Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 22 Jun 1950, p. 11

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Thursday, June 22, 1950 OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 11 HIGH SCHOOL HIGHLIGHTS By Myke Dyer Spring is meant to be a happy time of year, especially June, but to 'me right now, it is a very sad moment. Sad only because I JIMMY It was fortunate that he lived In all the Peoria schools, a scien- for Jimmy in Peoria, Illinois. tific vision test was given to every child. Jimmy's test reveal ed he had alyision difficulty des- adequate for that. The purpose was merely to locate any trouble 50 that his parents could be ad- vised to have his vision thorough Iy checked. After Jimmy's farsightedness had been corrected bringing the fuzzy world info clear focus, his dullness vanished overnight. It Was not long before he caught up Wife Preservers with the other children In~ his have to bid a fond adieu to this pite the fact that he could easily age group. Det of mine, High School High. [ead all the letters on a standard | 5° Fou 1 : : A Se ing eve chart at twenty feet. Test-| JIMMY'S experience was nof Do not wax venetian blinds. Steel'on Ughts, which I have been nursing |¢ A CL exceptional, since nearly two| aluminum slats do not need this eis for two years | now--over sixty [iE eyesight only by, reading a fcePbon of Peoria's children | Protection, and wood! should nat be femme Toul Lana the ont [I a enue a al require visual at-| wanes you are sr vou never will LAZY DRAWL Damned Don't Ory." Like other |thing I can do is hope that you, Ty tollehildren tana} parents IFSC f although most of them Bald I th woo 1s rea i aon | 5 ; eligible gentlemen, ~~ elgible for | faithful reader, have enjoyed | alike. were not handicapped to the ex- RA Jimmy Stewart Se oe Unt | marriage that fs, he frequently catching it as much as I have|Af the age of tent that Jimmy. was. Sy Te ducts of |PRUSEs to dream of girls. His per-| enjoyed pitching It to you. pire, Jom What happened in Peoria and LOOKING FOR San Pe i Es fl fn 0 (lary In a few other scattered places 8 em a ed Refore Wo ness rial goodbye, | for ' men tally] Sema at ty Ro] on mmowlesaetyi natin yy Se rer or Te) ust Tae over the last week's | retarded child side and Hamilton, could be hap. ENTERTAINMENT? cot it ) nti Parker, the shapely gams of activities, which, because of ex-|ren doing third Ping in te a or "Nobody noticed it much until | yo" Crawford, the curvesome|3ms, have been very limited. |grade work poor land. The cost of such a visual || FOr Clubs, Banquets, Gar- I got to Hollywood," said the ac- shoulders of Ruth Roman, the al-| Fifth form departmentals ended |ly because Survey Is small, and in fact can den Parties, Etc for, {People seemed vo Hike, {ao oe Mos of ores in Mayo, the|Yesterday afternoon and despite Save tie! Settee] roms ent Parties, : of (course Hatdn'vitry to getiridi of [oor 10 of Viginia |} Wyman, | the annual grind, everyone emer- Ne ay CONTACT Ny Jt be geographical, | the. voles of Dorls Day, thé hips|Eed with a smile on his face ly to cond Th off EY sarm 2 . nd they | Of Gaby Andre, the walst of Laur. |Teady to greet a long Summer | ype in the text: Hall sum. Glover Booking Agency [8 I'm from 3) 4 7|en Bacall, the hands of Patricia (vacation. A big graduation sup-|books, ; re ing (don't have a drawl there. They | roy) and the grace of June Hay-|DPer and dance was held last night |o ther J You have only one pair of eyes Phone 1282-W | do have a few pecullaritles off" THC 00 ETC together, says [through the courtesy of the |saw 3 to last you a lifteim. Protect i speech, though. You don't notice |g, fF, them alli tose any man School 'board, and as I looked |blurred when Jimmy tried to|this priceless possession, your Oakville them until you get away from | op out of this world! around the hall all those grads |read it. eyes, so that they may give por home. I get Henn LE Lr Undoubtedly. seemed to be haying a great The vision test did not attempt To a mn service my mother sometimes; she'll say Ume. Toasts, speeches, ' soues, |i iagnose or treat dimmu throushout yo . she is going to "rid a room." That STELLAR COOK BOOK dancing (and a couple of gags trouble. The time and equipment| HAY® them examined regularly . means she's going to clean it." Movie celebs sometimes do the|PY the mc) all contributed to available at the school was not|©Very two years. Ken Gallinger About hfs speech habits Jim- the wonderful evening. Many my added, "I think it's a combin- |MOSt surprising things. thanks to the Board a USE De Wm C. Mi i an R.O ation of slow talking and stutter-| Take David Brian, for example, ; ; » G 1 adil . d Exteri ing. It has been a handicap to|afely a Killer" 'in thé "The| Today the "Fighting Class of Jokes are still pushing through OPTOMERIST - OPTICIAN nterior and Exterior me at times. When I have to| Damned Don't Cry." At this writ.| itty" has split up and each one the fog; like this one--hear of 2 ING k rapidly ' and forcefully, I|In8 Mr. Brian is preparing to|is wending his way to fame ang |the moron Who spent his time 69A COLBORNE ST. E. DECORATIN speak rapidly 20 Dblish i i trying to find how many bottles oe publish a cook book, consisting| fortune by different routes. In |t 7 | (Over Bank lef Commerce) "But, 1 guess I can't complain." (Of a collection of his wife's | fact as you read this on Thurs. |ID a case of emergency? ; PHONE 528-W-13 J (Adrian Booth) recipes. Brian|day, five of the class are on their | that ruins my gp ying Oakville f SPEAKING OF GIRLS! vows that Adrain is the best cook | way to spend the summer into Jeavela good inuprassionlonlmy TELEPHONE 1507 OAKVILLE | SASt and west. of the world's| trees! Back to the apes we go! |Teaders! Handsome Steve Cochran fan't| pus: Ah well, T must not stretch always the dastardly villain he And now! wel reach 'the finale. |ithis 'ast one out. What I cond j portrays in pletures like "The PRINCIPLE OF THINGS Two yeafs ago a very green-horn | do js just say "au revoir", thank ; : and nonsuspecting person was all you faithful readers and help. 7 Lh i Virginia iy Se approached and asked to write | gy ities and go to bed with . 3 1 ore gd Captain Hom [Rin sehen] oot te the memories of the great, times atlo Hornblower" were filmed | oo. 5 memo 8 § upon the deep and rolling ocean. | Jot: And Since that time I have I have had getting information 3 LS | picked up invaluable information |ang writing this for the past two | She accomplished all of them,|on the . journalism business years. Yes, I could do that, but it J. F. CARTER, ASSOCIATE Particularly the romantic ones| through the courtesy of my sup-| wend tay to long, So, in. "Finis" Vith Gregory Peck, with mary aerlors here at the Journal, tea |fpenie again, everyone, good- RE gi fl -- MORTGAGES Slgn of seasickness, nor so.much [chers and student critics, which | pos d Keep! In touch, won't 'AL ESTATE -- INSURANCE DRTGAE bye, and keep , as even a dainty maldemer-main i) top me along the roush you? 118 COLBORNE ST. EAST urp. : EE : i When the company moved | Titer Beach Phone 490 -- Holidays 296-W ) landside, however, for addition-| Despite this year of great suc-| Because I've been fo Manda: ON E : OPEN EVENING i al scenes on a studio prop ship|cess in Oakville the old moron | lay." g D § rocked by manual power, Miss i i Mayo became sicker than a horse i" : with the heaves. i "I guess it's just the principle oa Bh efore You Leave On Your i FISH STORY si | i i 3 § £ | H Wswell game is to tell Dad to Quality Venetian Blinds Custom Made Guaranteed Two Years REPAIR and LAUNDRY SERVICE Venetian Blind Laundry & Mtg. Co. If Mrs. R. Medland, 69 Walker i St, will present' herself at the | box office of the Century theatre il PHONE 859 any night next week, she and . { Wallace Ford, now doing one of his famous likeable heel roles for "The Breaking Point" tells a fish story to end all fish stories. "I met an old prospector in the mountains," said he, "who told me to use ant eggs for bait the --kind you find in the hills of those big red babies. So I did, and the darned fish practically grab- bed 'em out of my hands. I came home with 97 pounds of iced fresh trout!" GUEST OF THE WEEK another guest will be admitted free as guests of the Journal. HEY KIDS! Ask your Dad A new, exciting game all the kids on the street will want. You can Play the game with Dad, pitch curves, slow balls just like the real thing and yet you can carry ie game around in your pocket. And all you have to do to get this bring his carin tous fora... Xk TIRE, BATTERY AND o FAN BELT INSPECTION nd we'll give him a free baseball game for you. He'll want this free fospection, because it will save him trouble later on. Make sure you tell Dad he's Wnder 50 obligation to buy anything! COMPLETE GOOD) FRE BASEBALL GAME! to get you a TIRE SERVICE Wm. Whitaker & Sons STATION ROAD PHONE 141 MAKE SURE YOUR SUMMER CLOTHES ARE READY . . | LET US CLEAN THEM For Pick-up and Delivery 24-HOUR SERVICE CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS JULY 1st to 8th INCLUSIVE LAKESHORE CLEANERS her I

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