Christlan| JSG EC SECRET LS Salos $ 100.00 Knox Church on Sunday morn-|Sclonce nas brought this precious | yyy "hat the terrific pressure ¢ 7 REFRESHMENTS ing, June 25. The minister, Rev, 'co | collapsed my righthand upper CE. Nicoll, will be in' charge.|| On Sunday, June 13. service|cp Boo tpl B80 EE, RPE) Space Contributed By: There will be no evening service, | and Sunday school will be at 111,16: come out of that whirl '| o'clock. The subject will be "Is rl fy mv we a the! Universe, | facluding. Man, of death. I often wish I could HITCHCOX MOTOR SALES EC evolved by atomic force?" And |think as fast under normal con- Church, Toronto. from the citations "Beware lest A communion service was con-|anV man spoil you through phil ducted by Rev. Mr, Nicoll on |0S0phy and vain deceipt, after Sunday morning. Prior to the ser-| the tradition of men, after the vice Mr. Nicoll conducted a ser. |rudiments of the world, and not vice at the Wolf Cubs' camp at|after Christ." a hold ll Believe In Prayer : ns et the Jump summer bazaar on the church Sins 23 on Thursday afternoon, |, captain Eddie Rickenbacker he annual Sunday school pic-|Capt. Rickenbacker, president of F 0 will be held to Hidden Valley, [ Eastern Air Lines, is honored Sd ~ near Aldershot, on Wednesday |and loved as ong of the greatest ¢ - on - afternoon, June 28. American heroes of our time. Knox Church will be closed| man of inspired and demonstrat. during July. when union services|ed faith. In his brilliant career will be held in St. John's Church. [and through many dangers, he n The latter church will be closed |has shown that faith actually all of August and the first Sun-|works. day in September, when the ' ' N services will be held at Knox| There are a lot of things ii Church. All union services will be |about the human mind and soul ni thes mornings only. that we don't know 'much about. ST. JUDE'S We get glimpses of them when 5 pa is the|n times of danger or suffering s coming Saturday is the| yo 'crogg a little way over the as or tne mens garen ue oe Slr ; whic oko As I roared down the last Whil | d k BO le iB feature |giretch in an automobile race ile costs are low an stocks =, Dlg over | Years ago, I felt that I could > by | control that machine with my I if | | i ind girls' vm teams under the ming, that I could hold it togeth- are p entifu ; lay In your supply a ee taier with my mind, and that if it 3 finally d 1 c . aso of. rn. th! manors wha | 1 eotispsed 1 eould run of coal for fall and winter! Get be held in the parish hall. 5 e Lowville Park will be the scene th . : of the Halton Deanery Laymenls e jum i Service of. Witness and picnic on . is Jump on wintertime expenses Sunday afternoon, July 9. His 5 Ryrie-Birks Lordship the Bishop of Niagara a d b d Id h will be present and will address Done In n € ready to greet co weath- the gatherMg. - Members of St. Oakville : Jude's congregation are urged to Focatel RMD rs er in cozy co f attend. Opposite Loblaw Groceteria y miort. The annual children's outing || "Guy La will be held on Saturday after- en Es Gui >on | Gray Fuel & Ice Co. Wishes to announce that he has moved his office to 61A COLBORNE ST. EAST (ABOVE RUSSELL'S DRUG STORE) DUNDAS ST. NORTH TELEPHONE 85 Phone Oakville 1399 Melee CLL LLL LLP TT

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