Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 15 Jun 1950, p. 13

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TH ) hursday, June 15, 1950 O0AKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 13 ome Nursing Class | Graduates, Volunteers For Hospital Work of the Red home nursing received their fileven members pss volunteer cient degree of skill was achiev- @ a A plan was outlined by Mrs. Donald MacRae for the forma- in Lusk (tion of a Red Cross volunteer I. Mrs. Eyre Davis, president (nurses aid group, which could the Oakville and District Red [undertake simple nursing care s branch, made the presenta-| under supervision at the hospit- s, and thanked graduate nur-|al. On calling for volunteers to , physicians, dentists and die-| begin about July 1, Mrs. MacRae fans who had given their time|was able to list many of the 1949 making the course a success-|and 1950 graduating class mem- fill one. bers. [rhe classes, which began in or preston exercises op- 3 x 7 ine | ened with a brief address by Rev. i: uary, covered basic nursing... "hiteon who spoke of the [BEnciples, minor emergencies | christian aspects' of nursing. A a preparation for voluntary film showing Red Cross outpost Bri in the community. Fifteen |hospitals in operation followed. Btures comprised the course. handsome bouquet was pre- sented to Mrs. MacRae, super- ocedures were demonstrated | iis or the course, by the class. graduate nurses and practiced Refreshments, served in the Lad- the volunteers until a suffi-lies' parlor, concluded the evening. Col. Louis Keene Varsity Club Speaker The June meeting of the Uni- versity Women's Club met af Mrs. Blair Ferguson's, King St. Col. Louis Keene was guest speaker and was introduced by Mrs. Jack Milne. He spoke on his recent trip to Europe and his talk proved extremely interesting, dealing as it did with present conditions. Col. Keene felt Russia was following the same pattern as of the last 150 years. Under the Czars it tried to do exactly as now--penetrate weaker countries. In 1830 the British fleet prevent- ed Russia from seizing the Dar- denelles. At present Russia Is using Europe as a back door and Asia as a front door to her con- quests. She can give a better standard of living to Japan and China than they already have. Russian methods are typical in Finland. Here she has establish- ed an enclave and a certain stretch of territory on the Gulf of Finland is closely guarded by. the Russians. Travelling on a train through this enclave the blinds are pulled and complete HD. SISTERS ALL By Joan Love Calloway. Whether they are referring to business, politics, the professions, ibor or management, the people at the bottom never stop criticising e policies of their superiors. And while it is definitely not true ill: all the people at the top are stupid, it is inevitable that a few fdilds should creep into higher posts. . . . When this is the case, it is ffustrating for person of ability to see his own progress blocked by ime "poor tool" above him . . . All of which is pointed up in the re- fark of a fellow-worker the other day who said: "Just give me the bob and I'l finish the tools." ¥ ¥ A lot of things are new these days. But when you reach for a bx of PRUNES, you are not a little startled by the label which ys they are "pasteurized" . . . If you happen to live in a district Ifhere the water there is very hard water, try adding a tablespoon of Bincear to the water when you are cooking RICE. It will keep it om turning yellow. - When it comes to a flower bed ing letter and asks for your as- bloom, + there's | sistance to keep it circulating. as hardy and 8| Dear Sir--This chain was bntinuous in its flowering as the | started in the hope of bringing happiness to all tired business men. Unlike most chain letters it does not require money. You simply send a copy Of this letter to five married male friends. Then bundle up your wife and send her to the person who heads this list. When your name comes to. the head of the list, you will receive 5,188 women, and some ife has the odd potted geranium bady to be evicted from the indow sill where it's been lol- ling all winter. Secret of outside bloom in ger- niums, according to a nursery PSpecialist, is to set pot and all Teht into the ground. The larger ozves should be kept picked off. fhe plants should be placed in|of them ought to be dandies. ho hottest sun and given little Haye faith and do not break | are kept | this chain; one man who did so got his wife back again. UNCLE FRONTENAC says he heard over the radio about a wo- man who crossed the U.S.-Can- adian Border with one suitcase containing her clothes and a bot- tle of liquor. Questioned by the Customs Officer, the traveller said the bag just contained her clothes. "Do you call this cloth- es?" he asked, lifting out the bottle. "Why, that's my nightcap," she flashed. r is permitted to develop fol- , the geranium in hot sun- Ehine will bloom like mad. Tip for better RHUBARB cook- ing is to let the cubes dry in the Biefrigerator for a day or two be- fore cooking them. This prevents fhe sauce from becoming stringy nd turns out a more attractive dessert. A CHAIN LETTER in the Lions News reads--One of your fnembers has received the follow- @ When you pass your doctor's pre- scription across a counter, you want to know that it is in responsible hands; hands that will consider this precious bit of paper as the direct command of a professional associate. Here, in this "Reliable" pharmacy you have that assurance. May we have the privilege of compounding your doctor's next prion? Thank you si d P: RUSSELL DRUG CO. Phone 47 SCRIPTION secrecy is maintained. A reign of terror surrounds the mouth of the Gulf of Finland and should any small fishing craft venture too close to Russian parts they are seized and the persons never heard of again. One explanation of the Russian type of thinking is the fact that they have never had any middlp ages, scratch a Russian and you get a Tartar. At present they are doing very well with the cold war but our Western civilization and particularly the United States realize they musn't be allowed to get away with too much lest we Angela Bruce Chapter Assists Guy Fund Miss Marion McNaughton, re- gent of the Angela Bruce Chap- ter, LO.D.E., presented a com- prehensive report of the semi- annual provincial conference, as! the chapter held its final meeting of the season at Victoria hall. Mrs. Tom Marshall, welfare convener; reported the chapter had provided assistance to 'an evicted mother and her children, arranging for funds to take the! family to Northern 'Ontario. The chapter also voted $25 to the Mrs. Garland Guy Disaster Fund. During the summer months, the chapter will operate the re- freshment booth at Wallace park while it was also announced that the Opportunity Shop, now locat- ed on Robinson St. will be open each Thursday and Saturday from 2.30 to 3.30 p.m. find ourselves emerged in an- other war, too dreadful to con- template, in all probability the end of our civilization. Czechoslovakia is the window of the Iron Curtain, to all intents and purposes very prosperous as evidenced by their display at the Trade Fair in Tor- onto. However, Col. Keene recog- nized some of the display as that of pre-war material and felt that it was merely designed to im: press Canadians with Communist prosperity. Germany has recovered very well, the Americans having pour- ed millions of dollars: into that country. It is a buffer state be- tween the Russians and the West and the war damage has been repaired very fast. They them- selves are very industrious work- ing long hours, perhaps painting at twelve o'clock at night. Cig- arettes are plentiful and where- as at one time 100,000 cigarettes would buy a car in Germany, now there fis no shortage. Holland and Denmark are re- covering well and doing business with Britain. Belgium is particu Jar is blooming industrially Brussels has the bright lights and the night life found in pre-war Paris. Belgium profited by her holdings in the Congo and there built up sterling and other dollar credits. show better blending of i HOUSE PAINT Controlled, self-cleaning house paint! The film wears down slowly, naturally; retains fresh appearance a longer time. Easy brushing. Completely weather proof . . . resists water, cold and extreme heat of sun. Formula better than ever. Chalking is regulated by 1f.cleani SE Designed for longer protectic BASECOAT-- Endurance Basecoat when used with En- dusance House Paint gives you the finest paint job possible. The Oakville Lumber Co PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE Opposite Post Office GLIDDEN ts to permit ud crisper beauty. ENDURANCE House paINT Ltd. Phone 1383 ANT Wearing Apparel is bound to bring a smile tosdad's face when he opens his gift. Right now the trend's toward comfort . . casions. . lighter weight clothes for all oc- { A nice sport shirt is sure to please him! We have a grand assortment in white and all the popular pastel shades. ... If he's a appreciate a new pair of swimming trunks. . have a large assortment of which to styles from choose. swimmer A) ~ Another pleasing gift . . . a YEN pair of slacks in his favorite color . . . in tropical or gab- he'll .. We May we also suggest: PULLOVERS NECKTIES SOCKS DRESS SHIRTS PYJAMAS WINDBREAKERS " FATHER'S DAY June 18th odd Stored Co., LU. "Oakville's Own Fashion Centre"

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