Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 22 Jun 1950, p. 14

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Page 14 OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY INSURANCE ELECTRICAL 8. H. GILES INDUSTRIAL Real Bs and Insurance LA 189 Colborne Street Hast e - - - - Phone 632 19 Melinda St. Toronto - - - Adelaide 2761 Evenings - - - Oakville 712 GENERAL, INSURANCE H. S. THORNTON Phone 874 Lakeshore West, Oakville A. F. BERRILL "Oakuville's Active Broker" Real Estate and Business Broker Insurance Oakville, Ont., Phone 1233 PROFESSIONAL A a CARSTEN GLAHN, R.O. OPTOMERIST OPTICIAN Professional and Technical Services essential to eye care HOURS: Daily 9.00 to 5.30 Sat. 9.00 to 12.30 Mon. & Thurs. eve. 7.00-8.00 163 COLBORNE ST. E. PHONE 1375 WILLIAM C. MILLIGAN, R.O. Optometrist * Optician 69A Colborne St, Oakville, Ont. (Over the Bank of Commerce) Professional eye examination & prescription services, TELEPHONE 1507 Closed All Day Wednesday HOURS: Daily 9.30 am-5 p.m. Thursday evening--7.00-8.00 p.m. or by appointment W. A. CAMPBELL, D.V.M, V.S. Accredited Veterinarian Hours by Appointment Home Office 29 Herald Ave. ELECTRICAL SERVICE BROWN ELECTRIC . CONTRACTORS Gord Brown Phone 1059 Oakville BILL ANDERSON RADIO '- APPLIANCES Sales & Service Phone 521-M Dunn St. North Oakville L. F. CLEMENT HOME ELECTRIC AUTHORIZED FRIGIDAIRE DEALER Service & Installation of all - Makes WORK GUARANTEED PHONE 1441 16 THOMAS ST. N. BOOK TWO Patsy's Kid Fudgee By HERBERT C. MERRY CHAPTER 22 CLOSING UP TIME Every fall at Owlscroft comes the sad time that we never look forward to. It's closing up time. We don't enjoy it and neither do the dogs. They get So excit- ed that they hardly eat. They, too, know that we have reached the end of another season and Owlscroft, like the bears in the north country, will go to sleep for the winter. It's a long hard winter with lots of snow in large deep drifts and many a cold, dreary day will come and go before we take off the storm shutters in the spring. "Oh eggs In GENERAL ELECTRIC Oil Burners Commercial Refrigeration Sales & Installation A. C. PENN 94 Maple Ave., Phone 1544 Oakville NURSERIES ROBT. NIELSEN NURSERIES Garden Design and Landscape Con tracting TREES -- SHRUBS -- ROSES We Grow - Desiga - Plant 3 Prune - etc. Oakville R.R. 1 Phone 1444-W LINBROOK NURSERIES Growers of High Quality Nursery Stock Designers of Fine Gardens Phone 390W 3 -- Contracting -- Trafalgar Farms Office Phone 1344 EIGHTH LINE N. Phone 137J OAKVILLE NURSERIES OSTEOPATH Evergreens, Shrubs, Bedding Plants CARLTON GREEN Landscaping -- Fruits Osteopath Lakeshore Highway W. 63 Division Street Phonte Bronte 56W. By Appoi Only. Phone 826 WM. SEALE Evenings, Wednesday After- noon, Saturday and Sunday. BARRISTERS ANGUS McMILLAN Custom Tractor Work Wood Sawing, Plowing, Discing, Bte. Phone 224-W FLOOR SERVICE Barrister -- Solicltor Notary Public 107 Colborne Street East BRONTE FLOOR SERVICE 'elephone Oakville 582 FLOOR: SANDING & ROSS RYRIE Barrister Solicitor Notary Public 61-A Coihorne St. East Telephones Office 65: Residence 1487-w. D. A. McCONACHIE Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public 169 COLBORNE ST. Telephone Oakville 1304 JOHN F. ISARD Barrister -- Solicitor Notary Public Successor to W. N. Robinson, K.C. 142 Colborne St. East Phones: Bus. 15 : Res. 216 JACK A. SEED Barrister-Solicitor Notary Public 27 Park Avenue Telephone 1237-R ACCOUNTING C. L. OLIVER and CO. Accounting and EAE Business Systems Installed Income Tax Returns 32 Thomas Street P.O. Box 402 Ham, 7-5452 - Oakville 1268 D. HAMILTON-WRIGHT Chartered Accountant Telephone Oakville 1399 163 Colborne St. REPAIRS To all types of commercial and domestic refrigerators and electric ranges. PARTS & SERVICE GUARANTEED E. W. BURBIDGE 136 Robinson St. Telephone 1423W akville LINOLEUM FLOORS LAID LINO-MASTIO-RUBBER TILE PHONE BRONTE 184 W. H. PARKIN Floor Sanding & Refinishing Phone 1058-W ROOFING NICHOL'S ROOFING New. roofs & Old roofs applied Insul-Bric siding & Asbetos siding Insulation Materials Haves Troughing: Materials supplied & sold Peter P. Nichols New Phone 2544 Burlington Oakville 1445 88 CLARKE AVE., BURLINGTON (Estimates Given) BUILDING custard!" said Patsy, as she watched me bringing out the shutters from under the cottage. "I can't see no sense in closing up a nice place like this as tight as a clam shell. Seems only last week we came up and got things nicely opened up, and I'm not sure it wasn't just yesterday we arrived here with my seven new kids. Now look--all my kids but Fudgee have gone and here you are closing up for the winter." She sat comfortably basking in the lovely warm rays of the late fall sun and sniggling the feath- ers on her front paws. Close by, curled up fast alseep lay Fudgee. "Well, you might lend a fellow a hand, or a paw--you lazy old toot." I said as I hoisted a shut- ter into place. "You needn't just sit there all 'day and pass com- ments." "You can count me out, my friend," she said in her deep voice, slightly on the loud side. "I don't do nothing and no one says--" She laughed a wicked little laugh and ambled away to- wards the Pioneer Cottage next door. Fudgee slept on peacefully, en- joying the warm fall sunshine. Every once in a while, her little body -quivered as her muscles tightened to chase a dreamy bunny rabbit who was running through a field of clover in her dreamland. The next comment on my ac- tivity came from Taffee when she arrived back from her morning scrounging tour. These were ex- citing days for Taff. Every day someone was closing up a cot: tage and such wonderful things were thrown out! It was a de- light to Taffee's heart to see the heaping trash baskets just drip- ping with treasures. They were just sitting there waiting for her to collect them. So collect them she did. It's hard to say how many trips a day she made from the trash cans to her secret lair under the cottage. Just now she arrived' with a beautiful tea ket- tle. It was a daisy kettle and the thin little tin bottom had been burned nearly completely out, but this didn't matter to Taffee. To her it was another rare object of art and the main feature was it had a lovely little red wooden handle by which she could carry it so easily. "Ot sha doon Jo?" she said with the kettle still dangling out of her mouth, "I haven't the least idea what you are saying," I told her. "If youd empty your mouth or put down that truck you're carrying before you speak like any polite, 11 CHAS. WATT Local Representative . Cooke Limited CONCRETE BLOCKS Aldershot, Ont. Phone 386J3 TURNBULL & HOLDRIDGE Building Contractors Concrete - Masonry Blockwork 1578W - OAKVILLE - 903 TORONTO - PLaza 5491 Wayne & Harrington Building Contractors Blockwork & Carpentry NO JOB TOO SMALL Burl. 2820 - Bronte 51-R dog would, I might understand you." She carefully lowered the old The Cookee Colum n with a tinful plunk and wakened Fudgee. "Which way did that rabbit go?" squealed Fudgee as she tried to run two ways at once and ran head on into Aunt Taff. "I sald," repeated Taffee in her best high brow manner. "What are you doing? Why are you cov- ering all our windows with funny looking green slabs? Is someone asleep in there?" "I am closing up," I explained "We are going home for the win- ter and we won't be back until next year in the spring-time." "Leaving here--going home?" Taffee said nearly choked in her excitement. "Leaving here--going home?" mimmicked Fudgee, not nearly as excited as Taffee. Closing up was not a new pro- cedure to Patsy, but to little Fudgee and Taffee it was a new, horrible experience. The dogs have always hated this, because they are afraid they may be left behind, so they stick as close to us as they can, and follow us everywhere we go until everyone is safely packed in the car to drive back to Oakville. At the last minute, when all was ready, we couldn't find Taf- fee. After much calling, she ap- peared. She crawled out from under the end of the cottage where her treasures were hidden. " I can't come yet," she said. "I am packing my treasures to go ome." "There'll be no more truck in this car," I told her. "We have enough now. Come on, there's only room enough for you." "Oh I must take one!" she wailed in tears. "I just have to take one to Teddy Hannah." In a few seconds she arrived at the car with her fayourite treasure--the tea kettle, her newest love. Away we went, bumpety-bump- ety over the rough road. Our load shifted at the first turn. A box of things fell over on the dogs. Taf- fee's kettle fell noisily to the floor. Great was the commotion thereof--but We were on our way home! Chirpie Saw A Hat Walking AND EVERYONE AGREED THIS WAS A CURIOUS THING Chirpie Sparrow came to the windowsill, and instead of eat- ing the crumbs which the child- ren had spread out for him, he chirped out in his loudest voice: "Hanid! Knarf! Come here!" Knarf and Hanid came running to the window-sill to find out what Chirpie wanted. "It's the most amazing thing I've ever seen!" he said. "A big hat is walking across the road!" "A big--what?" asked Hanid. "Hat," said Chirpie; "what you wear on your head!" Knarf and Hanid promptly agreed that it was really an am- azing thing to see a hat go walk- ing across a road. So they went out to have a look at it them- selves. Chirpie Sparrow flew ahead to show them just where it was. Saw The Hat Sure enough, when they came to the road at the place where it turns around the Sycamore tree, hat. The top was torn, the Him was all bent. The instant Knarf and Hanid saw it, it seem= ed to them that they had seen it someplace before. But for the moment, they couldn't remember where. i However, _the amazing thing was that the hat was--or seemed to be_walking across the road. Or, it wasn't walking; it was hopping. Knarf and Hanid ran over to the hat. "Who's under there?" shouted Knarf. "Me!" answered a voice: Knarf and Hanid recognized Willy Toad. They immediately pushed the hat off him. "Ah, said Willy, "good morn: ing! How do you like my new hat? I would have tipped it to you, Hand, only it was too heavy to tip." "willy," said Hanid, "what are you doing with that hat? Where did you get it?" "It belongs to a friend of mine," answered Willy. "He let me have it." "Now Willy," said Hanid sev- Willy looked out from under the hat. erely, "it's bad enough to take somebody's. lat, but it's even worse to tell a fib about it." "It's not a fib," said Willy, "What's a. fib?" Knarf explained that a fib was a lie. Willy wasn't too sure that he knew what a lie, meant either, but he finally said: "I don't know if it's a fib or a lie, but I didn't take that hat. It was given to me by a good friend of mine. He told me to take it for a walk." "Nobody takes a hat for a walk," said Hanid. In The Village "Oh, yes they do," said Willy. "If you go down to the village, youll see all kinds of hats walk- ing up and down the street on Thursday, June 22, 1950 Thy with this hat is that it's too for my head, or--" he added, ty; next moment, "--my head is to small for the hat." "What's the name of yo | friend?" asked Knarf. Instead of answering this ques. tion Willy said. "Come along wi, me, Ill show him to you. Thy will prove I'm not telling a lit [4 a fie" ; "Fib or a lie," corrected Hani Willy got back under the py Knarf and Hanid and Chirpj, followed it past the Pine tre, grove, across' the brook, aroun fhe hill, and under) the fence ang into the corn field: "There he is!" exclaimed wy. ly, sticking his head out fro under the hat. "There's np, friend!" And when Knarf gp Hanid and Chirpie looked, the, saw that Willy wasn't telling , fib or a le at all, his friend res. ly was standing there, right i the middle of the corn field, ang the hat really did belong to hin, Willy's friend was Jack, Scarecrow, Who who could never take a walk wity it himself. a --y Ee | Just become engaged, are New Mother, have just moved 10 a new address within the city, or just become Sweet Sixteen. This basket of glfts Welcome Wagon NEW YORK o MEMPHIS « LOS ANGELES TORONTO. people's heads. The only trouble PHONE 807 Optometrist 163 Colborne Street Daily .... ho 9.00 to 12.30 Sat. Carsten Glahn R.O. -- TELEPHONE 1375 -- OFFICE HOURS 9.00 to 5.30 Or By Appointment Optician Oakville Evenings Mon. and Thurs. 7 to 8 Nelson Crushed Stone Various Sizes of Clear Oakville 694 or for Roads and Driveways ® INFORMATION AND QUOTATIONS PHONE and Crusher Run Stone Burlington 4904 kettle to the ground. It landed |they saw the hat. It was an old, WILLY DEE By Vic Green VESTERDRY, ICCY FOOTED ME ] HAVE 1 DIDN'T) (YOUR MISTAKE WAS SO TODAY ql IM GON, HERE HE COMES, NOW! D. G. PENMAN Rugs, Carpets and Upholstered Furniture Cleaned In Your Own Home. Portable Equipment -- Satisfact- fon Guaranteed 108 Kerr (N.) Phone 1535

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