Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 22 Jun 1950, p. 3

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NR, 'Thursday, June 22, 1950 Page 3 wp. Approves Bronte rR SUE == Ws SCREENS! SCREENS! SCREENS! Survey, Commission Told ORDER YOUR SCREENS NOW Let us measure and make them fit for you L addit other 4 arge seni |S Trafalgar Township was auth system, by Bronte village com- We also have quality in, {rized to have a survey made of | mission at its meeting Thursday LAWN CHAIRS FOR SALE . bing i - on % . iy In connection with the (evening. : And we are prepared to fulfill your Kitchen Cupboard vor broposed installation of a water "If we want water, incorpor- Requirements Devenjy, poration is the only solution," o on Lang A said Commissioner - Watkin Mar- FOR FULL PARTICULARS: 3 Gray tin. This, he pointed out, would PHONE BRONTE 132-W Mary | Complete necessitate a vote of the rate- Wh . A. Jennings, chairman, herly | suggested the appointment of a felon yg Investment fiveman commission, as the vil Mrs. : lage was getting too large for to Mic 1 Service TE se a STRAWBERRIES nang threeman group. It was decided ES BONDS to hold a meeting for the purpose STRAWBERRIES rnd STOCKS of discussing incorporation. A on all Exchanges representative of the department STRAWBERRIES Co. I _-- of municipal affairs will be pre- J Investment Dealers commission did not approve the | | 3 township's request that Bronte Anyone can enjoy the year-round pleasure of FRESH 80 King St. W.--Toronto {| pay 50 percent of the cost. af an |---- 1 STRAWBERRY flavour with fresh-frozen berries 1 PHONE: EL 3374 inhalator, but agreed to contri | wie FLORAL APPLE OF ERNIE'S from their Frozen Food Locker in our plant. view [OF Core 1950 Kong Prturs Symtins.te. Word Highs rere. 6 | MACRAE at ' / Les ES / (IF The mill rate was set at ten THE FIRST SPRING LOWER/NG OF THE AWNING ON BAXTER! 4 AND COMPANY mills, the same as last year. The STORE ALWAYS BRINGS OUT THE LOCAL. BIRD LOVERS -- SW. S DAVIS s SON | FYE PRAWS ONLY SERIOUS | FAST FREEZE FRESHNESS wo. (NK D & h 2 : 1 3 | REAL BSTATE - INSURANCE GARDEN TOUR COMPLAINT WHEN PRICES ARE LOW! ice you | If Ernest Winzer should hap- oe ORIG EsES mn ams i ut we got ANIMAL: PETS You'll | * ily excused. Because Ernie had to (Continued from Page 1) wane, (lll W. E. DAVIS R. C. A. CUMBERLAND | fis "font "easy este and plore oases ins cine puser's lt 71 comb St., Oakvill aa Ph 41 And because, while he knew 8 c2nge gang wall ispived. | 2 ial ee itis Phone 612-R 3 a i ea ana "ie" shou now: Rent for $13.00 and $16.00 a year Mr. Winger is that permanent.| The Journal's representative is EEZING i Iy green (hUmbal horticultural Te ie ats Lot = NO CHARGE FOR FAST FR a ra FRUITS AND! VEGETABLES ding, which were among the at.|Campbell and Dr. Peck monopo- tractions listed in last week's [112¢ all the picking up of skunks "You'll be Dollars Ahead and Much Better Fed" hospital auxiliary garden tour, |PY the tail that is undertaken in From all accounts, every visitor | this particular area. By the same thoroughly enjoyed the tour. In|foKem, he wouldn't put in many fact, only one known complaint | leisure evenings--even if he had was registered leisure eveings--searching the - That complaint came to Ernie | W00ds for infant polecats whose in a letter from a cortain prom. | Mothers have dossriod Shem = inent local real estate man, who a Sy S¥pired, Toe penned, in part: " realizing [IS NOW most people come by the . that I had not checked on your | little fellows, Dr. Peck says. Frozen Food Service performance for at least a couple| Dr Campbell, unfortunately, OF Tore i roan e lent on Band when the. Tou : Dr. Seadiing's a thoronsh sone nal called to see his new clinie,||| Royal Bank Bldg. Phones: 1214-5 over. it was apparent that a| Which is situated out Lakeshore man who knew and loved garden-| West Way, at the corner of the ing was working for and with a|Cld radial road. He had recelved man who loved and appreciated | emergency horse call that i a garden . , . but here is the |™MOrning, his associate said. Fin- if sad part, in the main border, in SR Le, Po wit ' | a clump of blue iris . . . I detin. | FINE glance w enquired as It H mn of wins i, 7 en ey sins Null euieed 58 s Here... shock please attend to this|foTe "call'--he was right the weed immediately!" first time--the reporter subsided Chagrined no end, Ernie went|!0N8 enough to let that worthy [] I 4 hunting immediately, He's still [SHOW him around. And he soon hunting. He's beginning to be. | ound the Campbell version of an - t animal clinic is an believe that the weed in question ® interesting was just another realtor's delu-| ne: + a AR The animal clinic, a compara- THE NEW 1950 "I hope it was, anyhow," he| tively new departure in veterin- | says sadly. "If It really was|Y Work, has all the utilitarian 1 there, I hope nobody else noticed | [¢4LUTes of It's human equivalent ers It boasts an examination room, where furred and feathered pa. tients are carefully checked over. BRISTLED PORTER SPEAKS [oiwuien" ure ioe curry | a | > accommodate the widely varying | comms som re ERC | Paint Brushes | tion to encourage sound habits, |ed. X-ray equipment, of the port- and to teach appreciation of fine|able type that can be taken along things, Mr. Porter reminded his|on home or farm visits, Is avail by Rubberset hearers. "Children should be |able. And the tools of animal brought into contact with great|surgery are quite as impressive literature," Ne declared, "and [as those found In the hospital when they leave school they | operating room should want to read, and should| Later on, Dr. Campbell plans to be able to write clearly." install a battery of outdoor runs "Education is not easy," he|for pups that are well along the warned. "Once we give people| recovery trail. In fact, when he the idea that it is being made [has things just the way he wants more pleasant for them, it may|them, he'll have a very compact do them more harm than good. |unit. All in all, it was quite re The curriculm changes are only [assuring to find that our pets going into those schools that|can now expect the same careful PLUS LATEST NEWS Extra every Saturday Matinee Three Colored Cartoons Mon. -Tues.-Wed. WHAT MAKES WOMEN want to try them out, and it will treatment we humans receive | be a long time before they are (when a hospital bed claims an generally adopted." In conclus- | ailing frame. ion, Hon. Mr. Porter congratulat- ed the people of Bronte on their fine school. . Mrs. Arthur Hart, president, | Junior Humane Notes Bronte Home and School Asso iation, was chairman of the eve ning and welcomed the audience Brief speeches were made by Kenneth Giles, chairman, Tra- falgar School Area Board; Reeve W. H. Biggar of Trafalgar Town- ship; L. L. Skuce, Inspector of public schools for Halton county; Watkin Martin, of the Bronte Nylon is tailor-made for good painting--besides being glamorous in Textiles, famous Nylon makes efficient brushes. This new painter-tested nylon bristled paint brush is LONGER WEARING, MORE EFFICIENT, CLEANS EASIER, OUTWEARS 5 to 1 AND COSTS LESS PER SQUARE FOOT OF GOOD PAINTING Edward NORRIS A Robert SHAYNE Added Colored Cartoon AGNES MOOREHEAD « BRUCE BENN™ M.P.P. for Halton. Songs were rendered by the school choir under the Dsestion) of D. Peters, besides solos, duets | yiio or the new chelt and i double trio. A presentation | yer" snd" wen (ros The Oakville Lumber Co., Ltd. _- need the " was made to the graduating |help of ery available boy and | clasy Grade 8, by Mrs. John | girl, with thelr wagons and carts, Wakeley, vicepresideat, Bronte to help move hess Hara ms PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE the hor Mr. Merry. The blocks should be of Mrs. Manbert or 2 1" if it's cool, cool comfort village commission; Mrs. M. Ha Stirling, past president, Halton 11," Hid ou want the place to go Home aud School Councll: Mrs.| Next week, boys and ghefh, we i ih © is the Gregory Theatre. 2 Swit, liysn, ler hope to have full returns on the 2 i 1f chairman tare Federation, | ooment" piock © draw ready: for un | [Wovies are better than FRANCHOT TONE | rome ana School associations: publication. The minute you read 2% " °e - dosepht Wickson, deputy-resve of linjy ftom, though. pe sore. fo 3" than ever! thou i |[Teatslear, Townstin and R.A loneer anal make foie. rod i t Hopkins, principal of Bronte pub-| yy nog 1 an your ticket money 31," | fh air conditioned com- Me sehool. 'Hon. SMr. Porter was|yr'yon avert" ping uh io iq 5 5 |. introduced by Stanley an to the Journal office, or take it 4 4 Your Friendly Theatre Phone 568 | | D STERN GOLOSTEN Home and School Association, and | cement squares to the river K. F. Shier, assistant prificfpal | bank. Be ready to pitch fn and Opposite Post Office Phone 1383 of the school. lend a hand, won't you?

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