Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 15 Jun 1950, p. 15

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irsday, June 15, 1950 OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 16 EDDIE'S GARAGE | (EDDIE ROWE) General Repairs To All Makes of Cars PHONE 1106 | Randall St, Oakville | Saturday, July 15 is going to be a big day for the youngsters of Oakville's west side. It's the day set aside for Ollie Buck's picnic, an annual event to which every boy and girl in that district of the town looks forward. for Rear of Oakville Tire & Battery weeks ahead. It means a nice ride Lloyd E. MacDougall, D.C., D.T. Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist 61 A COLBORNE ST. EAST, OAKVILLE (ABOVE RUSSELL DRUG CO.) | TELEPHONE 146 I OFFICE HOURS: | MONDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY 9.30 A.M. to 8.30 P.M. AT OTHER TIMES -- BY APPOINTMENT Ollie Buck Lays Plans For Gala Annual Picnic to a beautiful park, lots of races and games with wonderful prizes, and all kinds of good things to eat and drink for everyone. "We bigger v expect the picnic to be and better_than ever this , Mr. Buck, the genial west- sider who organized the big out- ing several years ago, told the Journal. Mr. Buck, assisted by his capable wife and a group of enthusiastfc helpers, will soon start preparations for the picnic, which youngsters have been ask- ing about for the past several weeks. The picnic is open to all young children living in Oakville west of the creek. It will be held this year at Miles Park, Erindale, the same place as last year. Trans: portation, soft drinks and ice cream is supplied free. For Tempting STEAK CHICKEN CHOP DINNERS DRIVE OUT TO THE Pig & Whistle Inn Bronte-by-the-Lake -- Before you go away on vacation be sure you check your office station- ery to see that you will have sufficient until your return . . . We too will be vacationing and that's why we urge you to ACT NOW! High Quality Printing --ON-- OFFICE FORMS - BOOKLETS - FOLDERS - resale hevro- initial opera- ade-in price POSTERS - WEDDING INVITATIONS BROADSIDES - CIRCULAR LABELS SALES SHEETS Oakville-Trafalgar Publishers 7 DUNN ST. TELEPHONE 1298 LETTERHEADS CARDS LETTERS ETC. LTD. NORTH French Dressing It isn't often that the mere male has an opportunity to de- monstrate his ability in prepar- ing fing foods--except, per haps, in France, where hus- bands are possibly just a bit more assertive. The men of St. Jude's church, however, have tried their culinary hands be- fore, and liked it. So once again this aggressive group has arranged to look after all the catering at their annual garden party, to be held on the lawn Saturday from 2 to 10 p.m But, just to' make certain that every last succulent menu detail will be correctly dealt with, they have imported for the occasion Monsieur Fran cois Smeethe, chef par execl- lence, who will act in a super visory capacity that positively guarantees to have mouths happily watering long before the supper hour rolls around. This will be one summer sup- per, gals that you are bound to enjoy! MUSIC ALBUM BY IRVEN FELL In last week's column I quoted an editor of the Canadian Review of Music and Art as writing the following; "The people will sing, given the opportunity and lead- ership; they should be given this opportunity 1 cannot this writer made the thinking help but wonder what had in mind when he statement. Was he about a group at a party, a choral society, a church choir? It is quite true, and I think most people will agree, that if someone with the ability to play the piano at a party starts to play, in no time there is a songfest underway. Many times I have noticed people sing- ing away at the top of their lungs with the veins in the meck stick- ing out and the face as red as a beet. As a matter of fact I have often marvelled at some of the voices in people whom I knew, but never suspected of being able to sing at all. This is one case where I can 'agree that, given the opportunity, people will sing. Let us now turn to organized singing groups, such as church choirs, choral socieities, and the like. Here is where I disagree. I know from experience that peo- ple who can sing, have choral experience and could be a won- derful help, will not sing, given the opportunity. Many are the excuses. In the first place we must remember that it entails a little time for rehearsals and in many cases these singers have something which they would rather do, than put in time at rehearsals. Ob, yes, they'll sing if they can come in at the last minute, but they do not like it well enough to put a little time in at it. I am talking about the habitual ones now. There are exceptions in all cas- es. I have asked singers in the last minute mysel? because I knew of their ability. Then we have those who will only sing in a choir with the right leadership, but the standard of leadership is judged by their own assumed brilliance. Nothing less than a Sir Ernest MacMillan or Dr. Fricker will do for these people; anybody else is beneath thelr idea, and as far as they are con- cerned, a waste of valuable time. A choir is far better without these people. Then we have the "too busy" ones. This does not just apply to singing, but to a lot of worthwhile things. There was a time when the law did not gov- ern the hours you worked In any event, 1 do not think I heard of so many busy people "I am so busy at the office that I like to rest when I get home, and when Sunday comes I like to sleep In," etc, etc. "If I can't be a regular attender I would ra- ther not join" How many times have we heard that one? I would like to wager that were never regular attenders in any- thing they ever belonged to. I could go on and on just out of my experience but what ls the use? Yes, people sing it given the opportunity and leadership But there are to many "buts" to class this as a generally true statement, It fs my experience that the real, genuine, busy per son, usually very busy with something over and above their generally for community good, who Is the one who can find time for relaxation in sing: ing. There are many who say they just love choir work, choral work and so on, but it is mostly lip service. Usually the really busy people have thelr time well planned, and have put aside so much time for relaxation of varlous sorts. It fs important to them as thelr busy time because relaxation time bullds them up for thelr work God in His goodness gave every one the same amount of time. It does not matter If you are a bil- lionafre, you have 24 hours like will the ditch digger. It fs how you plan the time which counts. Winner of the Week If Mrs. Helen Slater, Bronte, will call in at Lofquist's Record Letters To The Editor The Editor, Oakville-Trafalgar Dear Sir: During the=past few weeks, the Oakville-Trafalgat Junior Cham- ber of Commerce conducted their annual beautification. campaign under the capable chairmanship of Mr. Wm. Christensen We feel that our campaign this year was a-great success and at this time, we would lke fo, ex- press our sincere appreciation to you and your staff for the won- derful assistance rendered' to us. We would also like to thank all those who helped us by taking part in the parade and other functions pertaining to our campaign. Once again our many thanks to vou for your help and co-opera- tion. Journal, Yours very truly, Peter Watters, Beautification * Program Secretary, The y Oakville-Trafalgar Journal The Executive Committee of the Oakville Trafalgar Home and Schoal Association wi: to thank you for the publi you have given the ociation through your paper during the past year. You have been most generous in allotting us space and we do ap- preciate it. Yours sincerely, Mildred Dunn, Corrs. Secretary (Mrs) The Edito Oakville-Trafalgar Journal I would like to take this oppor- tunity of expressing to you and vour staff, the deep appre: ciation of the executive of the Grenfell Labrador Mission for your Kind co-operation which aid- ed so materially the success of our recent. collection. We are 'also deeply grateful to the 1.0.D.E: members and ladies of this district, who provided us with such large quantities of the much needed discarded silk and rayon material so essential to the wiyes of the Labrador fis ermen in the making of their beautifully designed rugs. This handiwork is not only a vital source of income but brightens the monotony of the lives of these gallant fisherfolk. It is indeed a privilege to live in a community S$ many public-spirited ready to assist all es Thanking you again, Sincerely yours, Grace Lloyd-JTones, District Convener very The Editor, Oakyille-Trafalgar Journal, The Oakville Committee for the Manitoba Flood Relief Fund wish to thank all those who con- tributed thelr efforts in the re- cent drive held in this commun- ity. Many organizations, clubs, so- cleties participated. Wo are also grateful to fhe many people who volunteered to help. The spontaneous effort by the people of Oakville is much appre- clated by our fellow citizens In Winnipeg. Yours sincerely, Carl Slipp Bar, she will be presented with a Red Seal Record, with the com: pliments of the Journal Adversity has made many a man great who, had he remained prosperous, , would only have been rich--Maurice Switzer This lovely basket of gift la awal you, if you are Newcomer to the city, have Just become engaged, are a New Mother, have just moved to a new address within the city, or just become Sweet Sixteen, This basket of gifts obligation. Phone your Wel- come Wagon Hostess below and arrange to receive these gifts. Welcome Wagon NEW YORK * MEMPHIS + LOS ANGELES TORONTO PHONE 807 ALL-WEATHER A bituminous concrete pave- ment is the economical an- swer to your drive way problem. It is engineered to give you durability and ap- pearance at low cost. ASPHALT All-Weather Asphalt pave- ment is hard surfaced, smooth and is designed to order for driveways, parking areas, service stations and industrial yards. MIX A representative qualified to answer your questions and to estimate your job can call on you promptly without ob- ligation--just telephone Oakville 772 All-Weather Asphalt Mix Ltd. Plant & Yard Office MALTON, ONT. Phone Brampton 191-W-4 Business Office OAKVILLE, ONT. Phone 772 P. J. COWAN, Mgr. Small kitchen? This 'COMPACT " FRIGIDAIRE Electric Range gives you'big range'advantages! Here's a bright, new, stream- lined Frigidaire Electric Range compactly designed to fit in smallest kitchens. In- cludes all basic features for fine electric cooking. Easy to operate -- economical to buy and use. Sec it today. sport Surface UNS Tuln-Unit Even-Heat « Full Size ven --yalst WE . High-Speed Broler . SY Porcelain--inside and out 14" vide : an Wool Insulation + Streamlined desi « Radlantub Oakville Hardware Your Community DAILY DELIVERY Hardware Store PHONE 290

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