Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 6 Jul 1950, p. 12

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OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, July 6, 195) GOODSYEAR Ks WHITAKER & SONS Station Rd. OAKUVILLE The Unive: Montreal, the priv Peel Street, extend eges of its guests and dining room to the University Women's Club of Oakville. Res- ervations to be made in advance with Mrs. Carl Bergithon. Visit- ors are requested to present mem- bership cards. The Halton Laymen's Rally, Deanery Anglican and Halton's of- ficial welcome to Bishop Bag- nall, will be held at Halton Community Park, Lowville, Sun- day afternoon, July 9. Lunch 1.30 p.m. (bring your own lunch). Op- en air servi 30 p.m. 50p33 BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Merry announce the arrival of their daughter, Susan Chisholm, on 2 July 5. Born May ENGAGEMENTS The is ngagement 1946 DODGE special deluxe 4- door sedan, $1,150. Phone 1534-W 36c33 radiator, in $23.50. 25p33 BLECTRIC fair condition. Phone 567-W. QUANTITY of old magazine including 1933-45 copies of An- thracite News, Popular Mechan- ics, Plumbing Weekly and the Melbourne Journal. Rare items for collectors. Reasonable, phone 1139-3. 35p33 HOUSE centrally located in Oakville, three bedrooms, large lot with shade trees. Brick ven- eer with heated sunroom. Down payment required $4,000. Write Box 406, Oakville-Trafalgar Jour- nal. 40p33 steam Large size, WANTED--TO RENT FURNISHED apartment or house, 2 bedrooms. 1 year lease or more. Adults only. References. L. Hoyle, phone Hamilton 2-19 reverse charges. 3p: 4-ROOM apartment, unfurnish- ed, $75 month. 35 Brant St. S. 25p33 No 25D: 4-ROOM apartment, $62. children, 4 HOTEL accommodation, room with meals or without. Apply Kal- len Gardens, Lakeshore Road, Clarkson. 50p33-35 CORNER lot 80' x 115°, com- mercial area close to No. 2 high- way. Phone 859. 35c33 BACHELOR apartment, de- signed for those who like to pack all the comforts of livinginto a STUDIO couch, good condition, reasonable. Phone 1324-M. 35c33 USED LUMBER, planks and blocks. 32 Rebecca St, Oakville. 2533 of Annie Davie, daughter of Mrs, Duncan McArthur and the late Duncan McArthur, to Allan David Dalby, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Dalby, Bronte, the marriage to take place Saturday, July 28, at 3.30 o'clock, in Knox Presby- terian church. 50p33 CARD OF THANKS For the many beautiful flowers, gifts and cards we received on our Sixtieth Wedding Anniversary on June 26th, 1950, we wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to our many friends from far and near. Ir. and Mrs. James Robertson Kendall, 35 Dunn St. N., Oakville, 0 60p33 DEATH NOTICES BRADBURY -- Benjamin D, -- ar St. Michael's Hospital, Toron- to, on Sunday July 2, 1950. Ben- jamin D. Bradbury, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. bury, formerly of Oakville, husb- and of Beatrice Elliot, brother of Mrs. W. J. Stinson and J. B Bradbury and Mrs. ate Mrs. Hillmer, of Oakville, and Mrs, J. B. Mitchell of 1d 5033 George the late Baltimore, FOR. SALE OR TRADE QUANTITY of used chicken wire. Phone 130-J Bronte, 25] TWO choice and 4 years ol and 4 years old; saddle horses, 8 Willys Jeep in 1947 Willys Jeep in Al condition. Phone 76r21 Mil- DININGROOM table, chairs, quantity of dishes and silyerware. owner leaving town. Write Box 408, Journal for appointment. 29p33 MOTGRCYCLBS for sale -- 1 only Guwa single, sport model, demonstrator; 1 only Whizzer mo- tor bike, real good buy; also 30 bicycles, new and used, to clear, cville Exchange. Phone 520. 53¢3 ASTRAL, Apt. One year old, Halton, 42 Normandy Rd. ville. 25p33 LARGE brass cuspidor, hand tooled with decorative engraving. Box 407 Journal. 25p33 CHILD'S small play pen and jump swing, $3.00. Mrs. Langdon, 15 Bond Street. 25p33 TWO sets of men's skis in good condition, toboggan and sleigh. Phone 1234. 25p33 RADIOS and teleyision for sale --1 Ro; Majestic demonstra- tor television set, 10-inch screen, bargain; 1 only Sparton "Hiker" portable battery set; 1 only Rog- ers small combination. stock at real buys. Oakville Bx- change. Phone 520. 67c3 Pure-bred Cocker spaniel Cudmor phone 61 Bronte. 5032-34 Size refrigera good condition. Oak- DUDS: COMPLETE Furnace Installa- tion. Esso Ofl burner, Hot air furnace with automatic humidi- fler and air-conditioner unit. All automatic and safe controls, two fuel ofl tanks. This is a com- plete functioning unit, being chan- ged for ndw type of heating plant. Will sell only as complete unit. Phone 379 for to view. 35 CHOREMASTER first class condition, extr and several im- W. 25p33 SET of harness, good condition also quantity baled hay. Phone 65! ask Ken. 25p33 TWO stralghtblode T one famed Bokar "King Cutter." Tel. 567-W. 25033 PING-PONG table in excellent condition. Net and a few paddles, 338. Phone 451-J. 25033 T ne Vickers desk type, Feverse sew, newest style; 1 only Singer elec: tric portable, perfect shape. Take trade. Oakville mxchange, phone 520. 43c33 ROOMS FOR RENT LARGE bright room, reason able. Central, 75 Church St. 25p33 ONE double, one single room, with or without board. Central. Conveniences. Phone 612-M. FURNISHED room, central lo cation. Phone 1099-M. 25c33 DOUBLE and single rooms, with board. Phone 1111-W. 1p33-38 35c33 '49 or'50 station wagon. Have '49 Dodge custom sedan for sale or trade. Phone 520 before six. SEW Special CHOICE BUILDING LOTS $3.75 per foot 2 blocks from highway on Nelson St. Bronte PHONE 210 Sacrifice space. Light, airy bed- sitting room, modern three-piece bathroom, neat kitchenette with ample cupboard space. Centrally located. It would admirably suit business couple . . . or those who live alone and like it! Phone 1151-W or 567-W., COTTAGE at Victoria Harbour from July 8 on for one or two weeks. Two bedrooms, screened porch, spring" mattresses, running water. Suitable for four - people. Phone 1151-W or 328. HELP WANTED--MEN SALES OPPORTUNITY Opportunity for man or wo- man to earn good income selling subscriptions door-todoor. Exclus: ive territory, * leads furnished, sales training. Guarantee weekly against liberal commission. This might sult high school student for summer months, or persons wishing to get first training in the art of selling. Apply in writ- ing to Box 398 Oakville-Trafal- gar Journal, stating weekly earn- ings required and giving refer- ences. H.S. Promotions (Continued from Page 8) Kotulak. George Lee (Latin), Grace Leo- (Mathematics), Yvonne tena Marshall, Donna Mar- shall, Ruth Marshall, Jeanne Mc- Naughton, Roberta Megson, Vera Mencik, Thomas Merry, Lawrence Michie (Mathematics, Latin). Robert Nairn, Heather Nash (Mathematics). Donald Ogilvie. Shirley Parnaby (Mathematics, Health), Isobel Pearce (Mathema- tics), Karen Peck (Mathematics), Ronald Peskett (Mathematics, Fr.). Shirley Savin, Marjorie Scott, Gertrude Slight (Latin, Fr.), Eliz abeth Stewaft. Catherine Taylor, ary Wallace June Taylor. (Mathematics), Richard Walton, Charles Watt (Latin), Joan Watt, Margaret Watt, Jill Weatherstone, Marion Withnell (Latin), Patricia Wolan- chuk. Florence tural Science), Yarnell (Fr. Michael Agricul Young. Some people are always too busy to do anything but talk about how busy they are. [Formerly with Al T. Eaton Co. Ryrie-Birks ANB An Repairs Done In C34:.7-V1:31, Hq Le Located in McDermott's Opposite Loblaw Groceteria Colborne St. E, -- Oakville Stétt Top prize loved husband who, on 'their tenth wedding ,, niversary, gave to his wife a emn pledge to do the dishes fyi a week the twel months while she sat down read the paper. to Old Testament Professor N. H. Parker, of Mc:| Master University, Hamilton, Noah is one of the great unap- preciated financial geniuses of all time--ne floated a large com: pany when the rest of the world was in liquidation. WRESTLING Friday, July 14th Whipper Watson vs. Ski-Hi-Lee Preliminary Fights Start 8.45 p.m. NEW MILTON ARENA According for next ~ twely, to Announcement... RONALD A. FARRELL, R.M.G. wishes to announce that his Clinic For Men and Women WILL BE CLOSED DURING JULY and AUGUST WHILE HE IS OUT OF TOWN GARDENER, part-time, one or two days a week, evenings or week-ends, for small property References required. Phone 101! or write Box 403 Journal. 4lc3 meet the public, book-keeping, if so we position with interesting work ay- ailable. Excellent position for right person. Phone 1214. WAITRESSES. Must be steady and have good appearance. Per- sonal calls only. 'Apply Kallen Gardens, Clarkson. 50p33-35 STENOGRAPHER required for well-known Oakville firm. pay, pleasant surroundings, hours. Phone 320. STENOGRAPHER, experienced, capable, $35 per week. Steady employment. Apply George C. Atkins, Sec-Treas, Oakyille-Tra- falgar High School, 171 Reynolds St., Oakville, Ont. SITUATIONS WANTED by the day, ex- reliable woman. 9 Kerr St. 50p32-34 BUSINESS SERVICES ALBERTA coal briquets, an all-Canadian product, from Frank M. Sullivan, Bronte 80-W. Your Blue Coal Dealer. (35c1tf) Once more we have that fine Pennsylvania oil. Bring your own gal. container and we fill it for only 80c, Grade 40 only. Hed- leigh Home Ltd, Dundas St. N. PAINTING, , Interior or for. First class work. Bronte 67-R. Domestic work pert ironer, by Apply Mrs. Thomas, exter- Phone 50p32-34 of things saying in an Gallantry consists the most empty agreeable manner. BUDGET P READING BUY NOW YOU CAN SAVE MONEY NOW BY TAKING ADVANTAGE OF LOW SUMMER PRICES NOW IN EFFECT. AND IF YOU FILL YOUR BIN NOW YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY ON OUR CONVENIENT MONTHLY-PAYMENT GRAY'S FUEL & ICE CO. LAN. Dundas St. N. ASK US ABOUT THE FAMOUS HERCO AUTOMAT SUMMER PRICES AT LOW LABELS Telephone 85 IC FURNACE GT b our wessnc: ¢ OFFICE FORMS BOOKLETS POSTERS - WEDDING INVITATIONS BROADSIDES Before you go away on vacation be sure you check your office station- ery to see that you will have sufficient until your return . . be vacationing and that's why we urge you to ACT NOW! . We too will High Quality Printing --ON--' LETTERHEADS FOLDERS CARDS CIRCULAR LETTERS SALES SHEETS ETC. Oakville-Trafalgar Publishers LTD. 7 DUNN ST. NORTH TELEPHONE 1298

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