Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 15 Jun 1950, p. 2

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Page 2 OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL PEOPLE and EVENTS The hoard of governors of the Memorial Hospital will meet to- night at 8 p.m. in the board room. Mr, Lowe and Mrs, have announced the Gordon Bruce en- gagement of their daughter, Dor- and all the residents were out for the affair. The young couple were presented with two occas- lonal chairs and an end table. Mr. and Mrs. McCready returned last week from their wedding trip and are now living on the Seventh Line at the bride's home een Elaine; to Douglas Kenneth| Where Mr. McCready will man- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Whalen, [ Chapman, son of Mr. and Mrs. [age the farm. Balsam Drive, entertained on |A. Douglas Chapman of Toronto, Ee. Sunday for Mrs. Whalen's father, | The marriage Will take place| Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hopper C. G. K. Nou of Winnipeg. Thursday, June 29, at 7.30 pm.[and Misses Carol and Donna cee at Kew Beach United Church, |Hopper attended the graduation Lt. C. A. Robinson, Oakville, | Toronto. ceremony at Convocation Hall, Was the officer chosen by the Tees Toronto, on Wednesday morning, Royal Regiment of Canada to| Winners of CPT euchre last |June 7th, when their son and Present the King's Color in a cer-| week were: Ladies, 1st, Miss Vv, |brother, Keith Hopper. received omony at St Jame's Cathedral, | Harker; 2nd, Mrs, Bowen: Cons, | the degree of Bachelor of Applied Toronto, on Sunday. Mrs. Pope. Gents, Ist, Mr. Lun-|Science. His aunt, Mrs. L. Cher- Fre din; 2nd, Mrs. Stanley; Cons, |Tington, Oakville, was also one of Westwood Friendly Circle will | Mrs. O'Rourke. Draw, Mr, D.|the guests. hold their regular monthly meet- ing Wednesday evening, June 21 at Westwood School. A pot luck supper will be served at 6.30 o'clock. Everyone is welcome to attend. This is our last meeting Fitzsimmons. *s ese ning. for the season. Will reopen in esses September. BEA Mrs. Fred Hotson were host and [Doulas Walsom Mr. and Mrs. BE. J. St Mars, | hostess to members of Rosedale|Bradley acted as Gloucester Road, entertained | Circle. Big Siatar Sunday evening in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Terence Lalor of Win nipeg, who are on their way to the Laurentians to spend their honeymoon. Ms. Lalor is Mr. St. Mars sister. She and her hus. band were actively engaged in Red Cross relief work in the re- cent Manitoba floods. Toronto, and their husbands. Tse Mr. and Mrs. Peter Downe are moving to their new home in Kent Garden Apts. this week. sre ee A sports day is being held at Linbrook School grounds this coming Saturday at 2 p.m. under the auspices of Linbrook Home Dr. and Mrs. Maurice Lunau| ang "School Association. There gntenained at ia windup partyliuiil ne hot dogs, role and loa Tuesday evening, for members of ude for overyene. the High School Old Boys' Re- ves union committee. essa Arnold Banfield is on a bus ness trip to Montreal, and is also going on a fishing trip north of that city. CR) Very Rev. A. . Stewart of Midland, former Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, who died in Montreal Sunday, was a brother-in-law of R. F. San- aa derson. sais nin alam SIs Soni a visit [1 oq wenneay, | Gakvilte| Reo: anti l S reational Director, will be the speaker at the monthly meeting of the Linbrook Home and School Association at Linbrook school on Tuesday evening, June 20, at 8 o'clock. The meeting will be the last until fall. ros Miss Jay Li gstone, Toronto, Spent the week-end with Mrs. Ar- nold Banfield. DRI AS Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Gibson at- tended the annual Prize Day at St. Andrew's College Aurora on Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ogilvie en- Saturday. tertained at supper for the Phil- lips-Crashley wedding party, fol- lowing rehearsal. sas ea Jean Catherine Caven gradu- ated in nursing from Wellesley division, Toronto General Hos- pital, last week, seem Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Sparling are on a motor trip to the Maritimes, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Low of Toronto, parents of Mr. St. Clair Low celebrated their 50th. wed- ding anniversary recently. cesses Mr. and Mrs. T. Marshall en- Mary Margaret Nicoll graduat- tertained at a dinner party Sun.|ed in a one-year diploma course dby evening. in home-making at Macdonald 4 xx an Institute, Guelph last week Mrs. Elspeth Young, Librarian of Oakville Public Library, is at- TRAFALGAR tending the annual conference of. : the Canadian Library Associa-| Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Post. tion in Montreal. Miss Betty Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fish and Mr. O'Reilly is in charge during her|and Mrs. B. A. Fish were guests absence. on Friday evening at a reception pases held in Ligny Public School, Mr. S. N. Lambert, Lakeshore |north of Milton, in honor of the Road West, entertained on Sun-|newly married couple, Mr. and day afternoon in honor of her|Mrs. Norman McCready, former son, Dr. E. H. N. Lambert, and|ly Clara Dunn. Ligny district is his bride. home community the groom's 0 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Collett en- tertained a group of friends after | morning. The the Fashion Show Saturday eve- [the Sunday School, Mr. 25880 A Children's Day service was held at Munn's Church on Sunday superintendent of som, presided.. fered by Mr. R. Prayer was of- Fairbarn and On Thursday evening Mr, and|G€orge St. John read the Tove and Edgar ushers. The Association, | SIN8ing of a junior choir of girls, aged seven years and up, sho: ed careful training. Using a post- age stamp as an object lesson, Rev. J. W. Stewart pointed out truths to be learned by young and old alike and applied to one's .daily life. ses en Among district who are with the Halton Crop Improvement Association bus trip to Ohio farms are Reeve W. H. Biggar, Councillor Emer- Ford, Lorne Fish, Royle, Fred Near and Harry Near. They left on June 11th. Taxa the farmers from this Miss Luena Conover accom- panied by her cousin, Miss Grace Conover, of London, and Mrs. H. S. Lovering, Teft on Saturday morning for a motor trip to southern United States. They purpose following the Mississippi route. teres Miss Clara Biggar returned on Friday from a few days visit to Buffalo. While there she attend- ed the 50th annual reunion ban- quet of Buffalo General Hospital Graduate Nurses' Alumnae As- soc.ation. terms Mrs. Elmer McLean, who is a patient in Oakville-Trafalgar Hospital, is improving nicely. Era Mr. and Mrs. Barl Albertson and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Fish made a quick trip to New York City over the week-end. PO Mrs. A. Walsom, Hall and Miss farshall at- tended the tea given by St. John's W.A. Oakville, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George Rainer, Detroit, were recent week-end guests at the home of Mr. Rain- er's cousins, Mr. and Mrs. David Mrs. G. E. Thursday, June 15, Miss Lois Biggar, of Annette St. Public School Staff, Toronto, entertained her fellow members on the staff at dinner one eve- ning recently. The married men teachers on the staff were ac- companied by their wives. xen Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fish attend- family, visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sunday, in days of Sally and Jimmy Brown. Ted Brown and Beach, were Mr. and Mrs. Brighton held at Walton Memoriy when the Palermo apg congregations worshippeg ther to celebrate the us, versary of the United Chup Canada. The church yu, if (Continued on Page g L. Patterson for dinner, honour of the birth- A very inspiring service was Norval United Church on ed the anniversary service at day morning. Later they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hort- ley Cameron, Norval. Rev. D. H. un- Deerhaven Kennels Regd, BOARDING hand amputated at the knuckle. He was a patient at the Oakville Memorial hospital for four days. S080 eq encaona Taree All persons interested in the work of the Bronte Public School are asked to attend the school this Friday, June 16, afternoon or evening when the Annual At Home is being held and the Hon. Hoey. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Dilworth and Mrs. D. A Hall. Toronto, were Sunday visitors with Miss A. Marshall. | Dana Porter will be in attend- ance. vewes Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hopkins were in Toronto on Saturday at- tending the funeral of Mrs. Hop- kin's great uncle, Mr. Wm. Moor- ish, who died in his 93rd year. AE EE Ee EY Ee EX EY ed el i ed 3 BIG DAYS Thursday-Friday-Saturday, June 15-16-17. ..hilarious salute | | to all the wonderful "Willies" who kissed the girls goodbye... THE BIGGEST | PARADE OF LAUGHS OF WORID WART \ Dy ITE TOMNSEN For your added pleasure Color Cartoon News and Short Mon. Tues. e CENTU E--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0-- -- ) --0--0--0--0--0-- 0 --N June 19-20 From the Book-af-the-Month and Reader's Digest sensation by Agnes Scientifically Air Conditioned For your comfort Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. SPIT SECOND: THRIESE Added Latest News Extra every Matinee three colored car- with, THE , nl EAST SIDE Kis Mon.-Tues.-Wed. June 19-20- . BEAUTY TRAPPED : JAP TREACHE The y Invaders | Starring Laurence Olivier Saturday Added Colored Cartoon \ Gallagher, formerly of Oakville, i was the guest minister. % i Saisie x Upper Middle Road Telephone 457. A -- and es Gilbert Post, (B. K. SNIDER) | > hitney, Ontario, visited last seek for a few days at the homes |# CLIPPING - WASHING - WORMING - DEFLEA bi 5 yy 2 Summer Reservations for Boarding Being Recei Wai st. ; NOW--Accommodations For Cats wl Tess 2 of I Mr. and Mrs. L. Fish, Grant = _ |Fish, Mrs. W. Featherstone and ding daughter and Miss Marie and Gi Jack Featherstone were in ther Guelph on Saturday at the an- chal nual Holstein-Jersey annual pic. The nic. of ¢ caren il The degree of Bachelor of skirt Household Economics was con- arra ferred on Miss Summer (Babe) bloss King at the Convocation at Tor- cade (Continued on Page 6) peas Mi BRONTE of I siste Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lyell, burtc amilton, were visitors in Bronte tend: on Saturday. in w cress mau Mrs. S. Gilliam, Carol and of Bou; John, Welland, spent the week. One satisfied customer yell end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. anton always tells another-- W. Gilliam. ¥: om eae about oe Nancy Hill and Evelyn Scarrow . rn spent the weelcend in Toronto. RIVIER'S -- Elsie ss roses. Mrs. Wm. George and children, i oy afters Indiana, are, spending 2 months, Those Careful Cleaners crepe at the home of Mrs. George's par- a cor S; -at-the-Lake ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Brock- Forsytheaf Al For way. Phone 1123 Lo a with hid Little Karen Chalmers who e was, quite ill for a few days has ; improved. One LEE turesg Ken Richardson had the mis Sature fortune while at work in a local When industrial plant to get one of lis: fore fingers badly crushed while ley, working at a machine. Two days united later, Earl Richardson suffered a Hartle similar accident and had to have and the middle finger of his right Baltim TEL Ah \ 5 Se with 4 : Inlica Tom Neal-Ann Savage-J. Gard shell It's cool at the Greg! A Theatre in fact it's fl winhhe coolest place in town. of I) Phone 5 [| wear! today! from

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