Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 22 Jun 1950, p. 2

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{4 Thu Page 2 g Ik Thursday, June 22, 195 OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL PEOPLE and EVENTS Mr. and Mrs, Victoria have the home of Pullen. Charles Clark of been visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Frank sees Rey. Charles Hancock and family attended the opening of a new Baptist Church in Hepworth, near Owen Sound, on Saturday. Mr. Hancock is a former pastor of Hepworth Baptist Church sees Dr. E. Ralph Hooper died on Wednesday, June 14, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. BE. Stanley Kerr, Lakeshore Road East. The funeral service was held on Sat- urday afternoon in the People's Church, Bloor Street East, Tor- onto, with interment in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. esse . The square dancing Friday night at the Oakville Club proved a great succes with four squares on the floor most of the time. A fiddler and caller kept the mem- bers going until exhaustion set in. The wind-up party of square dancing will be held this Satur- day night. sense CPT, . Ladies: Stafford; 2nd, Mrs. Cons., Miss McDermott. 1st, Mrs. Simpson; 2nd, Hunt; Cons, Mrs. Green; Mr. Madden. . euchre last 1st, Mrs. Dewesbury; Gents: Mrs. Draw, 'Winners of Rev. Paul Stirling, assistant minister of St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church, Toronto, and until recently a resident of Oakville, has been appointed minister of that church. His wife is the former Ruth Chisholm, daughter of Mrs. W. A. Chishokn. sssese Mrs, W. G. Armstrong's father, Robert Gordon Agnew, died at his home in Toronto on Thurs day. esses Mr. Howard Binns attended the Berman-Brown wedding on Sun- day. cess Messrs. 0. Daiken and Earl Aldwell were winners of lucky number prizes donated by Halton Hardware and George Hastings at the last home game of the Oakville girls softball club. FREE Robin Marshall's birthday was on Saturday and his party includ- ed a visit to St. Jude's Garden Party. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Dun- woody entertained = Sunday in lonor of Mr. and Mrs. Page Wadsworth. wees Mr. Douglas Clelland, on Pen- nant Parade, won the City of Galt trophy in the Conformation Hunter Stake at last Saturday's Galt horse show sees Mrs. R. H. Crawford and Mrs. Harold Byers were among the assistants at a trouseau tea given in Toronto by Mrs. J. S. Graham in honour of her sister, Miss Jean Brittain, who is being mar- ried Saturday. Tere e The Cameron Hillmers enter- tained at supper in honor of the Jed Linds prior to their move to Toronto. Director Ted Kennedy, of the Oakville recereation commission, addressed the meeting of the Linbrook Home and School assn. Tuesday night, when a plan to establish a playground in the area was discussed. Mr. and Mrs, S. W. Taylor, Minneapolis, Minn, are the guests of his father E. 0. Taylor, Sumner Ave. they are also iting with his daughter Mrs. Don Stetson and his sister, Mrs. Vern Dyn PE At its last week's meeting, Oakyille Optimists' Club gave a sum of $125 to the Mrs. Garland Guy Disaster Fund. This ed a $100 donation of Past Pr dent Jim Cooke. The club also raised $40 to send two girls to the Girl Guide's camp PRR Oakville Cricket Club will play its first game of the season at Appleby College Saturday after noon, when the local cricketers will meet the Brantford Club, . A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smuck (nee N; Dunbar), at Women's Hospital, Toronto, on Sunda Lawson entertained vester- fternoon in honor of the del- egates to the Imperial press conference. DIC Mr. Mrs. accompanied Mrs. E. by James H by the W. Stirtan, plane took a the and latter's 'niece, left on Tuesday where they for Ste the Magdalen a cruise down to Gaspe Bay and Islands. includ- ney College Blliott, Montreal, steamship for The 26th will be registration day at Linbrook School. Parents are requested to register children who will be 6 by next September during the morning if possible. If space is available, children with 6th birthdays by November may be accommodated, Principal Muriel Willis stated. ses es Dr. and Mrs. Harold Cranfield and Mr. and Mrs. Harry MacKen- drick attended the Unionville Dog show last week. FE The Jed Linds have moved to Toronto. Bill Phillips celebrated his birthday on Tuesday with a par- ty for his friends. tee : Mrs. Bill Cotton left this week to visit her sister, Mrs. Milton Powless, in Niagara Falls, N.Y. cree George McKinney had a birth- day party last Thursday. TRAFALGAR Mr. and Mrs. A, Walsom and family motored to Queenston on Saturday for the foremen's pic- nic of the Canadian Acme Screw and Gear Co. Ltd. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harris and Horace Howell visited the O.A. Guelph on Thursday, during vi itors' week. rr aw Mrs. Ewart Hall, P.G.N. of the Rebekah Lodge, Oakville, attend- ed Tuesday's session of the Ont- ario Rebekah Assembly, which convened in Toronto last week. . Mrs. A. A. Biggar, Miss Clara Biggar, Mrs. R. D. Fleming, Mrs. Ross Lunau, Mrs. A. E. Camp bell, Mrs. M. W. Williamson, Mrs. G. Howell, Mrs. N. Law- rence and Miss Edna Lawrence enjoyed the Garden Tours held in Oakville In aid of the Oakville Trafalgar hospital. oe Rev. Duncan C. Farris, who has been attending the Presby- terian Church, General Assembly at Montreal, occupied his pulpit at the Sixteen Church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. David Hoey and Mrs. F. Purcer visited friends in Welland on Sunda; The congregation filled St. Peter's Anglican Church, Erin- dale, Sunday, on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the founding of the church. Rev. George F. Banks, rector of the church for 19 years, conducted the service. Twenty-six members of the largest class ever to be presented at the church were confirmed by R. Beverley, the Right Rev. A. Bishop of Toronto. This marked the first time the "Bishop's chair" had been used. Preceding his sermon with a short history of the Anglican Church in Canada and the found- ing of St. Peter's in 1825, Bishop Beverley said to the class, "see what a heritage you on you rests the responsibi for the future." Choosing as his text, "A vessel meant for the Master's use," the Bishop said there were too many cynics, frivolous people people who do not tell the truth, grabbers and evil in the world through lust. There are too many people who are nothing but "froth, bubble and excitment; our streets are crowded with people theatre-bound, going hither and yon; one wonders if our young people ever think to spend an evening at home with good Iliter- ature." He called upon the new members to hate lies, sham, greed, deceit and vileness and cited the Gentlemen's psalm (15 th Psalm) as a pattern for living. The Lieutenant-Governor of Ont- ario, Hon. Ray Lawson, read the Scripture lesson. Also present at the service were Hon. T. L. Ken- nedy and Mrs. Kennedy and Gordon Graydon, M.P. for Peel, and Mrs. Graydon. Chief among former members who attended the service was John Skoyles, of Toronto, aged 91, who attended the Sunday School 80 years ago during the pastorate of Rev. W. E. Cooper in 1870. His father was caretaker of the church and son John used to help ring the bell. His presence at the service was mentioned from the pulpit by the Bishop by request of Rev. Mr. Banks, Mr. and Mrs. W. Anderson, Billie and Janet Anderson, were guests on Sunday at the home of Mrs. Anderson's parents, Mrs. Ewart Hall gnd Mr. Hall. "Mrs. George McClure enter tained members of Wesley Church W.M.S. at the June meeting. The devotions were conducted by the president, Mrs. S. D. Turner, which consisted of prayer, Serip- ture reading and two hymns from the order of service as used by the United Churches on the Sun- day celebrating the 25th year of union. The supply secretary reported on goods sent to Presbyterlal Secretary. Arrangements were made for the July Baby Band meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. G. E. Post when the child- (Continued on Pagel3) BRONTE Mrs, William Landry and Mrs. Charles Lawlor spent Sunday in Mimico at the home of Mrs. Carl Cochrane. sre Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Blake and family are now residing in their own home, Hixon St. Garden lovers should keep July 13 open for the garden tour through the beautiful F. T. James estate, Lambton Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Bronte, announce ment of their eldest daughter, Dolores Margaret, to Mr. Ken neth S. Stafford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stafford, Clarkson Marriage to take place quietly, July 1. Frederick Lang, the engage: sees A number of members from the Bronte Horticultural Society at- tended the garden tour on Satur day afternoon of the District Hor ticultural Society in Hamilton and vicinity. Mr. R. A. Hopkins, principal of Bronte public school wishes to t of of at the public school will take place Thursday, June 22, 9 am to 11.30 am. and in the afternoon from 1.00 to 3.00. The age ruling for Kindergarten Primary, age 5 on opening day, September 5, 1950. Grade 1, age 6 by Novem- ber 1, 1950. There will be a strawberry festival held Thursday evening, June 29 on the grounds of the Church of the Epiphany, Bronte, under the auspices of the Bronte Horticultural Society. All funds to be used for the park known as the Gore, which the horticul- tural society hopes to keep plant- ed with flowers and shrubs, mak- ing it a beauty spot for the vil- lage. cen Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brewster have left for an extensive visit with friends and relatives in the United States. sere Sharon Stephens celebrated her 7th birthday with a birthday party at her home last Saturday. Her small friends attending were Shirley Lawlor, Marie Jolick, Victoria and Barbara Watt, Mary Lou Hickson, Lorna Micks, Sus- an Craig, Ann Wakeley, Johnny Dobbs, Sharon German, Moreen Milligan, Janet Hart, Pauline Lawrence, Susan Pickard, Coreen Carpenter, Wendy Johnson. 'Week-end of Mr. and visitors at the home Mrs. R. Bowen were Mrs. Ross Dougan, formerly of the Bronte public school staff, Mr. and Mrs. Al Cruess, and Mr. and Mrs. John Lucas, all of Tor- onto. eran The many friends of Mrs. Vern Busby is on the sick list. will be sorry to hear she Upper Middle Road Summer Reservations for Deerhaven Kennels Regd. BOARDING (B. K. SNIDER) CLIPPING - WASHING - WORMING - DEFLEAING NOW--Accommodations For Cats Telephone 457-J Boarding Being Received Complete St. Andrew's Carnival Plan v s one of the most pop ed about the grounds In addi For yes : i ffai itney dance and other ular summer social affairs into a J ; i Oakville, the Garden Party and |traotions. Those in charge Carnival of St. Andrew's Roman |clude Chas Phillips, horses; is being revived | Callon and Bert Regan, croyl Catholic parish i : : ear and will be held on the [and anchor; Frank Cornin, bing rounds of the church and also|Joe Devenish, hoopla; Dick py St. Mary's school grounds on Sat- James Devenig, urday, July 15. nioney; Ben Ly, The undertaking is a joint of fortune; Gry venture of the St. Mary's Men's fish pond; Mary y,| Club, and the junior and senior |Dermott, candy; Mary Hy branches © of the Catholic Wo: [fancy Mrs. H. Hatley) men's League, to raise funds to|refreshments; Miss Helen yy, supplement the revenues requir. | Dermott, hot dog stand; Mrs. ed to operate the school in 1950-| Speyer, touch and take; Miss pg) 5 Sullivan, flower booth; gy Chairman of the committee ---- in charge is Vince McDermott with Bd. Devenish, treasurer; Ted McDermott, secretary; and an advisory committee of J. Stra ton in charge of booth construc: tion; James Devenish, games and Russell Drug Co, PHONE 47 supplies; Andy McDermott, pub- A licity and advertising; W. Gram- \ mell, Harry Hatherly and Miss ° 1 Helen McDermott, General Ad- (14) | ministration. ia K A score of booths will be spac- (%4 F Vince McDermott, ice cream chairmen will ® Certainly, Wi..y health is involved, you want the ablest service that can be had. That is why you turn to a phy. sician in whom you have confidence. In the same spirit of confidence you may bring your physi. cian's prescriptions to this pharmacy. You'll get prompt, precise service in every instance, Other committee be appointed later. STENOGRAPHER WANTED Shorthand Required Permanent Position Excellent Salary Apply George C. Atkins Sec.-Treas. Oakville District High School Board, 171 Reynolds St., Oakville, RRR SNORT MOTHS ruin many garments every year. Why not have them cleaned at RIVIER'S "Those Cereful Cleaners" I cotor INE PHONE 1123 Thurs.-Fri. James Barton Lawrence Reginald Gardiner Sat. 3 DAYS June 22-24 Mon. to Sat. HILARIOUS WEEK dvion. WHA LIKE Their NEWEST and most 4 Hilarious 4 id Magjrie if it's ou we [do is th air ort. 74 | MAIN fri = Story and Screenplay by MARTIN RAGAWAY--LEONARD STERN Directed by CHARLES LAMONT » Produced by LEONARD GOLDSTEN WATCH FOR "CINDERELLA" FULL WEEK JULY 3-8 <<

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